[X] Charge him 1600 oz. of silver and 400 oz of silver worth of whetstone (at Jurgdby market rates) for 950 units of Healing Clay and 50 of Restful Clay, Along with laying out our thoughts on the Blood Infusion thing and if he can give us some insights as to how we can properly make use of it ourselves.
[X] Charge him 1600 oz. of silver and 400 oz of silver worth of whetstone (at Jurgdby market rates) for 950 units of Healing Clay and 50 of Restful Clay, along with his advice on the next step of our Odr Cultivation journey
[X] Charge him 2000 oz. of silver for 950 units of Healing Clay and 50 of Restful Clay, along with his advice on the next step of our Odr Cultivation journey
[X] Charge him 2000 oz. of silver for 950 units of Healing Clay and 50 of Restful Clay, Along with laying out our thoughts on the Blood Infusion thing and if he can give us some insights as to how we can properly make use of it ourselves.