[X] Plan Shooting Skeet
-[X] 105d6 Attack (105d6 tricks)
-[X] 32d6 Defense (32d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Important Note: All bonuses do not include our bonus specifically against Rikard from Frenzybane.
-[X] Important Note 2: Every successful defense with Standstill grants an additional 4 Stoked Pool dice. These are not listed because it's only on successful defenses.
-[X] Important Note 3: All attack sequences obviously stop when our opponents surrender or go down, we are trying to avoid casualties.
-[X] Stoke Frami (+440 Orthstirr)
-[X] Use Sundersight to gauge our opponents as we fight.
-[X] Activate Stoker State 4 (-12 Orthstirr), Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr), and Ember-Wing Cloak to take to the air (No cost, +4 Stoked Pool) as combat begins, and Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool) to maneuver precisely as necessary. All dice pools below include +2d6 from Sunshine and Skyfire.
-[X] Activate Slowing Slog for 9 levels (-81 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool) if we ever seem about to take damage.
-[X] Open up with the 81d6+16 4Fold Kindle Spinner (-9 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool) from our Fast at Forseti while he is still trapped, hopefully taking him out before he can free himself.
-[X] Simultaneous with that, toss up a 120d6+16 Atgeir Bodyguard w/2 Odr added (-125 Orthstirr, -2 Odr),
-[X] Starting while the Kindle-Spinners are still going move into melee and attack Rikard with up to five 124d6+16 Sharpened x60 Lightning Charged Firebomb Strikes / Puncture (-70 Orthstirr and +4 Stoked Dice each), if Rikard goes down move on to Forseti (if he's still up) or Audvin.
-[X] If at any point anyone we are attacking has a Guard up, or plant/ice constructs or pollen clouds seem to be an issue, use up to two 10d6+16 Devouring Blazes adding 3 Stoked Dice to remove them (-7 Orthstirr and -3 Stoked Pool Dice each).
-[X] If it seems useful at any point (to remove, say, a cloud of pollen or seeds, especially ones that look flammable and would hit us with the explosion) use an 30d6+16 Orthstirr-enhancedx23 Sailwind (-30 Orthstirr) to blow things susceptible to that kind of thing away from us.
-[X] Against Audvin's first attack, use Contested Movement against Rikard using one use of Fight of Our Life and our entire Stoked Pool for extra dice (-1 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool then lose all of it, 18d6+16 Hamr Roll + Stoked Pool which should be at least 8 dice here), counterattacking byy using Forceful Lever (-5 Orthstirr) to put Rikard between us and the attack.
-[X] If attacked in melee default to using Contested Movement using Stoked Pool for extra dice (-1 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool then lose all of it, 11d6+16 Hamr Roll + Stoked Pool which should always be at least 4 dice, usually much higher), counterattacking with with Sharpened Lightning Charged Firebomb Strikes (-2 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool) unless attacked by multiple things simultaneously, in which case use Contested Movement against one of them and defend against the other with the same priorities as ranged attacks (listed below).
-[X] By default, once it's up, use our Ageir Bodyguard to defend against ranged attacks (except Fleinns). In response to any ranged attack not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through that or is used on us without it up use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-3 Endurance on one Shield) and if that's not viable up to two 121d6+25 Reinforcedx103 Sway defenses(-105 Orthstirr each) as seems appropriate. If we have drawn a shield and defended against a Trick, always defend against the next Trick Attack with that Shield as well (-3 Endurance on the same Shield).
-[X] If we are specifically targeted by an AoE that seems avoidable use Backstep + Ember-Wing Cloak (-5 Orthstirr) to avoid it (on Devouring Blaze, do this in preference to other defenses).
-[X] As a contingency, if a powerful and truly unavoidable attack looks to be coming at us (especially Forseti's big move, which we'll use this on no matter what), use Time Stands Still (-1 Aspect, 23d6+16, +4 Stoked Pool then adding all Stoked Pool to the roll), avoid it, and then use one of our three actions to Forceful Lever one of the enemies into the way of it (-5 Orthstirr, prioritizing Rikard, then Audvin), and the other two to use a 3Fold Fast-Stored Kindle Spinner (-5 Orthstirr) and a Sharpened Lightning Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr) in whichever order seems best at melee range on other enemies, all trying to take out our remaining opponents (prioritizing Forseti, then Audvin, then Rikard).
-[X] If we go below 200 Orthstirr or are trapped by something we could break out of by doing so, stoke an Aspect.
-[X] Tactics – The basic idea here is to use Rikard o block Audvin's first attack with Forceful Lever, then unleash our Folded Kindle Spinner from our Fast on Forseti before he gets the chance to act, hopefully taking him out, simultaneously putting up our own defenses and attacking Rikard again to try and finish him off as well. If we don't manage to take out Forset before his Trick goes off, then, we'll use Time Sands Still to avoid it and try and finish our opponents off.