[X] Plan Family Commitments
-[X] Skane (5 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 25% risk of suffering bad luck)
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (1)
--[X] Asva (and probably Jordan, we're not trying to exclude him)
--[X] Catch up a bit, see what her/their intentions are in terms of future plans
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (2)
--[X] Haggar Worm
--[X] Ask about what the Slavs are like, particularly cultivation and fighting style
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (3)
--[X] Heima Smiles
--[X] Talk to him about how his time/space related thing works, if he's willing to discuss it. We think we've stumbled onto something odd and wonder if it's related.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (4)
--[X] Gunne Warstalker
--[X] Get to know him and sound him out about his future plans with an eye towards potential recruitment if that's possible (if he has a settled situation, that's fine, we're just investigating)
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (5)
--[X] Skavidr Skatasson
--[X] Again, get to know him and sound him out about his future plans with an eye towards potential recruitment if that's possible (if he has a settled situation, that's fine, we're just investigating)
-[X] Write in how many nights are spent in each
--[X] Lodge with local landowners (Silver-Tongue Check, -1 Success for every 10 crew you have, +1 Morale)
--[X] All five nights
--[X] Spend 3 Odr on each Silver-Tongue check
-[X](Training) Hugr (254 xp to rank up)
--[X]Train Hugr Itself 254 xp (127 xp)
-[X](Training) Fylga (54 xp to rank up)
--[X]Train Fylgja itself 46 xp (23xp)
-[X](Capacity Slots)
--[X]Assign Unleash Inferno and Sailwind