[X] Plan Yes, a 'Fair Fight'
-[X] Suggest that perhaps this could be settled with a fair fight, starting with offering to fight them with an equal number of our own people, but being willing to negotiate on that point and agree to some number of duels. If they win they are free to return back to their ships without the rest of our forces interfering as long as they do so directly.
-[X] Make it very clear that any deal we make, we will first swear an oath to abide by the deal if they release all hostages without further harm, they will also swear to abide by it, then they will release the hostages, then we will carry out the deal. This order of events is not negotiable.
-[X] Again use Cool Off and other Social Tricks as necessary, use Frenzy if we can, and use up to 3 Odr if that seems useful or necessary.