[X] Plan Human Torch
-[X] We summon a vast shroud of flames, becoming a living comet of fire, hot enough to incinerate trees in seconds and turn ice to steam. We melt our way through the glacier wall like a well-strung arrow going through cheese.
-[X] If the spirit attempts to stop us with grinding glacier walls to crush our bones or gleaming icicle spears to impale us, we will rob them of their force with Standstill, and then vaporize them with vast gouts of flame. We are the eternal flame.
-[X] Try and reach out to the spirit and engage it in conversation as we progress. We're not here to hurt it or force it into anything, we just want to talk, but if it wants to start a fight, we'll win it.
[X] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.