[X] Yes, you would!
-[X] "Want to hear the story of the time I threw riddles with a Jotun? Or how we fought a monster stitched together out of body parts and reanimated like a draugr by the nidingr my family has had a feud with?"
-[X] "My kids aren't old enough yet, but I'm considering apprenticeships for them with a Skald, can you tell me something about your craft and do you know any Skalds that would be interested when they are old enough?"
[X] Yes, you would!
-[X] "Want to hear the story of the time I threw riddles with a Jotun?"
-[X] could you make me a twist so I don't burn my friends when setting enemies ablaze? What would that cost?
[X] Yes, you would!
-[X] "Want to hear the story of the time I threw riddles with a Jotun?"
-[X] "My kids aren't old enough yet, but I'm considering apprenticeships for them with a Skald, can you tell me something about your craft and do you know any Skalds that would be interested when they are old enough?"