[X] Plan The Element of Surprise Mk. 2.5: Different People For Different Jobs
-[X] Sail the Wavedancer up the river straight to the castle's walls, grabbing everyone's attention, and begin a direct assault.
-[X] ...After having stealthily deposited a strike team consisting of Heima Smiles and his eight picked wolves, who will climb up the cliff using the distraction of our frontal attack.
--[X] Heima's Instructions: Take pockets of the garrison by surprise, and ideally eliminate Tobias as he cowers behind his high walls, before attacking the walls from behind to support our attack. If he can stop any beacons being lit too, then that would be good. Avoid killing non-combatants or bringing the Priest into the fight if at all possible. We leave this up to Heima's judgement and experience.
-[X] Stigulf, Farbjorn, and their and our other elites (Lower Top or better) will be on hand to counter the enemy knights, and will actively move to engage such targets if possible.
-[X] Meanwhile, we and Abjorn will lead our troops and take the fight to the enemy Thanes and Norsemen and prepare for our kinsmen to come find us...we'll take the opportunity to go for him directly if it comes up. We will obviously adapt to situations as they arise, but this is the plan.
-[X] Ideally, the strike team attacking the walls from behind cause a collapse in the defender's morale, and and lead many to believe the castle has fallen, allowing the knights and the Norse to accept terms of honourable surrender.
-[X] Move Travel Pack to a Pocket, put Thievesbane on our belt (adding +2 Combat Pool), personally unassign all Tricks from our Fylgja and store 9 additional Basic Shields in it. Also assign Stabilizing Palm and Forceful Lever into our remaining Capacity.