[X] Plan Trap, Stun, and Burn
-[X] Consume a Hearthroot Berry
-[X] Task Gabriel and the rest not in this specific fight with getting Stigmar and the two Ginat-Blooded brothers out of the cave in case of collapse
-[X] Warn Abjorn and Sten to avoid big physical attacks to avoid a cave collapse. Hopefully they listen
-[X] Stoke Saemd (+93 Orthstirr) immediately after using Inertia-Arresting Throw (or simultaneously with our Knee-Groin Trick if that looks cooler)
-[X] 58d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 9d6 Defense
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] In response to his first attack use a 30d6 (w/Hugareida) Inertia-Arresting Throw to trap him in place,with its dice pool enhanced with 11 Orthstirr and its effects likewise enhanced with Odr (-17 Orthstirr/-3 Odr), followed up immediately with a 25d6 Knee-Groin Trick with its dice pool enhanced with 11 Orthstirr and its effects likewise enhanced with Odr (-12 Orthstirr/-3 Odr), and then while he is hopefully stunned hit him with a 25d6 (w/Hugareida) Threefold Kindle Spinner attack enhanced with 11 extra Orthstirr and its damage enhanced with Odr in each instance (-18 Orthstirr and -6 Odr), then three normal 14d6 (w/Hugareida) Kindle Spinner attack with 7 extra Orthstirr added into them and their damage enhanced with Odr (-9 Orthstirr/-2 Odr each) into him.
-[X] After our initial IAT, in response to any mundane attacks against us use up to 3 Reinforcedx3 Honedx3 Defenses (7d6 and -6 Orthstirr each) and use Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr) if we run out of those and our Reinforce Shield has been broken. If he attacks during our Fivefold Kindle Spinner somehow we use one 6d6 Reinforcedx4 Honedx4 defense (14d6, -8 Orthstirr). If he attacks either us or our family with a Trick Attack while IAT is not out, or any attack that looks likely to put them down (ie: they're on their last legs), use Halting Vortex to stop that attack dead (-4 Orthstirr), and if our IAT is still out and he's somehow attacking, or his attack gets through Halting Vortex use Sidestep to avoid it.
-[X] Tactics – Gabriel gets the wounded and captured out of the cave, Abjorn and Halla move to cover Sten, when the Captain goes for an attack on anyone, have Halla feint Halting Vortex, but instead use IAT to trap him in place, following up with Knee-Groin Trick and then unleashing our full burn chain in the subsequent opening, beginning with the Threefold Kindle Spinner.