[X] Incomplete Boon: Knightslayer - Unlocks certain scenes and makes it easier to battle Pages, Squires, and Knights. Unlock by dueling and defeating 9 different Pages, Squires, and/or Knights (1/9)
[X] Vague Trick: Stomping-Power-Lunge Trick - A powerful Pierce trick that sees the wielder stomp the ground before delivering a potent attack. The stomp itself can also deal significant damage to a prone opponent.
[X] Plan Family And Shopping but with questions
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with...(Write in)
--[X] Drifa
--[X] Asva
-[X] (Visit) Go visit...
--[X] Asvir!
--[X] Visit the seeress and go shopping
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Halting-Vortex 1d6
--[X] Train Imaging Skill-Trick 4d6
--[X] Ask Blackhand about Focus, if he heard or seen any Norseman using it. (just question, not trying to learn it now)
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Leaping-Cleave Trick 1d6
--[X] Talk with Steinar about how our eyes become worse after our Fyjgla grew... He did mention someone with a Farsight Kenning, perhaps there is a way to fix it? (just question, not trying to learn it now)
-[X] (Training) Hamr (8 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hamr Itself 4d6
--[X] Train Bash 1d6
--[X] Train Dodge 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Composure 1d6
--[X] Train Management 1d6
--[X] Train Scouting 1d6
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 4 Hamr
--[X] 6 Hugr
--[X] 4 Fylgja
--[X] 3 Silver-Tongue
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 18 free for tricks