No Pain, No Gain (Worm/Altpower!Taylor)

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Taylor was supposed to trigger with the power to control Bugs, but this one is different. She can acquire every types of abilities, but she have to work for it.

(Trigger Warning: Self-Harm, Suicidal Tendencies, and Dark Themes)
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Wielder of Destruction
WARNING: This quest contains topics of self-harm, suicidal tendencies, mentions of death, and other dark themes. If you are easily disturbed by it, I suggest leaving now. Otherwise, proceed at your own discretion.
Welcome to another Worm Quest. The quest is about being capable to acquire abilities, but you have to do something to get it.

That's all I can say about this quest. Hope you have fun.

Taylor is frozen stiff as she looks at her father in a dazed state. Her father is currently talking to her, holding her hand and seems to be gazing at her with a worried expression.

Though, she is not really looking at her father. No, she is looking at something that is between her and her father. Something like a panel of some sorts, with a whole text telling her about something.

It might be weird, and she might have thrown it as her imagination, or maybe grow excited and at the same time confused when seeing something like that. Though the contents of the panels in front of her face are the reason she is like this.

Impress the individual "Daniel Hebert" through any means necessary.

Reward: Acrobatics
Kill the individual "Daniel Hebert" through any means necessary.

Reward: Respawn (I)
Slap the individual "Daniel Hebert".

Reward: Burning Hands

She tries to blink her eyes, gazes at her dad once more, and saw that the panel is still not vanishing. 'What the fuck?' She thought to herself in surprised, and a rather horrified look.

She don't know where did these panel comes from, but it just appeared after an idle thought passes by her.

Seeing her Dad looking so haggard and his face looking so grief-stricken makes her feel guilty. She knows the reason. It's her. The one who was sent to the hospital after a rather.... traumatizing event involving her school and her bullies. Just the thought of going to the hallway, to her lockers.... she didn't want to think about it for now.

A passing thought comes to her, thinking that if she have powers, or something. Maybe her Dad won't be looking like this. Maybe she can do something. Then these panels appeared on her eyes, and it made her frown, no, more horrified and stunned at what these panels are trying for her to do.

Because of course, who in their right mind would slap or kill their own father?

She can see some sort of reward, though she can't understand what do those meant.

'I can't understand it! And even if I understand, I won't just suddenly do it!' She thought in indignation.

"-aylor.... Taylor!"

She blinks her eyes once more, her shoulders jumping up when she heard her named being called strongly. Refocusing her attention to her Dad, she can see him now gazing at her with confusion, and a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Huh... sorry, what?" She asks, and winces at the unconscious words that she let out.

"Is something wrong? Your just staring at me for awhile now..." His Dad said, looking at her in worry.

She winces at that, still a bit distracted at the panels on the side of her vision. Though thinking of wanting to ignore these panels suddenly causes these floating texts to vanish instantly.

She would have widened her eyes, if not for the reminder that her Dad might look at her weirder. No, she decided to put her mind away from that.

"I'm fine Dad. Just.... dazed I think?"

"I see... then you should take a rest." He said. "I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep... I..."

"No, it's fine." She quickly answered. "We can still talk, and I am just feeling a bit lightheaded."

"Okay. But just tell me if you are feeling anything. I'll try not to disturb you that much."

"Yes. I'll do so." She replies with a shy nod.

It's a bit awkward. Talking to her Dad like this. She thinks this is the first time they are talking at all.

Night has come, and her Dad has decided to come back tomorrow, while she takes the time to rest.

She don't know what to do next. She still haven't told her Dad about what happened on the school. She felt he can't help that much, and just that thought makes her feel a bit depressed.

No, she decided to focus on something else. She can't sleep, and she is only laying on the bed so it's not like she have anything better to do.

"What's with these floating texts?" She mutters to herself, seeing the panels once more.

She just discovered that whenever she wanted to see it, it will just appear on her vision. It seems like she is the only one seeing it, as her Dad didn't react when it first appeared in front of her face.

She still don't know what it really meant. She can see the brief description of what these entails, but it is very horrifying that she might as well ignore it. Only one of them is a bit plausible, though she still can't make sense of them.

"I mean, what's with the rewards?" She muttered to herself.

She thinks that if she did what these panels are doing, she can acquire those reward. Though what kind of reward are they.

'What the hell can Acrobatic do? Will I suddenly learn how to do backflips or something? Maybe a comprehensive guide? What is it?' She thought while feeling very confused about it.

She let out a sigh, before muttering to herself. "But, if these things can really give me some sort of talent or powers, I would like it if it's something I can do to myself!" It's really just a passing remark that she muttered under her breathe, though after saying that, she is surprised when another series of panels appears in front of her vision.

Die by your own hands, and stay dead for 24 hours.

Reward: Revive
Harm yourself through any means.

Reward: Increase Damage (I)
Lose your breathing for 30 minutes by your own through any means.

Reward: Lung Filtration
Cut yourself through any means.

Reward: Enhanced Regeneration
Poke your own eyes with your fingers, or any objects that you hold.

Reward: Enhanced Sight

".... What?" Now she becomes more confused.

[]Do one of the quest
[]Ignore it

Voting time is open until tomorrow or if I find the time.
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Below are quests that you haven't finished yet, or are just being ignored.

Impress the individual "Daniel Hebert" through any means necessary.

Reward: Acrobatics
Kill the individual "Daniel Hebert" through any means necessary.

Reward: Respawn (I)
Slap the individual "Daniel Hebert".

Reward: Burning Hands
Die by your own hands, and stay dead for 24 hours.

Reward: Revive
Harm yourself through any means.

Reward: Increase Damage (I)
Lose your breathing for 30 minutes by your own through any means.

Reward: Lung Filtration
Cut yourself through any means.

Reward: Enhanced Regeneration
Poke your own eyes with your fingers, or any objects that you hold.

Reward: Enhanced Sight
Socialize or mingle with at least one person until they consider you an acquaintance or a friend.

Reward: Friendly Fire Off
Swear to a person you don't know face to face, and let them know that they are the one you are directing your foul words.

Reward: Taunt
Tell the reason why you are hospitalized to the individual "Daniel Hebert", and say what you perceived as the whole truth.

Reward: Lie Detection
Glare at a stranger that you are sure will endanger you.

Reward: Intimidating Glare

Below are quests you have completed.

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I'm kinda really tempted to really go all out and just have Taylor commit suicide by slicing off her own wrists thereby completing at least 3 quests maybe even 4 since being dead means not breathing at all... really tempted. But it's just the first day and I think it would utterly destroy both Taylor and Danny mentally so I guess we can be responsible and save it for another time... not

[X] Plan: After this it definitely won't be YOLO
-[X] Try to complete 3 quests all at once by slicing your wrists and letting yourself bleed to death.

Poking out our eyes is still too squicky for me.
I'm kinda really tempted to really go all out and just have Taylor commit suicide by slicing off her own wrists thereby completing at least 3 quests maybe even 4 since being dead means not breathing at all... really tempted. But it's just the first day and I think it would utterly destroy both Taylor and Danny mentally so I guess we can be responsible and save it for another time... not
This is also may or may not impress him... In the bad way, but still

P.S. Taylor - Crawler junior!
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[X] Plan: After this it definitely won't be YOLO

Edit: Okay, let's go with acute psychotic episode. "She saw and felt some shit - so this is all should be just a bad dream, right? She couldn't go insane, could she? Yeah, this all just a bad dream, nightmare - she need to wake up, quick." - or something like that. In such a state the perception of reality can be very distorted.
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*Looks at thread*


I think that this one probably deserves a rather obvious trigger warning for Self harm, suicide and the like.

Welp, the exit is over there.
*Looks at thread*


I think that this one probably deserves a rather obvious trigger warning for Self harm, suicide and the like.

Welp, the exit is over there.
This feeling, when you so used to darkest parts of human souls, that suicide and self harm are hard to realize right away...
Yeah, this is good thing to do - get a trigger warning here.

I know right xD. That's also what I thought. Just wanna speedrun to power.
Well, I just feel, that her mental state is just not unstable enough to such things. So this why I offer a safer and more rational way in my vote. However, if something will go wrong, something hurt her enough or destabilizes her already fragile psyche, then I'll settle for more crazy deeds...

Hmm, of course there is option with psychosis on the background of understanding one's mental abnormality. And this, with the already existing auto-aggression and suicidal tendencies, can result in an attempt to harm oneself in a terrible way.

Well, okay, it may be possible even now.
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*Looks at thread*


I think that this one probably deserves a rather obvious trigger warning for Self harm, suicide and the like.

Welp, the exit is over there.
Oh sorry... I added the trigger warning.

By the way, just a hint, she won't do something very extreme without any reason, even if you vote for it. Other than that, she will do things that are reasonable (in her own perspective).
By the way, just a hint, she won't do something very extreme without any reason, even if you vote for it. Other than that, she will do things that are reasonable (in her own perspective).
Well, only if she is reasonable right now. What is happening may well seem to her like a hallucinatory episode, which is a very traumatic experience. Still, willpower is the only thing she has left, and madness takes away this last hope from her: "
Now I'm crazy too..." - it even more horrible in her situation, her social environment. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
[X] Impress
[X] Cut yourself
[X] Slap Daniel Hebert

The three seem the most plausible. The first will require of her to focus on something that will probably make her dad happy. The second one is very quick, plus being for the most part safe and easy to do, way to test if she will in fact recieve power. The third is even more easy, she just need to concentrate how shitty of dad he was, even if she love him.

Note* I am confused if the GM want explanation that make sense. Do we need to give reasons for the choice?
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[X] Plan: A reasonable precaution.
-[X] Leave the hospital
--[X] (optional) test power on people you meet
---[X] Tell your father about the power (not in detail)
----[X] Test the force (slap)

But in general, the boxes are not informative enough (of course, maybe it should be and I just misunderstood the idea).

For example, what does it mean (I) ?

Or how will she "Enhanced Sight" - with restored eyes or, for example, will she receive echolocation?

Also, it would be worth clarifying - can injuries be cured at all? Or will even a Panacea not return the same eyes to her?
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Voting time will be over after an hour. You can change or add your vote on this duration.
Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Jun 3, 2022 at 9:30 PM, finished with 22 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: After this it definitely won't be YOLO
    -[X] Try to complete 3 quests all at once by slicing your wrists and letting yourself bleed to death.
    [X] Cut yourself
    [X] Impress
    [X] Slap Daniel Hebert
    [X] Plan: A reasonable precaution.
    -[X] Leave the hospital
    --[X] (optional) test power on people you meet
    ---[X] Tell your father about the power (not in detail)
    ----[X] Test the force (slap)
    [X]Do one of the quest
    -[X]Poke your eyes
[X]Poke your eyes

Agreed, touching your eyes is unpleasant, but is the safest way to test to see if we are hallucinating or not.

Edit:Damn missed it by a Moment
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