I got this idea from reading this magnificent aar from parodox if you have not read this than please read it as it will make this timeline make much more sense. I have gotten permission from Crown Atomic's author. This is a SI but will be in the text book style meaning no first person P.O.V.
Queen Wilhelmina in 1942 even after 2 years in exile the old queen still had hope.
The government of Queen Wilhelmina resides in Batavia that is a fact. Despite the Dutch government claiming that Amsterdam is there capital. The origins of how a mere colonial capital became the seat of the queen is a tragedy that dates back to 1921. Called the peace with honor the peace treaty between the Entente and Central Powers.
Though not directly effecting the Netherlands they were indirectly effected the small nation of The Netherlands. Since the German empire and there newly formed alliance of puppet states dominated Europe if the Netherlands wanted to economically survive they would have to be tied to Germany.
Interwar period 1922-1940
The interwar years were a profitable time for the Kingdom. Numerous projects were started such as land reclamation and also industrializing the Kingdom. The Netherlands was in a boom growth seemed to never stop.
The Queen was popular and adored the governments of the Queen were as popular as elected governments could get. Then Black Friday came and ruined everything.
Black Monday
The Black Monday crisis was a disaster for the Netherlands. Closely connected with Germany the Dutch economy went down like a sinking ship.
The two dominant political parties the Christian union and the Labor Party were both thrown into chaos.
The Christian Union prime Minister Hendrickus Colijn asked the Queen to dissolve parliament on February,15,1937 after an inadequate handling of the crisis.
In elections the Labor party came to power in the elections. Sadly Labor handled the situation just as badly. But the Netherlands survived as it has always done.
World war 2
In 1940 the Commune of France went to war with Germany declaring war on any regime they saw as related to the German Kaiserreich. It took three weeks to overcome the Flemish-Walloon and Dutch militaries. During the Commune's Flanders campaign most of the German military was obliterated at Antwerp giving the Commune of France full access to the Netherlands.
The Kingdom put up a valiant effort but with the Germans not willing to protect the Netherlands let the Kingdom be overcome in a week.
The Commune planned a three prolonged assault named "Operation Burning Grass". The goals of the assault was Amsterdam,The Hauge and Groningen.
Unfortunately for the Kingdom the operation was a massive success. The Canadian navy luckily though evacuated the Queen, The Parliament and some of the
Backstory in Batavia will be up later decided to split this in two part backstory pre-exile and post-exile.
Queen Wilhelmina her parliament and there families along with a modest amount of soldiers around 4,000 of them evacuated on a mixture of Canadian and Dutch ships.
The Canadian captain initially urged her to go to Ottawa but Queen Wilhelmina refused declaring "as long as a inch of Dutch territory remains free I will rule from that place"!
Captain Williams of the Canadian battleship H.M.C.S Imperial reluctantly gave into Wilhelmina's demands and set course for Batavia.
When they got to te city residing in the sheltered bay Wilhelmina quickly got to work. She dismissed the prime minister's government and appointed Pieter Sjoerds Gerbrandy as the new Prime Minister.
Joining the Entente
The new Gerbrandy government was quickly hit with a new blow the Caribbean Federation seized te Netherlands Caribbean colonies. As compensation the Netherlands was offered a great deal of money and membership into the Entente.
With no other options that got them fair compensation Queen Wilhelmina instructed Gerbrandy to accept the deal. Having officially declared war on the "Third International" the communist alliance hell bent on destroying the Entente empires the minuscule Dutch navy was ordered to attach to the Australasian navy.
War on Bharatiya Commune
In the war with the Bharatiya Commune the Dutch contribution was little except in naval force. The 4,000 survivors of the shattered French invasion were kept in Batavia.
Internal situation
The Kingdom of the Netherlands only controlled around half of the Dutch East Indies directly. Relying on petty kings who swore loyalty to Queen Wilhelmina to control the other half in there name. After the fall of the Homeland none of the petty kings rebelled but there was a noticeable increase in uppityness in the petty kings.
Part three of the background will be up in a little bit
From the exile from the homeland in 1940 up until 1943 when a change in policy occurred the Dutch Ethical Policy was the main concern of her majesty's government. Proclaimed in 1901 the policy argued that the Dutch government had the responsibility to uplift the people of the Dutch East Indies and stated that the wealth extracted from the colony should at least in part be given back to the people in the forms of irrigation, education, opening of the banking system to natives, subsidies to native industry and financial backing to move people from the overpopulated Java to less populated islands. The policy though was underfunded and met opposition from traditionalists but after black Monday the plan while never ended was shelved.
But once Queen Wilhelmina arrived the the ethical policy still technically in effect was taken off the shelve and given the necessary funding to implement all throughout the Dutch East Indies. Schools, banks an irrigation systems were set up to specifically cater to natives but while this was a success the planned migrations were not as many natives chose to remain of Java and participate in the subsidized native industries. But while all this happened out of site a steady opposition against the Dutch built up without the government knowing and of course without there consent.