no longer a victim

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Taylor instead of triggering receives a blessing/gift from Arceus that permits her to transform into all pokemon including fakemon, the gift coming from Arceus himself delivering it in person
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Fornax dies 1.1
It was a stormy night in Brockton Bay, the kind of night that seemed to mirror the turmoil within Taylor Hebert's heart. The Boat Graveyard loomed ahead, a place of desolation and decay—much like her own life had become. Bullied, betrayed, and broken, she sought solace in the shadows, away from the harshness of a world that seemed to reject her without reason.

As Taylor wandered through the graveyard's twisted maze of rusted hulls and broken dreams, lightning cracked the sky, briefly illuminating the skeletal remains of forgotten ships. Amidst the eerie glow of the storm, an even more fantastical light began to shimmer—a golden radiance that seemed to defy the darkness itself.

Taylor hesitated, her eyes widening as the glow coalesced into a majestic figure. Before her stood a creature unlike any she had seen or read about—a Pokémon of divine presence, its form shifting and shimmering as if composed of stars.

"Taylor Hebert," a voice echoed in her mind, resonating with power and solemnity. "I am Arceus, the creator of all Pokémon."

Taylor's breath caught in her throat. This was beyond anything she could have imagined—Arceus, speaking to her directly, here, in Brockton Bay.

"You have endured much, my chosen one," Arceus continued, its voice gentle yet unwavering. "The trials you have faced have not gone unnoticed. In recognition of your courage and resilience, I bestow upon you a gift—a gift that few mortals have ever received."

Taylor stumbled back her gifts' nature flooding her mind, In an instant, she willed herself to transform. Her body shimmered and shifted, becoming something far beyond human. She had become Eternamax Eternatus, a being of immense power and cosmic energy. Her form stretched across the sky, a dragon-like entity pulsating with the universe's energy.

With a roar that echoed across the city, Taylor summoned the energy of the stars. She could feel the power of distant galaxies, a swirling maelstrom of celestial might, converging within her. She channelled this energy into a concentrated beam of Cosmic Power, unleashing it upon the Boat Graveyard.

The beam of energy tore through the sky, a radiant pillar that seemed to pierce the heavens themselves. The ground shook, and the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble under the force of her attack. The decrepit boats and rusted metal were vaporized, leaving behind a pristine expanse of land.

Breathing heavily, Taylor reverted to her human form, the adrenaline still coursing through her. She had done it. She had harnessed the power of the stars, transforming her despair into a beacon of hope. She knew that this was just the beginning. With the power of the legendary and mythical Pokémon at her command, she would bring justice to Brockton Bay. She would protect those who could not protect themselves, and she would ensure that no one ever had to suffer as she had.

As she walked away from the Boat Graveyard, the storm finally began to subside. The first rays of dawn broke through the clouds, casting a warm, golden light over the city. Taylor Hebert, now the Emissary of the Stars, was ready to embrace her destiny.

And so, a new legend was born.
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