No Greater Destiny

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The greatest destiny isn't the one that's given to you
It's the one you make with your own two...
OP: With Whom It Starts


Seeker of Originality
Somewhere in the Jungles of S.E.A
The greatest destiny isn't the one that's given to you
It's the one you make with your own two hands
And if you happen to change the destinies of others for the better
Then there's no harm in that, right?


"Like many stories, it begins with a war.

A great war. The greatest of them all.

It was a war fought between Gods and their legions of mortal followers to crown themselves the Lord in Heaven, Ruler of the Universe and all in it. The conflict was massive, engulfing the world in untold devastation and reaping the lives of countless millions. Entire civilizations were outright erased and whole species' were driven into total extinction.

You know this as the Grand Calamity.

You know the factions who fought in it. You know who led each individual faction. You know the powers and monsters and armies fielded and how the earth was permanently scarred from the ordeal.

But you do not know how it ended.

I would be surprised if you did, for the information to such was kept secret and purposely lost to time. I would have also been obligated to kill you, but the lives of my fellows have long since been claimed by the eons and I see no reason to uphold an oath to an organization that no longer exists. But I am old, and my memory is fleeting, so listen well for I may not be able to repeat what I am about to say.

The Grand Calamity came to an end when a Human Kingdom, under the guidance of the then God of War, created a powerful weapon in the hopes of earing their god the victory he had been fighting so long for. It was a sentient weapon, capable of assimilating souls and utilizing their powers and experiences for its own use. Naturally, the weapon got loose due to a few errors from its Human makers and the war God was too busy stroking his own dick in the face of the other gods to deal with it.

The weapon fed on the souls released during the skirmishes of the other Gods' mortal armies, growing stronger by the day. It fed on the souls of monsters and the Blessed Champions, until its presence was noticed by the other Gods. Seeing this as his chance to prove his power to his fellows, the War God set out to put down the abomination.

He failed, and his soul was assimilated into the weapon. And the weapon became a monster.

Fuelled by power, the monster went on a rampage and laid waste to every mortal nation it could find, assimilating the souls of those it killed until it grew strong enough to forcefully enter the domain of the gods. It killed a majority of the Old Pantheon, assimilating their souls and becoming even stronger. The Old Gods that did not die to it survived by hiding in the ruins of the mortal world, amidst the nations that survived its wrath.

The remaining mortal nations and races came together in a great council to decide what to do next.

The monster was too powerful to be killed, and what Gods that remained weren't strong enough to fight it. So they decided on the next best thing; eternal imprisonment.

With the help of a sympathetic Eldritch entity, the arcane expertise of the remaining Elves, the craftsmanship of the surviving Dwarves, the industry of a race of sapient Golems, and the power of willing Elementals, a grand prison was constructed. It was a masterwork of dimensionality and divine sealing, comprised of infinitely folding pocket dimensions reinforced with enough seals to hold back even gods. However, they had to lure the monster into the jail for it to be of any use. And to do that, they needed to entice it for one last battle.

So the rulers of the combined mortal races beseeched their populace, calling out to the gods that hid amongst them from the monster, begging them for aid in their plot. But the remaining gods had witnessed death as mortal-kind had, and were terrified of being assimilated into the monster. They would not reveal themselves, and the mortal rulers knew this. They were pleasantly surprised when a pair of sister goddesses stepped forward, and promised the aid their kind were once too arrogant to provide.

The stage was set, the players in place. The monster was lured from Heaven and onto the earth by the twin goddesses, who led it into the prison where an army of volunteers had agreed to keep it in place. As they fought, the jail closed and sealed them all inside for all eternity.

To ensure the horror locked within was never released, the Eldritch being hurled the prison into the darkness between the stars, and wove it into the black. There is remains to this day, hidden and locked forevermore."

"But I have a feeling that's not all there is to it."

"Perceptive, aren't you? Indeed, the story leaves out much; the fate of the gods that refused to cooperate, what the twin goddesses were promised in return for their aid, what the price for the cooperation of an Eldritch entity was, and thousand and one other unanswered questions. But you aren't here for that, aren't you? No, what you seek is far more personal.

But I am old and I am not infallible. Tell me, what is it that you seek?"

"…I seek the reason why my mother was taken from me."

"I see, I see. I can tell you the answer, it is not without consequence. Are you prepared to bear it?"

"I wouldn't have searched and trained for twelve years if I wasn't. Tell me."

"Very well. Tell me, young Proudmoore; what do you know of sacrifices?"


Who are you?

[] The Stronger Twin: Vivian Loering is one of the strongest mages of her time, matched by only a small handful and surpassed by fewer still. Born with her mother's innate magic talent and her father's eye for combat, she wields the legendary arcane weapon Ebon Starshatterer and carries the hopes and dreams of an entire generation on her budding shoulders with a smile that could challenge the very heavens. You are Thana Loering, Vivian's magic-less, and often overlooked, twin sister.

[] An Heir-in-Exile: The Grand Elven Kingdom of Ulthier is one of the few Elven nation to survive the passage of time and endure to the present day, and it now celebrates the coming-of-age of its future ruler; Michael Ulthier, the Glimmering Sword and the Skyson, prophesied to lead Ulthier into a glorious future. But few know of you, Michael's older brother Tyson Ulthier, the Fyreson. Fewer still know of your father's cruelty in casting you out for a burden you did not want and denying you a throne that was rightfully yours.

[] One Who Yearns: Once, there was genius and their child. The genius was constantly busy and moved frequently, thus denying their child the chance to make friends and experience the delights of youth. To rectify this, the genius created a friend for their child; unfalteringly loyal, frighteningly intelligent, and stronger than most mortal men. However, the child died in an unfortunate accident and the genius cast out their unfinished creation in a fit of grief. You have been wandering since, yearning for a friend and a purpose to fulfil.

[] A Penitent Heroine: A boy and his family was forced to suffer in the name of a tyrant. When his family could serve no longer, the boy was orphaned. Vengeful and angry, he escaped the Aetherite mines he had grown up in and trained until he grew powerful enough to fight and lead. He returned, rallied his fellow slaves, fought the enforcer-knights that tried to stop him, and eventually overthrew the tyrant-king in a climatic final battle to give his land a better future. You fled that night, too ashamed to ask for forgiveness from the man you once betrayed.

A/N: *shoots self in foot* Nobody post yet, I'm reserving the next three posts.
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Character Sheets

Name: Philia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Artificial)
- Originally a homunculus created by a genius to keep her child company and to protect him from harm, Philia was was cast out when an unfortunate accident took the life of the son and the resulting grief sent her creator spiraling into despair. Her left eye is non-functional and is kept covered by a rough eye-patch. She is currently a student in the Royal Xavier Academy for Higher Learning

- Health: 30
- Mana: 80

- Physical: 15
- Magical: 15
- Intelligence: 17
- Willpower: 5

Artificial Human—You weren't born a Human. You were made a Human. Your base skills are much greater than that of natural-born Humans, at the cost of some people not being as accepting of your artificial origins.
- +15 to Physical, Intelligence, and Magic stats
- +50% gains from training and potion use
- Locks certain options

Brightest Candle—Your abilities and skills are exemplary compared to others, like a raging bonfire to their candlelight. You burn brighter than the rest… and will be the first to burn out as a result.
- +50% effectiveness of all successful skill checks, +50% gains from training, doubles damage in combat
- +50% negative effects from status ailments, +50% damage received

Lucky—You have been the victim of circumstance, as have everyone else. But the degree of such situations has, more than once, befuddled you in their complexity. Like the time you stopped an assassination attempt while looking for a lost cat.
- 50% chance of randomly receiving an additional +5 successes to your current skill check

Magic-Touched—You are talented in the field of magic and possess an instinctive grasp over spellwork. Concepts used in magic and spellcraft come to you easily, and you learn faster than most apprentices.
- +5 successes to Magical skill checks

Animal Whisperer—You have this gift that lets you understand animals and them you. As a result, a lot of animals are peculiarly calm around you; cats, dogs, birds, insects, even monsters hesitate when they see you. Some even trust you enough to let you pet them.
- +5 successes to Taming skill checks

Harold Percival II
- +1 Success to Intelligence skill checks

Genevieve Skyrender
- +1 Success to Social skill checks

Harold Percival II
Headmaster of Royal Xavier Academy for Higher Learning, he first met Philia when she helped repel bandits from the caravan he was riding with. Impressed by her abilities, he spoke to her and had her enrolled into his school. An enigmatic and mysterious figure, but wise and understanding despite his high stature.

Genevieve Skyrender
- Deputy Headmistress of Royal Xavier Academy for Higher Learning, she is Headmaster Harold's assistant and managed the day-to-day ongoings for the academy itself. She is an Elf Sorceress and teaches Magic Arts. Though outwardly stern and strict, she is quite compassionate and helpful to those she considers close.
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This quest uses D10s. Rolling a 4 and lower is a failure. Rolling a 5 and above is a success. Rolling a nat 10 nets you another D10 to roll. Rolling continues until all relevant dice have been used.

- There are four main stats that you guys have to play with. The value within these stats determines how many D10s you guys can roll for an appropriate skill check.
  • Physical: Reflects how well you perform in physical action, whether in combat or in some strenuous physical activity. Increased through conditioning and direct involvement in combat.
  • Intelligence: A general measure of how smart you are. Increased through study and/or application of knowledge in a situation.
  • Magic: How powerful you are magically, which effects spell strength and accuracy. Increased through meditation and magic-based training.
  • Willpower: Your ability to resist ailments and push past your limits. Acts as bonus dice that you can assign to any of the previous three stats for additional die to roll. Unlike the previous three stats, this is the only stat you can't actively train on and increase; you can only increase this stat through certain circumstances and actions that are dependent on the character you choose. In addition, you can only utilize this dice pool when either your Health or Mana pool drops under 30%
- Outside of these four stats are your Health and Mana pools.
  • Health determines how much damage you can take. If this value drops to 0, then you die.
  • Mana is how much magic you have. You use this to cast spells. If this value drops to 0, then you won't be able to cast any spells until you have regenerated enough mana.
- Your sentimental/emotional attachment to others. Bonds are measured from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest a bond can go. Establishing bonds and nurturing them to full maturity will net you guys perks that can help you overcome skill checks and/or provide additional die to roll.

- When combat is initiated, you first choose between your Physical, Magic, and Intelligence to determine which dice pool you roll with. Once done, you roll against your opponent's chosen dice pool.
- Whichever side rolls the most number of successes is the victor, and inflicts damage to their opponent's Health equal to the amount of the total number successes they have against their opponent.

- Quest-mechanic wise, magic is a boost mechanic that can potentially tip the odds of a situation in your favour if you have enough mana to use it. As I'm a lazy GM, I won't be making a complete spell catalog which details every spell, their effects, and how much mana you'll need to cast them; instead, I'll make categories that certain spells can fall under. That way, I won't have to worry about balancing issues.

There are five spell categories;
  • Combat – This is where all combat-oriented spells fall under. Fireballs, Wind Blades, Water Whips, Earth Spikes, Lightning Bolts; so long a spell is crafted specifically to injure or outright kill someone, it's going in here. Used to increase damage dealt during combat.
  • Survival – This is where all spells relating to continued existence go to. Healing, blood transfers, diagnostic, magic antibiotics, hocus-pocus painkillers; if its purpose is to specifically heal someone, then this is where you'll find it. Used to recover Health in or out of combat.
  • Subterfuge – The category where spies and spy hunters would be at home in. Invisibility, sound muting, notice-me-not fields, movement detection, and magic sensing; if the spell relates to sneaking around, then this is its category. Used to increase the chances of finding/hiding clues.
  • Hex – The Debuff category where you make it so that the enemy's bonuses don't outweigh yours. Movement restriction, illusions, paralysis, slow-healing injuries, and whatnot; if it inconveniences the enemy, then it goes here. Used to counter or nullify enemy bonuses.
  • Miracle – The Buff category where you add more bonuses to your rolls so that you can beat an enemy or have an easier time to pass a skill check. Physical empowerment, magic deflector shields, combat precognition; if it helps you, it goes here. Used to gain temporary bonuses to certain skill checks.
A mage's magic power can be classified and divided into seven tiers:
  • Tier 1: Lesser spells used for everyday purposes.; levitation spells to ferry heavy cargo or carry wounded, fire spells to light campfires or torches, light spells to illuminate dark areas, etc. Very little use in combat and very cheap/easy to cast.
  • Tier 2: Stronger variants of lesser spells, cast with more Aether. Similar to the above spells, but posses greater strength and are applicable in slightly larger scales.
  • Tier 3: Minor spells used by entry-level or apprentice mages, as well as magic warriors. Spells of this level are normally used in combat, and can kill easily if misused.
  • Tier 4: Spells used by intermediate to average-level mages, usually cast by trained mages and career battle mages. Spells of this level are deployed for large scale combat, whether to destroy enemy fortresses or to heal large number of troops quickly.
  • Tier 5: Spells utilized by masters and high-ranked mages, similar in strength and scale to low or medium-powered abilities in certain fictional works (Super Kamehameha, Hogwarts shield barrier, Rasenshuriken). Capable of rearranging battlefields or wipe out entire battallions of enemy forces in one blow.
  • Tier 6: Spells utilized by grandmasters or immortals, similar in strength and high-powered abilities from certain fictional works (Madara Uchiha's Tengai Shinsei, Son Goku's Genki Dama). Capable of wiping out entire armies or destroying small nations with one hit. mages of this caliber are thought to have been widespread during the ages predating the Second Age of Strife.
  • Tier 7: Spells whose effects are similar to god-like acts, capable of altering reality or even destroying it. Spells of this tier are said to be equal to the power of the Old Gods themselves.
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World Information
The world is Markavus. It and its inhabitants were created by a pantheon of thirteen gods many eons ago after they were all unanimously agreed to combine their powers together and see what would happen. These gods were Ravus, Sirius, Karak, Shyllia, Zanuka, Hailee, Marsalla, Hestia, Galcata, Luminacht, Raland, Xala'Khan, and Morr.

For their part in aiding in the creation of the world, the gods were allowed to create one sapient race that would worship said god and provide for them their power, and three non-sapient beings that could serve as food/companions for the sapient races.

The gods then made a rule; barring exceptional circumstances, a god would not personally intervene in the mortal world without explicit permission from at least seven of the other twelve.

Thus began the First Age; the Age of Awakening

Four millennia into the First Age, one of the thirteen Elder races advanced to the point where they could harness magic as easily as their god and created wonders to rival the heavens. This race renounced their goddess Luminacht, claiming to have outgrown her and no longer required her guidance, and declared war with the other races to claim total ownership over Markavus.

Torn between sadness and fury, Luminacht split in two; with Lumina taking what worshippers still loved her and Nacht asking for the other gods to help pacify her rogue creations while she and her other half tended to those that still worshipped them.

Thus began the Second Age; the First Age of Strife

The other gods' races tried to stop the rogue race, but they failed. Two of the remaining thirteen were reduced to remnants while the other eight were bloodily beaten back. Fearful of being potentially rendered extinct, Ravus and Raland's races turned to their gods for a solution. After receiving seven approvals, Ravus and Raland each chose a mortal warrior and elevated them into the First Blessed Champions.

With their new powers, the champions led their races into the First War of Eradication. The war lasted over a century, but they succeeded; destroying the wonders of the arrogant race and driving the remnants into hiding. For their heroism, the First Blessed Champions was hailed as heroes and made rulers over their own nation.

Thus began the Third Age; the Age of Champions.

After the First Blessed Champions' actions in the First Age of Strife, the other gods grew jealous and elevated members of their own mortal races into Champions after agreeing on a second rule; no god would have more than a thousand Blessed Champions in their race.

But not satisfied with just that, the gods whispered instructions to their Champions and led them on grand adventures to gain fame and prestige. This gradually led to the mortal races flocking to god whose Champions had the best reputation, blurring the distinction between the gods as members of other gods' races began worshipping them.

This sparked envy between the gods whose creations were poached away, and eventually tension over a period of ten millennia.

Thus began the Fourth Age; the Second Age of Strife

The tension between the gods reached a peak when Hailee's Blessed Champion renounced her allegiance to her creator god and swore service to Galcata. The goddess was outraged and declared war upon Galcata's creations. The other gods took advantage of the two gods' squabbles and launched probing attacks on the each other's races, pinning the actions on Hailee and Galcata until all semblance of order broke down and the pantheon splintered into individual factions; all looking to gain dominance over one another and become the greatest god of Markavus.

The resulting conflict became known as the Grand Calamity, and ended a full millennia later with most of the old pantheon dead, multiple races being driven to extinction, and the remaining gods having gone off into hiding.

Thus began the Fifth Age; the Age of Silence

The Age of Silence is notable for its lack of notable events during its timeframe, as everyone who survived the Calamity was recovering from the extensive damage it inflicted. Three quiet millennia would pass on Markavus before a new pantheon would emerge from the ashes of its predecessor and a greater generation of heroes would rise from the bones of their doomed elders.

The survivors of the Calamity, having learned from their failures, would go on to inherit a scarred but peaceful world. Or so they thought.

Thus began the Sixth Age; the Age of Rebirth

The Age of Rebirth would be heralded by the resurgence of three of the surviving Elder races, the Elves, Humanity, and the Dwarves. They brought with them lost knowledge from the past four Ages, as well as the word of their new patron gods; The Aether Court for the Elves, and the Mountain King for the Dwarves.

They uplifted the newer races to rise in the aftermath of the Calamity; Beastkin, Ironkin, Kobolds, and Ogres, and provided them the means to start over. However, they encountered a fourth surviving Elder race, the Uruks, and found them to be hostile and in the midst of a grand muster to conquer Markavus.

Left with no other choice, the three Elder races united and fought the numerically superior Uruks in a three-century long war dubbed the Zenith War. With aid from descendants of the Blessed Champions, the war ended in the Uruks' defeat and their scattering into the isolated parts of Markavus.

In the aftermath of this war, the Council of Races was formed and a new age was declared.

Thus began the Seventh, and current, Age; the Age of Peace.
The nations of Markavus are many and varied after the Age of Silence and the Age of Rebirth. Most of these nations were originally communities formed from the surviving remnants of larger nations behind during the end of the Second Age of Strife, rallying around surviving Champions or supposed messengers of new Gods. These communities rallied together until they eventually grew large enough to warrant a single ruling body, and rose up to become a country proper.

There are many nations on the world of Markavus, but seven stand out from the rest.

The Vermillion Empire
- The largest nation on Markavus, formed from one of the few surviving Human kingdoms that predated the Second Age of Strife. It is led by Emperor Augustus Vermillion and Empress Silica Vermillion, with a son and a daughter ready to inherit the nation should something happen to them. It occupies an entire continent on the northern hemisphere of Markavus, bordering the largest Uruk enclave near the north pole, and presently holds the title of sole global superpower on Markavus.

The Monarchy of Bretton
The second largest nation on Markavus, formed after a Human kingdom accepted Elvish refugees during the Grand Calamity and integrated them during the Age of Silence. It is led by the famed wielder of the Rhongonmyniad Spear Queen Altria Pendragon, though she has stepped back to tutor her youngest daughter and left the governing of the nation to her three older children. They are currently engaged in a cold war with their neighbour the Coastal Empire of Nippon and are waging a war of extermination on the local Orc populations plaguing their countryside

The Coastal Kingdom of Nippon
- The nation of similar size and strength as Bretton, formed from a refugee force of Dwarves, Humans, and very recently Beastkin, that colonized a large island chain bordering what would one day become Bretton. The nation is led by a so-called Sea-Goddess, a powerful sorceress who can manipulate the very oceans, and her nine Sword Saints, warriors of peerless skill that have beaten back repeated invasions almost single-handedly. Currently engaged in a cold war with the monarchy of Bretton.

The Grand Elven Kingdom of Ulthier
One of the three Elvish nations to have survived the Second Age of Strife and endured through the Age of Silence and Age of Rebirth, it holds the title of rival to the Vermillion Empire despite its smaller size. It is led by King Zala Ulthier and his Queen Eliza Ulthier, guided by a cabal of trusted advisors and companions. Their son, Michael Ulthier, has recently been revealed to be the Skyson, a figure of great importance in an ancient Elvish prophecy where he would battle the Fyreson for the future of the Kingdom atop a living mountain.

The Southern Confederate
- A confederation of smaller nations that have allied together for the shared benefits of a single sovereign entity. The Confederate has no singular ruler; it is instead led by a council of rulers from the member nations, who are mostly Beastkin and Ogres. The Confederate is known for its highly inquisitive and daring nature, with extensive facilities dedicated to the the study of usable relics from the Second Age of Strife and some that predate it. Thus far, they have only managed to replicate one relic; the Aertherite sails that carry airships through the sky.

The Iron Kingdom
- The first, and currently only, nation inhabited exclusively by one race; the Ironkin, golems and animated constructs that had grown sapient since the Age of Champions. They are led by the First Iron King, Lord Karl the Unbroken, and his close friend Bellifore, who commands the Hellfire Legion. The Iron Kingdom was formed by Karl after he rallied a small army of constructs to repair a city that was originally intended for their extinct creators, but was claimed as the capital of the fledging nation when they realized their masters were extinct.

Also known as the Underempire or the Hollow Mountain, Karaz-Ar-karak was originally the capital of the Dwarven race. After sustaining immense damage during Second Age of Strife and its population reduced to a small handful during the grand Calamity, the city was abandoned. In time, it was resettled by Kobolds, who altered it to their liking. When the Dwarves returned to reclaim their once abandoned city, they and the Kobolds were embroiled in a brief war until the Vermillion Empire, Bretton, Ulthier, and the Confederate intervened. Now both Dwarf and Kobold share the immense city, though tensions are still high.
Originally, Markavus was home to thirteen sapient races, each created from one of the original thirteen gods that made the world in its infancy. However, this number was reduced to a paltry four through the various conflicts that occurred and the two Ages of Strife which took place. In the wake of the Ages of Strife and the Age of Silence, four newer sapient races have appeared since, and have integrated themselves well enough in the new Markavus.

- Humanity: The most widespread of the original thirteen Elder races that were first created. They were originally the creations of the Old Goddess Hailee, the first Goddess of Compassion, Justice, and Balance. They possess no overwhelming positive traits and no negative ones, but they are famed for their ability to adapt and overcome almost any hostile environment they discover.

- Elf-kind: The second most widespread race of the surviving Elder races, Elves were originally created by Zanuka, the first God of Lightning, Energy, and Magic. They are long-lived and slow to age, with some Elves aging past five centuries and still look no older than their early forties. They possess immense magical potential and are superb diplomats, but are the physically weakest of the surviving Elder races.

- Dwarf: The third surviving Elder race, and also one of the oldest. The Dwarves were originally created by Karak, the first God of Earth, Endurance, and Craftsmanship. They are biologically immortal, with their population only kept in check due to deaths caused from wars and accidents. Though the Dwarves are short of stature, they are one of the most brilliant in terms of craftsmanship and are currently the most technologically advanced.

- Beastkin: A subspecies of Humanity, likely the result of successful alchemical experiment to combine animal senses to Humans. While originally considered monsters, Beastkin had since developed enough sapience and cognitive thought to be considered a proper race. In essence, Beastkin are Humans with altered physiology appropriate to the animal parts they possess. But they all share one common characteristic; enhanced sense of smell and natural nightvision.

- Ironkin: A race of sapient golems and animated constructs that survived their masters and the events of the Second Age of Strife. These free golems have grown beyond their initial purpose to mindlessly serve and obey instructions, and were the first to be acknowledged as a race by Humanity, Elves, and Dwarves. Ironkin are among the physically strongest races of Markavus, but lack the ability to fully utilize magic other than as a means of changing work bodies.

- Kobold: A race of subterranean humanoid reptilians who consume worthless mineral ores and gather precious ores as a form of currency. They were first encountered by the Dwarves seeking to reclaim Karaz-Ar-Karak, and were briefly fought by them for defiling their ancestral home until the other two Elder races intervened. Kobolds are tougher and physically stronger than Dwarves, but lack the cognitive function to utilize more complex tools or magic.

- Ogre: A race of large humanoids with tough physiologies and incredible regenerative abilities. Ogres were once thought to be a subspecies of Uruk until a close comparison of the Uruk and Ogre physiologies proved they were actually separate species'. Ogres are slow and not very smart, but compensate for it with their immense physical strength, regeneration, a natural joviality that endears them to many people.

- Uruk: The fourth Elder race to survive the Grand Calamity. Uruks were the perpetrators of the First Age of Strife, the race that first renounced their creator god and were driven to the brink of extinction as a result. Since then, they have devolved into savages and bloodthirsty monsters that crave war and chaos. They were defeat again during the Zenith War and their remnants pushed into the isolated parts of the world, where they remain under watch to this day.
NOTE: This entry in incomplete, and more information will be added when time permits.

Markavus' wildlife is varied and vibrant, with a multitude of creatures both large and small inhabiting the many untamed reaches of the world. Many of these wild species have existed since before the First Age of Strife, some having evolved to adapt to the many environmental changes resulting from the Strifes. There are too many creatures to list in this one entry, so it will only list the more notable lifeforms while noting any worthwhile differences for further clarification.

- The staple predatory animal, present in every folk tale in every nation across Markavus. They are prevalent all over the globe in various sizes and shapes, having evolved appropriately to adapt to their surroundings. Wulves are best described as large feral canines. Derivatives in more extreme environments may possess thicker fur for colder environments or be outright furless with thick, heat-resistant skin. Wulves often hunt in pack, but are rarely coordinated enough to utilize tactics more complex than attempting to overwhelm a target through sheer numbers. That changes should they be led by a Direwulf, however.

- Direwulves are enormous, pony-sized canines occasionally found leading the lesser Wulves in packs. They are ferocious in combat; with a jaw powerful enough to snap steel and legs strong enough to outrun horses or even flight-capable mages in certain circumstances. They are also rumoured to be somewhat intelligent, with the ability to understand and converse as well as limited magic capability. As a result, they make for great Familiars, but are exceedingly difficult to tame, let alone approach.

The feline counterpart to the Wulves and Direwulves. Caiths are solitary ambush predators that are highly territorial, often fighting other Caiths or entire Wulv packs alone over prime hunting grounds. They are similar in form to domestic felines, but with an added twist; their fur or skin can channel ambient mana to bend light around them and render them visually invisible. This, coupled with their tendency to ambush unsuspecting prey, make them dangerous to fight and often requires the help of several capable mages to safely locate and neutralize.

The result of experimentation and selective breeding by the Uruks, Thunderboars are a subspecies of wild boar possessing the ability to discharge electricity when enraged or threatened. Adult derivatives of these creatures were used as warbeasts during the First Age of Strife and the Zenith War, and large populations of these animals continue to threaten villages to this day. However, their meat is regarded as a delicacy and their electric organ is valuable, leading to many hunters earning quite a bit of gold hunting these dangerous animals.

- A subspecies of herbivorous bovine, with a larger body and an unnaturally docile nature. It is theorized that Yuks were formerly cows that were selectively bred by the Elder races into becoming the perfect farm animal; capable of work in the fields and can produce large quantities of meat when slaughtered.

- An enormous bird of prey, at least similar in size to a Human adult with a wingspan twice that. They hunt small animals and sometimes livestock, making their nests in trees or the sides of cliffs. Kut-Ku possess extremely poor eyesight for a bird, but compensate with their superb hearing and a sound amplification organ in their chests that they keep active by consuming raw Aetherite. This organ also grants them deafening roars and screeches, which they use to echo-locate and stun prey before swooping in for the kill.

- A large carnivorous reptile, it walks on two legs and possesses a very sharp sense of smell. Anjanath also have a set of wings on its back that allow it to gather ambient mana into a specialized organ on its chest. When enough mana is collected, the organ glows red and the monster can expel it in either a gout of flame or channel it into itself to temporarily increase its physical abilities. They are surprisingly docile when not threatened, often walking around settlements and sometimes even watching farmers tending to their fields.

- A flight-capable reptilian whose size varies from Human-sized to small house. They are extremely aggressive and possess the ability to breathe fire. In addition, they also have venomous claws and fangs, which is a powerful toxin that paralyzes prey and makes it easier for a wyvern to transport. These animals make their homes in caves or in nests atop tall trees. Wyverns reproduce rapidly and require often culling to ensure they do not overrun an entire country. A nation usually takes advantage of this to bloody the new army recruits and provide much experience to young commanders and their mages.

- A subspecies of rodent that have adapted to living deep underground. They are blind and instead navigate the world through touch and hearing, moving through the earth through shovel-like spines that help move through loose dirt and a special organ that propels them using energy garnered from ingesting raw Aetherite. Landsharks rarely appear above ground, and are often considered omens of a coming catastrophe originating below ground.
Magic on Markavus is called divided into two separate categories; Aether and Mana.

Aether is excess energy from the planet's tectonic movement. This excess energy is discharged through ley lines, currents of Aether that flow from one geologically active area to another in great rivers of energy that are occasionally visible at night as auroras. These ley lines carry the excess Aether into the atmosphere and release it into space, where it dissipates harmlessly.

Mana is internal energy present within all living beings, the same energy that grants them life and sapience. Some philosophers have claimed that the Mana might be the result of a powerful soul being dissatisfied with its physical limits. Mana can be utilized to manipulate Aether, thus obtaining the energy necessary to direct them as spells. Individuals capable of utilizing this energy are called mages.

Spellcraft on Markavus is a relatively simple process involving three steps;
- The collection of ambient Aether, with the amount varying depending on the scale of the spell.
- Inscribing the desired effect onto the Aether through incantation, with longer incantations for more complex spells.
- And directing it at a target through sufficiently focused willpower and aim.

In ancient times prior to the First Age of Strife, spellcasting was a difficult and time-consuming process that required immense training for mages due to their lack of Mana. During the Age of Champions, the first Aetherite-based equipment was created and thus the art of spellcasting was made easier through the minerals' inherent Mana amplifying nature. In the current era, almost all mages utilize Aetherite foci to help in their spellcasting.
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The One Who Yearns 1
You are the One Who Yearns, a being made for the sole purpose of providing companionship and protection for another. You've wandered the length and breadth of Markavus, witnessed the many cultures and people that call it home, and survived the many obstacles on the world that have barred your path. You've met a myriad of people, and aided whom you could while turning away those you felt too uncomfortable in helping.

You don't know how long you've wandered, but you're amazed that your…

[] Chimeric
Gain Supple Flesh perk
Gain Apex Predator perk

[] Golem
Gain Soulmetal perk
Gain Living Weapon perk

[] Homunculus (gender locked as Female)
Gain Artificial Human perk
Gain Brightest Candle perk

[] Canine
Gain Mortal's Best Friend perk
Gain Heart-Scarred perk

…body has still remained functional throughout that time. You like to think that it's the work of some higher power, who found your plight pitiful enough to warrant their attention. You'd be thankful if that actually was the case, but your doubt it.

Because in some ways, how you got to where you are right now could be said to have been their fault.

You remember those days sometimes; whenever you close your eyes to rest or if you sit still long enough for your traitorous thoughts to reminisce.

You remembered waking up to find your creator peering down at you with elation and joy, immediately helping you up and giving you the reason for your existence. Not long after, she introduced you to her somewhat nervous son that you knew you could never hope to dislike. You remembered playing together as your creator wistfully watched on from afar, and for a while you thought you knew what it felt like to have a lovable sibling and a caring mother. A family of your own, if you were ever given the opportunity to state as such.

You remember the happier days of helping make warm breakfasts, delicious lunches, and hearty dinners. You smile at the days spent under the sun playing games and having fun with the son, helping your creator with her myriad of experiments, and settling into a bed with both late at night after a long day.

Then catastrophe struck. A small mistake resulted in an enormous loss, and the warmth left your and your creator's lives forever. In her grief, she ordered you to leave her be and eventually threw you out of the house when she caught you in the son's room look at what were once your shared belongings.

You begged not to be sent away, but your maker wanted none of it. You grovelled, and lost your left eye for your trouble when she kicked you hard enough to send you sprawling on your back. You ran away in the rain and never looked back as they cursed and spat at you, fleeing into darkness under the roar of distant thunder.

But the agony of a lost eye hurt less than the ache in your heart from being told you were a failure and never to return.

You lost count how many times you've cried yourself to sleep since.

Your life changed one fateful day; you were riding with a trade caravan, travelling from town to town with what meagre earnings you could scrounge up from time to time. It was peaceful and quiet when the caravan stopped and you peered out of your wagon to see why.

Bandits. A motley dozen drab in scrap cloths, patchwork armor, and wielding rusty weapons. Normally they wouldn't have dared to stop a caravan of this size, but a glance at their apparent leader explained that small inconsistency.

They were headed by an Uruk Berserker. A large specimen, with bulging muscles and a wicked cleaver longer than it was tall.

They were going through the carriages and hauling away valuables from people they thought were important enough to warrant their notice, as well as pillaging what trade supplies the caravan carried with it. The guards hired for the trip failed miserably in their jobs or immediately turned on their fellows, revealing themselves to be spies for the bandits.

When they came to your carriage, you were forced off and they took what possessions you had while spitting at your worthlessness. Then the Uruk hauled away a child from their distraught parents and you



Maybe it was in the familiarity of the situation. Maybe that child being dragged away from their family reminded you too much of your own loss. Maybe it was the act of separating a child from their parents that got you riled up. Maybe it was all three. Maybe it was something else.

You aren't sure.

But what you are sure about is how you singlehandedly repelled the bandit tribe and broke their Uruk leader's face.

Your deed earned you the family's eternal gratitude and attracted the attention of one other passenger of the caravan that you hadn't noticed up until then. A wizened older gentleman dressed in an impeccable set of clothes that screamed nobility. He left his carriage, thanked you for handling the situation, and introduced himself as Harold Percival II, the current Headmaster of the prestigious Royal Xavier Academy for Higher learning. He was impressed with your display earlier and offered you a sponsorship into the prestigious school's Magic Studies department.

You wanted to refuse; your motivation for saving the child from the bandits was for some kind of reward. You saw evil being committed before your eyes, and you acted as any sensible person in a position of power would have. And you didn't even have the necessary qualifications to justify being in such a prestigious learning institute. When there were likely dozens of others more suited for it than you were.

But the Headmaster assured you that you were more than qualified to be in such the course and handed you an acceptance letter.

"That was supposed to have gone to another person, but neither his behaviour nor his parents' pleas convinced me of his worthiness in attending my school. I suppose some noble families are not as noble as their titles make them out to be." He pat your head once and smiled fatherly at you. "And perhaps you can find what you have been searching for there."

He… he knew? How?

"I know many things…" he faltered. "Er… do forgive me, I hadn't even asked for your name yet."

Your name? Oh, right, it was…

[] Write-in
The One Who Yearns 2
[] Homunculus (gender locked as Female)
[] Philia

Artificial Human—You weren't born a Human. You were made a Human. Your base skills are much greater than that of natural-born Humans, at the cost of some people not being as accepting of your artificial origins.
- +15 to Physical, Intelligence, and Magic stats
- Doubles gains from training and potion use
- Locks certain options

Brightest Candle—Your abilities and skills are exemplary compared to others, like a raging bonfire to their candlelight. You burn brighter than the rest… and will be the first to burn out as a result.
- Doubles effectiveness of all successful skill checks, doubles gains from training, doubles damage in combat
- +50% negative effects from status ailments, +50% damage received,

"My name… is Philia." You say at last, nodding once. "Just Philia."

"No last name?" Headmaster Harold blinks, then absently rubs his chin. "Very peculiar, but it is not my place to pry into the lives of others. Contrary to popular belief, unwanted intrusion into a person's personal life does not always solve all their problems; they in fact make it worse." A pause. "Although… having a shoulder to lean on and a willing ear to vent your frustrations at would help immensely."

"I understand sir." You nod. The Headmaster nods back.

"Very well then. Come, we must depart. The sooner you can settle into your new home, the better." The older man boards his carriage, and you move after him when he gestures you to follow. You manage to make yourself comfortable just as the caravan resumes its travel after figuring out what to do with the bandits. "Fortunately for us, the next town has an airport large enough for my personal airship to come and pick us up. It will ferry us to my school and we will get your things sorted then, Miss Philia."

"Just Philia , please. Being called 'Miss' is… a strange experience." You fidget in your seat across from him. "Um…"

"Nervous?" Headmaster Harold chuckles. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I would be too, if I were a young woman in the company of an older man whom I know nothing about."

"Well… yes," you admit, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "I am a little nervous. N-Not of you, certainly! I'm merely just— um!" you fold into yourself as your cheeks burn, making the headmaster across from you chuckle. "It's just… there's also something important I have to talk to you about, but I don't know how."

"Why is that?"

"…I haven't been around good company in a long time." You confess. "And I'm not sure if I would remain someone you would find worth sponsoring if I were to phrase something in the wrong way and offend you."

"Philia, I have seen and done many things that you would consider unbelievable. I do not mean to boast, but I doubt that what you have to say would be enough to offend me, regardless of how you phrase it." You look at the man and find him smiling back. "Under all my titles and deeds, I am a teacher at heart. As a teacher, it is my job to listen to my students' troubles and offer advice where I can. And seeing as how I have all but enrolled you into my school, I might as well get to know one of my future students early." He gestures to you. "Why don't you start from the beginning? How did someone like you end up travelling in a trade caravan in the middle of nowhere?"

You hesitate for a split second, before telling him what personal information you felt comfortable enough to reveal.

You spend most of the journey telling him about your origins, your true nature as an artificial Human, and how you were still incomplete when you were cast out by your grieving creator. You tell him about the son you were supposed to befriend and care for who died before you could perform what you were made to do. You tell him of your creator, how her child's death sent her spiraling into the depths of despair, and how she cast you out.

You tell him of your travels; your experiences since that rainy night and the many places you've visited. You tell him of your skills, and what others you learned in your wanderings.

Pick 3:
[] Healthy—Your physical status is nothing short of amazing. You can run, fight, swim, fly, and even stand still for hours. You're stronger, faster, and tougher than most of the people you've met. It certainly helped you fight off a few undesirables, for sure.
- +5 successes to Physical skill checks

[] Magic-Touched—You are talented in the field of magic and possess an instinctive grasp over spellwork. Concepts used in magic and spellcraft come to you easily, and you learn faster than most apprentices.
- +5 successes to Magical skill checks

[] Inquisitive – Your natural curiosity for the world around you has lead you to many new intellectual gains, and allowed you to absorb what new knowledge you stumbled across like a cloth dipped in water.
- +5 successes to Intelligence skill checks

[] Iron-Willed—You face challenges with determination in your eyes and sweat dripping off your brow. So long as you have a goal in mind, your efforts towards will never falter in spite of immense challenges you'll face.
- +3 to Willpower

[] Healer – You know how to use certain herbs and minerals as medicine, and you have several spells that allow you to find and repair deeper injuries. You aren't a qualified physician, but what little you know can still save lives all the same.
- Access to Tier 1 Healing Spells

[] Animal Whisperer—You have this gift that lets you understand animals and them you. As a result, a lot of animals are peculiarly calm around you; cats, dogs, birds, insects, even monsters hesitate when they see you. Some even trust you enough to let you pet them.
- +5 successes to Taming skill checks

[] Persuasive—People listen to you when you speak, and your words carry more weight behind them than those spoken by others. You aren't on the level similar to those with more experience, but with enough time, you can easily catch up.
- +5 successes to Social skill checks

[] Stealthy—You are particularly stealthy, and there are few places you can't get into given enough time and preparation. This skill came in handy a lot of times, and you're sure you wouldn't be here without it.
- +5 successes to Stealth skill checks

[] Lucky—You have been the victim of circumstance, as have everyone else. But the degree of such situations has, more than once, befuddled you in their complexity. Like the time you stopped an assassination attempt while looking for a lost cat.
- 50% chance of randomly receiving an additional +5 successes to your current skill check

By the time you've reached the town, your throat is dry from all the talking you've done. You feel as though a weight in your chest has been eased off slightly and your eyes feel a little your future Headmaster looks… more than a little impressed. Humbled and sympathetic as well, but mostly impressed.

"…That's quite the story you have, Philia." He says at last. "How did you cope with… how you were cast out?"

"…To be honest, I don't know." You shrug helplessly. "I was really sad at first, and I'm still sad whenever I remember it, but it's not as bad since that day a few years ago. I suppose I could say that it's been muted. I've only wandered since and learned what I could where and from whom I could. I suppose you could say that I didn't live. I just existed."

Headmaster Harold's impressed look turns sad and pitying at your words. He taps his knees against his knee a few times before apparently nodding to himself.

"May I ask a question?" you nod. "What do you feel for your creator now after she cast you out?"

[] Anger
[] Longing
[] Sadness
[] Pity
[] Resignation
[] Write-in

A/N: Sorry for the late update. Life got in my way and decided to stay there until I satisfied it eough to leave me alone.
The One Who Yearns 3
[] Lucky—You have been the victim of circumstance, as have everyone else. But the degree of such situations has, more than once, befuddled you in their complexity. Like the time you stopped an assassination attempt while looking for a lost cat.
- 50% chance of randomly receiving an additional +5 successes to your current skill check

[] Magic-Touched—You are talented in the field of magic and possess an instinctive grasp over spellwork. Concepts used in magic and spellcraft come to you easily, and you learn faster than most apprentices.
- +5 successes to Magical skill checks

[] Animal Whisperer—You have this gift that lets you understand animals and them you. As a result, a lot of animals are peculiarly calm around you; cats, dogs, birds, insects, even monsters hesitate when they see you. Some even trust you enough to let you pet them.
- +5 successes to Taming skill checks

[] Longing

"…I miss her." You say after a moment of thought. "I miss the times we spent together, the laughs we used to have, and the memories we've made. I want to experience those days again, to be with her again, but she was grieving and she threw me out. Her son just died at the time and I was reopening old wounds by going through his belongings, so I understand why she would be so" cruelevilunfair "callous and loud in her actions. Maybe I would have done the same in her place. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if I did."

"Do you forgive her?" Headmaster Harold prods further.

You've thought about that for a long time. In the years since you were thrown out, you've thought about that subject many times and evaluated the many possible answers that surface in your mind. You've discarded some, kept others, but none of them feel correct.

Would your charge approve of the answers you've thought of? Would he be saddened?

"…I don't know." You shake your head. "Even after all this time… I don't know."

"I see." He nods, reaches over, and gently pats your hand. "I cannot say I know how you feel, but you have my sympathy nonetheless. Perhaps you may find an answer to that in your time in my school's tutelage."

As he says that, you feel the carriage slow to a stop. The door opens and the Headmaster smiles at you before disembarking. You follow, a little apprehensive and curious, with careful steps and a helping hand from the man himself. You look around, noting your surroundings as that of a small airport. Men and women in safety uniforms go about their duties loading and unloading the cargo from the various aerial vessels that have docked here as passengers disembark. They see Headmaster Harold and gape at him, and you feel a little self-conscious at all the second-hand attention you're getting.

A shadow falls over you. You look up and see its cause.

An airship, smaller and sleeker than the transport variants docked around you. Its hull is a sleek white, and its Aetherite sails are the color of rich gold instead of the dull blue most airship sails are. Stamped proudly on the vessel's portside prow is the coat-of-arms of Xavier Academy; depicting a person split in two, fully armored and wielding a sword in one half and plain and holding a flower in the other.

From where you stand, the entire vessel looks like some undersea leviathan given wings and branded with a coat-of-arms.

The ship touches down and its side opens to let a stern-looking Elf woman walk out. She holds a clipboard in her hands, jotting down information as she walks towards you and the Headmaster.

"Sir," the woman says. "I have assembled the teaching faculty as per your orders and the renovations have been completed according to schedule. The academy staff have been vetted and have begun carrying out their tasks, and the academy alchemical stocks are due to be resupplied soon which would require your—" she looks up, sees you, and freezes. "…What."

"Miss Philia," you feel Headmaster Harold's hand rest on your shoulder. "This is Genevieve Skyrender, my Deputy Headmistress and your future Magic Arts instructor."

"Harold," Miss Genevieve, or is it Deputy Headmistress, chokes out. "Harold, no."

"Yes." You can hear the smugness in the man's voice.

"No!" the Elf woman nearly shrieks. "This is the fourth time in the same number of weeks! No!" You feel your face catch fire from the embarrassment as the Deputy Headmistress' actions attract unwanted attention. "The first at least has a reasonable purpose for her enrolment, the second passed my personal testing with flying colors, and the third is a special case; but this is absurd! What did you do, just randomly invited some random girl that caught your attention into the academy on your way back from visiting the Sylver Family?!"

You don't have to imagine the look on Headmaster Harold if the expression of horror and dread that settles on his deputy's face is anything to go by.

"You… you actually did. Aether King save me, you've gone insane."

The Headmaster laughs, rich and comforting, as he walks past his deputy and ambles towards the airship. You look at Deputy Headmistress Genevieve, meeting her gaze for a split second before looking away. You hear footsteps approach and a hand settle under your chin to gently tilt your head to the side. You squeak in surprise, arms tensing to flail about in shock, but you will yourself to hold still and let the woman do whatever it is she's doing.

"…How long have you lost your eye?" she asks at last, pulling away. You take a step back and try to look small.

"S-Several years. I d-didn't keep count. I-I tried to keep it as clean as I could, b-but I only know so much in the way of medicine." You shake your head. You chance a glance up and see her face twist in a mix of pity and resignation. "I-Is something wrong?"

"Nothing with me, at least. Or you for that matter." She sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "My superior has apparently lost his mind, though. He must be enjoying his lack of work lately. I should rectify that." She turns to you. "What is your name?"

"P-Philia. Just Philia."

"No last name?"

"Not since I was cast out."

The woman stills, her shoulders tense, and she exhales slowly through her nose. She nods once and gestures you to follow her as she makes her way to the airship she was just on. You gather your meagre possessions and scurry after her as she begins explaining what you'll be doing after the ship touches down in the academy's private airport in a day.

[] Sister's Keeper
[] The Fyreson
[] Weight of Penance
[] A Look Back
Interlude: A Look Back
[] A Look Back

Your name is Genevieve Skyrender, formerly Jarla Firewind. You were once the most powerful sorceresses of the Elven Kingdom of Ulthier, second only to the King and his Lady Wife. You were once chosen for the position of royal magic advisor and instructor for any children of the royal family, a prestigious position few could boast to have championed before. You had a good future ahead of you, with a comfortable position in the government and enough gold to last you a Human lifetime.

You abandoned it all when you refused to dispose of his first son, born with the mark of the Fyreson bright on his shoulder. You were cast out of Ulthier altogether when you rose to the boy's defense after another Elf was ordered to do the atrocity with less qualms than you. Close to two decades later, you met the boy again, and found that he is far from the prophesied murderer of Elf-kind that the Fyreson was foretold to be.

You would do him right this time, and teach him the things that his family did not want to. This you swear, on your life.

Currently, you are sitting at your desk reviewing what information your employer had given you regarding the latest student to enrol into the academy.

Philia. No last name. A young Human woman whom your employer decided to enrol into Xavier Academy after witnessing her repelling bandits led by an Uruk Berserker, interfering when they decided to forcefully take a child from their parents. According to him, she displayed considerable potential in spellcraft and combat, as well as knowledge on taming the more dangerous Markavus fauna if her retelling of her capabilities were truthful. Her willingness to fight bandits to protect a child shows admirable traits that more than qualify her for enrolment, in your opinion. Overall, despite your grumbling of him adding more work to the growing pile on your lap, you cannot dispute his judgement in finding good students to enrol and teach.

But there is more to it than that, you are certain. After all, very few young women (if any) are homunculi in hiding.

Homunculi are thought to be an exercise in futility and it is not hard to see why; homunculi are, at their simplest, artificial biological lifeforms. While not unlike constructs and golems, the act of making a homunculus is far more complex than simply enchanting an inanimate object and granting it awareness and sentience. After all, animating a doll with dozens or even hundreds of inanimate moving parts would be child's play compared to animating millions, if not billions, of individual biological constructs that made up a living biological body.

Moreover, it required a careful balance between biological matter and magic as to not outright transmute the material while they were in the process of being animated. And even then, assuming one could create all the individual organs, tissue, bones, and blood, they still had to create an actual biological brain and properly animate every complex nerve and organic tissue in it, before assembling it all together so that a proper soul could form.

There are dozens of geniuses and madmen whom you know are capable of creating something a complex as a homunculus. Few of them would have the gall to create a female one and fewer still would have cast their creation out.

Why they would do so you do not know; why would anyone want to simply throw away what was basically a living breakthrough in the art of animation and enchanting? Harold knows, certainly, but he did not see it fit to tell you. While frustrating at first, you calmed down when he stated that the reason Philia was cast out was a personal matter that neither he nor you should intervene in. Understandable, if annoying.

Regardless; if one of the geniuses did manage to make a homunculus, then they would have become famous overnight. People would flock to them to gain even a glimpse of the original plans to their work and entire nations would be willing to wage wars over such knowledge. Because if an impossible thing is possible, then it was only a matter of time before it could be mass-produced. And if that happened…

You close your personal journal and push away from your desk, rubbing the bridge of your nose to rid your thoughts of the implications. You did not need to worry about that; you were a simple deputy headmistress and you had enough potential problems to fret over at you workplace. No need to add thoughts of something that could potentially destabilize the global balance of power into your head. You look around and

It was close to midnight, and your position demanded that you become an early riser; you needed your sleep. For that, you first need to clear your head before you settle down to rest for the night.

Some warm tea and biscuits should do the trick.

A look out the window grants you a spectacular view of the top-most cloud layers bathed in moonlight, but you have long since grown accustomed to such a sight after so many night-time aerial voyages. It does not detract from the beauty of the sight, but you are certainly immune to its charms by now.

You leave your room and pad through the dimly lit hallway in your night clothes and blanket draped over your shoulders. The Silver Dove was silent as it flew through the clouds, its sails retracted to half-mast to minimize moonlight reflecting off it. By now, the captain should have retired to his personal quarters and left the ship's flight to his second. The Headmaster was going over the paperwork you had brought him in his quarters, last you saw, and the non-essential crew would have also turned in for the night.

Which should leave you with free reign over the galley and full access to the biscuit stores. A sweet, sweet, catharsis to Harold's brand of insanity you are forced to deal with as his deputy headmistress.

Then you round a corner and find the galley doors ajar. Its internal lights are on, and your nose catches the faint scent of tea.

You quirk a brow and enter, expecting to catch a crewmember with a cup of tea in one hand and a stack of biscuits in the other.

Philia is there, a head of mussed up blonde hair cradled in her folded arms next to a teapot of steaming tea and a small stack of biscuits. She likely woke up some time in the flight, went to make some tea, and fell asleep nursing it with biscuits. With magic muting the sound of your steps, you approach the young homunculus and take a sip from her tea cup. The warm fluid tastes surprisingly good, and you cannot help but smile as the warmth spreads through your stomach, travelling up your throat and lungs.

Polite, soft-spoken, easy to tease, and exceedingly pretty; under different circumstances, Philia might have been the beloved daughter to an entire kingdom or the princess a hero would rescue at the end of their long journey. Her lack of an eye does little to detract from that, and somewhat heightens her appeal. She is dutiful and kind, diligent and intelligent…

What kind of person would cast out someone like her, Homunculus or no?

You sit down across from her and gesture at the kitchen. A spare teacup floats out of the neat line of similar cups and flies to your waiting hand. Another gesture and the teapot tips forward slightly to fill your cup with its warm contents. You take a sip and gently shake the girl awake.

A cast out blue-blooded Elf bearing the markings of a legendary figure of evil. A knight seeking penance for a crime she was indoctrinated to commit. And a twin seeking to look after her magically empowered sister despite having no magic of her own. With the addition of Philia, who is now blushing and apologizing for her trespass of the galley, the four youngsters would be sure to cause some amazing messes in Xavier.

"You could not sleep as well? I am not surprised; those on their maiden voyage aboard an airship tend to find themselves unable to sleep at first. You get used to it in time, do not worry." You take another sip of the tea, unable to tear yourself away from the taste. "I apologize for waking you but it simply is not appropriate for you to be resting there, young lady; the galley is particularly cold at night and you could very well catch a cold. Considering what you will be doing once we land, getting sick should be the last thing you should be doing."

"I-I'm sorry ma'am." Philia bows her head. "I-It won't happen again. But, ah, wh-what will we be doing once we land?"

"He did not—no, of course he didn't tell you anything." You shake your head with a sigh. "As wise as he is, the Headmaster can be quite the fool at times."

Philia chokes and you let yourself smirk.

"Allow an aging Elf her amusement, Philia. I have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it all." You nod. "As for what you will be doing… you did not think that you could end up studying in such a prestigious school without an evaluation of your abilities, yes?"

"Ah, like an entrance test?" the blonde blinks, then nods. "So would this determine whether or not I am enrolled into the academy?"

"It should, but knowing Harold and his shenanigans, I have no doubts that he has several back-up plans that ensure you are enrolled regardless." You sigh, and Philia has the courage to giggle a little at you. "But yes, I doubt your performance would affect your enrolment. It would simply be a way for your future teacher to gauge your abilities and how to advance them."

"Hmm." The blonde hums, nursing her tea as she eyes yours. "Did you, perhaps, take some from the teapot I made?"

"I did, yes." You nod back, taking another sip. "It is quite nice tasting, I must admit. You must be especially skilled to be able to make such exquisite drinks."

"My m… my creator taught me." She smiles sadly, but your heart tightens the slightest bit. "It took me a while to realize, but this was how she liked her tea made. It tastes amazing, doesn't it?"

"It… does." You nod, suspicion creeping into your heart. "Philia… could I ask how…?"

"Of course." The blonde Homunculus closes her one eye and gently holds her teacup with both hands. "You see…"

Established Bond with Harold Percival II at Rank 1!
Established Bond with Genevive Skyrender at Rank 1!


The airship, the Silver Dove, lands at the Xavier Academy owned airship port two days later. The crew and passengers disembark, with the Deputy Headmistress leading you to your temporary quarters. It is a small spare room for guests stay at; modestly furnished with a comfortable bed, a well-stocked bookcase, and enough space to do some light exercise.

You would be staying here until the school orientation began in about a week's time, when you would be sorted into the dormitory area and assigned a proper room to stay at for the duration of your studies here. She reminds you of your evaluation coming up in a few hours, and recommends you relax and rest until then.

You want to agree and do as you are told, but there is this overwhelming desire to go out and explore that is driving you nuts. You calm down and thank the deputy headmistress and leaves you to your own devices not long afterwards.

…What to do now?

[] Stay and rest as she instructed you to. (skips straight to evaluation)
[] Explore!
- [] The Lecture Halls and Classrooms
- [] The Training Arenas
- [] The Airship Hangars
- [] The Armoury and Workshops
- [] The Cafeteria
- [] The Main Auditorium
[] Practice your (combat) forms (+1d3 Physical)
[] Practice your magic (+1d3 Magical)
[] Read a book or two to pass the time (+1d3 Intelligence)
Last edited:
Ability Assessment 1
[x] Read a book or two to pass the time (+1d3 Intelligence)

You spend a few minutes unpacking some of your belongings for ease of access for the duration of your stay here. Toiletries go into the bathroom, clothes into the wardrobe, and stationery on the study desk. You have more in your suitcase, but they weren't worth the effort of moving; as this is a temporary living space that you will be leaving within a week's time (give or take), you would be better off keeping them stored and ready.

You stare at your suitcase, noting how small it seems compared to everything else. You found it sometime in the middle of your third year of wandering from under a trash heap and it's been in use ever since you cleaned it. It bears the stickers and stamps from dozens of minor countries and a few from the major ones. Proof of how far your wanderings had taken you.

"I suppose I'll be adding another one on it soon." You whisper to yourself with a smile, tucking it under the bed.

You stand and look around. That curiosity and the niggling feeling for exploration has calmed down somewhat, but it's still there. You are tempted to act on it, but the Deputy Headmistress' words resound in your head; you have an ability assessment coming up soon and you don't have much time to rest and prepare. Whether or not you satisfy said assessment's parameters may decide whether or not you can remain in the Academy.

You make a decision then; you can explore the academy after you pass the assessment.

You wander over to the bookcase and pick out several of the books arranged there; modestly thick tomes about magic, history, combat, and cooking. You bring them with you back to the bed, where you sit down, tuck your legs close, and start reading.

Intelligence Increase
1d3=1x2 (Brightest Candle)x2 (Artificial Human)

+4 to Intelligence!

You don't learn new, much to your disappointment; the contents of the tomes details similar topics and subjects you've read about in your wanderings. The spells listed in the magic tome are known to you, but they provide information you have forgotten over the years and you are quick to put them to practice. The history tome gives you a quick refresher on world events and shed light on certain matters you've forgotten. And the combat tome shows you the combat styles you use in your fights.

At least you learn a few new recipes from the cook book. You didn't know the Confederate had green curry and feral chicken breasts as a staple food. Come to think of it, you haven't actually been to the South. You should rectify that when you have the chance.

You put the books away and are debating on the merits of a quick meal when the door opens and the Deputy Headmistress steps in to notify you that it is time for the assessment. You nod, don appropriate clothing, and follow her to the training arenas where your opponent would be waiting.

The arenas themselves are located in a large building on the southwest section of the academy, being a series of circular platforms in a deep hole in the ground surrounded by walls reinforced with runes and an Aetherite barrier generator. You are led to the armoury first and foremost, and given a choice of your preferred weapon. You bite your lip, worried about possible difficulties in spellcasting.

"Do not worry," the Deputy Headmistress assures you. "Every one of these weapons are foci. They have an Aetherite component in them for ease of use by mages, though dedicated spell foci are also available."

You nod, a little relieved. That was good to know.

After a moment of thought, you go with…

[] A straight sword and shield (+2 damage, +3 Successes to Combat)
[] A pair of dual swords (+4 damage, +1 Success to Combat)
[] A greatsword (+3 damage, +2 Successes to Combat)
[] A mace (+4 damage, +1 Success to Combat)
[] A spear (+1 damage, +4 Successes to Combat)
[] A halberd (+3 damage, +2 Successes to Combat)
[] A spellcaster's staff (+1 damage, +2 Successes to combat, -10 mana cost for spellcasting)

You arm up, don other necessary training equipment, before striding out to meet your assessor.

[] A round-bellied Beastkin man, wielding a chained bo staff
[] A petite Elf woman with extremely long hair tied into a braid
[] A regal looking Ogre woman with half a dozen sheathed rapiers
[] A young Human man with snow white hair and red eyes
[] An Ironkin with enormous arms and robust legs.

A/N: Added a new mechanic under the Mechanics post and Magic and Spellcasting under the Lore post.
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Ability Assessment 2
[X] A petite Elf woman with extremely long hair tied into a braid
[X] A halberd (+3 damage, +2 Successes to Combat)

"So, this is the pipsqueak Harold decided to enrol?" the woman speaks, looking you over as you approach. "She doesn't look like much."

The Elf woman is dressed in form-fitting battle leathers and shorts, with tough-looking leggings, knee guards and shin guards protecting her legs. Her arms are mostly bare, save for a pair of bladed bangles on her wrists that glint purple under the light. Stylized tree symbol is stamped proudly on the front of her tunic, the colors of brown and yellow and gold like a tree in the autumn months. Her eyes are emerald, sharp and calculating as they take you in and examine you from afar.

But what really catches your attention is her hair, braided and adorned with circular gold ornaments along its length. It is also long, longer than she is tall. You see most of it pool on the floor around her feet, like a predatory snake at rest. You estimate that it's at least fifteen feet in length, and that the bangles are somehow magical in nature. There is also a wicked blade tied to the end of the braid

"You really should stop that habit of patronizing others, Selene." A voice says from the viewer stand of the arena. "That is the height of rudeness, even for a teacher to a potential student."

You turn and see a dozen other individuals in the stands, watching the proceedings with some interest. You do not recognize any of them, but you do pick out Headmaster Harold and Deputy Headmistress Genevieve sitting at the forefront of the group. You also notice the speaker; a large Beastkin man with a pair of ox horns on the sides of his head.

"I'll call 'em like I see 'em you old cow!" the Elf woman shakes her fist at the man. "You aren't the boss of me!"

"Do they really have to have this conversation whenever they meet?" you hear one of the onlookers say.

"I don't know anymore Hans. I'm just here to teach and get paid." Another answers the first voice. "But personally, I think those two should get locked up in a room somewhere and get their shit together."

"I heard that!" your assessor shakes her fist at the crowd, prompting the other to chuckle and laugh. "I'm coming for you pointy ears!"

"You have pointy ears too!" the second voice answers back. "Hypocrite!"

"Fatass pig!"

"Washboard tree-hugger!"

"Alright, alright, settle down." The Headmaster cuts in with a laugh. "I believe we should be setting an example for our new enrolee and future student to follow." Once everyone calms down, he nods to the Deputy Headmistress, who's cradling her face in her hands. "Genevieve? If you would?"

The Elf woman stand up and proceeds to the edge of the arena.

"Good afternoon everyone." She starts. "I apologize for interrupting your duties and calling you all here today, but the Headmaster has insisted that we oversee an assessment of abilities for a special case enrolee by the name of Philia." She gestures to you, prompting everyone in attendance to lean forward to get a better look. You shift in place nervously, offering a smile and waving back. "According to the Headmaster, she was found to be in possession of the traits and abilities that qualify her for a tutelage in Xavier Academy after he saw her singlehandedly fend off a bandit tribe led by an Uruk Berserker." The people in attendance murmur to each other in surprise. "However, as per Academy rules, any special case enrolee must first undergo an assessment of abilities to determine whether or not they are ready for tutelage. You have been invited here to help in that assessment."

"…Is it me, or does Gen sound like she's not particularly pleased with this?" a voice says.

"Marlowe, I have been forced to renew the list of student enrolees for the new semester seven times within the span of a month. A month I should have spent preparing my lesson plans and making the necessary preparations for my magic classes. I am very displeased at this and would very much like to voice my displeasure to our Headmaster, but I have yet to find his reasoning wrong or invalid." She answers, voice flat. "To my frustration."

"OkayyeahsorryIasked." the voice squeaks. The Deputy Headmistress sighs and turns to the arena.

"Miss Philia," you jump a little when she addresses you. "Today, you will undergo an assessment of your ability under the supervision of your assessor; Selene Woodheart. She is an accomplished pioneer in animal studies and may be your future teacher of Wildlife Studies."

"Hiya!" your assessor grins at you.

"H-Hello." You bow politely. Your assessor laughs.

"You know how to treat you betters! Good, I won't have to discipline you as badly." The woman turns to a frowning Deputy Headmistress. "So, how are we doing this?"

"You are the assessor." Miss Genevieve says. "It is up to you."

"Sweet." She turns to you. "So..."

You grip your halberd tight and enter a stance. She chuckles, and starts gathering her long hair in one hand.

"At first glance, I can tell you have spunk in you; which is good because I like my students with a little fire in them, ya'know? And you've got some manners, which puts you on a better level compared to the other special cases I've assessed in my time." She nods. "I like you girlie. So this is how my little assessment of you'll go."

She stops gathering her braid around a foot from the bladed tip and begins sedately spinning it in one hand.

"If I whittle you down to the point where you can't go on, then I win." She grins. "But if you manage to land one hit on me, just one, and I'll back your enrolment one hundred percent. You game?"

"…" you think for a moment. "Do I have a choice?"

"Nope!" your assessor grins. "Now grit your teeth!"

What Stat will you use for the fight?
[] Physical (15)
[] Magical (15)
[] Intelligence (16)