Ninety-Nine Days Until Ascension on the Wall

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A Richard Wilkins self-insert story set the morning after Bad Girls. Instead of killing Finch, pure luck had the assistant mayor survive his encounter with Faith and spill the beans on his boss. With knowledge of the Ascension and the Mayor's invulnerability, the Scoobies relied on a plan they already knew would work.
Chapter 1: Cursed to Care
Ninety-Nine Days Until Ascension on the Wall

A Richard Wilkins self-insert story set the morning after Bad Girls. Instead of killing Finch, pure luck had the assistant mayor survive his encounter with Faith and spill the beans on his boss. With knowledge of the Ascension and the Mayor's invulnerability, the Scoobies relied on a plan they already knew would work.

Cursed with a soul, the soul now in control of the Mayor will do his best to enjoy his final days.

Chapter 1: Cursed to Care

Waking up in the cleanest office I've ever seen was only the first stage of a complete shock that shook me to the core. This was quickly followed by the second stage when I caught sight of my reflection in the window.

The middle aged man staring back at me in confusion was one I recognized well. Richard Wilkins, Mayor of Sunnydale.

I got maybe two minutes of relief as I assumed it all must be a dream. Hell, I even tested things out by biting down on the inside of my cheek and felt no pain.

Belief this was a dream didn't last when the haze I woke with finally cleared. This is real.

A pit of rapidly growing dread in my stomach had me collapse back into the leather chair with a gasp. Accepting that something incredibly strange was going on, I finally let myself begin to panic. And boy howdy, was it a good freak out.

I threw anything within arms reach and even started digging through the drawers. Not a single flinch as what I assumed to be incredibly expensive artifacts shattered to pieces, just desperate hope that one of them was the key to my return home.

Timid knocking at the door was chased off with my meanest growl, which gave me a few more precious minutes to panic. Ones I'm going to take full advantage of.

Every curse I knew passed through my lips a half dozen times and then they started supplying me with dozens more. Only a handful sounded human. But I didn't let that stop me from taking advantage of so many new words to express my horror.

No matter how hard my mind was wracked for a clue, I couldn't seem to remember what I had been doing before waking up here. The best I could recall is some vague idea that a vacation was planned. I think it was going to be a road trip.

Knocks at the door returned even more insistent than the ones I had shooed away just moments before and it was clear my hour of freaking out had come to an end. Time to find out what the Hellmouth is going on.

That would be Alan.
A thought not my own coldly made itself known and had me hesitate in front of the door. He will know something is wrong and begin the fail safe.

Wilkins? The sudden awareness of a second personality was unmistakable, chilling me right to the core.

Of course the voice chose not to respond. I was just left with the ever present sensation of being watched and judged completely insufficient.

After swallowing the lump of terror in my throat, I shuffled across the once pristine hardwood floor. When I did finally work up the nerve to open the door, It was both a surprise and relief when it was a human face waiting for me.

"Alan?" While the deputy mayor's eyes widened at the mess behind me, memories of the man began filtering through my brain. This is the guy who gets cold feet.

Some are from my history with the show and knowing this is the man Faith stabs. But the majority of my knowledge seems to be more like muscle memory from Wilkins himself.

Staring past me at the disaster I created, the man's wary face took on a hint of real concern. "Sir. Is something..." His voice trembled enough that even I could notice. "Wrong?"

Put on the spot, I had practically no time to think of a plan even remotely intelligent. So I went with my gut feeling and plastered the biggest smile humanly possible onto Wilkins' face.

"Just had a little tantrum when I realized my plans just aren't going to pan out like we thought." With a firm hand on the nervous man's shoulder, I steered him through the halls that I apparently knew the floor plan of.

"Don't worry Alan. I've come up with something even better for everyone." Especially you.

Disbelief leaked out with each word as Finch is pushed along in front of me. "But you already began the hundred days. What could possibly have gone so wrong in just one night?" That means I still have ninety nine days of invulnerability.

"Don't worry Alan. I've come up with something even better for everyone." Especially you.

Disbelief leaked out with each word as Finch is pushed along in front of me. "But you already began the hundred days. What could possibly have gone so wrong in just one night?" That means I still have ninety nine days of invulnerability.

It's not hard to see the man wasn't really upset with the news and was more concerned with whatever my possible solution would be. The way his pulse began racing made it obvious he assumed it to be something atrociously evil.

The man was stiff the entire walk to the butter yellow Buick Skylark, gasping when I tossed him the keys. "You want me to drive Sir?"

"You're going to be in charge pretty soon. May as well let you get the feel for the easy stuff first." And even my body might remember the way, I don't really think I should get behind the wheel yet.

"I hope you've been keeping an eye on how I run things around town. It's up to the next generation to not only maintain what the previous ones established." My words seemed to at least be acceptable to Wilkins and the judgment I felt was lessened by a fraction. "But improve upon the legacies left for them."

The declaration must not have been too far from what Wilkins would normally say, with Finch instead climbing into the driver's seat with barely contained glee. "Where to?"

"I need to clear some things up with Buffy and her friends." They like doing research, they can figure this mess out for me.

"The Slayer?" Alan was confused at the decision to seemingly confront them so soon. But he didn't argue and pulled out of the lot promptly. "Is she behind the problems?"

Instead of answering the question, I let out a heavy sigh of relief now that I was with someone I knew wasn't completely evil. "You're the one who wants to spill the beans to her. Figured I may as well just clear this whole mess up for everyone in one fell swoop." Probably could have phrased that better.

Quickly proven correct, Alan nearly crashes the fancy car in the belief he's about to die. Every word came out with a horrified stammer that had the essence of Wilkins raptly intent. "... I would never betray you Sir."

"But that's the reason I'm putting you in charge." Going for symmetry, I decided to be ninety nine percent honest. "This town is going to have an alignment shift once you're mayor. It's up to you if it's to good or chaos."

Realizing he wasn't about to be executed, Alan eventually resumed our drive to what I hoped was Sunnydale High. It was awkwardly silent and memories not my own washed over me.

Not in order and none of them pleasant, I begin to relive some of Wilkins' darkest moments. Knowing that a grown man was so ready to give up to evil really reinforced how heroic all the Scoobies are.

You're not like them. Wilkins dark thoughts echoed in my skull. You aren't a hero.

By the time I managed to overcome the revulsion brought on by the memories, Alan had already arrived at the school. He trembles nervously the entire way to the office, waiting as I greet the secretary with a bright smile.

Of course with Snyder's incredible sixth sense, he smelled my presence and emerged from his office. He was already in suck up mode and I decided to do everyone on campus a favour.

"Mayor Wilkins. What an unexpected honour." Snyder's eyes darted back and forth between Alan and myself, desperately searching for any kind of clue. "How can I be of service?"

"You've done everything I've asked for and more." This will be easier if I butter up the troll. "It only seemed fair to reward you for such excellent service."

Greed flashed across the balding man's face as it wrinkled into his attempt at a genuine smile. "I kept the little cretins as complacent as legally possible."

"I know you have some trouble makers that really test the limits of your authority. I think it's time I dealt with them for you." It was hard to keep from breaking character. But somehow I managed the feat and got him to call the requested students to the library.

"Once again impeccable." My public praise has Snyder flush with pride. "I really think it's time we got you out of this pigsty and into administration." Anything to get you away from children.

"Really?" Incredulous at the promotion, Snyder had to lean against the counter or risk collapsing.

"Alan. Schedule a meeting with the school board this week." Not answering the question directly, I instead made it clear the process had already begun. "Now I think it's time I take care of these problems for you. You should be gone before they ever set foot in these halls again."

Snyder mumbled out stunned thanks as I entered the library and waved him off. "You just deal with getting a list of possible replacements." That way I know who to instantly reject. "I'll handle the freaks."

The only one already waiting in the room is an already wary Giles and that shifted into an unreadable expression when he caught sight of me. "Wilkins. What are you doing here?"

"I needed answers and this is a library." Holding my hands up in an expression of surrender, I made sure to keep my distance from the Watcher. "So do you have any books on swapping bodies?"

Alan lets out a gasp of realization as Giles' expression softens into a guilt ridden grimace. "I see it worked."

"I didn't dare believe it." Finch awkwardly admits from his place beside me and I realize he was supposed to die last night. I guess he got his message delivered just fine.

"What worked?" Wilfully ignorant of his meaning, I made him spell it out for me like an idiot.

"I'm truly sorry. It was the only thing we could think of." The tense librarian began to explain how Angel pointed out that Wilkins lacked a soul. "... Once he did, Willow realized she could fix that."

"Doesn't that curse tear a soul out of heaven?" I guess that's why they didn't bother grabbing the original soul.

"True and after I reminded everyone that fact, Cordelia rightly pointed out that lots of good people had suffered at the Mayor's hands." During the explanation the students had appeared without my notice, with the named girl preening.

Buffy decided that was the perfect time to cut in and drew my attention. "I just wanted to make sure we could trust the soul we picked."

"I'm really going to need some actual answers if you want me to do more than freak out." With all eyes on me, I really tried to wrap my head around the madness unfolding. "Maybe start with why you picked me."

My tense stare had everyone it landed on shift uncomfortably, with Xander being the one to raise a hand. "I guess that would be my fault."

"He convinced us all that we should attempt to save time with the explanations and try out one of his comic book solutions." With grit teeth at having to admit Xander talked him around on anything, Giles tried to make sure I didn't blame any one person.

"The doofus said that this guy called Superboy Prime was all normal as can be in his own world. But he read comics of superheroes and got sucked into the stories." Cordelia gave her boyfriend an impressed look before shifting her eyes back to me. "So what was my movie called?"

I understand the concept just fine and am completely stunned by them preferring to choose a soul that would know them so intimately. But when Cordelia repeats herself, I'm forced to answer.

"You're the female lead of the spin off. Buffy's the star of this show I'm afraid." That offhand comment seemed enough to settle Queen C's mood and she got lost in fantasies of being famous.

"So you do know about us." Conflicted at her part in my fate, Buffy crosses her arms with a not very annoyed sigh.

"Shouldn't that bother you?" It's kind of an isekai staple. "... At least a little bit?"

Shrugging off my question with a conflicted huff, Buffy explains why this was preferred. "Whistler told me last spring that most of my life is already scripted. At least this way I know you're a fan of mine."

I could tell the group was just giving me breathing room to get my bearings. But I decided to take advantage of the tense silence to get my message out.

"All of you actually." My words drew various expressions of pride from everyone present.

"Even him?" Xander jerked his thumb towards the newest Englishman in Sunnydale. "But Buffy said he was going to give up everything last night."

Disgruntled at being called out so openly, Wesley tried to repair his reputation. "... Merely a tactical diversion to buy time, I assure you."

"You want honesty?" I'll leave how harsh my words are up to them.

"Unless the lie will save lives..." Buffy's eyes settled on Xander with an unexpected bitterness. "I'm not completely against those kind."

Does she already know about the omission? "Every single person in this room except for Allen, saves the world. I can overlook almost time you each like a tool." All except for one and hopefully that will be dealt with long before it becomes an issue.

"I save the world?" Chest puffed out, Wesley was the first one to demand answers.

"After you stop being so pompous." My smile took a bit of the sting away from the words. "Heck, you become a fan favourite eventually."

Giles cleared his throat and drew my attention back to him. "... That was actually the other reason we chose you. We thought you might have some advice on future threats."

"Do you have a plan for me?" I won't even argue if I get most of the hundred days to have some fun. "Or am I supposed to just flounder on my own now? Olvikan is way to big of a threat to just let me transform.

"Faith and I will be chaperoning you to England." Answered a smug Wesley. "A place exists to contain threats such as the one you are set to become. I can book the flight once you are finished with the warnings."

Really not liking the idea of giving up my freedom so soon, my head slowly began to shake in disagreement. "... You mean the Deeper Wells."

"Yes..." Wesley winced openly when I revealed I knew what kind of place the prison was. "But it is necessary."

"Not arguing about that part." Who knows if I'll still even be me after the transformation or if Wilkins will be out for vengeance. "Just the part about locking myself up with ancient demons right away. I still have ninety nine days before the Ascension." According to the calendar that I destroyed back in Wilkins' office that is. "I've got a few things I want to take care of first."

The vagueness of my statement didn't really sit well with Giles and he made this known. "Things like?"

"Got to get those letters of recommendation written for the students for one thing." My hand goes up with one finger held out. "Should help with getting a few scholarships."

That news drew Cordelia's attention back to the conversation with rapt attention. "Really?"

"Least I can do for you all." I wouldn't be surprised if Wilkins already has a bunch of already written that I can slap some names on.

"That's it?" Xander let out a snort at how tame my plans sounded. "You want to do some paperwork?"

"Should probably look into getting a police chief who actually cares about protecting people." And I just so happen to know one nearby. "Since I'm already going to replace Snyder for you, may as well do a full sweep of the corruption."

Disbelief fills Buffy's face as she can't quite comprehend the words. "You're getting rid of Snyder?"

"He'll be in administration be the end of the week." Which means I really do need to hurry up with his replacement. "That man shouldn't be anywhere near children and now he never has to be again." So why don't I kill a few birds with the trip to Los Angeles?

"All in favour of giving the hero of the hour a rightfully earned vacation before we lock him away for eternity?" Giddy at the news, Xander wastes not even a second in voicing his support of my delayed imprisonment.

"I was going to bring you all to Disneyland..." My voice trailed off as the excited cheers drowned me out, the rest of the teens quickly voting my way.

Wesley was at a loss though and desperately tried to keep his original plan on track. "But I need to bring you to England. The Council said so!"

"I'm not going because of the Council. Those old bastards can choke it as far as I'm concerned." My blunt response had Wesley sputtering in shock, giving me more than enough time to finish my point. "I'm going because I can hear Wilkins in my head and I'm terrified he'll be in control once the time is up."

No one had an answer for my emotional outburst right away. But once Buffy let out a snort of amusement, it seemed my freedom was secure for the moment.

"Hell, I'm seriously considering just jumping into a volcano on the last day." Life in prison certainly takes on a whole different meaning when you have an immortal lifespan ahead of you.

"What did you have in mind?" After realizing he wasn't going to be getting me on an airplane today, Wesley seemed to shift his attention toward speeding up my to-do list.

"Trick and my less than human staff need to be handled with before we get distracted." Once they're dealt with I can actually try and have some fun. "We need to even out the numbers first though. So You all better go home and pack for a few days."

"You're really going to Disneyland?" Finch is just a tad nervous at the idea of being left in charge.

To my shocked annoyance, Cordelia points out that I probably shouldn't get too comfortable. "Are we sure it's a good idea to let you have any fun? At least Angel is all depressed so we know it's him."

"Happiest place on Earth..." Xander agrees with his ex. "Probably shouldn't be bringing a guy with a happy clause."

"Nobodies going if I can't." I don't care how petulant that sounded, I'm not footing the bill for a vacation I can't enjoy. "I'll just swing down quick with Faith and Wesley. We can get most of the stuff I want taken care of and replace my staff when we get back."

But just as I started to get comfortable with my situation, the dark whispers returned full force. Bringing with them another wave of the horrors Wilkins had wrought, I was helpless against the terrible memories.
Chapter 2: Highway Out of Hell
Chapter 2: Highway Out of Hell

Once my flash from the past was over, I sent a worried Alan back to the office and tried my best to remember what was still to come this spring. But try as I might, I couldn't come up with more than three threats unrelated to the mayor.

"That's all?" Giles was equally underwhelmed by the list and made it obvious he had doubt in my memory. "Anyanka, Hellhounds, and the lunch lady."

"Yeah, it's only March" Agreed Xander with a dubious look. "We usually have way more stuff happen."

When I realize they aren't going to let up, all I can do is let out a frustrated snort. "I figured you'd all prefer to have a private talk with me about the personal stuff."

"My personal stuff usually ends up with me needing a rescue." Face twisted into shame, Xander casts his vote to being open.

"Bad history with secrets lately." Oz was careful not to look at Willow and only her wince revealed it was an intentional jab.

Letting out a loud clap to break the growing tension, Faith had a massive smirk on her face. "It's about time I got to hear the juicy gossip."

"Some of us have better places to be," Cut in Cordelia with a quick glance at the clock. "Just spill already."

"If you're all sure..." No one argued in the time it took me to come up with a gentle way to phrase it. "Faith was supposed to kill Finch by accident last night and end up working for Wilkins."

Various shocked exclamations from everyone met my words, drowning each other out in the uproar. All of them except for Faith though, she remained silent with stormy eyes glaring back at me.

"Took most of the spring before you got put in a coma and put back on the proper path." Hopefully you don't need to know about any of the other bad stuff. Finch surviving should have changed everything for you.

A bit paler than she was just a few seconds earlier, Faith's face went tight in an attempt to conceal just how much of an impact the news made. "... Oh."

"You aren't the only one who screws up..." Lips pursed in concern, my eyes travelled to a wary Willow. "Willow gets a serious magic addiction in college and kills someone." No reason to make Wesley call home in a panic.

The casual way I dropped that bomb had the ruckus back ten times louder. "But she got better too!"

It took four more times repeating the words the news before anyone heard me and another two before it was silent. At least they all look abashed.

"How do you get better from killing someone?" Hissed an incredibly concerned Cordelia.

"She never had a proper teacher for magic and ended up absorbing way to much of the bad mojo. Was only a temporary Darth Willow." Which reminds me.

Before they really had a chance to process the words, I snapped my fingers with more to add. "Maybe you should bring Amy to England." You haven't figured out how to turn her back yet. "Both of you could do with some guidance really."

"What's in England?" Xander asked with growing confusion on his face.

"A bunch of fancy schools that Willow will be getting acceptance letters for any day." When I realized exactly how late in the school year it was, my feet sent me towards a stack of blank paper. "Hope you don't mind if I write those recommendations while we finish up."

"Do I get one?" Left as the odd woman out, Faith tries to play off the feeling with a joke.

"Sure." Her eyes nearly doubled in size as my own smirk quickly matched the rate of growth. "But you can only use it once you get your GED. Since I know you aren't going back to high school, that's pretty much your only way into college." That has her eyes go back to normal and my smirk hold firm.

"I'll make sure monies put aside for all of you in some kind of education bursary." Even if I have to drain Wilkins' own accounts to do it.

"How much money are you talking about here?" Eyes alight with interest, Cordelia didn't risk me changing the subject. "Enough to pay for a semester? Or is this a full ride kind of thing?"

"It's all evil money. Whatever surplus I don't give you for school is just going to charity." To one in particular.

With an uncomfortable cough, Xander drew my attention over to him. "So what about me? What's my next big screw up?"

"You summon a demon that makes people dance to death." Just like the others already in the know, the boy's face lost most of it's colour. "And Oz-"

"Loses control of his wolf and hurts somebody." The reserved musician had his own answer ready to go, his eyes locked on Willow.

Kind of obvious on both counts. Just like that the mood was soured for all of us. Even Cordelia knew it was the wrong time to open her mouth and instead took the chance to rush off for her secret shift, recommendation securely in hand.

I didn't have the same hesitation with my own situation and probably took a little bit too much vindictive pleasure from my comments. "Don't be ridiculous. You tried drowning the governor in hummus after he made werewolves go to obedience school."

"Justifiable response." Is all the currently blue haired Oz had to say, bowing his head in thought.

"Should have just graduated last June so you could have spent the whole year in Tibet getting that under control." A reassuring smile replaced my smirk and I help my tongue until Oz saw it. "Because you do eventually."

I couldn't just drop a lottery ticket like that without Oz demanding every scrap of information I had in my skull. Sadly it really didn't amount to much. Didn't even finish all of season eight, lucky I even remembered the rough area.

The ringing phone had Giles dart over to answer, only to hang up again with only a couple words exchanged. "Alan is faxing over the papers now."

"Father has agreed to foot the bill even if the Council decides to spurn the opportunity." Chimed in a Wesley still smug on his possible importance.

Faith rolled her dark stormy eyes in irritation at my unwanted intervention in her life and hissed at her Watcher. "Just sign the papers so we can hit the road."

Trying to get through the gruff exterior Faith insisted on showing the world, I began to reach for my keys. "How old are you?"

"Why?" Instantly wary, she crossed her arms defensively.

"I just figured you might want to dri-"

"Turned sixteen last fall." She cut me off with an unexpected eagerness replacing the annoyance she'd been displaying most of the afternoon. "You really going to let me drive that beauty outside?"

Her Boston license already held up as proof of age gets a quick glance to confirm. I know Buffy's terrible and have no idea if it's a Slayer thing or her own lack of talent.

"Just remember I'm the only one who will survive a crash." Wesley let out a nervous hiss at my words that was contrasted perfectly by Faith's snort.

As we prepared to leave Xander drew my attention. "All you want me to do is hang out with Jonathan for a few months?"

"Just keep him company until we get back and you're doing your part." Keep him away from whatever bad influence taught him magic after the rifle incident and that's one member of the Trio dealt with. "I'll make sure to come back with a counsellor who actually cares about you kids."

Wesley didn't waste anymore time and scribbled his signature onto the form, making Buffy's job tonight a whole lot easier. Really shouldn't have any trouble handling Sunday with the whole gang backing her up.

The trip South was proof that the wild driving was not just a Buffy thing. Faith pushed the car to it's limits and cut the time in half, Wesley even impressed her with how well he held down his lunch.

She did try to fight for control of the radio. But once I made it clear she had to pick the wheel or the dial, Faith endured every single minute of the Beach Boys without complaint.

"Alan gave me the key to his safe house." The dirty little traitor. "So once we get settled in you can pick where we eat."

"What kind of price range you talking about?" Inquired Faith, her attitude more relaxed than I'd ever seen it in the show. "Fast food or can I pick something fancy?"

Wilkins has a lot of money to burn, not like I care either way. "Fancy places have tiny portions. I figured you'd want to hit a buffet."

Her face instantly turned to an expression of disappointment. "Figures rich people can even ruin food."

She shifted up to fourth the second we hit the freeway and her brown curls began to flicker in the wind. Wesley doesn't even ruin things with the expected shrieking.

In fact... I glanced back at the wide smile splitting his normally reserved face. He's actually enjoying it.

Faith caught her Watcher's reflection and blinked a few times. But once she was positive Wesley could take it, she started making the speedometer climb up to a hundred.

"Didn't think you had a cool bone in your body!" Forced to yell over the wind, Faith roared back at the grinning Wesley.

"Father told me to be on my best behaviour around Rupert. I can't let myself relax for even a second around the others or they'd all report back to him." Admitted the now frowning man.

"But you can around me?" Mistrust warred with curiosity in Faith's dark eyes.

With a slow nod, Wesley didn't make us wait long for his answer. "I am just as much an outsider as you are. This trip will give us a chance to form the same kind of bond the others already have and the best way to start is with honesty."

"See. Told you he wasn't all bad!" My teasing remark was an attempt to ease Faith's nerves.

She eventually nodded with a tight expression concealing her true feelings. But I really hoped she could see Wesley was trying just as hard to prove himself to everyone.

"It's really not fair." I didn't have to yell over the wind anymore as Faith slowed down to actually think about the words being exchanged. "You two are official and yet it's Giles and Buffy who are still in charge. Bet you can't wait for her to graduate." The countdown isn't just for me.

"Buffy does seem rather done with Sunnydale," Agreed Wesley with a thoughtful look. "But do you think Giles will really go back to England?"

"He has no friends his own age and the teens he knows are all going to be scattered to the winds in a few months..." I trailed off with a wink at the Watcher in his early twenties. "I have a long term project for each of them. But the Hellmouth is going to be yours' to protect until Buffy finishes school."

"Four years?" Faith wasn't too bothered by the news. In fact, she seems pretty excited about the idea.

With a thoughtful hum, Wesley soon had more to say on the topic. "Miss Summers serves for four years as the primary Slayer and you do the same."

"They always have back up if the world is about to end." And a chance to unwind from all the traumas. "Potentials can rotate through the house and get the basic training." In case the worst happens it's better to be prepared.

The discussion continued to whole way to Los Angeles, with Faith finally losing most of her defensiveness by the city limits. My talk about changing things back in Sunnydale had both of them too intrigued to wait. So we only made a pit stop at Burger King before Faith took us straight to the police station.

Of course being a small town boy, I overlooked one important fact. A city this big has more than one precinct. Thankfully having the officers full name made it a simple taste for Mayor Wilkins to acquire the correct address.

When we did finally arrive at Kate's building, it was a simple matter to have a room set aside for us all. The hard part was finding a way to convince her to transfer cities.

"I know you are dedicated to your city. But you can do far more good for the world in mine." Not like you're allowed to do anything important on the lawyers' doorstep.

Across the table from us, Kate shook her dirty blonder hair with a snort. "So I'm just supposed to accept such a huge promotion and not think you're corrupt as hell?"

"I need you to replace an entire precinct that is." Good thing I know just the guys. "My father left me a pretty terrible legacy to repair. But you probably know nothing about that." And you wouldn't believe me anyway.

"Not in the slightest," Agreed Kate with a barely perceptible softening to her glare.

"She clearly thinks you're full of shit." Faith's foot stopped it's constant tapping as she stood to pace. "We're just wasting our time here Dick."

"Do you know the origin of that word?" Instead of answering I shifted my attention to Faith. "It's an old sailor term for anything that would smell bad if it got wet. So they had to 'Store high in transit'."

I have no idea if it's actually true. One of my teachers told me and I always just thought it was to amusing to fact check.

"So?" Confused at the change in subject, Faith's frustration dropped back down a couple notches.

"So how about we just ask Kate to do a ride along with us tonight. If we don't convince her by midnight..." My stare flicked back to Kate expectantly. "I'll make a donation to whatever charity Kate wants."

She consider the offer and let out an irritated sigh. "Only five hours?"

"Yep." And because I made sure to ask for a few more favours at the first station, I even know where to start our search. Just hope Gunn doesn't freak out too bad when I show up with a cop.
Chapter 3: Street Justice
Chapter 3: Street Justice

"I'm supposed to believe some small town mayor wants to promote me to police chief and you aren't even more corrupt than the standard politician?" Demanded an incredibly irritated detective as the four of us lay in wait at a twenty four hour laundromat.

I couldn't do more than shrug awkwardly. "It's actually my deputy who is behind all these changes. We agreed that Sunnydale needs some fresh faces if it's really going to change."

"But why me?" Kate's question was reflected in likewise curious expressions from the others. "I'm practically a rookie."

"You must have noticed how hard it is to investigate certain cases." My eyes hardened with disgust at all the human evils in the world. "Well I'm not the only person dealing with naughty people in power. Kind of thought you might like to work somewhere you can get results."

Glancing back and forth between us, Faith couldn't hold in her opinion anymore. "What's so special about her? Seems just like every other cop back in Boston."

"And you're just like every other bratty rich kid using her father's name to get her way," Kate fired back without hesitation.

"Actually it's kind of the reverse..." I shot Faith a look that made it clear we could discuss this later, I just really needed her to play along in the moment. "Just found out I made one good thing in my life. When Alan found Faith for me, I realized I finally had a reason to leave a legacy I was proud of."

Wilkins practically adopted Faith anyway and it's not like I have anyone to leave his stuff to. May as well give Faith the foundation for a fresh start.

"If I'm leaving the Wilkins fortune to Faith, I want to make sure Sunnydale will be a safer place." The part about the money is what stops the Slayer from interupting.

"Running out of time," Warned Kate after taking a quick glance down at her wrist to keep herself distracted.

Faith hummed her agreement while her tapping foot increased in tempo. "Been spoiled in Sunnydale. Haven't had to wait this long for a fangster in months."

"Fangster?" Confused by the altered word, the detective checked to make sure it wasn't a slip of the tongue.

"It's better if we just show you." Wesley tried once again to explain our reasoning to the determined professional. "You would never believe the truth otherwise."

That only upset Kate more. But at least her ire was turned towards the Watcher for now. "Try me."

I know this is the right part of town. Peering out the window, I still cant see anybody I recognize. So why is it taking so long for any of Gunn's boys to wander past.

"You shouldn't be in such a rush to have everything turned upside do-"My words cut off without warning when I do finally see something outside that I need to be concerned about.

"Go time?" Faith followed my eyes and her own lit up with excitement.

Quickly double checking the reflection in the dryers, my pulse began to hammer. "Get your pepper spray ready Kate and don't get involved until it looks like I'm dead."

Without a proper explanation I remind myself firmly that nothing can hurt me. Once I managed to convince myself of the immediate threat to someone's life, my legs began moving all without any input from me.

That order stunned Kate into a stupor that lasted just long enough for me to exit the store alone. "Hey hussy! How much?"

So distasteful. Wilkins' judgment soaked through every cell in my body.

The woman lacking a reflection froze for only a moment even as the homeless man with her ran. But one look at my face had the vampire throw on a predatory grin.

"Don't usually have such fine looking me-" Her attire made it obvious how this vampire usually picked up her meals and the fistful of bills marked me as a customer. "Men throwing themselves at me."

She wanted to say meal. That awareness struck quite a bit harder than I was prepared for as the redhead swaggered toward me.

"Well when the doctor gives you a deadline, why waste time with beating around the bush when you want something?" My neck extended as I cracked it from side to side, ignoring the way her eyes locked onto my jugular.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Her voice lost the false purr and took on it's true menacing tone. "Normally I'd ask if you wanted to get a motel. But I think we'd both prefer the alley."

Doing my best to play dumb, I followed her with the blankest face I could manage. "Sounds great."

Just as we vanished into the shadows a set of male voices echoed down the street. But we both ignored them and got ready for the demonstration.

"I don't normally pick nice guys like you." The vampire's eyes flickered with kindness for the briefest of moments before vanishing like it never existed in the first place. "Sorry about this."

"So am I. You seem a whole lot nicer than I was expecting from a vampire." Of course it's probably just an act to keep me calm.

Her jaw hung low in shock and her open to my best attack. For all the advantages a vampire's enhanced hearing brought them, it was only a negative when I slapped my open palms against them.

A shriek of pain cut through the night and let me know it was time to move. I was just in time too, with the vampire's wild slashes barely missing me as I hurriedly backed up.

"I'm going to lynch you with your own lungs!" A very creative threat emerged from her rage filled throat and I was just a little curious if she could pull it off before her victim died. "Get back here!"

Just a I made it to what I stupidly thought the be the safety of the streetlight, a snarling weight slammed into my back. My plan to show Kate exactly what I wanted her to deal with worked a little too well, with a spray of red emerging from my suddenly torn open throat.

"Neat." Like when I bit my cheeks this morning, no pain came with the blood. "That really did go twenty feet." Mythbusters was right.

My nonchalance had the vampire hesitate in her followup attack. With her completely freezing up as my throat healed before her eyes.

"Look out!" The shouts from before are back and followed by a second person slamming into me from behind.

This time it was thankfully meant to be helpful and I got to witness Charles Gunn turn my vampire into ash. Hope that was enough proof for Kate.

"The fool alright?" Growled out my annoyed 'saviour'.

"The fool is now that you're here." Relieved that I didn't have to do something drastic to convince the wary detective, I offered an eager hand to Charles. "Richard Wilkins and I've got a job offer for your whole crew."

Before protector of the streets had a chance to respond, Kate led my own party into the mess."Put pressure on his throat!"

The hands helping me to me feet stopped at once and moved up to my neck in response to the cop's firm command. Though when they found no wound on my flesh, the girl they belonged to loosened her grip.

"Don't worry Alonna." She doesn't reject the name so I assume it to be correct. "This is nothing to worry about."

"Why'd you stop?" Kate had reached us and was determined to keep me alive until paramedics arrived.

Removing her no longer shaking hands, Alonna revealed my perfectly unblemished neck to everyone. "I don't understand. He's fine."

"Told you it was unbelievable." A smug Wesley elbowed the stunned detective in the ribs.

Faith chimed in with a wide grin at my theatrics. "Ready to listen to the rest of the crazy now Kate?"

"What the hell is going on here?" Proving he's no idiot, Gunn was firm as he demanded answers. "Who are you people?"

"Mayor of Sunnydale and I'm in need of people who get the important jobs done." I let the others exchange names while Gunn and Kate split my attention. "Kate, meet Charles Gunn. You've both built up the kind of reputation I' looking for and I think you have a lot to teach each other."

"We don't do that kind of work." With my terrible attempt to explain myself, Charles thought I was hiring for something more illegal.

A loud snort was my immediate response. "You don't kill vampires?"

"That's really the lie you're going with?" Kate muttered in frustration.

Ignoring her words, Charles kept his suddenly alert eyes locked on mine. "You know what that was."

"And how few do something about the monsters." My smile was genuine and he could hopefully see that. "You lot are the best in the state and I want you on payroll."

The normally swagger filled man lost any pretense of attitude when I told him I wanted him to wear blue. "... You can't be serious."

"After my vetting process Kate here is the only officer I can trust completely. She teaches you the proper procedures and you teach her how to kill vampires." My finger pointed over at Wesley. "He's an independent contractor who can fill in the blanks on the really weird stuff and my daughter Faith is pretty much your SWAT team." At least the supernatural branch of it.

Faith's expression got pinched when I brought up the sudden relation again. But the promise of my inheritance was just enough for the Bostonian to maintain her composure.

"She's on the SWAT team?" It took a lot of visible effort for Charles to hold in his laughter when he glanced over at Faith.

"No. She is the team." Until she makes her own friends.

Before he could dig his own grave any deeper with a stupid comment, Kate cut him off with a raised hand. "I'm still stuck on the whole vampire part you think I'm going to swallow like an idiot. Because I have no idea how you pulled that crap off and I want answers."

"I'd like to know that too." Alonna threw her own voice back into the conversation, her chestnut eyes roaming over her bloodstained fingers. "You should be dead."

"Still got ninety nine days." Almost to the hour. "So how about you point as at a nest? Faith and I can show you exactly how serious we are."

He didn't take too long to consider the offer before giving me a stiff nod. "Fine. But if you survive the night you better tell us how."

"This guy sold his soul a hundred years ago and turned Sunnydale into a deathtrap for humans." Not seeing a reason to hide the broad strokes of my tale, I decide to share as much as I think they'll believe. "MY deputy found out the truth and told Faith everything."

"Your dad normally talk about himself in the third person?" Kate peered over at Faith and watched her face for any hint of falsehood.

"It's not really my dad," Explained the younger girl after a few seconds of intense staring. "We kind of shoved a random-"

Better not make it sound like you're necromancers. "Ghost in me!"

"The..." Wesley gave me a strange look before playing along. "Spirit has agreed to help us in exchange for ninety nine days back in a body."

"He really doesn't like it when I tell people Faith is his daughter." My grin grew as the rage at the back of my skull ballooned in size.

Because it's a lie! Promises of eternal torment would have been more of a concern if that wasn't already my worst case scenario.

Man. The sex with Buffy must have been mind blowing if Angel was able to ignore his dark half for even a minute.

"Dick really hates the idea of his illegitimate daughter getting the family home." Let Wesley and the Potentials live at Sunday's place.

Faith finally realized why I kept insisting on that part and relaxed. "Dad's just old fashioned like that. But like you said, time for some fresh faces."

"I'm not letting you trick me again." Insisted our police escort when Charles finally stopped outside a rundown gas station he promised was full of vampires. "I'm coming in with you."

"Course you are." Faith smirked in response. "You're the only one still in denial."

"I guess this qualifies as a controlled circumstance." Whimpered Wesley weakly behind me.

Charles and his crew brought our numbers up to a bakers dozen and they got into position around the entrances. When everyone was ready, the leader of the crew gave us the signal to begin.

"I'll crack the vent open. You just make sure to empty the whole thing into the fan." Her gaze followed mine to the can on her belt.

"But it's pepper spray. Not garlic." Her lips formed a confused frown.

"How much does it hurt to get even a little bit of this stuff in the face?" My rhetoric question went unanswered just as planned. "Now imagine that when you have senses at least five times better than a human."

"Good point." Finally convinced, Kate unleashed the entire load into the ventilation fan.

It only took a couple minutes before the coughs could be heard and soon every single vampire began to race for the nearest exit. Unfortunately that was right where a bunch of stakes happened to be.

Pale faced as the clouds of ash blew away in the wind, Kate had finally realized this wasn't all an elaborate prank. "You want us to do this every night?"

"After you arrest all the cops who willingly working with demons." Sadly Wilkins' memories show it's the majority of the force.

At least one of us was in a good mood, with Charles really perking up at that idea. "Not sure which part I'm looking forward to more."
Chapter 4: Breaking Down Barriers
Chapter 4: Breaking Down Barriers

Once the excitement was over and Gunn had given me a contact number, Kate joined us in the search for Caritas. Riding high on on being treated like an actual expert for the first time since crossing the Atlantic, Wesley was completely occupied explaining the 'true' history of the world to an eager audience.

The music was loud enough to keep all but the loudest yells concealed from the duo in the backseat and that turned out to be a good thing. Faith was finally ready to confront me over the wild claims I kept spewing.

"So 'Daddy'..." Her expression took on a dangerous glint as she drew the words out. "What do you really want from me?"

When he sensed a moment of weakness, Wilkins made his abhorrent thoughts known to me. Take what the Slayer is offering. It would feel so good.

"I'd really like it if you went back to high school and tried making some friends." Would be a lot easier for you to keep an eye on the Hellmouth once the whole gang graduates.

Eyes locked on the road, Faith just shook her head with distrust. "Not buying the act. Everyone wants something."

Her entire body practically glowed with signs of damage and it churned my stomach to think of exactly how bad it could have been. She needs her own support system or the fall to the dark side has only been delayed.

"I know how things could have gone for you." My tone made it clear I had more than a little information about Faith's past as well. "Somehow you still turned out amazing and that deserves proper recognition. The kind Buffy's bee getting since she moved to Sunnydale."

"Going to give me a gold star?" My words did nothing to sway her low opinion, with Faith's voice coming out as a low growl.

"How about a Playstation?" You seemed pretty stoked when Wilkins got you one. "I wanted to do some shopping tomorrow and figured I could make you carry the bags." No point bothering Doyle before noon.

Faith's derisive snort was perfectly in character. "You really know how to show a girl a good time."

"Not like I can bring Dick's money with me. May as well let you grab as much as Wesley can carry." Unless I decide to get in touch with Glory, I'm stuck with incredibly few options that will send me back to a good afterlife.

"Why are you doing all this? We pulled you out of heaven." Her glare had finally begun to waver with uncertainty. "I'd have split the second I realized I was just a human sacrifice."

My face turned away as discomfort brewed in my chest. Better not even think about lying right now.

"Never had a chance to raise my own daughter. She got put up for adoption when I was your age." My painful truth smashed through her final barrier.

Her voice lost it's anger. "But why me? Buffy's the special one."

"Buffy has a whole team backing her up and Xander's really the only one I think will stick around after the summer. Probably going to have to offer him a spot on the force.

"Didn't you give him a get out of hell free card?" Her expression wavered between dubious hope and resolute disbelief.

Doesn't matter what piece of paper I sign, he has way too many self esteem issues to use it. "It's more important that I make sure you're taken care of. Since Wesley's going to be distracted with the his new consulting job."

"It'll be nice to not be the new girl anymore," Agreed Faith with a more vulnerable voice than I'd ever heard her use.

"Just so you know..." After wracking my brain, I finally realized what had happened only a few nights before my arrival. "Xander isn't just in it for the sex. Even if it did blow his mind."

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Of course you know about that."

"Ask Buffy about the love spell and the Master's cave when we get back." Xander's quite a few steps above most of the other boys his age. "He'll be fine if you just want to be friends. Just tell him before he tries to surprise you with something romantic." Because as far as I recall, he seems to think you have some kind of connection right now.

"He's just another guy. I know what they all want."" I could see her own doubt quash the hope before it had a chance to even bloom.

"Ask Cordelia how many times he saved her before he picked up on any signals." Even if Xander says a whole lot of stupid things, he does want to do the right thing. "He will lie to you if the fate of the world is at stake though. So fair warning if that ever comes up and you're not completely focused."

She realized the conversation had shifted topics and scowled. "Let's go back to you telling everyone I'm a bastard."

A quick glance over my shoulder was enough to confirm Wesley and Kate still distracted with the careful search for the club. Kate confirming the empty lots had nothing concealed from mundane eyes.

"It gives you some independence from the Council." Wesley is still in the squeal to his father stage. "Besides, it's not like you have to put up with me for that long."

Faith's eyes narrowed in thought as all angles got considered. But just when I thought she would insist on independence, a tight grin appeared on her face.

"Does that mean I get the car when you croak?" Her eyes flickered with amusement in the rear view mirror.

"Only if you start going to school. I'll make sure the lawyers know you only get to keep it if you graduate." I am a fan of the carrot approach.

Disgust flashed across Faiths face and seemed to undo any good will I had built. "... You're just as evil as Wilkins."

"Keep talking like that and I'll make you go to the dentist too." Her apparent acceptance let me smirk in victory.

To my shock though, the threat turned out to not actually be much of one. "That a real offer?"

"May as well use Dick's insurance." I shrugged casually so as not to spook her. "Anything else you want to do?"

"Faith. Turn here!" Wesley's shouting was finally heard over the music and his frantic gesturing revealed Caritas in all it's glory.

"Hope you're ready Wes. The Host won't talk to us unless somebody sings for him." Faith isn't going to volunteer and I'm still not sure I want to know what kind of eternal torment I get.

The Watcher's face got a shade paler. "... If I must."

Our group of four had a little bit of trouble at the door when the bouncer noticed Faith's age. But once the grumbling slayer agreed to wear a red bracelet, the orange scaly demon with a head full of inch long barbs finally let us inside.

The club had a welcoming atmosphere with the lights dim enough to conceal all but the nearest patrons from examination. Probably better for Kate this way.

Turning away from the stage and the two headed woman doing her duet, my gaze was directed to the bar. Lorne had already noticed his new arrivals and was moving to intercept us.

"He's green..." Kate had finally overcome the shocked silence brought on by the bouncer.

"Be nice. He's good people." My words come out as a hissed whisper and thankfully she looks abashed.

"Welcome to Caritas." The Host's arms spread wide in greeting, the scarlet suit really doing a great job of making him seem approachable. "I really hope you folks aren't lost."

Everyone looked to me expectantly. "Just in life Lorne. But I'm hoping you can help us with that."

"Just making sure. Every few months someone has just enough magic to wander inside." The wariness on his face is replaced with a showman's grin. "So who's singing?"

"He is." Faith and I point at her nervous Watcher in unison.

Lorne directed his stunning smile to the nervous Englishman. "Well go pick a song and get in line. It's a busy night so it might be a while."

"I'll find something short." With an audible gulp, Wesley wandered over to grab one of the books full of laminated pages.

We don't wait in silence for him to return, Lorne was quite eager to get all of us on stage. This ended up being only the first of many times he suggested it.

"I already know what my fate is and at least two ways I could get out of it." My answer had both women blinking, Faith in concern and Kate with confusion. "But it's not good for anybody if I do. So I'd just going to enjoy the ride as much as I'm allowed."

"Thanks for reminding me," Chuckled Faith as she reached for me with a saliva coated finger.

I made a show of avoiding her first few jabs. Though when she made her fifth attempt with a growing scowl, the wet willy was finally allowed to land.

"Not supposed to let you get too happy." Her expression was full of smug satisfaction.

"If you aren't going to sing..." Lorne gave me an annoyed roll of his eyes. "I really can't do much to help. It's kind of my thing."

"I want to make Sunnydale a bit safer." Especially places like the schools and Bronze. "How much would it cost to get in contact with the person who cast the spell on this place?"

The emerald empath didn't seem eager to sell out his source. "If your friend's song checks out we can talk about it."

Kate's breathing slowed down to a normal pace as she relaxed. "You can tell people's future when they sing?"

"Pieces of it." Nodding slowly, Lorne gave a brief summary of his special talent. "If people listen, it's usually just enough to make things a bit easier for them. But too many prefer too be stubborn about it."

An amused snort escaped from Kate, who was just as surprised as anyone. "Just like us."

A quick glance to confirm we had no eavesdroppers was all I needed to reveal some ancient history. "Every demon species on Earth has at least a little human mixed in. It's only really Old Ones like the one this guy wanted to turn into that are pure demon."

"You sure you need my help?" Lorne's grin was gone and in it's place was a slowly growing pout. "Seems like you already have all the answers."

"Just the ones I had years to prepare for." Not going to pretend I'm some kind of genius when I've spoken with Willow.

You're not special.
Wilkins was quick to shovel onto my dark thoughts with his own cutting words. Just someone with far too much time on his hands.

I don't let the words beat me down, just bruise my ego. Guess you'd know all about that.

A single moment of weakness, that's all I need. Wilkins had at last found something to pick at. We both know you've had many of those. Why fight the inevitable?

Trying to think of anything else to distract myself, desperate eyes locked onto Lorne's considerate ruby ones. "Maybe I should pick something. Public singing will keep me miserable for at least a week."

Wesley was more than glad to give me the spotlight and I didn't even bother changing the song. Ironically the worse this goes, the better it is for everyone.

The sweat began seeping again as I shuffled up to the stage. Thankfully as only a casual fan of Elton John, I didn't know the lyrics appearing on the monitor.

At least one of you has some taste. The words had started to become an annoying buzz I could almost ignore.
Chapter 5: Picking Battles
Chapter 5: Picking Battles

Silent and incredibly awkward looks got exchanged as I returned to the table after my performance. The way not even Lorne was making eye contact had a wave of shame pass through me.

"Was I really that bad?" The person before me didn't even have human vocal chords.

"It was passable. But that's not what has them all in a tizzy." Lorne gave me a look of regret. "So let me be the first to say thank you."

Wesley coughed awkwardly and drew my attention. "I didn't believe you meant to follow through with the plan."

"He kept telling me we might have to tie you up," Admitted a sour faced Faith. "He brought tranq darts and everything."

"Good thinking." Even if they wore off quick, it would have been enough to get me through a panic attack.

Relief poured out of the Watcher. "You aren't mad?"

"I have a chance to help my heroes avoid some of their biggest mistakes." Only he and Faith are aware I'm referring to my dimension of origin. "Pretty much every author's greatest dream."

"Is he from the future or something?" Kate's voice was low as she tried to pry some answers out of the younger girl.

I could be depressed about being torn out of heaven. But as far as I'm concerned, this is all I could have hoped for. "Heck, maybe this is just what my afterlife is. An eternity of living my favourite stories."

"Crazy?" Muttered Kate to herself when nobody answered.

"A little bit of both." Shrugged Wesley, very aware he shouldn't go into multiple universe with such a newbie.

"Seers are known for being a bit barmy..." I snagged the half finished sea breeze from in front of Lorne and slammed it down before he could complain. I'll go with that as my backstory for strangers.

I was about to try my sales pitch on the club owner. But he held a finger against my lips before they even had a chance to open. "You're setting up to purge my kind. Not really looking to get caught in the crossfire."

"Probably not a good idea to confuse the new guys with good demons," Agreed Faith with a wince as she remembered they have a few of those on the team. "You're sure Angel is going to leave town?"

"Positive." And as long as Alan can find what I asked for, it won't even be alone. "Just not sure if he's still moving here anymore. It's not like he had any world ending apocalypses to take care of that his group wasn't at least partially responsible for."

Well... Except for the Scourge. But an anonymous tip to Wolfram and Heart will take care of that one.

Kate's empty glass slammed onto the table and was followed by an overwhelmed sigh. "What am I getting myself into?"

She didn't get an answer. Probably because nobody had a sane one.

Once Lorne had given his words of wisdom he scribbled a few things down on a napkin, slipping it into my lapel pocket with a wink. "This should help."

Kate didn't want to risk us going to another demonic hot spot and insisted on taking her own cab home. But since Faith managed to steal a few drinks from passing servers, my regeneration had me be the one to drive to Finch's safe house.

She claimed the master bedroom before I even had the front door open. While Welsey decided he'd earned himself, I pulled out the napkin with a frown.

"Ben is Glory..." Just as I was about to dismiss the note as meaningless, my brain repaired the connections messed with by mind magic. "Oh yeah." Guess I just got Angel his mission.

After leaving a message for the vampire with Giles, I decided to fight for hot water in the morning. But to my frustration, claiming the second bed only gave me precious moments of real relaxation.

The memories of what Wilkins had done to acquire his power turned into a slideshow that refused to grant me proper sleep until I had been witness.

'Reliving' the moment Dick sold his soul and promised to create a feeding ground for the demons made me sick. But I was struggling to breath when he sacrificed his own senile wife.

It was only after I had endured what seemed an endless barrage that I was at last granted darkness. The sleep I finally fell into was not restful in the slightest and had me waking even more stressed out that I had been the night prior.

"You don't have a single redeeming quality. Do you?" Even the whole nice guy shtick is just because you can't deal with the changes in society.

My grogginess meant I didn't actually pay attention to whatever Wesley tried to tell me at IHOP. I just nodded along whenever the bright eyed Watcher gave me an expectant look and hopped Faith would fill me in if anything was important.

Of course when I asked her after we dropped Wesley off at the station, she could only give me an unhelpful shrug. "I thought you were listening."

"You want to do our shopping first or go deal with the paperwork?" Wolfram and Hart is run by demons. "I'll even ask for a hot lawyer so you aren't totally bored." But they should be perfectly willing to screw over the Council considering none of my plans actually involve them.

I only have a ninety eight days left and I can't think of a single time the lawyers try to end the world. They actually help save it a few times. So unfortunately I have to pick the battles I have time to actually finish.

"You really want to do this?" Faith's face was a mixture of hope, annoyance, and just a tiny bit of terror.

"I want to get it in writing that the Council can't try the whole helpless thing to you." In a language they'll listen to. "Totally up to you if want to be a Wilkins."

"Definitely not taking the name. But I guess I can put up with the rest of it for that inheritance." Her wavering expression let me know it wasn't even close to being all about the money. Faith just isn't going to admit how much she wants this to work out.

A quick pit stop at one of the many phone booths later and we had everything we needed. Both an address and a meeting with one of the expendable lawyers would hopefully have everything dealt with before Wesley had a chance to stop it.

To my disappointment it didn't turn out to be anyone I recognized. The two of us entered the corner office to discover it was somebody who actually seemed to be important. Should have guessed Wilkins would get the special treatment.

"Richard," A smile that never reached the pale blue eyes was offered with a firm handshake. "You know I always have time for you. What's this nonsense about using someone else?"

"I told faith

"Recently I acquired some insights into possible futures." I'd told Faith on the way to just roll with whatever crap came out of my mouth and she was doing a great job of looking surly. "The cowards in Britain figured out how to ruin everything and I promised ."

Wilkins lawyer was quick to plaster a sympathetic expression onto his face. "Well that's frustrating, I don't see why you'd come to me with this. Unless you just want my help getting a few of them deported."

"Decided it was only fair to turn the newest Slayer to our side." Fists clenched with faux fury, I made a show of visibly seething. "But to do that I'm going to need some help keeping them out of my family business."

"Standard acquired child contract or you thinking something a little more creative?" Nathan Reed, as Wilkins' memories finally provided, gave the girl one of those stomach churning looks.

"They sign over any and all mystic rights to the girl and I agree..." Throwing my cards on the table, I really hoped it was a good hand. "Not to kill them all myself."

One of the Watchers should have called home about the invulnerability so the threat is credible. Can't see them turning down Old One protection when they'll get a new slayer so soon.

The vitriol I delivered the words with had Nathan's lips form a smirk. "You don't normally like dirty hands. The Watchers really must have pissed you off."

"I will respect my temporary defeat..." I left the exact details out of my enraged growl. "Only if they give up any claim to the girl. I Intend to take a victory, no matter how petty."

"I understand completely." Nathan didn't blink at my display. "Standard no contact clause?" He only pulled the appropriate papers out of his drawers and slid them across the desk.

A glance over at Faith confirms she hasn't changed her mind. "In return they are spared any harm, direct or otherwise, from me and those in my employ."

"They can keep the ones already entrenched, I can of course be reasonable. But any new arrivals from across the pond must be approved by myself or Faith first." The only thing they provide before the end of the series is information Buffy isn't going to need anymore.

Cold realization started in my toes and slowly crept it's way up to my brain. By the time it got to my gut, I finally became aware the sensation wasn't just the air conditioning.

We rushed through signing the contract and adoption papers. With the two of us emerging just over an hour after we arrived, we still had plenty of time to hit the mall.

"Just remember our deal," I reminded Faith with a stern look, holding the keys just out of arms reach.

"It's five by five Daddy." Her phrasing got me a couple glares that I expected to be getting a whole lot more of. "I go to school like a good girl and this baby is mine."

"I've always wanted to know how you learned that phrase." I know I've heard at least a dozen different fan theories on it. "It's not exactly common for teenage girls to know radio call signs."

She only answered once I released the keys into her palm. "That where it's from? I just heard it in 'Aliens' and liked how it sounded."

Satisfied with the answer I even let Faith choose the music. She must have thought it was some kind of strange old person test though. Because she stuck to the stations we listened to on the ride down and didn't stray once my humming started.

"Thanks for not giving me the pitying looks. Was getting really hard to make eye contact with anyone back in Sunnydale." Only the Slayers seemed to be treating me like a person and not a victim.

"You got chosen to save the world, so what?" She snorted with dark amusement. "Doesn't make you that special."

That was the end of our heart to heart. Faith was far too excited by the idea of a shopping spree and pulled into a jam packed parking lot.

"You remember our deal?" The grin she gave me was full of irony. "I sign those papers and you get me a PlayStation."

"You can fill the whole trunk." My shrug was casual as I went over my mental list of gifts. "Consider this a one stop shop for every single holiday in your life. Not like I'll still be here for the next one."

She considered that carefully, with a massive grin turned my way. "That mean I can get a tattoo?"

"Only if you let me test out all the stupid ideas on this Etch-a-Sketch skin." At least everything is temporary for me.

"Can I take pictures?" Her grin was wide and for the first time made her look her actual age.