Nightshift ( based on the /tg/ made rpg ) or You are a minimum wage gas station employee in buttfuck

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You need a job. Perhaps you just a kid in college, struggling for employment to pay...
The End of Glory

You need a job. Perhaps you just a kid in college, struggling for employment to pay your student loan, a former veteran freshly discharged from service, aimless about your future, or some poor bastard that just got "downsized" after decades of slaving away in that office cubicle, with your mouths back home to feed, or even that freshly graduated that needs to meet some specific requirement of that accursed "experience"...Whatever it is, you need a job. Hence the reason you have to apply for this minium waged, high turnover rated spot at this nationwide gas station/convenience store chain. Which judging by your desperationss, they probably will sent you to some place in the middle of nowhere....

First thing first, writing your application form.

>Character Creation:

*Insert picture here : Appearance, what do you look like. A picture would be great, but description is fine as well

*Background : Who exactly are you. Must be logically consistent with the skill point distributed below. For example, a 14 years-old high school student seeking a part time job usually don't have Spetsnaz training. Any skill with more than 3 points in it should be justified, and all specialty skills need to be justified as well.

*Relevant experience: What are your specialties. Distributes the points to the skills below. All Skills Can Be Rolled Untrained. Having a point in the skill just implies that your character is above-average in that skill; a 1 in a skill is slightly above average, while a 6 is hypercompetent

()Non-specialties skills ( 32 points to spent ):

Basic Skills:

Basic skills are things that pretty much everyone should have points in. If you don't, you could be a burden to your team.

Defense: Used to block physical attacks, obviously, in case of combat. Simple as that, really. In combat, failing a defense check decreases your Physical Health. Also used to fight physical exhaustion; as the night rolls on, you may be asked to roll this to avoid falling asleep in case of a boring night.

Willpower: Working the Night Shift can be stressful. As such, a good amount of willpower is needed to get through the night, and to defend against hallucinations, mental exhaustion, and mental attacks.Failing a Willpower check may decrease mental health. Additionally, this skill is used by NPCs as their mental/magic attack stat, if this applies. If a player character has, gains or uses a mental/magic attack, then they will roll this stat for that.

Perception: How well one's senses work. This covers every single sense, from sight, hearing and sound to your sense of balance and sense of time. Yes, those are both literally senses your body has. Look it up. A higher perception score means that you can detect threats, find items and notice things around the station easier.

Agility: How quick your reflexes are, and also how fast you can move. In combat, agility is how you get around threats. In combat, succeeding at an agility check means that you successfully dodge a physical attack. If playing on a tabletop, agility modifies how far everyone can move per round. Everyone starts out with a base speed of twenty feet(four squares) in any direction, or more by GM fiat. Each point in agility adds ten feet to base speed. If not playing on a tabletop, this doesn't apply. Can be used for anything from catching a bag of chips falling off the shelf to running halfway across the store to get Stephen King's autograph.

Strength: Sometimes, brute force is the best answer. Whether you need to knock down a wall or lift up a rock, Strength is your stat. Having a higher strength also affects how many items you can carry on you; base inventory is ten slots. strength of 4 or higher adds five additional inventory slots, and a strength of six adds ten, for a maximum of twenty.

Logic: This is probably one of the most useful skills in the game. You roll this skill to figure out a problem that your character conceivably could, but you yourself cannot.

Social Skills: These skills are not necessarily mandatory to have, but having a point or two in one of them can be useful. Social skills cannot be used on other PCs, and NPCs will not use them on PCs. All social skills are combated by the NPC they're used on either rolling Willpower (Diplomacy and Intimidation) or Perception (bluff).

Diplomacy: How well one can talk their way out of situations, seduce people, gather information, or politely ask someone to get the hell away from them. For example, asking a cultist to politely not hold his ritual sacrifice in the bathroom because it will be impossible to clean.

Intimidation: How well you can frighten or intimidate someone into doing what you want them to do.Using the cultist example again, you can tell the cultist to get the fuck out of the bathroom by using this skill.

Bluff:How well one can lie, cheat and generally be a silver-tongue bastard. You can simply lie to the cultist and tell him the stars are not right by using this skill.

Combat Skills: Again, these are not mandatory, but it's a good idea to have points in them nonetheless.

Melee: How well you can hit things with close-ranged weapons, be it a cash register, baseball bat, fire axe, your bare hands, or your co-worker's severed hands.

Ranged: How well you can hit things from a distance with a gun, a stone, a grenade, or anything that can be used at a range, really, from bows and arrows to flamethrowers.

Pseudo-specialty Skills: Putting points in any of these skills implies you have training in that specific skill. All the other skills can pretty much come naturally, but a pseudo-specialty skill requires training.

Sneak: How well one can skulk around, sneak past threats, and hide objects. Sometimes, running and hiding is the best option. Can be countered by a perception check.

Sneak in a Combat Situation: If a sneak check against an enemy is successful, and a subsequent attack roll is also successful, the damage done is treated as if though the roll was a critical success, i.e. damage is doubled. If the attack roll itself was a critical success, then damage is quadrupled.

Academics: In a word, book smarts or intelligence. How much you learned from either being in school or teaching yourself. Can be used as a substitute to logic in some cases.

Engineering: How well one can create, fix and operate machinery and technology. Can be used for anything from fixing the coolers to figuring out how to disable an alien ship.

Medical: How well one can heal themselves and others.

Specialty Skills: These skills can be anything you want, so long as it makes sense for your character. You can have up to six of them.Here a few examples of specialty skills to give you ideas: (12 points to spent ):

Gothika: 3 Points. Annabelle never grew out of her goth phase, and as such, continually wears black clothing, eyeliner, etc, giving a rather imposing appearance.. However, she's also one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and as such, gains a +3 to both persuasion and intimidation.

Internetizan: 4 points( split skill). Clara pretty much lives on the internet, and loves reading stupid trivia sites. She's picked up a fair bit of useful information as a result, from how to fix cars to how to identify poisonous animals. Circumstantial +2 to both engineering and academics

Big and Thin: 3 points (split skill). Hans is six feet four inches tall and slender, cutting quite an imposing figure. He's also very agile, as a result of his stature. He gains a +1 to intimidate and a +2 to agility.


Well, would you look at that. You're hired, even only after a single interview. You shouldn't be surprised, given how much of a standard a minimum wage spot at a national gas station/convenience store need, especially a place with a high turn-over rate as Stop'n'Gas. You are given a checking out of your new workplace, which, again as you are expected, a desolate-looking Stop'nGas in the Buttfuck-nowhere, Oregon. As they checking you around, you are shown :

(Chose one for each categories, remember, what seems to be a threat at first, could turns out to be actually beneficial to you )

The Store

On the shelves lie a dietitian's nightmare; slim jims, circus peanuts, and beer. A single Cash Register guards the money, and the cigarettes. Glass windows showcase the pumps outside, with a sticker: "Smile, you're on the Moon". A microwave for your purchases.

[ ] Bright Lights, Dim Prospects

[ ] Shelves upon Shelves

[ ] Twenty Kinds of Crap

[ ] Checkout Counter

[ ] Big Glass Windows

Connected to The East Lot, Restrooms, Freezers (through shelving), Backrooms


Cold beers and frozen pizzas. Ice, a really big block of it with a humanoid shape inside. It wasn't here yesterday. Too cold to bear for long. Gets worse the further you get from the The doors into the Store can barely be seen over the alcohol-laden shelves.

[ ] It's Fucking Freezing

[ ] I Can See the Store from Here

Connected to Backrooms, The Store (through shelving)

The West Lot

The parking lot starts here, coming right off the Highway. The arrows direct them in as the sign tells them the damage. Not much to see here except dumpsters and the occasional three-armed racoon.

[ ] By the Light of the Stop n' Gas sign

[ ] One Man's Trash, Another Thing's Treasure

[ ] Employee Parking

Connected to The Highway, Behind the Station, The East Lot

The East Lot

Parking and fuel. Stop and Gas if you will. The green and tan pavillion protects the pumps from the elements. Signs remind out-of-staters that you can't pump your own gas in Nosuch County. Shitty pop music blares into the Void.

[ ] Explosive Potential

[ ] Mostly Covered

[ ] Distracting Music

Connected to The Highway, The West Lot, The Store

Behind the Station

Strange things are scrawled on the walls. The ground is covered with butts spat out by those to whom the world did the same. There's a sort of rebel atmosphere here, as if nobody cares what happens next

[ ] Outta Sight, Outta Mind

[ ] Non-euclidean Graffiti

[ ] Slick with Cigarette Butts

Connected to Backrooms, The Lot, The Desert


Stockrooms and the breakroom and the office. Janitorial supplies, etc. Ignored by Management; it doesn't make them money. There's a red stain on the wall where the plans show an altar.

[ ] Employees Only

[ ] Neglected by Management

[ ] Supplied Stockrooms

Connected to The Store, Behind the Station, Freezers

The Desert

A dry waste, grueling during the day, chilling during the night. You could walk for days and never find civilization. You can hear coyotes in the distance. None live here, but you can hear them just the same...

[ ] Nothing for miles

[ ] Sand and Cactus

[ ] They would never find the body

Connected to Behind the Station, The Highway


Stained porcelain. Condom dispenser. Graffiti. Bathroom-check log from 1984. You're pretty sure the walls used to be white.

[ ] Truckstop Bathroom

[ ] Call 666 For a Good Time

[ ] Bathroom for Customers Only

Connected to the Store

The Highway

A road to Nowhere, both the town and the concept. Most people never even realize they've passed through Nosuch County. If only it was mutual.

[ ] Road to Nowhere

[ ] Truckers stop for nothing

Connected to The Lot, The Desert
[X] Plan Probably Not Karrin Murphy
-[X] Appearance: Short, blonde hair, lean pale skinned girl, five foot nothing in height.
-[X] Background: Just graduated high school, and realized she wasn't actually qualified for anything. She was a star marksman on the school team but apparently nobody cares about that afterwards.
-[X] Basic Skill: Defense 3
-[X] Basic Skill: Willpower 3
-[X] Basic Skill: Perception 6
-[X] Basic Skill: Agility 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Strength 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Logic 3
-[X] Social Skill: Diplomacy 2
-[X] Social Skill: Intimidation 0
-[X] Social Skill: Bluff 1
-[X] Combat Skill: Melee 1
-[X] Combat Skill: Ranged 4
-[X] Pseudo-specialty Skill: Sneak 1

[X] Big Glass Windows
[X] I Can See the Store from Here
[X] By the Light of the Stop n' Gas sign
[X] Distracting Music
[X] Non-euclidean Graffiti
[X] Employees Only
[X] Nothing for miles
[X] Bathroom for Customers Only
[X] Road to Nowhere
Here we go~
[X] Plan Good ol boy

[X] Appearance: Long messy sand blond hair and a slightly hooked nose. Skin is gently touched by the sun and his young body is very fit and muscular. Has a pair of baby blue eyes that can make your soul quake. Stands at six feet and five inches

Getting real sick of having a girl as the protagonist.

-[X] Background: Buckley of the infamous moonshine making Craul clan, he is the star athlete and wrestler of his local high school. But despite having earned a good scholarship and certainly being more than just brawn, he doesn't college. So after graduation, he just did some small jobs and helping the family business. Although some of the nineteen-year-old does for them...isn't exactly legal.

-[X] Basic Skill: Defense 3
-[X] Basic Skill: Willpower 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Perception 3
-[X] Basic Skill: Agility 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Strength 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Logic 3
-[X] Social Skill: Diplomacy 4
-[X] Social Skill: Intimidation 3
-[X] Social Skill: Bluff 4
-[x] Specal logic: 1
-[X] Combat Skill: Melee 4
-[X] Combat Skill: Ranged 1
-[X] Pseudo-specialty Skill: Improvisation 1

[X] Big Bucks 12 point spilt skill: quite frankly a freak of nature and genetics( plus three to both strength and agility.) But he isn't all brawn either( Three points to bluff, two to logic, and one more to intimidation.)

[X] Twenty Kinds of Crap
[X] It's Fucking Freezing
[X] One Man's Trash, Another Thing's Treasure
[X] Explosive Potential
[X] Slick with Cigarette Butts
Last edited:
[X] Plan Good ol boy

[X] Appearance: Long messy sand blond hair and a slightly hooked nose. Skin is gently touched by the sun and his young body is very fit and muscular. Has a pair of baby blue eyes that can make your soul quake. Stands at six feet and five inches

Getting real sick of having a girl as the protagonist.

-[X] Background: Buckley of the infamous moonshine making Craul clan, he is the star athlete and wrestler of his local high school. But despite having earned a good scholarship and certainly being more than just brawn, he doesn't college. So after graduation, he just did some small jobs and helping the family business. Although some of the nineteen-year-old does for them...isn't exactly legal.

-[X] Basic Skill: Defense 3
-[X] Basic Skill: Willpower 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Perception 3
-[X] Basic Skill: Agility 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Strength 4
-[X] Basic Skill: Logic 3
-[X] Social Skill: Diplomacy 4
-[X] Social Skill: Intimidation 3
-[X] Social Skill: Bluff 4
-[x] Specal logic: 1
-[X] Combat Skill: Melee 4
-[X] Combat Skill: Ranged 1
-[X] Pseudo-specialty Skill: Improvisation 1

[X] Big Bucks 12 point spilt skill: quite frankly a freak of nature and genetics( plus three to both strength and agility.) But he isn't all brawn either( Three points to bluff, two to logic, and one more to intimidation.)

[X] Twenty Kinds of Crap
[X] It's Fucking Freezing
[X] One Man's Trash, Another Thing's Treasure
[X] Explosive Potential
[X] Slick with Cigarette Butts
You haven't chose all the locations options