Night's Black Agents: Burned in Burnside

Actually, if we initiate contact then I think we can win. Just breach whatever structure they're in and let in all the sunlight.
That's a possibility, sure, but I think it's highly situation-dependent If they're in a small, one-room building, sure. If they're in a very large or multi-room structure, it's not nearly as guaranteed. I'd also want to do more work to determine what the limits of this UV vulnerability are before I pinned a battle-plan on it.
That's a possibility, sure, but I think it's highly situation-dependent If they're in a small, one-room building, sure. If they're in a very large or multi-room structure, it's not nearly as guaranteed. I'd also want to do more work to determine what the limits of this UV vulnerability are before I pinned a battle-plan on it.

Depends, do we still have a demo specialist? :D
no no no no no no


You don't go after the vampires in Night's Black Agents unless you are fucking prepared. Unless you've picked the battlefield, time of day, day of the week and covered everything in guns and booby traps you do not go after the vampires directly.

You go after their network. They're a conspiracy, that means they need things. Guns, drugs, blood, people, political capital, whatever. We find out what they need, we find out how they get it, and then we find out how to cut off the flow. We chip away at them so they crumble and fall apart when we poke them in the right place. We don't just grab some UV lights and semtex and go A-team on their headquarters unless you really don't want to live forever you apes.

We are, like, absurdly outnumbered and outgunned here. We're already wanted terrorists and the guys pulling the strings have possibly a company's worth of Marine-trained actual monsters they can throw at us.
Depends, do we still have a demo specialist? :D
Teo's guy is!
But yeah, I'm with Grin here in thinking that we can't necessarily predicate our plans on this. Heck, I wouldn't be shocked if you'd need to get the blood actually exposed, first - if you'd need to, like, break open the skin.

I suppose it'd make it easier for Slim Will to clean the old van off, though. Well, in terms of time, anyway.
One other idea - look into the person who hired us? There was a leak, somewhere, apparently.
One other idea - look into the person who hired us? There was a leak, somewhere, apparently.

This should be a priority, but it's also something we should be really careful about investigating. We don't know if there was just a leak, if our client himself is compromised, or if this is a full-blown setup. We just don't know yet.
Depends, do we still have a demo specialist? :D
Well, if we're in a position to just drop the building completely I hope many tons of debris crashing down on them will get the job done, UV or no.

no no no no no no


You don't go after the vampires in Night's Black Agents unless you are fucking prepared. Unless you've picked the battlefield, time of day, day of the week and covered everything in guns and booby traps you do not go after the vampires directly.

You go after their network. They're a conspiracy, that means they need things. Guns, drugs, blood, people, political capital, whatever. We find out what they need, we find out how they get it, and then we find out how to cut off the flow. We chip away at them so they crumble and fall apart when we poke them in the right place. We don't just grab some UV lights and semtex and go A-team on their headquarters unless you really don't want to live forever you apes.
Yeah, that's why I said we want to stay away from them.

That being said, while avoiding them should be our plan, the enemy frequently doesn't cooperate with your plans. So considering ways to fight a vampire would still be a good idea, in case we don't have a choice at some point. Not that we really have much information to go on at this point.

We are, like, absurdly outnumbered and outgunned here. We're already wanted terrorists and the guys pulling the strings have possibly a company's worth of Marine-trained actual monsters they can throw at us.
One company that we know of, just to give you a warm and comforting thought. :V

On that note, though, I'm not terribly interested in throwing down with regular special forces badass motherfuckers either.
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I'm going to prepare a post that lists all the information and theories we have so far. Can Athene link it in the OP?

Known facts

Vampires blood explodes under UV light. It's not just sunlight.
Vampires have green blood
Vampires smell of rotten apples
Vampires maybe converted from humans within a few minutes, no more than 10.
Starlight operatives/agents/vampires have noticeably higher body temperatures than normal
Starlight is a PMC formed of vampires.
Starlight was formed from an ex US Marine raider company that vanished on a covert mission in 2007
Starlight has wide discretionary powers to operate even on US soil, including the deployment of heavy weapons such as a minigun
Starlight has gained a large amount of funds from no clear source
Starlight is officially led by ex-Major James Cain, who is now the CEO
Starlight has the authority to opperate a standing army within the USA
Records of what happened to Starlight are sealed
Most of the weapons that Starlight gets comes directly from contractors

Public facts of unknown provenance
Starlight's members have no knowledge of what happened to them in 2007
People in starlight's area of opperation have been known to disappear.
Weapons for Starlight are flowing in through Portland.
This happened before to the Knights Templar, resulting on their suppression


These are alien beings
They have some form of official backing
MARSOC knows more than they're telling
The Portland PD is infiltrated.
Our original client knows more than he told us
James Cain is in charge of starlight

Questions we should answer
Just how big is starlight in terms of number of personel. Does the original Marine Raider unit account for everyone or is it just the core unit?
How compromised is our client? Was it a simple leak, or has he been flipped?
What happened in the raid in which Starlight's parent unit vanished?
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@Athene: So I have to roll against Miguel's pool of Network points to tap him for information, right?

And then no matter what happens, I've spent a point from his pool?
Gonna drop 4 points of Network on Keoni Rian, formerly an NSA analyst, currently a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Suzume gets off a burner phone that she presumably chucks away, having contacted some of her military and industry contacts.

Most of the weapons that Starlight gets comes directly from contractors though there are rumors of them running some heavy stuff through the Port of Portland, real premium grade stuff.

I have the makings of a terrible idea. But first, I need a prostitute. a camera and the home address of the executive director of the Port of Portland. :V
Remind me what did we decide we were doing next?
Raiding their accountants?
Raiding portland?
Well, I don't think we decided on anything, as such, yet.

We've got Jace's Operation: Blackmail Port Authorities, and the idea to put out some bait and see what bites in regards to our employer and the mission being compromised, and we've got the "data-raid on the accountants" suggestion.
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Waiting out at the mission for a little while to lower Heat some more would probably be a good idea. We also really need to have everyone come to the conclusion that there's no choice but to try to expose the vampire/aliens rather than try to go to ground. After that dramatic scene we've got a bunch of options to harass Starlight and get more information.
My plan is to blackmail the port authority in charge of the area where Starlight is getting its heavy shit so we can sit in and observe the next shipment.