Night's Black Agents: Burned in Burnside


Rise for the Shadow Queen
Dream of The 90s
One things for sure, you never thought you might die in Portland.

The job smelled from the moment you took it but you're a burned agent. Whether its for money or kicks or to just feel like you're still alive, you needed a job and for your sins, you got one.

It seemed simple enough, like all things that are trouble. Billionaire wanted a snatch and grab on someone he swears is his dead son, who died in the war a few years ago. Claims he tried through proper channels, throwing around as much weight and money as possible, and in return one of his factories overseas coincidentally suffered from a terrorist raid that killed everyone inside under suspiciously clean circumstances. So he goes to a facilitator in order to hire a crack team of people who'll do the shady things he needs done: Grab his son and bring him to a location of his choosing. So you stepped off on the most simple mission of your life.

And that's when it all turned to shit.
This is going to be a campaign using the Nights Black Agents campaign setting for GUMSHOE, as previously described here

Rules can be found here, though we can maybe work something out as a share given I actually own multiple licenses for the rules.

Going to be either a live campaign or play by post depending on how things go.
For the people who are interested but aren't familiar with GUMSHOE or NBA mechanically, here's a form fillable character sheet for you to play with a bit and a number of pregen characters; these should give you a rough idea of what an agent looks like, although until OP gives us more details on the game I'd suggest holding off on putting down anything but a basic concept and some general notes.

totes already made a character because I know NBA inside and out suckas
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I'm just gonna assume there's no more room here? Shame if that's so.
Time to put all my points in explosive devices, shooting, and preparedness. That way I can be Joseph Jostar

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