'New!" I'm Gonna Vortex World This Bitch! an SMT RP

World Revolution Start


Be Attitude For Gains: Fight For Truth
Somewhere: It'd be Specified, but....

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

@madderbatter @jerry larry
You two proceed down a hallway that is like the rest except... The path is rough, the ground is uneven and the walls bear the scars of countless battles. When you reach the end, you see a series of identical doors with a fresco above them. The fresco, depicts and featureless human standing in the middle of the road. Angels and demons stand at their sides while others stand away from them, calling them towards the paths they have set forth. There is though, a third path, murky and hidden. While it seems previously walked, it still appears unknown. You open the doors and step out with a sense of trepidation and hope at your backs.

@Nihilo @BlackCat-055
You two proceed down the hallway that calls you. The walls display patterns of red against the blue. Somthing within them calls out to you, but you proceed forward anyway. At the end, there are doors and fresco above them. Twelve candles laid out reverently on the edges of a silk clad table. In the center is an ornate bowl. You might say that it would normally hold a holy host. However, in it are several comma like objects of an unknown purpose. You proceed through the doors with uncomfortable itch at the back of your neck that passes as quickly as it comes.

@ForgottonFuture @kinigget @Noob5674 @Floom
You proceed down the hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structures reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.

@Xalgeon @Swarmingu @UbeOne @Atma Warrior
You see a hallway that calls to you and proceed down it. The walls are different and the smell of rain of permeates the path. At the end of the hallway are several doors all the same, with a large fresco above them. It depicts a world of rain where men and women become beasts that fight for paradise under a black sun. You proceed through the doors with feeling a hunger that passes as quickly as it came.

You all feel the sun and the wind on your faces and you open your eyes. It's a pleasant mid afternoon day. The sun is shinning, the temperature is cool, and the clouds that are in the sky are the idealistic fluffy ones. You know the kind.... Except something is wrong. This isn't your home. Wherever you were, wherever you came from is not this place and through the natural grogginess of waking up from a deep sleep, you all here a great many noises. People, all talking at once, with some louder than others and all talking about the same thing. Even though you can't make out what they say at first, it slowly coalesces into one stream of ever present thought.

Massacre at Yoyogi Park
Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"
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Yoyogi Park

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

@ForgottonFuture @kinigget @Noob5674 @Floom
You proceed down the hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structures reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.

You all feel the sun and the wind on your faces and you open your eyes. It's a pleasant mid afternoon day. The sun is shinning, the temperature is cool, and the clouds that are in the sky are the idealistic fluffy ones. You know the kind.... Except something is wrong. This isn't your home. Wherever you were, wherever you came from is not this place and through the natural grogginess of waking up from a deep sleep, you all here a great many noises. People, all talking at once, with some louder than others and all talking about the same thing. Even though you can't make out what they say at first, it slowly coalesces into one stream of ever present thought.

Massacre at Yoyogi Park
Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"
Some people, would panic at appearing in a new place with 0 clues of where they are. Others, would calmly investigate their surroundings for clues. Even fewer would investigate themselves for some mythical trait in hope of escaping normality. Ken...is neither of these, and it shows when he simply rolls over from his sleep off of the apparent bench he was laid upon...

And promptly goes "Bleh," from the impact of him and the ground. It does wonder for waking him up though, and he promptly looks at his phone and just shrugs at the message. And then the reporter shoved a recorder at his face and he did his go-to response that'll get him out of any situation. (He's only done this once before, so it's got a 100% success rate)

He tilts his head before shuffling away with confusion (It's not fake if he is feeling confused), and just keep doing it while making it very clear they ain't getting shiiiiit from him, at least until he gets to a reasonable distance away before just walking with a firm pace.

He's not really gonna question the new app and message though, so he simply opens up a Map app to just guide him to the Medical Center. Nobody tends to bother people who look like they are on a task and know what they're doing. Even if they are just a kid.
Massacre at Yoyogi Park
Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"
The names click together nigh-instantly, and the internal screaming starts in the earnest. He firmly pushes the part of him chanting 'shitshitshit' like a mantra off to the side, and got to work on saving his own hide.

Alright, while he had zero compunctions summoning while those cameras were pointed at him since everything was gonna flush down the shitter in record time, the damn app was still downloading. So, give a brief statement, boot up google maps and leg it to the hospital.

He took the mic front and centre, returning the favour of getting up in his face, "I believe that this is further proof that humanity as a whole is a hot mess of issues. HOWEVER, since we, as a species, are still around and have managed to stick around so long while somehow managing to progress, I believe there's still reason to have faith in humanity. Just keep on failing forward. Peace!"

And with that he kept going and shouldered past the reporters and into the crowd, phone in his hand with a route to the hospital already on.
Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

@madderbatter @jerry larry
You two proceed down a hallway that is like the rest except... The path is rough, the ground is uneven and the walls bear the scars of countless battles. When you reach the end, you see a series of identical doors with a fresco above them. The fresco, depicts and featureless human standing in the middle of the road. Angels and demons stand at their sides while others stand away from them, calling them towards the paths they have set forth. There is though, a third path, murky and hidden. While it seems previously walked, it still appears unknown. You open the doors and step out with a sense of trepidation and hope at your backs.

@Nihilo @BlackCat-055
You two proceed down the hallway that calls you. The walls display patterns of red against the blue. Somthing within them calls out to you, but you proceed forward anyway. At the end, there are doors and fresco above them. Twelve candles laid out reverently on the edges of a silk clad table. In the center is an ornate bowl. You might say that it would normally hold a holy host. However, in it are several comma like objects of an unknown purpose. You proceed through the doors with uncomfortable itch at the back of your neck that passes as quickly as it comes.

@ForgottonFuture @kinigget @Noob5674 @Floom
You proceed down the hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structures reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.

@Xalgeon @Swarmingu @UbeOne @Atma Warrior
You see a hallway that calls to you and proceed down it. The walls are different and the smell of rain of permeates the path. At the end of the hallway are several doors all the same, with a large fresco above them. It depicts a world of rain where men and women become beasts that fight for paradise under a black sun. You proceed through the doors with feeling a hunger that passes as quickly as it came.

You all feel the sun and the wind on your faces and you open your eyes. It's a pleasant mid afternoon day. The sun is shinning, the temperature is cool, and the clouds that are in the sky are the idealistic fluffy ones. You know the kind.... Except something is wrong. This isn't your home. Wherever you were, wherever you came from is not this place and through the natural grogginess of waking up from a deep sleep, you all here a great many noises. People, all talking at once, with some louder than others and all talking about the same thing. Even though you can't make out what they say at first, it slowly coalesces into one stream of ever present thought.

Massacre at Yoyogi Park
Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"
I barely manage to see the message before flinching back slightly from the recorder being shoved into my face. "That it's a tragedy and I hope nothing like it happens again. Now if you excuse me, I need to get going, I don't want my friends to be worried." I give a nervous smile and went off away from the crowds and all the noise. Once I was out of the crowd, I pulled out google maps and promptly bee-lined to the center, nervous as hell. DSP..? Demon Summoning Program.. What was up with that dream.. Fuck it too many questions, not enough answers.. Least my cosplay's intact and letting me pass..
Alice goes crosseyed at the microphone in front of her before recognizing that she's been asked a question. "Eh? Well..." she has no idea where she is or what exactly happened, but "tragedy" is easy to respond to. She shrugs expansively "shit be fucked yo". And then her brain catches up with her mouth and she winces. "Er...to put it in words you can actually broadcast, the situation is awful, but at this point all that can be done is picking up the pieces and dealing with the aftermath. On that note, I should be going". She dashes off after the people she remembers walking down that hall with yelling "wait for me!"
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Alice goes crosseyed at the microphone in front of her before recognizing that she's been asked a question. "Eh? Well..." she has no idea where she is or what exactly happened, but "tragedy" is easy to respond to. She shrugs expansively "shit be fucked yo". And then her brain catches up with her mouth and she winces. "Er...to put it in words you can actually broadcast, the situation is awful, but at this point all that can be done is picking up the pieces and dealing with the aftermath. On that note, I should be going". She dashes off after the people she remembers walking down that hall with yelling "wait for me!"
Hearing the exclamation in english, which incidentally made him realise that he had somehow understood perfectly the japanese reporter. So. Inbuilt translator? Time to test that theory. As such, he cranked up his voice as high as it'd go and let her have both barrels of his mothertongue, "I UNA MERDA HEM VAIG JO A PARAR PER TU, QUE ET PENSES QUE FAIG CARA DE TONTO!? AVUI ES DIA DE CAMES, NENA, SO CALLA I CORRE!" [Like hell I'm stopping for you, do I look like an idiot!? Today's Leg Day, girl, so shut it and run!]
[Like hell I'm stopping for you, do I look like an idiot!? Today's Leg Day, girl, so shut it and run!]
Alice flips off the bearded asshole more on reflex than anything else, before realizing that that wasn't English, and yet she understood it perfectly. The shock brings her to a halt for a moment, before she redoubled her speed yelling every curse in every language she knows
Alice flips off the bearded asshole more on reflex than anything else, before realizing that that wasn't English, and yet she understood it perfectly. The shock brings her to a halt for a moment, before she redoubled her speed yelling every curse in every language she knows
He cackled, now right back in familiar territory, prodding others into performing at their best out of sheer anger and spite, "NOW THAT'S THE SPIRIT, GIRLY! C'MON, YOU AIN'T GETTING A PIECE OF THIS!" at that he loudly smacked his own ass before shifting into an all out run, "WITHOUT HURRYING THE FUCK UP!"
I stare at the reporter like a deer in the headlights of an eighteen wheeler going sixty.

"I'm sorry, Sol.exe has suffered catastrophic system malfunctions, please wait for reboot.... Fuuuuuuuucccckkkkk."

I blink, look at the reporter then back to my phone before responding.

"It's a terrible crime that should be met with law's utmost penalties. I'd comment more but I was heading to a doctor's appointment. So! Have a good and for all the kids out there, crack is whack!" I say as I pat the reporter on the arm in order to sidestep her.

"Crack is whack? Seriously! World's about to end and I say that? God help me... Brahmin help. Yeah he was the... You know what I mean!" I mentally roar as I input the address.

Hearing the exclamation in english, which incidentally made him realise that he had somehow understood perfectly the japanese reporter. So. Inbuilt translator? Time to test that theory. As such, he cranked up his voice as high as it'd go and let her have both barrels of his mothertongue, "I UNA MERDA HEM VAIG JO A PARAR PER TU, QUE ET PENSES QUE FAIG CARA DE TONTO!? AVUI ES DIA DE CAMES, NENA, SO CALLA I CORRE!" [Like hell I'm stopping for you, do I look like an idiot!? Today's Leg Day, girl, so shut it and run!]
Alice flips off the bearded asshole more on reflex than anything else, before realizing that that wasn't English, and yet she understood it perfectly. The shock brings her to a halt for a moment, before she redoubled her speed yelling every curse in every language she knows

"That was... spanish and I heard as both... follow leg day man, just follow leg day man. Oi! Espere!" I shout aloud before I began to run after them
"That was... spanish and I heard as both... follow leg day man, just follow leg day man. Oi! Espere!" I shout aloud before I began to run after them
Well, what's one more to the pile? He had just the thing, too, "NO TINC TEMPS PER A UN PUTO PORC ESPANYOL! VIVA LA REPUBLICA CATALANA! IN! DEPE! INDEPENENCIA! IN! DEPE! INDEPENENCIA! IN! DEPE! INDEPENENCIA!" [I don't have time for a fucking spanish pig! Long live the Catalonian Republic! (Segmented "independency!" shouts, classic rallying cry back in home sweet Catalonia)]
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Massacre at Yoyogi Park
Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"

I give the reporter a blank look before processing what she just said. " Whats a NHK, is it some type of food?". Oh my phone is vibrating, taking it out of my jacket pocket I quickly looked at both of the notifications. Ok so there's a app called DSP, and a message that basically said 'get out of this place a go to the medical center'. Ok I probably should get out of here, but before I do I'm going to say something werid. Putting my phone away and facing the reporter I said this to her: " Flat is justice and mandarin oranges are the best". I then quickly ran off in a random direction, trying not to laugh my ass off but to no avail.
I just stared at the mic the reporter shoved at my face. Something about Yoyogi sounded familiar to me. What the fuck am I doing here? Then my phone buzzed. I excused myself and checked my messages.
I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
Then I saw the DSP being installed on my phone. Fuck. The apocalypse is here. Great. Wonderful. Just what I ordered.

Which idiot triggered the end of the world this time?

"Sorry but I can't help you with the interview." I said to the reporter as pleasantly as I could. "Although if I were you i'd leave this place."

Then I checked Google maps and followed the way to Shinjuku Medical Center.
Well, what's one more to the pile? He had just the thing, too, "NO TINC TEMPS PER A UN PUTO PORC ESPANYOL! VIVA LA REPUBLICA CATALANA! IN! DEPE! INDEPENENCIA! IN! DEPE! INDEPENENCIA! IN! DEPE! INDEPENENCIA!" [I don't have time for a fucking spanish pig! Long live the Catalonian Republic! (Segmented "independency!" shouts, classic rallying cry back in home sweet Catalonia)]
I manage to catch up to the two before responding.

"Not the time!"

I look at @kinigget and quickly yell.

"Quickly! We'll all survive the fuck out of this!"



Before tripping over someone. I didn't even see the... guy.... I think. Couldn't tell because of the beige ragged coat.

"Sorry sir! I'd help you but I gotta go!" I yell as I speed off.

I never notice the man quietly slink back into an alley and disappear.
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I manage to catch up to the two before responding.

"Not the time!"

I look at @kinigget and quickly yell.

"Quickly! We'll all survive the fuck out of this!"



Before tripping over someone. I didn't even see the... guy.... I think. Couldn't tell because of the beige ragged coat.

"Sorry sir! I'd help you but I gotta go!" I yell as I speed off.

I never notice the man quietly slink back into an alley and disappear.
He didn't need to be told twice. He might not have the best constitution, but he had long legs and a complete willingness to ignore their desire to murder the shit out of him for what he was putting them through.

He switched displays in the phone for a second, checking if the app had finished downloading already. C'mon, he wanted to summon someone who'd give him a free ride into the hospital.

I never notice the man quietly slink back into an alley and disappear.
Walking at his own pace, Ken is noticeably slower than the others rushing away, but he doesn't even realize there were others who were heading to the same location.

He does, however, notice the guy who was tripped on slink into an alley and just looks to see where he's going...before looking around the corner and see him disappear into thin air. Tilting his head, Ken just heads into the alley before dicking about and trying to see where he went for a while. He doesn't find anything meaningful though, so he just pouts before continuing his journey.

And on a different route due to taking detours by multiple alleyways too. He did find a rat though. It ran too close to the kid and received a kick for doing so. Managed to land in a dumpster, so he went off with a somewhat pleased mood.
Yoyogi Park (?), Tokyo, Japan
What is this, Central Park?

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

@Xalgeon @Swarmingu @UbeOne @Atma Warrior
You see a hallway that calls to you and proceed down it. The walls are different and the smell of rain of permeates the path. At the end of the hallway are several doors all the same, with a large fresco above them. It depicts a world of rain where men and women become beasts that fight for paradise under a black sun. You proceed through the doors with feeling a hunger that passes as quickly as it came.

You all feel the sun and the wind on your faces and you open your eyes. It's a pleasant mid afternoon day. The sun is shinning, the temperature is cool, and the clouds that are in the sky are the idealistic fluffy ones. You know the kind.... Except something is wrong. This isn't your home. Wherever you were, wherever you came from is not this place and through the natural grogginess of waking up from a deep sleep, you all here a great many noises. People, all talking at once, with some louder than others and all talking about the same thing. Even though you can't make out what they say at first, it slowly coalesces into one stream of ever present thought.

Massacre at Yoyogi Park

Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.

And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"

That was a really weird dream... all kinds of fantastical imagery were all around me, and I wasn't the only one walking about. What was that all about? There were also paintings of people turning into... creatures? Animals? Monsters? What first came to mind were werewolves. And then there was that flash of hunger, but it felt different from needing breakfast...

Finding myself elsewhere, a park in the middle of a city, proves to be rather disorienting. The noises around me, even more so. Something about a... massacre? What? My Discord notifications are off, yet one somehow arrives, my phone even vibrating when that was toggled off too. It's not safe here, it says. Go immediately to some hospital in Tokyo, it says. I dunno if it's true, but I can't help but feel that it's better to be safe than sorry. I'd rather not be around should a monster appear and turn everyone into goo, for instance. That's fantastical, of course, but the situation somehow reminds me of that. Seeing an unknown app, DSP, downloading itself is also concerning, but I'll deal with that when I'm out of here, wherever here is.

Seeing a media person, speaking quickly to me in Japanese that I could somehow translate into English, doesn't help my mood either. "I don't know... I don't know... I should go..." I softly stammer out, somehow speaking the same language as she is. Wait, my voice sounds feminine like hers. I wonder...

Seeing the ones I walked with running towards a general direction, I follow them, trying my best to keep up. I don't wanna get lost here! On a side note, I feel two weights on my chest, slightly bobbing up and down with my movements, and they make me smile.

Using my phone, which can somehow download something despite being in another country altogether, I take a look at Google Maps. Where is that Shinjuku hospital...?
Massacre at Yoyogi Park
Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"
Nakayami Runa
"I thought that it was such a horrible situation. Nobody ever deserved to have that ever happened to them. I hope such an awful tragedy would never ever happened again." Runa said to the reporter before she politely excuses herself. The strange message on her phone urged her to go to the hospital and for some reason Runa couldn't find it in her to ignore it.
"what? why, wait, what are we running from?"

Needless to say, Alice was becoming concerned
He let out a humourless chuckle, not slowing down in the slightest, "The world running out of batteries and doing a hard shut down, lass. If you aren't in one of the safe zones, you get melted down into slime. So haul ass before I hammer throw your sorry behind into that hospital!"
Tokyo, Japan
That sounds familiar

"Quickly! We'll all survive the fuck out of this!"
"what? why, wait, what are we running from?"

Needless to say, Alice was becoming concerned
He let out a humourless chuckle, not slowing down in the slightest, "The world running out of batteries and doing a hard shut down, lass. If you aren't in one of the safe zones, you get melted down into slime. So haul ass before I hammer throw your sorry behind into that hospital!"

I hear conversation ahead, but that last bit gets me the most. Melted into slime? "Parasite Eve is a thing here?!" It doesn't help that I was roleplaying as an Eve in an FI, and that I recently played through the game.

I can't help but try to run faster. I need to be as far away from the danger as possible!
He let out a humourless chuckle, not slowing down in the slightest, "The world running out of batteries and doing a hard shut down, lass. If you aren't in one of the safe zones, you get melted down into slime. So haul ass before I hammer throw your sorry behind into that hospital!"
That brings Alice up short. "The Apocalypse eh? Shit, not like I had any plans for the near future anyway. Where's that hospital anyway? I'll race ya"
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Ok I've been running around for a minute, and I have no idea where to go. I stop in my tracks I completely forgot about the GPS!. Shaking my head at my memory, I take out my phone, and turned on the GPS. Hopefully I find the Medical Center

"Parasite Eve is a thing here?!"

I hear someone mention Parasite Eve up ahead, and sprinted towards them. I've got a feeling following the owner of the voice, will lead me to where i need to go.
That brings Alice up short. "The Apocalypse eh? Shit, not like I had any plans for the near future anyway. Where's that hospital anyway? I'll race ya"
He gave her his best, widest shit eating smile, "Oh, don't you worry, just follow the trail of dust you'll be chewing on."

And with that he put out another burst of speed.

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

@ForgottonFuture @kinigget @Noob5674 @Floom
You proceed down the hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structures reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.

You all feel the sun and the wind on your faces and you open your eyes. It's a pleasant mid afternoon day. The sun is shinning, the temperature is cool, and the clouds that are in the sky are the idealistic fluffy ones. You know the kind.... Except something is wrong. This isn't your home. Wherever you were, wherever you came from is not this place and through the natural grogginess of waking up from a deep sleep, you all here a great many noises. People, all talking at once, with some louder than others and all talking about the same thing. Even though you can't make out what they say at first, it slowly coalesces into one stream of ever present thought.

Massacre at Yoyogi Park
Perhaps some of you don't understand the meaning of that name or nature of the situation, but for those that do, a cold feeling settles within you. You know Yoyogi park and the nightmare that follows. Then two things happen. The first, is that you feel your phones vibrate and there are two things occurring. The first are two notifications on your phone, a message on your Private Channels on Discord from a user named BoxCat. It reads as follows:

I would suggest that you not linger at Yoyogi Park, your not safe there. Get to Shinjuku Medical Center. NOW.
And an app that is downloading. All that can be seen of it is the abbreviation DSP. The second, is a woman all but shoving a recorder your faces before saying.

"Fujiwara Yayoi of the NHK. As newcomers to the site of this tragedy, what are your views on the current situation?"

Hana quietly awoke from her strange tree beneath the shade of a large tree. Blinking blearily, she could not help but wonder what that dream was all about...

So strange, but she felt like it mattered a lot.

But one more blink later and Hana quickly realized that she fell asleep in her bed, and woke up underneath a tree.

Startled, the young girl quickly sat up from beneath her tree, quickly checking herself over.

She was dressed, and she even had her phone. But when she checked it, something weird was happening with it. And when the message suddenly played, Hana got really confused.

It didn't help that a lady with a recorder came up to her and asked her a question.

That was pretty scary, for a child who didn't know what was going on. The best she could do was stammer inaudibly, before running away.

Once more underneath another tree, Hana tried to make sense of everything. She was somewhere called Yoyogi Park? And something bad had happened here...

Maybe the lady who sent her the message knew what happened to her? And how she could get home?

But she didn't know how to get to the hospital...

But she had her phone!

What was is it.... Shin-juku Medical Center?

Her phone quickly pulled up a route, and Hana began walking as quickly as her small legs could carry her, nervously glancing around at all the strangers around her.

She wanted to go home. Hopefully this lady would know how she could do that...