'New!' I'm Gonna Vortex World This Bitch! an SMT RP

OOC Introduction


Be Attitude For Gains: Fight For Truth
Somewhere: It'd be Specified, but....
You ever either gone to bed or take a quick nap and have that one dream? You know, the one that's so real you can still feel everything at the edge of your mind. Well, you've all had a dream like that, one in which you existed within a crystalline realm. One with faceless figures, various shapes within the walls both beautiful and terrifying, and so many voices trying to catch your attention. Then you wake up and find your not where you were once and that maybe it isn't just your location isn't the same. Perhaps you've changed too...

Welcome to Yoyogi Park, the nightmare has returned....

Post-Vortex Power (Fusion, Atma, Magatama or Human Strength):
Theme Song:
  1. All players start with DSP on their cell phones Courtesy of a mysterious backer. This also applies to everyone else in the city. Players can recruit demons via money, goods, or impressive acts.
  2. Once Vortex world occurs players will receive transformations. The lead up is handled by the GM but the actual transformation and everything that goes with it is handled by the players. (And I do mean everything)
    1. Human Form: Base State for humans. It offers no inherent bonuses or disadvantages. Deeds and actions may allow for demons to flock to you in awe and may garner rewards provided you can impress them enough. These rewards can be different weapons and armor that are possibly unavailable to other players. Otherwise, most demons will see you as nothing more than food.
    2. Fusion: Fused state between a human and demon. This state grants the power of demons to humans. However, the power is determinant on the demon fused with. There is no set upper limit for this course of action, but be aware that faulty fusion may result in complications. Note, fused characters will be seen as other demons by demons and as a result, they can easily fly under the radar in most situations. Mental Contamination will eventually occur, leading to personality and goal shifts.
    3. Atma Brand: Demon Transformation: Far more stable than fusion with increased ability pool and access. However, there is a price. A players who chooses this will have to consume magnetite found in demons. While it may be considered a normal actions by demons, it may cause problems with relations with other non demons down the line. Elemental state of the Atma avatar establishes what element you are best with as well as determining what you are weakest to. Players who pick Atma as their route should either provide a picture or write a description of what their demon form looks like and state where the Tattoo (Atma Brand) is located on their bodies.
    4. Magatama: The Ultimate Transformation, Extremely wide ability to choose from via found or bought Magatamas. Players who choose this, maintain a near human appearance with very little to no negative mental and physical effects. However, players who choose this will be the focus of recruitment by the factions post Conception event. Strengths and weaknesses can be altered by the switching of magatama.
  3. Players can acquire armor and items if they find them, and this acts like an inventory system.
  1. Be Cool: Whats IC is IC and OC is OC, let's not anger each other.
  2. The Meta Shield is EXTREMELY Poisoned: Not everything is as some remember, always remember that and expect the butterflies of doom.
  3. Get Creative: Simple Really, got an idea? Run with it.
  4. Don't hesitate to ask questions OC, especially when it comes to PVE/PVP. Due to the inherent faction system, it could lead to interesting story events.
  5. Have fun.
In the link below is an item list for, well some of the major items that will appear in this RP. Some items are listed as ????. That's because they are either story based items that spoil things or they're surprises for the players.

“New I’m Gonna Vortex World This Bitch

“New I’m Gonna Vortex World This Bitch!” Item List - Weapons, Armor, SP Items Without Many Spoilers Standard Items as life stones and other such curatives are being bought over directly from SMT 3. SP Items Phone: Standard Communication Device-Contains Lv1 Demon Summoning App (DSP) COMP - Co...
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Will - Magatama
Name: Will answer to "Will" and "Nihilo", but is otherwise infuriatingly obtuse in this matter
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: This
Starting Outfit: Loose grey shirt, black waterproof anorak, black backpack, light brown cargo pants, brown mountain shoes.
Post-Vortex Power: Magatama
Personality: When out and about among strangers, he is a bottomless well of apathy. Get his interest and he'll turn into a cheerfully insane ball of energy more than happy to talk your ear off. He is a degenerate through and through, which he takes pride in, although unless he feels comfortable he will keep his powerlevel firmly under wraps. He is also a consummate troll and reaction junkie, as anyone with the misfortune of being stuck with him for any length of time can attest to. His weirdness threshold is best described as "yes", he claims it is due to taking the scientific method to heart, "there's no such thing as breaking the laws of reality, just proving that they aren't as we thought. Conservation of mass can be bypassed? Neat, strike that law out of the current paradigm and get to work on figuring out where the next discernable limit is". Then again, if Cthulhu walked up to him and invited him over for tea he'd accept in a heartbeat, so it may just be him being too insane to phase.
Background: Catalonian university student working on a Biotech Major.
Theme song:
Lilliana - Fusion
Name: Lilliana ("Three L's! Not two! Why is it so hard for people to get that!")

Before the conception she's cosplaying. Afterwards? Well.. It's not cosplay anymore. She's around 5 feet tall. After the conception, she's gained demonic white wings, a white spaded tail, and a small pair of horns.

"I rock the cosplay and well.. I'm even hotter when it stops being cosplay."
Starting outfit, this is subject to change as the game progresses: See her pic.
Age: She's a adult, and that's all you need to know.
Sex: Female ("I'm a girl, deal with it.")

Personality: Kind to her friends, apathetic to most people. She's impulsive, and has one hell of a temper and a sadistic streak. She would rather read or be on the internet then deal with most people, and can be shy at times. However she is very protective of the people she cares for. She's a frequent daydreamer, even if she doesn't state what's in those daydreams. Can be very abrasive when it comes to people in-between her and what she wants. Can be prone to misunderstandings.

Background: A trans-girl from NH, who was quite introverted offline, in contrast to her online behavior. People where too loud and too annoying for her, and the fact that she's got her own issues meant she was rarely seen out of her house.

Post-Vortex Power (Fusion):
The conception fused a demon to her? She's not truly sure, but she feels different, and at times it feels like she's two people in one body... Least whatever it was fixed up her body. As far as she can tell, it was some kind of succubus... The wings and tail that keep showing up are a pain in the ass though for wrecking her clothes.

"I'm hot, at the very least part demon now, and I am not going to let anyone take this from me."

Theme Song:
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Sol - Atma
Name: Sol Walsh

Wears a black suit jacket over that shirt with black pants and shoes. Typically always wears square rimmed glasses.
"I may not be wearing glasses right but damn my eyes suck..."

Age: 24
Sex: Male

Personality: An overly polite man at first meeting. Despite his reserved nature, he's not adverse to starting conversations with strangers to pass the time. As he begins to get to know others around him, the more he opens up, often exchanging sardonic jokes with others. These jokes often fall under the category of "If you fall, I'll laugh then help you up." But they're never meant to be of ill will, just something to help get people's mind off things for a brief moment. Due to his career in both academics and in the workforce, he's very accepting of things. If they happen, well time to make the best of it and move on.

Background: A Receptionist working on his PHD in Political Science.

Atma Brand and Location: Magma Spike - Appears as a circle with six spikes trailing from it, five of the spikes trail up his fingers to the first knuckle while the last extends just past his wrist. located on the Back of the Right Hand
Atma Avatar: Surtr
Atma Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/...xrGpxxeOpULwlruxrrL4-21UUoM-msyFoyGPddX1L7uBf

Theme Song:
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Ken - Fusion
Name: Ken
Stands under 4 feet tall, has mostly a dead tired face with little to no emotion plastered onto it.
Age: 7
Personality: Going at his own pace, if he has work to do, he finishes it quick and immediately if possible. He hates working hard, and prefers to laze about and think further into things. He's not used to people connecting to him in a heart to heart, but if it's just sharing pleasantries, he's feeling none of it. He enjoys new things, and more precisely, learning to be better at new things as they come and go.

He's a natural at finding how something clicks into place, but rarely finds himself keeping focusing on things like a hobby or something. He has grown to enjoy some sadism on occasion though...(Some is an understatement) But...perhaps this child can still be brought to do some good in this world. He just needs the right push towards so.
Background: A child who has both too much time, and too little to keep him from making very bad thoughts. He's from a family with 4 other siblings, but everyone treated each other quite distantly, with everyone learning to handle themselves eventually. Of course, that also means he never really experienced something like family bonding, but never anything to make him hate them either.
Post-Vortex Power (Fusion, Atma, Magatama or Human Strength): Fusion
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Jake - Human
Name: Jake

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Personality: Very optimistic, but more than a little dim. He's friendly and generally willing to lend a hand, but he's also fairly impulsive and more likely to drag others into trouble. A loyal if shortsighted companion and someone who tries to always do his part in group efforts. Basically, he's an idiot, but he's a friendly idiot. He's also the 'go with the flow' type when it comes to shenanigans and sometimes causes some himself. And the last trait he has is his Myxophobia, if someone were to put slime in front of him he would ether freeze up or faint.

Background: A chief at a local restaurant trying to be better.
Post-Vortex Power (Fusion, Atma, Magatama or Human Strength): Human

Theme Song:
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Alice - Fusion
Name: Alice Healy
Theme Song:

Sex: female
Age: 18
Personality: A metalhead with a rebellious streak, she also has a tendency to try to bull straight throught her problems with sheer force of will and a stubborn refusal to back down.
Background: Alice actually had a mostly happy childhood, her parents aren't really sure where her love of all things weird and dark came from, but it was harmless enough so they decided to encourage it. She somehow managed to find some friends who shared her interests in high school, and their stories about the lengths they had to go to to sneak their hobbies around their parents left her with a newfound appreciation for the freedom and acceptance she'd grown up with. She was just about to leave for college when she was randomly dropped in Times Square.
Post-Vortex Power: Fusion
Just gonna put a post in to indicate my interest, I'll start brewing something up as soon as I can.
Hanna - Fusion
Name: Hana
Age: 7
Sex: Female
A shy girl, who had previously moved around for the past few years of her life until her parents finally settled down, and thus was unable to ever fully learn to socialize with her peers, resulting in timidity and meekness in her demeanor. Still, she seeks approval from adults where children have failed, and is thus a hard and diligent worker, willing to put in the effort to earn the approval of adults. She will get her work done as best as she can, but is hesitant to ask fro help, thinking she might be thought dumb.

Still, the meek and timid are rarely left alone, and Hana has been the recipient of many a hurtful word and deed. She tries to ignore the taunts and insults, and doesn't seek help from others for fear of being a crybaby. Thus, she has developed a method to cope with the stress, mainly in the form of curses. Dolls and images that she pretends are others, and whom she can safely and discretely lash out at. Perhaps it's disturbing to others, but others need not find out.

Background: An only child born to a family that had only put down roots long when she had turned 7, Hana comes from a loving and supportive family. Yet her shyness gained from years of being unable to establish friendships have left her school life less idyllic. She is praised as being a smart and diligent child, and is thus disliked among her peers. However, she hates admitting this to adults, thinking they would think less of her for it, so she keeps quiet, and takes the bullying herself, finding discrete outlets to deal with the pain.

Post-Vortex Power: Fusion

Theme Song:
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Marina - Human Strength
Name: Marina Camus
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Personality: A rather hot-headed pessimist with a very poor opinion of everyone, including herself. A part of her thinks that the world is doomed, and that everyone is going nowhere. She's twitchy, hotheaded and impatient, although she tends to keep it mostly to herself. She is also painfully self-aware enough to know that she has many shortcomings, and that her dislike of people is mostly her own fault.
Still, buried under all that anger, the anxiety and the tiredness is a genuine desire to improve, and the belief that humans can do better than this.
Aside from this, she also has a borderline obsessive desire to know and understand. This, plus her fairly good memory of written materials, means that she has such as and not limited to sciences, mythology, literature, the supernatural, and more.
Background: This poor sucker was a tourist. She was this close to burning out from her job, so she was more than glad to take all her vacation days and spend a few weeks in the countryside. She thought she'd have a great time when she got there, but then this shit happened.
Post-Vortex Power: Human Strength

Jenny - Magatama
(OOC:here's my sheet, hope it's okay, sorry if it's not to code or something)
Name: Jenny Incarnation

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Personality: Jenny Incarnation is usually a cheerful and energetic person, but living out in the streets made her a bit more grounded, she's still nice and energetic as before, but she attained a new jaded side which assumes the worst out of everything, and a sharp tongue that's ready to lash out at any moment.

She doesn't trust easily as before, but she's clingy for companionship from people she knows that won't beat her up and take everything she has. Life in the streets also made her more willing and more likely to go on the aggressive or offensive route.

Due to her asthma, she does not move as a lot as she used to, and while she still has energy, her coughing fits makes sure that she can't do anything with them.

Background: Once a young boy who had a somewhat normal life, he suddenly woke up in a random alley, with a different body, in a strange city, with nothing on her except the clothes on her back, a small wad of cash, and a phone.

Now a female, she lived out her life roaming the new city as a sort of hobo.
Post-Vortex Power: Magatama

Theme Song:
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Nakayami - Atma
Name: Nakayami Runa

Personal data :​
  • Height : 162 cm
  • Weight : 50 kg
  • Blood type : B+
Age: 17

Sex: Female

Runa is a cheerful, friendly girl. She comes from a wealthy family, and thus hasn't experienced much trouble in her life. Her parents also somewhat spoiled her as well. Despite this Runa is still a friendly and humble person. She's not unintelligent, as her parents made sure to give her the best education possible. As the result now she became a dilligent, well read, and studious young girl.

That said she is not perfect however. Runa is an unforgiving person, while it took a lot to make her hate you once you succeed she will remember it for the rest of her life. She's also easily jealous to those she perceived as superior for whatever reason, and tend to put unreasonable standards for herself. Other than that she's also somewhat dishonest, as she thought that it is always okay for inconvenient truth to be replaced with lies.

Background: A third year highschooler from Sapporo, Hokkaido. Daughter of a prominent businessman.

Post-Vortex Power : Atma
  • Atma Brand : Three leaves
  • Location : The nape
  • Atma Avatar : Ishtar
  • Atma Appearance :
Theme Song:
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Rae - Atma
Name: Rae
Age: 24
Sex: Female

Personality: Usually the quiet, introverted type, but can get excitable (whether in a subdued way or not) regarding things I like. Tends to stay out of arguments, unless they affect me greatly. Can have a bit of a temper when sufficiently provoked, as well as a vindictive side. Likes visualizing things, imagining nice situations, and sometimes, I just want to lose myself in them. Likes taking afternoon naps, too. Dislikes being interrupted at whatever I'm doing, which I can find to be annoying at times. In terms of my way of thinking, I tend to be more straightforward than eccentric, more realistic than fantastical.

Background: Uh, what am I doing here? Goodness, this is a strange and scary-looking place, one where angels and the Lord aren't the ones I believe in. This isn't like my safe, ordinary life back home as a university student... At least it's less noisy here, and I'm finally a girl in body now.

Post-Vortex Power:
Atma Avatar: Gaia
Atma Appearance:
Atma Brand: A segment of DNA, located on my right shoulder

Theme Song:
Zal - Atma
Name: Although not his officially recognised name, amongst his true friends, he goes by "Zal Aster" and it truly is the name he most recognises as `his`.

Appearance: A 5 foot eleven well-built male of mediterranean descent, witn dark brown shoulder-length, curly hair, matching eyes and a decent 5 o'clock shadow people often compare him to an off-colour Sirius Black.

Starting Outfit: Worn in denim jeans and a red t-shirt under a charcoal hoodie

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Personality: Although a seemingly laid-back guy, Zal has all the territorialness of a dragon, fiercely protective of what he views as `his`, he will go to the ends of the earth to protect and support his horde.

Alongside this, Zal has a habit of succumbing to his instincts and desires frequently, and although this has got him into far more trouble than he cares to admit, this Devil-may-care attitude combined with his protectiveness has earned him many friends over the years.

Background: Some would call Zal a miracle, a bad omen, or even a test from God Himself.

All of those are true, just as all of them are false.

What Zal is, is a Fighter.

Genetically paralyzed at eighteen months and slated to die by two-and-a-half, he died, medically, twice, by the age of seven with hundreds, if not thousands of near misses in the following fifteen years.

Living in a hospital for seven years, Zal had very few things of his own, as such, he grew overly protective of his stuff untill the nurses on his ward affectionately started calling him "little dragon".

Due to both his family's heavily religious nature and his own situation, he has a heavy distaste for the Abrahamic God. Viewing the world's broken state as proof that he abandoned his territory to fester and rot, which to Zal is the greatest sin a being can commit.

Medically isolated for the formative years of his life, Zal's favourite solitary passtime in his cubicle was imagining the world-hopping adventures of his imaginary self, Zal Aster. Becoming so intertwined with his alter ego, it was inevitable that he'd start identifying more with his fake name than his real one. To the point that in recent years, it has been the identity he has used online when not illegal or otherwise a faux pas.

Suddenly waking on a park bench in japan with a new body one day, his mind couldn't help but compare it to Zal's adventures and even as he celebrated his new found freedom, half-imagined instincts honed over a decade came to life.

It was time for The Actor to take the stage again!

Post-Vortex Power: [Atma]

Atma Brand: A coiling dragon head over my heart.
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IC and Charcater Tally
2 Magatama
2 Human
4 Fusion
4 Atma


'New!" I'm Gonna Vortex World This Bitch! an SMT RP IC

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look...