New Age of Legends (open collaborative)

Welcome to the New Age of Legends! An open collaborative timeline where we will explore an alternative Earth. Where the world as envisioned in everything from pulp stories to comic books to Saturday morning cartoons are not merely the realm of imagination but a very much real. Has we try to explore its effects both positive and negative, from super scientists building rockets to Mars to mad villains threatening to destroy entire cities.

All of which has been going on since at least the 1900's with Proto-Superheroes running around before WW1.
I like the sound of this
What do I do to help?

Edit: Could I post some proto-superheroes and what eras they pop up in just fine or do I have to follow some kind of procedure?
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Some stuff I thought up

The Pennypinchers
- A found family kinda deal, group of street kids from victorian London who frequently got into crazy misadventures while trying to escape poverty, love each other like siblings
- Entered the public eye when they stopped an undead Rasputin in their teenage years
- Able: Cleaned almost every chimney from the most toxic factories in London, has somehow adapted and gained an immunity to stuff like smog, poison gases, smoke, poison, nothing less than enough gallons of cyanide to kill 50 elephants can make him feel funny in any way, dumbest of the bunch but also the bravest
- Grisma: The greatest con-artist to ever live, also a little street urchin, not particularly sneaky but has a poker face that puts the devil to shame, literally, she won an actual poker game against the devil, mostly by cheating, satan is pissed but when she dies she'll at least unlive comfortably in the portion of hell she won in the bet, greediest of the bunch but the most intelligent
- Guther: Face is so hideous that his parents sold him to a circus, and if you look at it without the potato sack on you'll lose your mind slowly but surely, he is apparently immortal and in the early 2000s will establish a humanitarian group dedicated to helping children in need, is the most timid but the most empathetic of the group

- During 1918, world renowned scientist Dr Brassio sent a couple self replicating bronze drones to the moon to colonize in mankind's place until a rocket ship with actual people on it arrives
- Once mankind actually lands on there they will discover Lunar-Land, an entire city of brass robots, living in a anarcho-capitalist dystopia under a thin veneer of bronze casings with fancy carvings on them and bright moon crystal lights
- Turns out they glitched out when constructing the colonies and the data about mankind got jumbled up, they discovered capitalism, loved it, made their own currency Bronze-Bucks, economy, and multiplied, forming their own society over the years
- Most Lunar-Droids are humanoid, wearing clothes made from Moon-Spider silk, and big bronze round heads based off the astral body they live on, a popular company there manufactures commissioned big round heads of great quality
- The people that landed were immediately scammed out of all their valuables, luckily they could keep the suits and enough parts of the spaceship to get home alive

Tony The Toy Soldier
- Also from the Victorian Era, magical toy wooden toy soldier that grew to the size of a man, his origins are shrouded with mystery to most and he only entered the public eye after stopping a fleet of airships driven by hyper-intelligent chimps that consumed mushrooms from an ancient temple
- His actual origin was that some deathly sick toymaker wished upon a strange blue star in the sky for someone to protect his family when he passes on, and that wish was granted
- Tony protects the toymaker's family, and the descendants of it in the later years, while also serving out justice to all kinds of crazy foes, going on adventures, and trying to discover the secrets of the blue star
- There are other beings born from wishes upon the blue star, some are kind like Doggo Dan, the resurrected pet of a little girl, some are sick and twisted like Chained Charlie, born from one man's desire to see all bound and serving him
Look fun.

Serpent Pits: an underground fighting rings with multiple branches across the globe. The organization was established somewhere in the 70s following the rise of superpowered individuals and is currently one of the power faction in the modern time. The matches are livestreamed in certain cites and at certain times in the Underweb (basically dark web with extra things) with betting features, which can be money or other things...

The origin of the founder is unknown but the current leader of the Pits are known as Miss C. Luckily she have somewhat reformed the organization, they're still dangerous of course but with standards.

(Idk about any thing pre the 2000s so someone need to take care of that)
The Maw Of Hermidan
- During the colonization of Australia a collection of convict ships that were on their way to the country went missing on the voyage
- A couple months later a quarter of the ships returned with large amounts of damage, some battlescarred crewmen and convicts, dead bodies of passengers, and the pieces of unknown aquatic creatures bleeding black ichor
- The individuals that returned stated that they and the other ships were sucked into another dimension called the Maw Of Hermidan, a dimension of constant storms and rapid waves swirling towards a gaping tooth-filled abyss in the centre, big enough to eat planets
- Most of the ships weren't so lucky, crashing, sinking, getting sucked towards the centre, or being consumed by the many horrors under the waves
- But the ships that made it back learnt a trick, physics didn't make much sense in the Maw, some of the waves floated, pushed things upward, pushed things down, went in the opposite direction of the mouth, or were as still as lakes despite the turbulence around them, the surviving ships were able to sail towards what they dubbed "Salvation Spots" and did so repeatedly, fighting off the many monstrosities there
- The many individuals who survived became great comrades during those hellish days, as they fought tooth and nail together for survival, who was a loyal soldier to the crown and who was a common criminal didn't really matter there
- After months they returned after a bright light engulfed that entire dimension, before fading away, and they were back on earth
- The crewmen spoke out against the continued incarceration of their comrades, and some even ran off into hiding with those they bonded with, but the british government didn't particularly care, so the crewmen that spoke out were arrested, and the running convicts were recaptured or shot
- At the very least they got to see clear skies again

The Wraith: One of the most (in)famous vigilantes of the twentieth century the Wraith's true identity has remained a mystery to this very day. With even his known accomplices either being unaware of his secret identity or having taken it to their graves. Having first appeared in early 1930's Chicago fighting mob activity and the exotic villains that would become a hallmark of the modern era. The Wraith's nebulous career as a crime fighter would last over thirty years with his last confirmed sighting being in 1963 Panama city. Not counting the one time travel incident in 2008.

Many of his gadgets would go on to be hallmarks of crime fighters across the globe. That when coupled with reports of borderline supernatural ability to blend into the shadows has led to decades of rampant theories on his true identity.
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Some general ideas for this...

  • A G.I Joe meets Shield intelligence and special military organization responsible for fighting super terrorists, secret organizations and any other big time threats to the United States. Having it's origins in a turn of the century gentleman's club of globe trotting adventurers, super scientists and men of mystery. Only to become a de facto secret intelligence agency during the world wars. Before becoming it's modern incarnation.
  • A Superman Substitute and Captain Patriotic style superhero. Who's been active since ww2 and has done a massive amount of good across the world. Only he's feeling increasingly isolated and out of place in the modern world. Especially after the recent passing of his wife of over seventy years. Being genuinely worried he's loosing touche with his humanity.
  • A Cobra/Hydra organization of super terrorists hell bent on world domination. With their being at least two incarnations of the organization.
  • Mars and Venus are actually how golden age science fiction authors invisioned it. Complete with colorful alien space babes.
  • There are various kaiju that have become increasingly common since the use of atomic bombs in ww2.
  • At least two failed alien invasions
  • Global ban on AI following a narrowly averted Skynet incident.
Some general ideas for this...

  • A G.I Joe meets Shield intelligence and special military organization responsible for fighting super terrorists, secret organizations and any other big time threats to the United States. Having it's origins in a turn of the century gentleman's club of globe trotting adventurers, super scientists and men of mystery. Only to become a de facto secret intelligence agency during the world wars. Before becoming it's modern incarnation.
  • A Superman Substitute and Captain Patriotic style superhero. Who's been active since ww2 and has done a massive amount of good across the world. Only he's feeling increasingly isolated and out of place in the modern world. Especially after the recent passing of his wife of over seventy years. Being genuinely worried he's loosing touche with his humanity.
  • A Cobra/Hydra organization of super terrorists hell bent on world domination. With their being at least two incarnations of the organization.
  • Mars and Venus are actually how golden age science fiction authors invisioned it. Complete with colorful alien space babes.
  • There are various kaiju that have become increasingly common since the use of atomic bombs in ww2.
  • At least two failed alien invasions
  • Global ban on AI following a narrowly averted Skynet incident.
I think I could do something for a couple of those
Here is the one, just give me time to work on the rest

- The greatest hero who ever lived, capable of moving mountains with their bare hands and flying at speeds better than the best fighter jets, can make a psychic halo which fires lasers
- Is a tulpa born from the collective unconscious representing a mixture of the perfect man, a messiah figure, and a higher being, manifested into the main reality through the leftovers of a miscarriage, does not know he is a tulpa
- Raised by an italian-american family in chicago, first used his powers to stop a mugger trying to hurt his dad
- Started crime-fighting at 12, his first superhero title was Champion Child, shortened it to Champion during his teenage years
- Married a woman frontlines reporter by the name of Alicia Aines who he respected for letting the public back home know of the sacrifices the soldiers on the frontlines made for their country
- Has his disagreements with the American government and public regularly calling him "God's blessing to America", he does love the country but does not consider himself holy or America to be chosen by god
- Ceased aging when he was 20, he still loved his wife even when her time was getting closer and closer, it hurt when that time came, they were unable to have any biological children, Champion's dna is incompatible with most others since he was born of thoughts, not flesh, luckily adoption existed, so they raised some triplets, they're now a superhero trio called the Wonder-Team, he can already see their hair graying
- Mostly just hangs out in his secret fortress hidden within the martian icecaps
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The 'Kaiju' as the human called them are actually a ragtag of creatures that exists before the dinosaurs, before the gods that came to exist by mankind collective consciousness.

The Kaijus enter hibernation when the ice age began waiting for the world to warm up again.

During the range of human history Kaiju will periodically be awaken either by accident or intensional by outside forces. The WWs has awoke multiple lesser Kaiju from slumbering across the globe.

Notice that this only the lesser ones the big bads are still sleeping.
A G.I Joe meets Shield intelligence and special military organization responsible for fighting super terrorists, secret organizations and any other big time threats to the United States. Having it's origins in a turn of the century gentleman's club of globe trotting adventurers, super scientists and men of mystery. Only to become a de facto secret intelligence agency during the world wars. Before becoming it's modern incarnation
So its name is Gentle , owing to to its start as the Gentlemen's club for the protection and advancement of the world, the overly long name being Shortened to Gentle by telegram operators. There is a lot of Guessing on what Gentle would stand for as an acronym for new recruits.
There's also been "fads" for lack of a better term when it comes to recruiting new agents after it became a professional organization
80s it felt like everyone and their mother was a nice ninja warrior
90s a mix of "Action types"(read gun toting muscleman of few words) and investigators trying to dig up all manner of conspiracies.
2000s are a lot of cyborgs, hackers and the like start being selected
These "fads" are not hard rules but like trends that emerges
  • A Cobra/Hydra organization of super terrorists hell bent on world domination. With their being at least two incarnations of the organization
So to play on snake theme and being pretty old how about
Ouroboros- so they are hellbent on taking over the world but tend towards technocrat than other political leanings, which is why they tend to be more diverse in membership, then other organizations bent on Mayham, domination, & The like.

I think it be neat for the two incarnations to be kind of con-current with each other

Them being the Serpent Path and the Dragon Path the main dividing issue is how to go about the goal of conquering earth.

Serpent path , lead by Doctor Fang, fu Manchu type that is a humanoid Creature that's a hybrid of a tiger & snake, prefer a mostly soft power approach control the power structures and from there control the systems to control the people.

Dragon Path , lead By Caesarion , a enhanced clone of the legendary Enkidu, Favor the more traditional conquest through strength and military might
Most theologists, spiritualists, and religious folk don't exactly like talking about the cosmic hierarchy
Cause it is too long and weird
(Take this with a grain of salt, or just a whole pound)

Basic Cosmic Hierarchy

Lower Beings
- Humans
- Martians
- Those killer alien robot cultists on Saturn's rings
- Neanderthals
- Bacteria
- Trees
- Stuff like this

The Lower Gods
- Tulpa Gods: Born unintentionally from the minds of many beings
- Artificial Gods: Built from either magical and or technological means
- Unnatural Gods: Like tumours in reality, flaws in the universe that have grasped wills and power of their own, the most notable example being Carlos The Creepy Cat
- Gods Ascended: Lower beings that brought themselves up to the level of a god

Folk Of The Cosmic Court
- The Mathematical-Orchestra: 2-Dimensional beings which manipulate mathematics with the vibrations from the many oral orifices located across their bodies, can divide planets by 0 to annihilate them
- The Dukes Of Death: A group comprised of extremely powerful ghosts of people that commited suicide, fought their way too a position in the Court during the 1920s, youngest part of the hierarchy but certainly not the weakest, abilities are basic ghost stuff turned up a metric fuck ton in intensity combined with unique abilities based off their suicide methods and the reasons for them
- DOGS: Turns out all dogs and all similar creatures are part of one great spiritual being called DOGS, and each one is just a piece of its power being reincarnated then brought back to the fold, DOGS is the goodest boy/girl of the Cosmic Court
- The Mystery Man: Was supposed to be the most popular hero in the entire setting, but got scrapped for being a bit too campy with their whole Noir Detective theme so they were rejected, and repurposed into the sheriff of the Cosmic Courts, sorting out problems that affect the laws of reality, incredibly powerful, but these powers mainly manifest as Noir tropes, also he doesn't stop monologuing
- Spectra: Goddess of emotion, rainbow coloured and accompanied by a cult of eldritch musicians playing heartstring lyres, she is a fan of patterns without meaning nor purpose, lives in the Fortress Of Faces at the edge of the universe
- Facefaceface: A giant smiling head that appears around corners, very powerful and has participated and was a great strategic asset in multiple divine wars, a bastard child of Garganto with a mischievous side, and a desire

The Big Boys
- The Devil: Looks like a monochrome cartoon child, with a pair of devil horns, pie-cut eyes, and a pointed tail, genderless but is okay with any pronouns you give them, cruelty, greed, and evil is of course unisex, they manage the realms of suffering where their demonic hordes lurk, great manipulator, great liar, convinced almost everyone they were actually red and handsome
- Garganto: Consumes dimensions and flaws in the universe on the regular, considers himself a gourmet, turns out aspects of reality have tastes, the concept of Hitler's twin brother Udolf tasted like licorice, aka the guy Mystery Man feeds offenders of the laws of reality to
- Yoko: Actually is a very scary Yakuza boss from earth, but they intimidated their way up the cosmic ladder by accident, doesn't even know there is a chair in the big boy meeting room with her name on it, the others were just scared she might shoot them or something
- Infinax: The loop deity, a being born from an infinite time loop, their power effectively endless, they live in the Hallway-That-Doesn't-Stop somewhere in the 89875932047th Galactic Quadrant, mostly just messes with people in trippy ways
- Kyu-Neu The Blade Goddess: Giant woman in white robes wearing a pallid mask, wields a katana and is almost always seen kneeling, she was formerly part of an ancient pantheon that fell out of favour, she had killed and consumed her fellow gods to reach her position, the mask is to hide the curses they gave her during their final breaths
- Blue-Star: Most powerful of the big boys, grants wishes for no apparent reason and with no apparent pattern, just wanders, sometimes it reveals itself to someone and grants their wish, mindless but powerful, also has been there since the beginning
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- Kyu-Neu The Blade Goddess: Giant woman in white robes wearing a pallid mask, wields a katana and is almost always seen kneeling, she was formerly part of an ancient pantheon that fell out of favour, she had killed and consumed her fellow gods to reach her position, the mask is to hide the curses they gave her during their final breaths
Don't feel bad for her original pantheon, any of the other members would have done the same thing if they had been in her position. Also Kyu-Neu would actually be considered nice in comparison to other gods from her former pantheon and its properly a good thing that they aren't around anymore.