never mind mistake

Honestly I can't find threads for discussing fanfiction of Nintendo games and these sort of threads don't seemed to be against the rules so I making one. I encompassing all of Nintendo for now and if one particular games gets too discussed here we can split it off into it's own thread.

I guess for a first idea, a captain n reboot.

After the world of light and the heroes of such destroyed Galleen, all the worlds of nintendo became aware of each other. This wasn't a problem until the space pirates figured interuniverse travel and started a multidimesional attack. The conflict was hard fought and one of the consequesces was many universes figured out how to reverse engineer universe travel. With the cat out of the bag all the nintendo worlds exist in a complicated series of alliences the center of which is the palace of Power and the ultimate warp zone. This area has direct acess to every universe (otherwise you have to go through several universes to get to the one you want.) and this makes a tempting target for those with large ambitions. Also their are artifacts from is refered to as the creator realm that hold massive power but can not be directly used nintendo citizens.

Kevin Keen is a huge nintendo fan who had been summoned by princess Lana in a ritual as desperate attempt to summon someone from the creator realm that could use one of the artifacts, Kevin reconizines it as a famicom system but in the nintendo world it is a computer more advance then anything even from the metroid world. With Kevin help operating it they managed to stop villains from taking over the palace of power and they were going to send Kevin back but he insisted on staying. Lana Obligques.

The team in my head

Pit: Problem the only returning member in my version of the idea. He was sent by Palutena in a secret misson, to protect demigod daughter Lana.

Byleth: On loan from her Wife Edelgard for the Palace strike team in exchange for advance technology to be traded to Fodlan. She would be Kevin main combat teacher, teaching him to fight since besides his abilty to use artifacts he is just a normal kid in a world of video games where killing an army is a meh feat.

Post MM Link: After the world of Light where he met future incarnations of himself, he learned that cycle will never end natrually and hopes to find the answer to truly ending the cycles once in for all.

Samus: an On and off member of the group, usually only when on comissioned for a bounty or space pirates are involved.
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