Neon Dystopia: A Cyberpunk Odyssey

Neon Dystopia: A Cyberpunk Odyssey
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In a world where technology reigns supreme, James awakens, he finds himself amid a deadly battle between cyborgs and enigmatic soldiers. Thrust into the chaotic realm of Cyberpunk 2077, he must navigate a treacherous city filled with danger, intrigue, and staggering tech.

Gamer / Self Insert / OC-Male
Chapter 1: " A Cybernetic Emergence"
James blinked awake, his vision hazy and disoriented. A cold, metallic voice echoed in his head, as if he was the one speaking, and suddenly a screen materialized before him.

[Zetatech Cybernetic Interface v4.1.7. Initializing boot sequence…]

He winced, rubbing his temples as the voice droned on, listing various system checks and diagnostics. "What the hell is Zetatech, and why is it in my head?" he muttered, struggling to make sense of his surroundings.

The room looked like something out of a dystopian nightmare, bathed in the eerie glow of neon lights. Sleek, futuristic machinery stood alongside crude, makeshift tech that seemed cobbled together from a junkyard. It was a chaotic blend of advanced technology and desperate improvisation.

[[1/6] Scanning hardware... Done.]
[[2/6] Calibrating neural connections... Done.]
[[3/6] Establishing firmware communication... Done.]

As the boot sequence continued, James tried to sit up but found his body unresponsive, as if his limbs were disconnected from his mind. He fought against the sluggishness, willing himself to move. A strangled groan escaped his lips, the sound piercing the suffocating silence.

[[4/6] Loading user preferences... Done.]
[[5/6] Activating security protocols... Done.]

His eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light, and a wave of nausea washed over him as he took in the gruesome sight that surrounded him. Bloodied, dismembered bodies lay strewn across the floor, the coppery stench of death hanging in the air. Panic surged through James, and he redoubled his efforts to move, desperate to escape the macabre scene.

[[6/6] Synchronizing with Zetatech Cloud Services... Failed.]

[Attempting to Synchronize with Zetatech Cloud Services... Failed.]

[Warning! Unable to connect to Zetatech Cloud Services.]

[Recommend user, go to nearest Zetatech store or licensed technician for immediate repairs or replacement.]

As he continued to struggle, the Zetatech boot sequence droned on in his mind, gradually progressing through its initialization process. Finally, his body began to respond, albeit weakly. As he tried to sit up, a sudden, loud noise erupted from his limbs. He froze, his heart pounding in his chest. The noise must have alerted someone because the heavy door to the room swung open, revealing a pair of menacing, freakish-looking cyborgs.

[Boot sequence complete. Welcome, User ZMI-S231456ISR6.]

Their bodies were a sickening amalgamation of flesh and metal, patched together haphazardly with no regard for aesthetics. One had a grotesque, misshapen arm, which was covered in rusted metal plates and protruding wires. The other had a twisted, half-melted face, the remnants of human features barely discernible beneath layers of scarred tissue and cybernetic implants.

[Warning! Zetatech System Monitor Alert: Unauthorized access detected in subsystems.]

[Initiating intrusion countermeasures…]

James' mind raced, desperate to find a way out. He tried to focus on the Zetatech boot sequence echoing in his mind, hoping it might provide a way to regain control of his body. He mentally urged the sequence to complete faster, feeling a slight improvement in his motor functions as it progressed.

[[1/3] Scanning for intrusion source... Done. (Location: Auxiliary Memory Module 3)]
[[2/3] Attempting to purge unauthorized access... Failed. Intrusion persists.]
[[3/3] Isolating compromised subsystems... Partial success. Intrusion contained but active.]

The cyborgs noticed the change in his expression and grew visibly irritated. "What's the matter, meatbag?" the one with the twisted face snarled. "You think you can outsmart us?"

[Warning! System integrity compromised. Immediate action required.]

James felt his body gradually responding, but it wasn't enough. The cyborgs laughed at his pitiful attempts to move, their taunts filling the room like the cruel soundtrack to his nightmare.

[Attempting to contact Trauma Team International... Failed.]

[Error: Communication jamming detected. Unable to establish a secure connection.]

As the warnings continued to sound in his mind, James realized that he needed to get out of the area to receive help. But his body still wasn't fully responsive, and the cyborgs loomed over him, their cruel laughter echoing through the room.

[Warning! Suggestion: User is recommended to relocate to an area without communication jammers and attempt to re-establish contact with Trauma Team International. Immediate assistance is crucial to prevent further system damage and ensure user safety.]

Suddenly the hulking cyborg with the misshapen arm strode forward and smashed the butt of his rifle into James' head. The world went black as the pain exploded through his skull, and his fleeting hope of escape vanished into the darkness.

[Reminder: Zetatech is not responsible for any personal injury, data loss, or equipment damage resulting from unauthorized access or system tampering. Please refer to your Zetatech Cybernetic Interface User Agreement for more information.]

As consciousness began to slip away, the last thing James heard was the metallic voice in his head, repeating its warnings and suggestions. He knew he needed to escape and find help, but for now, the darkness claimed him, and his fate remained uncertain.

When James regained consciousness, he found himself submerged in an ice-cold bath, his chest sliced open and bleeding profusely. The distant sound of gunfire reached his ears, and he knew he had to escape. But his body still felt disconnected, unresponsive to his desperate commands.

"Why won't my body work?" James thought to himself, his panic growing.

As James struggled to stay conscious, he heard a commotion outside the door. The sound of cyborgs shouting in the other rooms and the sound of gunfire grew closer. He knew that he had to get out of there, but his body refused to cooperate.

"What's happening to me?" James whispered, his voice weak and shaky.

As he whispered, messages began appearing before his eyes, and he started reading them.

[Zetatech Cybernetic Interface v4.1.7 - System Alert!]

[Warning! Unauthorized implant removal detected.]

[02:35 AM: Removal of Left arm implant - Reinforced Muscular Structure (RMS-04).]

[User's body has sustained critical injuries, including:]

[Significant myofibril damage in the left upper extremity.]

[Connecting to Trauma Team International... Failed.]

[Signal jamming detected in the area.]

[Please proceed to the nearest hospital for immediate medical attention.]

[Suggestion: Relocate to an area without communication jammers and attempt to re-establish contact with Trauma Team International.]

[Warning! Unauthorized implant removal detected.]

[02:42 AM: Removal of Metabolic Regulator (MR-ZTR-12AC).]
[02:43 AM: Removal of Cranial Nerve Amplifier (CRA-ZT-4SA).]

[User's body has sustained additional critical injuries, including:]

[Significant myofibril damage in the left upper extremity.]

[Chest cavity compromised, impacting the following thoracic organs: myocardium, pulmonary system, trachea, bronchi, esophagus, and thymus gland.]

[Thoracic organ damage, posing risk to proper physiological function and overall health.]

[Cranial integrity jeopardized.]

[Recommend user seek immediate medical attention.]

'Fuck what is all this shit! I need to get out of here.'

He scanned the room for anything that could help. His gaze fell upon a set of gruesome tools, seemingly designed for dissection. Unsure of how to use the equipment, he had no other option but to grab to struggle to grab a blood-soaked cloth and clumsily wrap it around his midsection, trying to stem the flow of blood.

'Zetatech Cybernetic Interface... Unauthorized implant removal detected... Trauma Team International?'

He tried to move but his body wouldn't function, he paused, trying to process the information. 'Fuck! I can't move, what the hell is going on? Implants removed? And what's this about Trauma Team International? Is that why my body is like this.." A sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach as he wondered if he was going to die.

'I'm going to die aren't I.'

Trying to distract himself his mind wandered back to the screen that was connected to his head and kept reading.

[Connecting to Trauma Team International... Successful.]

[Trauma Team International has been notified of your critical condition and is en route.]

[Please remain calm and await Trauma Team International's arrival for emergency treatment. Immediate medical assistance is crucial to ensure user safety and minimize long-term damage to the organs in the chest cavity and cranial area.]

As James read the messages, his confusion and fear grew. 'I don't understand any of this. How did these implants get removed, I don't have implants. And why is some Trauma Team coming for me?'

Before he could gather his thoughts, the door burst open with a cacophonous crash, and several hulking cyborgs stumbled into the room, their weapons spitting out a deadly hail of gunfire behind them. One of them barked, panic lacing his augmented voice, "We're pinned down! Get some damn cover, now!" As if on cue, they scrambled for cover, barely avoiding the volley of bullets that followed their entrance.

A blinding flash of light exploded in the room, overwhelming James' senses and temporarily rendering him sightless and disoriented. As the staccato rhythm of gunfire echoed around him, he realized with chilling certainty that the fight had reached dangerously close quarters.

Gradually, James' vision returned, unveiling before him a group of soldiers garbed in dark teal uniforms, overlaid with sleek, ebony armor that seemed to absorb the surrounding light. Their helmets were angular and intimidating, painted a stark white, with menacing, tinted visors and thick, ridged collars that melded seamlessly with their form-fitting bodysuits. Adorned with an array of intricate devices, and sporting reinforced boots and gloves, the soldiers exuded an undeniable air of power and efficiency.

One of the soldiers, a man with a visor obscuring his eyes, spoke into his helmet, his voice crisp and authoritative, "Target located. Identification NT3744S, critical condition. Proceeding with extraction."

Another soldier, her voice tinged with a feminine undertone, approached James, her weapon poised to provide cover fire for her team. Amidst the chaotic maelstrom of gunfire and shattered glass, she offered him a fleeting moment of reassurance. "Hang in there, kid. We're here to help."

As his vision began to blur once more, James clung desperately to the hope that these mysterious strangers would rescue him from the nightmarish hellscape he had awoken to. The woman spoke into her helmet comms, her voice urgent but calm, "We need to move now! Vitals dropping. Let's get this kid out of here!"

With practiced efficiency, the female soldier pressed a cylindrical device into his body, and James felt a sudden, electrifying rush of energy coursing through his veins as his consciousness clawed its way back to the surface. He caught fragments of her voice, saying, "Stimulants administered: 70 mg dopamine, 110 norepinephrine, 800 fibrinogen." Behind her, a metal contraption resembling a futuristic stretcher unfolded with a soft whir. James' mind raced, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind: 'What the hell is happening?'

In and out of consciousness, James dimly registered the soldiers attaching unfamiliar gadgets to his battered form, but he was too weak to care or protest. As they moved with purposeful haste, he glimpsed the lifeless husks of the cyborgs strewn about the floor like grotesque marionettes. They passed through a labyrinth of rooms, each filled with an array of futuristic-looking technology that left James increasingly bewildered and awestruck.

Finally, they reached what appeared to be a balcony, and it was the sight that greeted him there that truly took his breath away. A flying vehicle hovered in the air, its sleek contours glinting in the dim light, as a ramp extended from its underbelly, connecting to the concrete of the balcony with a soft thud. The neon holographic signs, casting an eerie glow on the futuristic buildings that loomed in the distance, solidified the surreal scene before him. The cityscape stretched out beneath him, an intricate web of glittering lights and towering structures, as if plucked from the pages of a cyberpunk novel.

As his mind raced with questions, the soldiers ushered him onto the hovering vehicle, their movements swift and precise. The interior was bathed in a muted blue light, revealing more advanced tech that hummed and whirred around him. James' surroundings blurred at the edges, his consciousness threatening to slip away once more.

The vehicle's ramp retracted, sealing them within the metallic confines of the transport, and with a sudden jolt, they were airborne. As they soared through the night sky, the cityscape receding into the distance, James' mind teetered on the precipice of unconsciousness. The last thing he registered before darkness claimed him was the soothing hum of the vehicle's engines and the fading image of the sprawling metropolis below.

Author Notes:

Thank you for reading! I recently developed the bug in writing something other than my current story after reading "Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI" by Seras. As a result, I decided to write this solo chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it and if I receive positive feedback, I'll consider writing more. However, please keep in mind that this is a solo chapter and I do not have an outline prepared. Therefore, the frequency of chapter releases may be slow due to other commitments such as work.
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Chapter 2:"The Bionic Procedure"
As the sun rose over Night City, casting a warm glow across the towering skyscrapers and neon signs, a sharply dressed man with an air of authority, reclined in his Aerodyne as it soared high above the urban jungle. His eyes scanned a digital report that hovered in front of him, immersed in an electronic report, barely noticing the glittering panorama outside. The hum of the anti-gravitational engines was a soothing reminder of the marvels of technology and the power he wielded within this sprawling metropolis.

A subtle chime reverberated in his head, and a notification materialized in his field of vision. 'Roger Davious,' a translucent screen then appeared before him, revealing a video chat with a gentleman in a suit, whose demeanor exuded confidence and control. Shuman's eyes narrowed as he addressed the figure on the other end of the line, "Rogers, I need answers. What's the situation?"

Rogers, maintaining his composure, replied calmly, "Shuman, we've recovered your son. TTI recovered him."

A wave of relief washed over him, but Shuman masked his relief with a calm facade. "Give me a full report on his condition. And I want to know who took him."

Rogers continued, "In regard to his kidnappers we're still looking for the source, however, concerning your son, his condition is still critical. Unfortunately, scavs managed to get their hands on him during the kidnapping. Unfortunately for young Sullivan, they had enough time to remove several implants with no regard for his well-being. Jammers were found on scene that worked on his tech. From what I've been told, he will recover, but TTI and our people are unsure of the long-term effects on his body."

A file materialized in front of Shuman, and he scanned its contents. His anger boiled over as he clenched his fists. "Get every fucking fixer, investigator, or sec firm in this city on the case. I want answers. Use any means necessary."

Rogers nodded in agreement, and the screen flickered out of existence. Shuman, seething with rage, turned his attention to the AI piloting the vehicle. "Re-route to TTI hospital in Watson. I want to see my son. Upgrade security, protocol Zulu. Initiate manual review of logs from the beginning of Project CyberNexus"

The AI acknowledged the command with a soft, feminine voice, "Understood, Mr. Shuman. Re-routing to Trauma Team International Hospital in Watson. Protocol Zulu initiated, droid team six re-routing parameters and position. Review team has been notified, the task is in progress." As the vehicle veered smoothly, altering its course as it glided through the neon-lit skyline.

Shuman's mind raced with worry and vengeance as the cityscape flew past him. The grime of Night City had seeped into his life, and the Corpo elite would stop at nothing to exact his revenge.

Another screen featuring a woman appeared. She exuded a sense of professionalism and elegance, yet her expression betrayed with a hint of frustration. "Julie, I have news on Jayce."

James blinked his eyes open, greeted by nothing but darkness. He felt disoriented and confused, wondering if he had somehow woken up in a foreign world. A sense of panic washed over him as he tried to recall his previous experiences. Were the menacing cyborgs, the futuristic-looking soldiers, and the cyberpunk city real, or had he just had a nightmare? He couldn't shake the feeling that he was trapped in an endless dream, unable to awaken.

"Am I still dreaming? Why can't I wake up?" he muttered to himself.

As he continued to wrestle with his thoughts, a bright screen suddenly materialized before him, accompanied by a metallic female voice that made him swear out loud. To his dismay, this seemingly confirmed that the dream was still going on.

The screen displayed two options: [Continue] and [Exit].

Desperate to leave the nightmare behind, James instinctively reached for the exit button, only to be stopped by a warning message. It informed him that if he chose to proceed, his body would terminate, and his mind would be erased.

[WARNING: Upon confirmation, the user's body will be terminated and memory will be erased.]

"No, no, no! God dammit! This can't be happening!" he shouted.

[Exit] [Cancel]

Fearing the unknown consequences, James reluctantly clicked cancel and then pressed continue instead. A chime played and a screen displayed in front of him.

As soon as he did, the void around him disappeared and he could feel the pulse of his body, then suddenly a frenzy of screens began to materialize around him, overwhelming his senses.

[MedixLife Emergency Medical Device Detected]
[Device ID: MedixLife Emergency Medical Device - Model: ML-992W, Organization: Trauma Team International - Watson, Night City]

[Zetatech security protocol activated]
[Authenticating credentials]

[[Verification] …In Progress]

[Authentication successful]

[Initiating Emergency Medical Standby Mode]
[[Deactivating Non-Critical Augmentations] ... In Progress]
[[Initiating MedixLife Emergency Medical Device]... Enabled]
[[Vital Sign Surveillance]... Active]

[You will now enter medical stasis until the emergency has been resolved.]

Reading through the interface, it informed him that he was currently in Life Support mode, located in Watson, Night City. The system proceeded to boot up when it detected new hardware changes in the user.

[Zetatech Cybernetic Interface v4.3.9. Initializing boot sequence…]

[[1/6] Scanning hardware... Done.]

[New Hardware Detected]

James's heart raced as the interface listed off the new devices implanted within him:

[Bioconductor (Model: BC-4703, Manufacturer: Raven Microcybernetics)...Found]
[Biomonitor (Model: BM-3921, Manufacturer: IEC)...Found]
[Syn-Lungs (Model: SL-7510, Manufacturer: Rocklin Augmentics)...Found]
[Bionic Lungs (Model: BL-2896, Manufacturer: Dynalar Technologies)...Found]
[Reinforced Muscular Structure (Model: RMS-LA-5465, Manufacture: Dynalar Technologies)...Found]
[Cranial Nerve Amplifier (Model: CRA-ZT-12AS Manufacture: Zetatech)...Found]
[Visual Cortex Support (Model: VCS-1064, Manufacturer: Zetatech)...Found]

"Implants? What the hell is happening to me?" James exclaimed, horrified.

The interface informed him that it would boot up each implant and asked him to stand by.

[CAUTION: Prior to initiating Cyberware implants, it is imperative to exercise utmost care, as the user may experience sensory perception. It is advised to remain composed during the procedure.]

[Zetatech Cyberware Interface, Initiate Boot Sequence]

As the process began, James tried to process what was happening. Why did he have machines implanted into his body? He never wanted any of this.

James' mind trembled as he whispered to himself, 'I don't understand... Why is this happening to me? ... I never wanted any of this.'

Desperate for it to stop, he prayed fervently, 'God, if you're out there, please make this stop. I just want to go back to Earth, to my old life... Please, help me.'

As the system continued to run its protocol, James felt a strange sensation in his body. One by one, his senses returned as the implants came online.

[In Progress...]

[Operating System:.................Online]
[Arm: ………………........…………...Online]
[Nervous System:....................Online]
[Circulatory System:................Online]
[Immune System:....................Online]
[Integumentary System:..........Online]
[Frontal Cortex:...................... Online]
[Occulare System:...................Online]

Finally, his ocular system activated, and he could finally see the room around him.

The room James found himself in was unlike any he had ever seen before. Bathed in a dim blue light, the sterile environment felt foreign and intimidating. The walls gleamed white, reflecting the light and casting eerie shadows across the unfamiliar machines that surrounded him. The subtle hum of energy coursing through these devices filled the air, a constant reminder of how out of place he felt in this strange new world.

At the center of the room was a medical bed, contoured to fit his body. He lay there, unable to move, and tried to make sense of the holographic interface that hovered above him. The display showed a dizzying array of information that he couldn't comprehend, leaving him feeling even more disoriented and vulnerable.

To his left, a robotic arm extended from the wall, its grip holding an assortment of tools that seemed more suited to a science fiction movie than a medical facility. The cold, metallic instruments glinted under the pale lighting, and James couldn't shake the feeling that they had been responsible for making changes to his body that he couldn't yet understand.

To his right, a tall cylindrical chamber filled with a transparent, viscous liquid loomed over him. He couldn't fathom its purpose, but the sight of it filled him with unease. Thousands of tiny particles swirled within the liquid, forming intricate patterns that seemed to dance and shift before his eyes.

James' attention was drawn back to his own body, and he felt a growing sense of horror as he took in the network of thin, flexible tubes that connected him to the various machines around the room. These tubes appeared to be pumping fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into his bloodstream, while others seemed to be monitoring the mysterious devices that had been implanted into his body. He felt like a specimen in a laboratory experiment, his body no longer entirely his own.

A holographic display projected from the edge of the medical bed, hovering just within his field of vision. The information it provided was completely foreign to him, adding to his growing sense of unease. He had no idea what it meant or what was happening to him, and the realization that he was utterly powerless to do anything about it sent a shiver down his spine.

As he lay there, overwhelmed by confusion and fear, James couldn't help but fixate on the bizarre machines and devices that filled the room. Each one was a stark reminder that he had been thrust into a world far beyond his understanding, leaving him to grapple with the disturbing reality of his new existence.

Suddenly a holographic screen appeared in front of him, a futuristic-looking female doctor on the holographic screen who had striking, distinct features. Her smooth, porcelain-like skin was a pale blue, and her violet eyes had elongated pupils that seemed to hold an ocean of depth. The intricate, glowing tattoos adorned her face and neck, pulsed with soft neon colors. Her hair was a cascade of holographic strands shifting in hue and texture, while her sleek, form-fitting attire, including a translucent medical coat, that reinforced in him that his reality had changed.

"Hello, Mr. Sullivan. My name is Dr. Sinclair, and I am the head of operations for your recovery process. I am also a member of Trauma Team International. I'd like to thank you for being a Platinum Service member; we will do everything in our power to ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible," she said with a warm, professional smile.

"How are you feeling, Jayce?" she asked.

"Huh, you mean James?" he replied, his confusion evident in his voice.

Dr. Sinclair's expression shifted to one of concern. "I see," she said, making a note on a holographic clipboard. "It's possible that you're experiencing some form of dissociative amnesia due to the stress of recent events. We'll need to run some additional tests to be sure."

James realizing his mistake, shook his head. "No, my memory is fine. I remember everything. Ahhh… but, call me J for the time being."

"Very well, hmm… it could be a case of cryptomnesia," Dr. Sinclair curiously spoke. "That's when memories from your past are mistakenly attributed to a different identity. We'll investigate further, but for now, I'll call you J."

"Now, J, we will be moving your body into a synchronization and recalibration phase. This will ensure that your cybernetic enhancements are functioning properly and are in sync with your biological systems. You have to be conscious for this phase but do not worry, your nervous system is currently being dulled, it is a crucial step in your recovery."

"Okay," James murmured, "but please make it quick."

Dr. Sinclair smiled reassuringly. "Of course, J. Please stand by."

As James watched, the machines and devices in the room sprang to life, their various lights and displays blinking in a mesmerizing dance. Some of the equipment began to interact with his body, probes, and sensors extending to make contact with his newly installed implants. He wanted to move and stop the gadgets but his body was still stuck, as a series of holographic screens appeared in front of him, displaying a wealth of information about the syncing and recalibration process.

The screens showed the progress of each implant as it integrated with his body, accompanied by an array of unfamiliar terms and graphics. As the process neared completion, James could feel a subtle shift within him, as if each implant was settling into its proper place and function.


[[1/11] Operating System]
[Device Found - Zetatech, Cyberdeck Operating System (CDOS-8503)]
[Syncing… Synchronization Complete]
[Calibrating… Recalibration Complete]

[[2/11] Skeletal System]
[No Device Found - Osseous Tissue]
[Syncing… Synchronization Complete]
[Calibrating… Recalibration Complete]

[[11/11] Ocular System]
[Device Found - Zetatech, Visual Cortex Support (Model: VCS-1064)]
[Device Found - Kiroshi, Optics Mk.2 (Model: OMK-2S45)]
[Syncing… Synchronization Complete]
[Calibrating… Recalibration Complete]

[All cyberware and biological systems operating within manufacturer specifications.]

Finally, the screens blinked out one by one, signaling the end of the process. Dr. Sinclair reappeared on a central holographic screen, her smile wide and genuine.

"Congratulations, J!" she smiled. "Your implants have successfully synced and recalibrated with your body. You're on the road to a full recovery."

James let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "So, what now?" he asked, eager to move on from this unsettling experience.

"Now, we need to run a few tests to make sure everything is functioning at optimal efficiency," Dr. Sinclair explained. "As soon as you're able to move, we'll guide you through a series of exercises designed to test the limits of your new implants and ensure there are no defects or issues that might interfere with your daily life."

James nodded, a blend of apprehension and curiosity swelling within him as he contemplated what his next steps were to be. But, suddenly, a soft chime rang out, and a new holographic screen with a blue undertone materialized before him.

[Your body has been fully restored to optimal condition!]

[Body Unlocked - Level 0 (7)]

"Huh? What's this?" James stared at the screen, as his bewilderment continued growing by the second.

Author Notes:

Wow, I was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming interest that my story received, and I am excited to announce that I will be continuing it. Thank you for taking the time to read, and any feedback you may have is greatly appreciated. Cheers!
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