But team members traced that signal to water vapor dissociating as it slammed into the instrument's titanium walls at more than 17 kilometers per second. For this latest work, published in the journal
Science, the team managed to feed plume material to Cassini's spectrometer at slower speeds without it touching the walls, ruling out alternate production sources and allowing any hydrogen emitted from the moon's ocean to be seen. What they found shocked them: hydrogen constituted one to two percent of the plumes—more than enough to serve as a source of free energy for microbial life.
"One or two percent doesn't sound like a lot to most people, but it really is—it's an amazing amount," says Frank Postberg, a planetary scientist at the University of Heidelberg who
studies Enceladus's plumes but was not involved in the new work. "Molecular hydrogen is hardly found on Earth at all because it's so light and volatile—it is eaten by bugs or reacts with other substances or just floats away to space." Such a large amount, researchers believe, must be steadily replenished somewhere within the moon. On Earth, molecular hydrogen chiefly comes from lifeless processes, such as when hot water circulates through rocks rich with iron or organic molecules. This liberates the gas, which can flow out at seafloor hydrothermal vents to nourishes methanogenic bacteria that form the base of the food chain for light-starved ecosystems. On Enceladus, researchers believe, similar hydrothermal activity must be taking place.
"This free energy is really a game-changer for Enceladus," says lead author Hunter Waite, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) in San Antonio, Tx. "The presence of molecular hydrogen shows there is the chemical potential there to support metabolic systems like methanogenic microbes. This suggests we've found a potential food source that would support the habitability of Enceladus's interior ocean."