Naruto: Transmigrated in the Avatar World

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Naruto and Sasuke were fighting at the End of valley and Naruto seem hesitant to attack Sasuke and Sasuke took advantage of this and tried to kill Naruto and as reality is often disappointing.... Naruto died in the hands of Sasuke Uchiha or to be precise a phenomena happened that no one could have ever imagined not even the Sage of Six path could have thought or believed something like this to be possible....

When Naruto woke up he found himself in a new world where war and conflict were as common as eating and drinking and in this world Naruto will face the harsh reality of world where he wouldn't be naive and innocent anymore.

where only strong would survive and weak would be the prey and controlled as puppet. what would Naruto do in such a world ?

will he consider Saving life of others or will he become a selfish person whose only purpose is to survive!!
Had we come to this?

To fight to the death against someone I considered my first friend?

Why did everything have to end so badly?

This mission was meant to rescue Sasuke, taken by four Sound Ninjas. But in every effort to save him, we lost our comrades one by one: Choji, Neji, Kiba, Shikamaru, and finally Lee. They risked everything for a fellow Konoha ninja. If only they knew that the Uchiha we were trying to save had willingly gone to Orochimaru.

He faintly recalled the battlefield they were in now. If his memory served him right, it was the Valley of the End. This place was famous for a battle that occurred ages ago, a clash between two of history's mightiest and most rivalrous ninjas. The irony wasn't lost on him; history seemed to be echoing its past once again. If only his last name happened to be Senju, this situation could easily be mistaken for a poorly-made imitation of that epic showdown.

Right now we were wrapped in the cloak of a Kyubi tail fighting Sasuke who had the second phase of the cursed seal activated giving him a grotesque appearance, were we really going to clash our most powerful attacks like this?

I could see Sasuke's eyes, so much hate and resentment, the… was he really trying to kill me?


My reaction was one of disbelief as I witnessed his intent to launch that lethal assault directly at my heart.

Why did he not seem hesitant to execute the attack?

Now I realized if I doesn't defend myself now then I would surely be dead.


With all my might, I screamed, extending my right arm to point my Rasengan directly at the head of the person I had once considered my brother... oh, how foolish I was.

When our attacks collided, I observed the formation of a cancellation reaction, generating a strange, dark sphere around us. Without hesitation, Sasuke lunged at me with a punch.

In that instant, time seemed to slow down. A voice inside me urged me to use the claws that the Kyubi had bestowed upon me — to drive them into Sasuke's chest. I knew what I had to do; I needed to stop him. The realization hit me: Sasuke's alignment with Orochimaru meant that he would eventually set his course against the village, against all his friends and acquaintances. I had to intervene to prevent him from causing harm in the future; it was an imperative.

My arm extended, fingers turned into claws, I raked straight at Sasuke, who struggled to react. Mere inches from dealing the decisive blow, I couldn't help but think, "I'm so foolish..." And then, lifting my arm, I tore at Sasuke's headband. The next sensation I felt was that traitor's strike to my stomach. Suddenly, a blinding white light engulfed everything around me. Gradually, I witnessed Sasuke fading into the brilliance while I plummeted.

How could he take the life of someone he once held as a friend?


Tenzo Hazumo was only an old man of 126 years, he worked as a doctor in a small town on the borders of the earth kingdom that was now occupied by several squads of the fire nation, his appearance was ordinary, he was bald and had a long beard with mustache that reached to his chest, he wore the typical green and brown clothes of the inhabitants of the earth kingdom.

Right now he was walking along a path carrying several branches on his back and holding on to his trusty wooden cane. In his life he has seen many things and done many, such as seeing the Northern water tribe with his own eyes, climbing the mountains to to see the flying bison of the air nomads, to see dragons in the famed lands of the fire kingdom, to have a threesome with two beautiful women from the water tribe, if those were precious memories that he would not forget, unless his case of senility increased . If it was a long life with many experiences, nothing could surprise him anymore.

Except seeing how now the sky was opening up showing a strong white glow followed by a strong explosion that knocked him down. In the midst of the chaos, the old man saw a silhouette in the light fall into the middle of the crater where the explosion was formed, once all the way Tenzo came closer to see what caused all this disaster and his surprise was great when he met a brat.

Using his cane he pokes his ribs…


Hearing the groan, a sigh of relief scaped from the old man's mouth.

Because it meant that young boy was alive, that was good, bending down he took it to put it on his shoulder, using his cane he went home at a slow pace carrying the snot on his shoulder.


Three broken ribs, muscles atrophied in both his right arm and one of his legs, a rather severe head wound, and perhaps most concerning of all, a peculiar wound in the middle of his chest that resembled the result of being impaled by an unusual, hand-sized weapon.

However, setting these worries aside, what baffled him even more was how all these injuries managed to heal in a mere three days.

Just three days.

It was utterly unbelievable considering that an ordinary person would require months to recover from such extensive damage. As Tenzo rifled through the boy's attire, he stumbled upon an array of weapons reminiscent of a pirate's arsenal—blades and star-shaped projectiles designed for throwing.

The question that echoed in his mind was: Who was this boy?

Determined to unravel this mystery, Tenzo sat beside the bed where the boy lay recuperating. His gaze traveled methodically from head to toe, taking in the numerous injuries the boy had sustained. Although the boy's hair and eyes were visible, Tenzo couldn't help but note their uniqueness. For the first time in his life, he encountered someone with this particular hair type.

Tenzo just looked at the unconscious boy on the stretcher, taking his cane he approached him, it was time to wake him up in a quick and subtle way.
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The resounding crack echoed through the room as the old man's wooden cane struck forcefully against the brat's forehead. The boy tumbled from the bed, his body spinning in response to the blow, before collapsing onto the floor. Clutching his head in agony, he let out a pained groan.

"Son of a bitch! What's happening?!" Naruto snapped, his eyes flaring as he scrambled to his feet. He had been jolted awake by the unexpected attack and now he was determined to identify his assailant. His gaze settled on an elderly man, complete with a white beard and a cane, who was seated upon a nearby bed.

"Old man, what's your problem!" he growled, his voice a mix of irritation and confusion as he struggled to regain his footing. His right arm throbbed with discomfort, a persistent ache that intensified his frustration.

"Don't be a baby; I just woke you up," the old man lazily remarked as he walked through the small room he occupied to attend to his patients.

With unhurried steps, he made his way to a chair, settling into it. From this vantage point, he observed the blonde boy—still brimming with irritation—seated on the bed, arms crossed in defiance.

"What kind of madman wakes up with a blow to the head?" Naruto hissed, his voice tinged with annoyance, as he cast bewildered glances around the unfamiliar surroundings.

"My parents did," replied Tenzo with a mocking smile, his gaze fixed on the boy. He noted Naruto's apparent lack of concern or fear, despite waking up in an unfamiliar place with a stranger. Further intrigued by this observation, he decided to delve into the boy's identity.

"Will you tell me who you are?" Tenzo asked as he was curious to find out who this boy was.

In response, the boy's grin lit up the room as he extended a finger toward himself. "Etch this name into your bald head, old man. I am Uzumaki Naruto! The future Hokage of the Leaf Village! Dattebayo!" With his spirits high, he gestured playfully toward the elderly doctor.

Unfazed by the declaration, Tenzo merely reclaimed his cane and delivered yet another swift blow to the boy's head. The resulting pain prompted Naruto to cradle his forehead once more.

"Cut that out, old man!" Frustrated, he seized the cane and flung it across the room, using it as support for his still throbbing skull.

"Stop calling me with disrespectful terms, you impertinent young brat. My name is Tenzo Hazumo. Now, care to explain why I found you nearly lifeless in a crater bathed in an intense flash of light?" Tenzo asked, already losing patience with this boy who was yelling too much for his liking.

"No, just another brat with the same stupid face as you," the response caused a visible vein to throb on Naruto's forehead. He exerted effort to rein in his emotions, avoiding lashing out at the cantankerous old man.

With a deliberate inhale, the shinobi centered himself, allowing the rush of emotions to recede. "Alright... the last thing I remember was helping Ero-sannin escort Oba-chan back to the village. We handed her over to Kakashi-sensei and the teme for recovery..." His brow furrowed in contemplation as he rubbed his chin, his expression pensive. Strangely, everything beyond that point seemed to blur together. "Well... that's about as far as my memory goes," he admitted, his puzzlement evident as he scratched his head. These observations took place beneath Tenzo's attentive gaze.

"Apparently, he's dealing with a minor case of amnesia, just as I suspected. The question is, at which juncture in his life did the memory lapse occur? For some, years of existence can vanish, while others merely lose recollection of recent events spanning a few weeks," the old doctor mused, his voice carrying a hint of weariness.

He paused, his fingers thoughtfully stroking his beard, observing as the boy donned the same clothes he had arrived in. Despite the garments being torn and worn, the doctor's skillful hands had managed to mend them, preserving their integrity.

"Well, old man, thanks for the help. But can you tell me, where is Konoha?" inquired the now-dressed Uzumaki. He took his bandana and secured it firmly around his forehead.


For the first time in a while, Naruto experienced the sensation of being lost and filled with uncertainty about his location.

"Officially, he was screwed. Not only was he in an unfamiliar continent or world, but he was also ensnared in a war. According to the old man's account, the war raged between the fire nation and the earth kingdom, with the water tribes also embroiled. There had existed another group long ago, the air nomads, who wielded the air element, but they were tragically eradicated in the past.

He still didn't know how he got to this place and how he ended up so hurt, he would find out and return home, although now he had bigger problems.

"Thank you for your purchase." At present, Naruto found himself within the confines of the old man's store. Engaged in tending to the establishment, which offered medicinal supplies and basic sustenance, he had come to realize that the treatment required to mend his injuries was far from inexpensive. The burden of settling his dues compelled him to undertake work, a necessity given his inability to meet the cost. It wasn't that bad though.

"Hello," the next individual in line was a charming girl with brown hair and deep eyes. Her slim figure, attire, and demeanor hinted that she held significance as someone's daughter.

"Welcome to Hazumo's shop. What can I help you with?" Naruto greeted her with his customary smile, donning a white apron over his mostly repaired orange outfit, courtesy of Tenzo. He knew he'd need to acquire fresh clothing soon.

"Just the usual, please, Naruto," the 17-year-old girl smiled. Her gaze lingered on his blonde hair and gentle whisker marks, evoking an urge to stroke or pinch them—well, at least that's what the teenager thought.

"Umm, this is the sixth time this week that you've bought a batch of groceries and medicine, is this all right?" Naruto walked behind the store counter, gathering the necessary items for the girl. She leaned on the bar, fixing her gaze directly on him.

"Of course, it's just
that I like to see you every day to cheer me up. Are you free tonight?"
"Of course, it's just that I like to see you every day to cheer me up. Are you free tonight?" The question nearly caused the Uzumaki to stumble while carrying boxes of bandages down the stairs. The brown-haired teenager's smile only grew wider. "Ara ara, how shy he is..." she thought with an internal smile, observing him efficiently fulfill her request.

"I think so, Mei..." Naruto replied, placing everything on the table and arranging it in a box.

"Well, dinner at my house tonight, you know it." Mei smiled broadly and winked at Naruto as she placed her order. She retrieved several silver coins from her sleeve and placed them on the store's table as payment. "Bye~" With a cheerful farewell, she exited the store, leaving behind Naruto, who noticed that she had once again overpaid. After multiple attempts to explain that it wasn't necessary to pay extra, he realized she considered it a tip.

"Damn lucky brat," grumbled Tenzo, entering through the back door with a load of wood. He deposited the wood in a corner of the shop and glanced at Naruto, who seemed to be staring at the door in puzzlement. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, noting the boy's unusual silence.
"It's strange." Naruto scratched his cheek, transferring the silver coins into a box.

"What? Did women rain riches on you?" The old man walked behind the bar, heading toward the cash register to inspect the recent earnings. He asked the question with a hint of annoyance. "If you manage to remain a virgin at 15, I'll be surprised. Make the most of it." A mischievous smile graced Tenzo's face as he spoke, only to be met with Naruto's furrowed brow.
"Old pervert, that's not what I mean, well not at all," she sighed, taking her apron off and hanging it on a coat rack. "In my town I wasn't exactly popular with the girls… the only girl who really liked me I looked like a freak," he said dejectedly, earning a dubious look from Tenzo.

"Weird, girls usually like your type, you know the typical cute jerks that make girls laugh, blonde hair, blue eyes, and those cat marks are just a bonus. If that doesn't appeal to girls nowadays, I don't know what it is," he spoke calmly while counting the money from the box.
"Thanks… I guess," shrugged Naruto, smiling. "Hey man, I've been working here for a week now! How long until I can pay off my debt?" he asked anxiously, eager to explore the area and find a way back home.

"In fact, six days ago you paid off your debt."

"On your first day, you sold a lot and drained the account. You collected more than 30 times what you owed me."

"And in these six days... well," Tenzo smiled as he counted the money. He hadn't seen so many silver coins in one place in a long time. With this, he could finally retire and enjoy life on the beaches surrounded by beautiful women—a great life.

"Old son of a-" Before Naruto could finish his sentence, a loud banging echoed on the shop door. "Old man, go back," he swiftly turned around, taking cover behind the store's bar.

"Don't be offended, kid, but they're going to kill you. Leave this to me," without paying much attention to the young boy, Tenzo's serious gaze focused on the door swinging open. Several men dressed in black armor with red accents entered, armed with spears and swords. Their identity was clear—soldiers of the fire nation.

"Stay down," was Tenzo's final instruction, given as he observed the soldiers taking position in front of the two occupants of the store.
With a dismissive snort, Naruto crossed his arms, fixing a serious look on the fire soldiers.

"Hazumo, we have come for the quota that the Lord of Fire demands from the taxpayers who now inhabit this land, under the rule of the great Fire Nation," spoke the squad's leader, an elderly man displaying formidable musculature—a survivor of battles long past.

"We have paid this month's fee, Mr. Zen," replied Tenzo calmly. He retrieved a sheet of paper from the bar and handed it to the soldier. "As you can see, I am punctual with all my payments, as the great Fire Lord requires." The old man's tone remained even and composed, never wavering.
But his response was to witness the document burn as a flare erupted in the soldier's hand. "Well, this time the fee increases. Unless you want your place to end up in ashes, you will pay us," he said, a smug grin on his face. The soldiers beside him lowered their spears, aiming them at the old man. Tenzo held his head high, though a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, betraying his unease.

"Well, old man, go eat or sleep, or whatever senile old people do," unexpectedly, Naruto grabbed Tenzo and ushered him toward the back door of the store, urging him outside. With a smile, Naruto turned his attention back to the soldiers. "Gentlemen, I can only ask you to leave this store, whether willingly or by force." The firebenders responded with mocking smiles, not taking the young blond seriously. After all, six experienced soldiers against a 12-year-old boy seemed like an obvious mismatch.

"I'll forget what you said, if you pay the rent." The general took a step forward, his fist ablaze with fire as he aimed it at the blonde.

"No," came the simple response, further fueling the soldiers' annoyance.

"Pay the rent!" The soldiers assumed attack positions, united in their intent.

[ Note:- There will be 15 advance Chapters uploaded on P@treon and the first tier will be 7 days trial so go there and enjoy.
here's the link:- ]
Nearby, a trio of girls entered the city. The tallest one had dark hair pinned up elegantly, her eyes held a deep hue, and her skin bore a pale complexion. Draped in a long Yukata that concealed most of her body, leaving only her hands and face visible, she walked with a regal air. Her two companions matched her stride, although her gaze couldn't help but shift with annoyance to the girl on her right.

This second girl presented a livelier appearance, donning a combination of pink and beige attire. A top covered her upper body, granting her arms freedom, while loose pants provided ease of movement. Her brown hair was neatly braided, and her eyes shared the same hue. Remarkably, she journeyed barefoot and occasionally on her hands, displaying an impressive agility that belied any fatigue from walking beside her companions.

The youngest of the trio, perhaps around 16 years old, sported dark armor adorned with red accents, enveloping her form. Although slender, her skin held a less pronounced paleness compared to the tallest girl. Among them, her dark hair framed her face, with two strands concealing parts of it, yet her golden eyes still shone through.

"Could you quit walking upside down, Ty Lee? We're nearly at the city of Ronwe," the girl named Ty Lee only responded with an amused smile to the scolding from her older companion.
"Don't be such a buzzkill, Mal! It's not my fault this place is dull." With a few handstands and a graceful flip, she landed on her feet, maintaining a wide grin. "By the way, what about you, Azula? Why are we here? We could be out in the Earth Kingdom near Bashingse, taking down some earthbenders." The brunette's gaze turned toward Azula, who responded with a smile.
"There are rumors suggesting there are earthbenders in this area—or there will be. And if we locate them, they won't last long." With her declaration, Azula continued walking, seemingly oblivious to the concerned expressions on her two companions' faces as they trailed behind her. Upon arriving in the city, nothing appeared out of the ordinary. As usual, soldiers from their nation patrolled the vicinity, while the residents of the city went about their daily routines.

"Just that? How dull." Ty Lee crossed her arms and sighed reluctantly, scanning her surroundings for something to captivate her attention. Her quest was interrupted by the sound of scuffling. Curiously, she turned her gaze toward a medicine store. "Guys, do you hear that?" she asked, a smile of intrigue on her face as she observed the closed door being pounded on intermittently. Both Mai and Azula halted, following the brunette's pointed gaze.
"..." With a raised eyebrow, the Fire Nation's princess saw the door abruptly swing open, admitting a soldier from their nation who crashed into a wooden cart. Another noise sounded, this time from the firebenders' tent; a window had been breached as another soldier was propelled out.
A whistle resonated, and the trio of teenagers watched in fascination as a boy, no older than 12 or 13, emerged, effortlessly flinging four soldiers into the street as though they were mere refuse. Their curiosity deepened at the sight of his appearance: blonde hair, blue eyes—a truly peculiar sight.
"Nice job," Naruto grinned, his backpack slung over his shoulders—a gift from old Tenzo, providing him with a means to carry his meager possessions. "They want more, huh?" His smile defiant, he observed more Fire Nation soldiers converging to encircle him.
"Halt! You're under arrest for assaulting Fire Nation soldiers and disturbing the peace!" Azula and her companions maintained a safe distance, observing the unfolding scene: a lone boy facing off against a gathering of over 15 soldiers.
"Think you can take down the mighty Uzumaki Naruto? You're in for a surprise!" Naruto's hands danced in intricate patterns, culminating in a hand seal that triggered a billowing burst of smoke. The crowd watched in awe as a perfect duplicate of the young shinobi materialized within the white haze. "Only one?" Disappointment tinged his voice, knowing he couldn't muster more due to his incomplete recovery and depleted chakra reserves.
"He's a warlock(sorcerer)! Attack him!" Panic flickered across the soldiers' eyes as they perceived this uncanny development, and without hesitation, they lunged into action.

"Did you see that?! He conjured up a twin out of thin air! How cool is that!" From a safe distance, Ty Lee watched in awe, her enthusiasm for the unexpected display of magic evident. It was the best magic trick she had witnessed yet.
"Do you believe that's genuine magic?" Mai questioned Azula with a serious tone, as they observed the unfolding scene and readied themselves for
whatever was about to happen.
"Do you think that's real magic?" Mai inquired solemnly of Azula, who remained focused on watching her men preparing to engage the pair of blondes.

"Ugh!" The first soldier crumpled as one of the boys lunged with a headbutt to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and rendering him unconscious. But the assault didn't end there—both blondes continued to attack the other soldiers barehanded.

Two soldiers attempted to unleash fire on one of them, but the brats were surprisingly swift. In the blink of an eye, they were knocked down by powerful kicks that dented their helmets. One by one, the soldiers fell, unable to withstand the fierce onslaught from the duo, who cooperated seamlessly in their attacks.

"Enough!" Fueled by fury, a firebender hurled a powerful blast of flames from his fists. To his shock, upon impact, his target burst into a cloud of smoke. Before he could react, a swift punch landed on his face, sending him tumbling several meters before crashing into a nearby house.

Falling to his feet, Naruto quickly ducked to avoid a spear thrust. He seized his attacker's wrist, slamming him forcefully onto the ground, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking. Snatching the spear, he snapped off the blade, leaving just the wooden shaft.

With his improvised staff in hand, he twirled and leapt, agilely evading strikes and fire blasts from the five remaining soldiers. He jumped nearly six meters, landing amidst the firebenders. Swiftly wielding his wooden staff, he executed a full 360° spin, striking down the remaining foes. After seeing his attackers defeated, Naruto let out a relieved sigh.

"Ufff, not bad, I've still got it," he grinned, turning the scorched staff to reveal a faint bluish fire. His attention shifted to three older girls standing a few meters away. The sight of flames enveloping the girl in armor's fist made Naruto's expression change in surprise. "Hello..." he greeted with an awkward smile, his burnt staff dropping to the ground.

"Ty Lee, you've got some skill there. I've never seen anyone use their fists so adeptly," Azula remarked, extending her hand to her chin as she scrutinized the blond boy closely.

"Better than me? We'll see!" Filled with determination, Ty Lee adopted an unconventional fighting stance—balancing on one leg while flexing the other, arms held close with fingers spread wide.

"Be careful, he's dangerous," Mai said, maintaining her composed demeanor as she retrieved several blades from her Kimono sleeves, assuming a ready stance.

"Wow! Wow! Time out!" Stepping back cautiously, the shinobi offered a nervous smile. "I just defended myself from them, I have nothing against you," he tried to explain, earning a perilous grin from Azula. Her fists ignited with bluish fire.

"Maybe, but I haven't had a good challenge for a long time, and you're perfect," the princess remarked, stepping forward to prepare for the impending battle. Her companions followed suit.

"Well... you've left me with no choice but to use my secret weapon," Naruto's expression grew more intense as he formed a hand seal, causing the girls to tense up and freeze. "I present to you my ultimate technique!" With those words, a powerful explosion of smoke and air erupted, momentarily obscuring the sight of the teenagers.

"Hey?" They all watched intently as the cloud of smoke gradually dissipated, revealing a surprising transformation. Before the girls' eyes, a woman with blonde hair tied in two pigtails emerged – an older and more feminine version of the boy who had been there. The most puzzling aspect for the teenagers was that she was naked, displaying proportions none of those present had anticipated.

"Sexy no jutsu~" The blonde woman smiled playfully as she noticed the girls freeze in disbelief. Their shock didn't last long, as she quickly had to dodge to evade being scorched by a fireball. "Hey, be careful!" The blonde shouted, swiftly rolling on the ground to avoid a flurry of thrown blades.

"Great! She's a witch!" Ty Lee seemed excited by the spectacle of the magical abilities, though Mai's reaction was annoyance at the disrespectful and suggestive act. Azula, on the other hand, had different thoughts.

"Impressive fighting skills – creating a duplicate of himself and changing forms… interesting," Azula commented, her expression indicating intrigue. She conjured several flames of fire, compelling the naked blonde to retreat. "If you think that perverted trick will save you, you're wrong." The raven-haired woman was poised to strike again, but she halted when she saw the blonde rise to her feet, wearing a confident smile.

"Do you really think so? We do look pretty ridiculous!" To Azula's irritation, the blonde exploded in a cloud of smoke, revealing that the mischievous individual was
sprinting away in the distance.

"Capture him!"
In a serene forest near the mountains, an orange figure caught the eye – that of a blond-haired boy donning an orange and blue jumpsuit with a backpack slung over his shoulders. The boy executed immense leaps, gracefully traversing from one branch to another in the expanse of giant trees. It was hard to believe that a pre-adolescent was capable of effortlessly covering over 30 meters in a single bound.

After landing in a lush clearing, Naruto lets out a relieved sigh and breaks into a smile. Thankfully, his pursuers seem to be just regular people when it comes to speed, giving him an advantage and allowing him to escape capture. "So, what's next?" he wonders aloud, finding a comfortable spot to sit in the green expanse. He takes out a map from his backpack and studies it with a frown. Who could help him in this situation? He needs someone experienced and wise to guide him. For now, he decides to keep moving, and he sets his sights on heading north. But then, something unusual captures his attention.

Raising an eyebrow, he feels vibrations through the ground under his hand, steadily growing stronger.

Turning around, he found that three creatures that looked like giant lizards came out from behind the trees and were running at full speed against him. He also saw with astonishment that these three beasts were used as horses by the three girls who attacked him just a few minutes ago, being who led the group the girl in armor and disturbing look.

"Did you really believe it would be that easy to escape?" Azula's question came as she stood up from her mount. She extended her arm, conjuring a burst of flames that forced the shinobi to dodge from side to side.

"Oh, come on!" Naruto dashed at full speed, quickly climbing up the trees. He glanced back and saw that those three lizard-like creatures were keeping up easily.

"Wow, that's fast!" Ty Lee was amazed, watching the boy move so quickly through the trees, like a really good acrobat. "But watch me do it better!" She balanced on her mount's saddle, jumped up, and grabbed Azula's hand as she shot flames at the blonde.

"I've got you now!" Soaring through the trees, Ty Lee reached her target and clutched his torso.

"What?" Mai appeared baffled as, instead of capturing the shinobi, her friend grabbed hold of a log. Gazing into the distance, she spotted the boy perched on a tree branch.

"It's a trap!"

Fumbling with the reins of her mount, she noticed the blades glinting in the boy's hands. Perched on a branch, Naruto hurled a series of kunai that sliced through the mounts' tethers, causing the three teenagers to lose control of their beasts, which ran away into the forest.

Azula and Mai got really mad, rolling on the ground with anger as they looked at the smiling ninja who had landed right in front of them. "Ha! That was fun, but I gotta run now," Naruto turned to leave. But then he saw Ty Lee falling towards him. They crashed into each other and rolled on the ground. Naruto used his legs to push her away and quickly stood up. He dodged Ty Lee's fast and tricky attacks. "Wow, her moves remind me a bit of Neji's," Naruto thought as he dodged another hit.

"Now I've got you!" Ty Lee grinned and aimed a punch at his right shoulder. But her follow-up attack was intercepted by a kick, causing her to fall back along with her friends.

"You're good, but it takes more than just a…" Naruto's words trailed off as he realized he couldn't move his right arm. He swayed his body and saw his arm hanging uselessly. "Oh...this isn't permanent, is it?" he asked anxiously, looking at the cheerful girl in pink.

"Of course not! You'll recover in a few minutes," the girl reassured him, getting back into her fighting stance. Azula and Mai followed suit, each side gearing up for the fight. Mai took out blades from her sleeves and hurled them at Naruto, who swiftly grabbed a kunai from his backpack to deflect the projectiles.

Smiling confidently, the older girl with dark hair took out more sharp things from her sleeves and threw them harder. But the blond boy managed to push away all those things using his one good arm. Then he turned around and threw a sharp thing of his own, which made the other girl from the fire nation bend down to avoid getting hit. It only cut a bit of her hair.

"I don't really want to fight... but they're not giving me much choice," Naruto sighed. He felt the sensation returning to his arm. He had to be cautious around the energetic girl in pink; just a touch from her had caused him to lose control of his arm. The one who seemed to be the most skilled with knives was careless, and he could take advantage of that. Lastly, there was the apparent leader of the group, who appeared to be the most dangerous.

"Your only way out is to give up and let us catch you," Azula said with a big smile. She got ready to fight, looking right at the boy. He might be slippery and fast, but it seemed he was finally ready to start a fight.

[Note:- Guys you can read advance 15 Chapters soon as it's under construction and also the first tier is free 7 days as a trial so you can enjoy it till then hurry up and go read on my PA TREON as tge slots are limited for the first tier.

link:- Alzero | Writing Fanfictions | Patreon ]
"And where's the fun in that?" Naruto replied with a confident smile. His right arm was starting to work again. He reached into his back pocket, pulled out a purple sphere, and threw it on the ground. A cloud of smoke billowed up, and the girls got ready for action.

"..." Mai was the first to get hit on the cheek and fell down. When she got up, all she could see was smoke. Annoyed, she took out two blades and threw them at a silhouette she saw.

"Hey, watch out!" Ty Lee's angry shout made Mai realize her mistake too late. She barely managed to avoid the thrown blades. However, in her haste, she got caught in a thin wire that tripped her and pulled her into the smoke, away from her friends.


Azula spotted a silhouette in the smoke and was about to shoot a fireball at it when she realized it was Ty Lee.

"Guys, that boy went that way!" Ty Lee shouted as she pointed randomly, causing the fire nation girls to rush in that direction. But when they arrived, they found Ty Lee hanging upside down from a thin rope tied to a tree branch.

"Girls, it's a trap!" Ty Lee's warning came late. The other 'Ty Lee' grabbed Mai, who was closest, and forced her to the ground, immobilizing her arm with a key move. Meanwhile, Azula watched as the second Ty Lee vanished in a puff of smoke, revealing the smirking blonde.

"If you move, I'll break her arm," Naruto's smile disappeared as he tightened his grip on his hostage, Mai, who kept her head down on the grass.

"Oh, really?" Azula grinned evilly. She spun around, sending a blade of fire shooting from her foot towards the shinobi. He had to release Mai and swiftly evade the attack. "I doubt you have the guts to do that. You're just a kid," Azula taunted, launching a series of flaming strikes. Naruto dodged her attacks, moving backward.

Seeing her chance, Mai got up and threw a knife to cut the wire holding Ty Lee. As they regrouped, a battle ignited between Azula and Naruto. The blonde had to stay on the defensive, evading Azula's golden-eyed assault. Naruto jumped to a branch to put some distance between them and glared at the fire princess.

"You could've hurt your friend just by catching me. Don't you think you're overreacting?" the shinobi asked, annoyed by the mocking smile on the teenager's face.

"In a fight, the last thing you worry about is your allies. The important thing is winning. You must know that. This isn't your first battle, is it?" She said confidently, taking a step closer. Sheunleashed a strong stream of fire, scorching the tree where her target had been, forcing him down.

"Who taught you that nonsense?" Naruto asked as he was clearly annoyed by the fire princess.

"My father." Azula's hands ignited in flames as she and her companions prepared to attack.

"Well, your father's an idiot, and it looks like you've inherited that trait," Naruto retorted.

Hearing this Ty Lee and Mai exchanged worried glances, distancing themselves from the angry fire princess whose expression grew darker.

"How dare you…" Azula's teeth clenched in fury. No one insulted her father and got away with it.

"I thought this fight was silly, but now I see it's a waste of time," Naruto muttered, crossing his arms. He had initially thought of enjoying the fight, but the girl's words left a bitter taste in his mouth. "I won't bother fighting... you're not worth it." He turned to leave, knowing that without her lizards, the girls wouldn't be able to catch him.

Ty Lee watched in horror as Azula's fists trembled, and sparks of lightning began to form. "Azula, no!" she cried out, but it was too late. The fire princess extended her right hand, releasing a bolt of blue lightning that roared as it broke the sound barrier and hit Naruto's back.

He felt a sharp, agonizing pain, and then everything went dark.
Everything was pitch-black, and the pain in his back only added to the confusion. Gradually opening his eyes, Naruto realized he was hanging by his arms, chained with his hands bound and his feet trapped in a steel block. Feeling something damp on his lips, he hesitated before sipping cautiously, realizing it was fresh water. As he drank, his vision cleared.

"Are you okay?" Slowly, Naruto made out the worried face of the girl in the pink dress with brown hair. She offered him more water as he blinked to focus on her.

"Not really…" he grumbled, his gaze shifting upward to the thick chain suspending him with his feet trapped. "Feels like I've been blasted by lightning…" Disoriented, he lowered his head, berating himself for turning his back on an enemy.

"Um, well, it was kind of like that," Ty Lee replied with an awkward smile, taking a step back. Naruto took in his surroundings, realizing he was in a room rather than a pumpkin. There was a bed, a closet, and a library with books. His attention was diverted as the door suddenly swung open.

"You truly amaze me. You're the first to survive my most powerful attack," Azula entered the room, accompanied by Mai. Ty Lee discreetly hid the water pot, whistling as if pretending to be oblivious. Azula let out a sigh, shaking her head. "Thank you, Ty Lee. I noticed you were still breathing, or else we would have left you lying there."

"You would have," Naruto growled, snapping back to his senses, only to realize he was wearing only his pants. He looked up angrily, spotting his bandana in the hands of the trio's leader.

"Maybe this is important… you think?" she asked playfully, gazing at the bandana she held. With a nonchalant toss, she dropped it and stepped on it. "Let's get acquainted. I'm Azula," she introduced herself, shaking her head and gesturing toward one of her companions. "This is Mai." The one introduced remained motionless. She then turned her attention to the boy suspended from the chains. "Lastly, Ty Lee," she said, introducing the last member, who greeted the shinobi with a smile.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto," the blonde replied, casting his gaze downward to the chains. He knew breaking them in their current state was nearly impossible. He frowned, eyeing his captors with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

"Alright, introductions done. Now you're going to spill everything. What are you, pervert? How do you perform those tricks? And whose side are you on?" Azula inquired, circling around her captive. He lowered his head, glancing at the ground.

"I've got a question… What kind of girl has chains hanging in her room? And you called me a pervert?" Naruto asked mockingly, prompting an annoyed expression from Azula. Her hand ignited with fire, and she brought it closer to the shinobi, causing an intense, painful heat on his chest.

After a few seconds, Azula withdrew her hand from Naruto's chest. "I respect power and strength, and you undeniably possess both. Not only did you take down a group of soldiers from my ranks with your bare fists, but you also managed to give us trouble, something that rarely happens," she noted, her nails gently pressing into the blond's chest. He growled in response.

"…" Ty Lee was about to say something, but Mai grabbed her shoulder to keep her quiet.

"You're one of the most annoying people I've ever met," Mai grumbled, letting out a frustrated sigh. She stepped back from the shinobi, crossing her arms, looking into his stubborn blue eyes. The brat's irritating grin only made her more annoyed. "I'd like to hurt you, but you're different, and that would be a waste... Would you want to join us in what we're doing?" Her question even surprised Ty Lee and Mai, who exchanged somewhat puzzled looks.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked, looking at her.

"You must know that the Fire Nation is at war with the other three nations. Do you know why? Because it's time for one nation to rise and govern the rest. It's time for the old world to crumble and a new one to emerge from the ashes... with us leading the way, of course," she said with a smile, observing Naruto's furious expression. Using her hand, she brushed his cheek in an almost sisterly manner. "And for that, we need someone willing to do whatever it takes to achieve our goal... My father, Ozai, will be the ruler of all, and I'll be by his side as his right hand." Her fingers trailed over the pre-adolescent's chin, who clenched his fists in frustration.

"A better world?" Naruto shook his head, his chained form swaying slightly. "I... I don't know what war is like. I haven't even dared to take someone's life. I'm foolish and sometimes naive... but I know that destroying entire towns for control is wrong. That's why your mission doesn't interest me," he spoke earnestly, earning a mocking look from Azula.
"You're right... you're naive and clueless, but it's a shame you're strong and full of potential. Who knows what you could become," Azula said, shaking her head. She approached the shinobi, leaning in close to his face. She blew hot air in his ear, causing Naruto to shudder. "I could even say you're kinda cute," she whispered. Stepping away from him, she turned her back on the boy, crossing her arms. "Let's see if a few weeks locked up without food or water changes your mind about my offer," she added, pausing and then bending down to pick up his bandana. "In the meantime, I'll hold onto this." She tied the bandana around her neck.

Naruto remained silent, his expression dark, as he watched several soldiers enter the room.

Ty Lee, uncertain, gazed at the shinobi. He had been fun and lively – he didn't deserve this treatment. Frowning, she felt Mai's intense stare on her neck. "I'm sorry," Ty Lee muttered to the boy before leaving the room. Mai followed her, and as they departed, the soldiers began to unchain Naruto, preparing to take him to the dungeon.

"Make a move and we'll slit your throat," threatened one of the firebenders, pointing a spear at Naruto's neck. His wrists were encased in steel shackles, secured tightly. Just as the soldiers were about to escort him out of the room, the determined pre-adolescent had different plans. Swiftly turning 360°, Naruto used the heavy shackles to strike the soldiers. Without hesitation, he dashed towards the nearest window, crashing through the glass. As he emerged outside, he realized he was atop a tower that stood over 50 meters high, surrounded by colossal walls – a fortress of the Fire Nation.

Descending from the tower's pinnacle, Naruto managed to land his feet against the brick wall. Employing his chakra, he clung to the surface and moved downward. With each passing moment, he skillfully shifted his weight, eventually leaping to solid ground below. Yet, a resounding alarm bell pierced the air.

"The prisoner's escaping!" echoed the cry of a firebender. Throughout the fortress, soldiers mobilized, urgently searching for the fleeing shinobi. Naruto's mind raced as he considered his predicament – his wrists were confined by unyielding steel shackles, their formidable strength impossible to overcome with mere physical force.

Searching all around, Naruto's only goal was to escape. He ran as fast as he could, dodging arrows and spears that aimed at him. "Ouch! Darn it!" he cursed out loud as he felt an arrow hit his back. He didn't stop, reaching the nearest wall. Looking back, he saw about fifty soldiers chasing him.

But something surprising happened. The soldiers stopped when they saw the boy running sideways on the wall, like it was the ground. "Archers, shoot his legs! The princess wants him alive!" someone shouted, and a group of archers stepped forward and started shooting arrows.
Luckily, Naruto reached a watchtower before the arrows got him. Inside, there were five soldiers waiting. "Stop!" Three of them attacked with fire, but Naruto jumped and stuck to the ceiling to avoid getting hit. He came back down, pushing one of the soldiers off the tower. He kicked another opponent, but he got hit on his right arm.
Snarling, he confronted the assailant, then sprang forth with a dual-footed kick, propelling them both out of the tower. The clash ended with Naruto hitting the ground and rolling, swiftly regaining his footing to flee into the surrounding forest.

As things calmed down and Naruto disappeared into the trees, Azula stood on top of the main tower, looking serious as she watched him go. She touched her neck where she had the bandana she took from him.

A wicked grin appeared on her lips as she gently touched the bandana. It seemed her chase wasn't finished yet. "Keep this just among us soldiers. No one else needs to know a kid got away from here," Azula commanded. She turned and walked toward the door, her two friends following closely behind.

"But, Princess, shouldn't your father be told? We can't hide this," one soldier tried to convince Azula that this incident should be reported beyond the fortress. Azula fixed the soldier with a sharp look. She raised a finger, and a small bolt of lightning zapped through the soldier's chest. He crumpled to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The room grew tense.

"Did I not make myself clear?" the tricky black-haired girl inquired. She watched as another soldier nodded, quickly stooping to pick up the fallen comrade's body and carry it away. Ty Lee and Mai observed with uncertainty.

"What's our next move?" Mai finally spoke up, her gaze fixed on her friend who was toying with the bandana she'd taken from the boy.

"He might be strong, but he's a bit of an idealist. War isn't his game," the black-haired woman said, sliding her hands behind her back and strolling toward the broken window. She peered out, her eyes following the path the shinobi had taken to escape. "We don't know what he's after or where he's headed, but we'll catch up with him eventually," she finished, turning away and making her way to the door.

"We'll tail him, no matter where he goes... Fun, right?" Ty Lee's enthusiasm was palpable; she practically radiated excitement at the thought of chasing after Naruto. It sure beat tangling with earth or waterbenders. With a grin plastered across her face, she hurried after her leader, her footsteps echoing in the room.

Mai, however, remained quiet, her eyebrow raised as she followed Azula. She found it strange that her friend was so eager to pursue someone. Did that boy leave such an impression that Azula was fired up to hunt him down? Frowning slightly, Mai trudged behind her two companions, her steps silent against the floor.
The sun was going down on the horizon, making the forest dark and chilly. Nighttime creatures were waking up, ready to rule the night. In the midst of this, there was a trail of blood drops on the ground. It led to a cave where someone was sitting by a small fire.

It was Naruto. He was alone in the forest, wearing only his orange pants. It was his first day out of Tenzo's store, and things had gone really wrong. He found himself in a damp cave, without much clothing. To make things worse, he had lost the special headband Iruka-sensei had given him. As he looked at his shoulder, he could still feel the pain from the arrow that had hit him earlier, the first time he had ever been shot.

Naruto took a big breath and pulled the arrow out. He broke it and then removed the pointy part that was stuck in his back. It hurt and he grunted, but soon the bleeding stopped and the wound closed up. He thought about how the furry creature inside him could help, and an idea popped into his head. "Kurama!" he exclaimed, getting up with a smile. Maybe the big fur ball knew something. But how could he talk to it? He had an idea, but it wouldn't be fun.

He let himself fall and then stood up and looked around. He saw a wall made of rocks and sighed. He knew what he had to do, even if it was going to hurt. He ran into the wall as fast as he could, and then he passed out.

As he regained consciousness, he felt an odd sensation of weightlessness, surrounded by water. It was strange since there was no air or water where he should be. It was like he was standing on some kind of ground, but questions like that were common in this place he despised. Pushing them aside, he knew he had to meet the person he came searching for.

Standing up, he surveyed his mental space, the water now only reaching his ankles. He started walking, noticing the pipes that led deeper into this strange place. "Here we go," he mumbled, taking a deep breath and stepping into the darkness.

Time seemed distorted as Naruto walked onward. Minutes felt like hours, but eventually, he reached his destination: a massive cage with a lock covered by a seal. Slowly approaching, he stopped just a few meters away from the cage. A claw emerged between the bars, barely brushing against Naruto's forehead. He swallowed hard, his composure slightly shaken.

"I knew you'd come, sooner or later. Thought you'd take longer though," came a deep voice from the shadows. The creature's claw moved away from Naruto's face, revealing itself to be the Kurama, the nine-tailed fox. Its teeth gleamed in a creepy smile as it emerged from the darkness.

"I ain't got time for your games. I'm here for answers, you fox," Naruto said, looking irritated as he faced the towering beast.

"Why should I bother answering a puny human's questions?" Kurama's smile faded, his eyes narrowing dangerously, his multiple tails swaying ominously.

"Because this situation affects both of us," Naruto replied, unflinching as he maintained eye contact with the imposing tailed beast. He sensed that he had caught Kurama's attention, prompting him to continue. "Somehow, we've ended up in a different kind of world, and—"

"I'm well aware of all that nonsense," Kurama growled, his tone dripping with impatience. He regarded the surprised Jinchuriki with a bored expression. "I reside within you, remember? I've been cooped up here since your birth. I know everything you know. I've absorbed your experiences and memories over the years." The beast's nonchalant dismissal left Naruto stunned.

"You know everything?" Naruto asked skeptically, prompting a smug grin from kurama.

" Your first masturbation was a few months ago after you and that pervert searched for someone to take over as Hokage, all thinking about Tsunade's big tits" That answer left Naruto frozen, his face reddening with pure embarrassment. The sound of the kurama's laughter only intensified his feelings of humiliation.

"Hey-e! That's private!" Naruto's screams were ignored by the kurama who, after a few minutes, stopped laughing, "Leaving that aside! You must help me get back home!" He yelled again with anger when he saw that his tenant was indifferent to what happened to her or where they were.
"No," Kurama stated firmly, rising imposingly behind the bars with an arrogant smile. "You don't understand, do you? We're in a place where people lack chakra, they can only splash water, manipulate rocks, summon winds, and produce small flames. Do you know what I see?" The beast's massive red eye focused directly on his Jinchuriki as it lowered its head.


Naruto remained silent, only able to meet the intense gaze of the Kurama. The fox's eye emitted a strong sense of hatred and anger.

"Peace," a dangerous smile spread across the fox's face as it leaned on the ground, resting on its front paws. "Finally, a world without bothersome shinobi hunting me down. No more Senjus, no more irksome seals, no more being a prisoner, and definitely no more Uchihas!" The fox's excitement grew as it glanced at Naruto with a smirk. "At last, a world where I can find peace from you humans. And if those in this world come after me... I won't hesitate to crush anyone who dares to disturb me." With a brief pause, it closed its eyes and then reopened them.

"If the seal were weak enough, I'd kill you myself to escape. I'd even accept being reborn in this world if it meant your death would lead to mine. However, considering the situation outside, I won't be the one to end your life."

"What are you trying to say?" Naruto's hopes of returning home began to fade as he asked the question.

[ Note:- if you want to read 15 advance Chapters ahead then go to Patreon and read there, also the first tier is free for 7 days trial. So atleast you can support me with that.

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