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This is probably a bad idea, but here's a concept I came up with several months back and found...
Four Years Ago


Contrary Quester, Spreadsheet Queen, Pink Flamingo
Challenger Deep
This is probably a bad idea, but here's a concept I came up with several months back and found myself thinking about again recently, and decided to actually do something with. I have a vague idea of where I want to go with this, but both out of incompetence and in the name of not railroading people, I'm mostly still making things up as I go. Updates will probably be a bit on the slow side due to other obligations, but I'll try to keep on top of this as much as possible. Hopefully this won't end in disaster, or at least if it does, I hope it's at least enjoyable until then. Without further ado, let's begin!

Mystical Mechanistics Of Outrageous Fortune

You were walking along the beach when the incident happened.

You'd strayed from the more populated parts, getting into where chunks of red rock began poking up from the sand and the terrain got rougher, and crabs took shelter among the crags. That made it harder for most people to sunbathe or play in the surf properly, so they tended to avoid this area, which suited you just fine, upset as you were at the time. Now you don't even remember what the argument had been about, but you were sure it was something pointless and inconsequential; that's how those things tended to be.

You'd found a piece of driftwood and picked it up, using it to poke into the deeper recesses of the rocks in the petty hope of ruining some crab's day, when quite suddenly a massive mechanical limb struck the sand just behind you and ruined your day. You did a strange startled half-leap, half-twist and fell on your rear, to behold a massive spider-like machine looming over you, all smooth black metal and glowing purple neon lines. Perhaps had you been in a position to think the situation over, you might wonder what one of these was doing so far south, but you were more concerned with finding your feet and running away as fast as possible, before the monster's underslung cannons found their next target in you.

It was your choice of location to vent that ultimately turned against you, as you tripped on a hidden shelf of rock under the sand and sprawled out, bashing a knee and an elbow on a nearby boulder in the process. The blind panic flooding your head drove you to get up and keep crawling, but it was clear now there was no point. The cannons lowered and turned and steadied, the white glow of compressed lightning building at the tip. A flash, a whining screech, and your own terrified scream, and it was over.

...Or so you'd thought, until you opened your eyes again. Standing over you was another machine, a tall and proud humanoid figure with bronze armor and a fearsome yet inspiring countenance. There was a deep gash in one leg, and you realized with a start that it had taken the hit for you. Before you could comprehend the scene properly, though, your savior drew a weapon of its own, and in a single strike it was over - A single piercing blow left a gaping cavity through its midsection, and the whole thing fell apart; the limbs and shell twinkling as they dissolved from existence, leaving a broken metal frame embedded with strange crystals.

The robot stood facing away from you for several moments, and you stayed on the ground, still trying to comprehend the terror of what had just happened. You'd almost died, hadn't you? It didn't feel real.

"Are you alright?" A kind voice spoke, and you looked up to meet eyes with a tall woman, bending over you to offer a helping hand and a warm smile.

"Uh… I've been better," you responded with a weak smile, bruised elbow twinging as you reached up to accept her help. "but thank you. You saved my life!"

She looked away shamefacedly. "If we'd gotten this contained earlier, your life wouldn't have been in danger to begin with. But… I'm glad to have helped." Once you were standing again, she checked you over for more serious injuries, and pressed something into your hand. "Here, take this. As a token of apology. I have to go now; stay safe, okay?"

She climbed back into her frame and the mech reformed around it, hiding her from view. It blasted off, leaping back up onto the cliffs, and you were alone again, only the ruined frame nearby evidence of what had just occurred.

Clutching the gift tight to your chest, you found yourself running back to the main beach, where everyone was still splashing, sunbathing, and sandcastle building without a care in the world, not realizing how close the enemy got or how you were mere moments from death. You found your parents, sitting crossly under an umbrella, and launched yourself into their laps. Tears were forming as it began to sink in - you might never have seen them again, and their last memory of you would have been a big dumb argument about nothing important. "I'm sorry," you cried, "I love you."


That was four years ago, and the course of your life was changed by that moment. Now, the road it's led you down is nearing its destination. You read back through the letter, even though you've memorized it by now:

"Dear madam,

On behalf of the Mzendzyovka Defense Corp and Selective Service System, I would like to thank you for choosing to register for the non-mandatory draft, and I am proud to report that your physical and mental scores from the examination not only meet the standards for participation, but were ranked third highest among the applicants this year, making you eligible for the Advanced Service. It is not an easy decision to make, but we urge you to consider participating in the Advanced Service; it is a position of great honor, power, and professionalism, and your support in repelling the invasion would be even more invaluable in this role. Please give your response within a week of receiving this letter…

Sincerely, MDC Secretary P.C. Smith and MDC Director A.E. Waite"

On the vanity beside the letter is the gift left to you by your savior, an insignificant accessory that means so much, that inspired you to follow in their footsteps and save others' lives as yours was saved then.

What Is The Gift?
> A small grey ribbon,
from Beatrice Parzival of the Capital, a reclusive but kindly beauty. You are confident she'll be no different than when you met her.
> A copper gear hairclip, from Nasira Demir of the east. She's got a reputation for being tough but fair, but you just know she won't be too hard on you.
> A black bandanna tipped in fiery red and orange, given to you by Victoria Conley. She's from the south, same as you! She's a reckless hothead, but you're sure she'll cool her flame for you.
> A blue snowflake hairclip, from Anastasia Svetlana of the north. You've heard she's become cold and distant in recent years, but you are certain she's the same woman of soft snow underneath.

Affixing the gift over your own short pinkish-orange locks, you glance back at the letter and wonder if they forgot to include your name. For all your other strengths, you are quite absentminded; your parents have joked that you'd forget your own name if they weren't around to remind you of it. Ah, how silly of them; you can remember it on your own, right?


What Is Your Name?
> Write-In
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So first waifu is the Once Golden, now Broken Ace?

Sad, but very Animu. And it reminds me of Valks. Not that I'm expecting that! No, Avalanche is like... a 1 in a Million kind of writer/qm to do what he did. Even if he takes way too long to write for... pretty much everyone's tastes. *Shrug*


[X] A small grey ribbon, from Beatrice Parzival of the Capital, a reclusive but kindly beauty. You are confident she'll be no different than when you met her.
[X] Alexandra Polinski

Appearance votes when?
[X] A small grey ribbon, from Beatrice Parzivalof the Capital, a reclusive but kindly beauty. You are confident she'll be no different than when you met her.
[X] Alexandra Polinski
[x] A black bandanna tipped in fiery red and orange, given to you by Victoria Conley. She's from the south, same as you! She's a reckless hothead, but you're sure she'll cool her flame for you.
[x] Sedna van Oort.
[X] A blue snowflake hairclip
[X] Alexandra Polinski
[X] A small grey ribbon, from Beatrice Parzival of the Capital, a reclusive but kindly beauty. You are confident she'll be no different than when you met her.

I'm a simple man: I see mechs, I get curious. :)
So the results so far are:
3 for Beatrice, 1 for Nasira, 1 for Victoria, 7 for Anastasia
Hoo boy
9 for Alexandra Polinski, 1 for Camille De Brisard, 1 for Sedna Van Oort
Alright, interesting.
I've still got some stuff to take care of before I can write the first update, but it should be up in a few hours? (Or another day. We'll see.) Votes can still be added, but we seem to have a pretty solid majority already.

I'm guessing we'll get a lore dump in the next few updates? There wasn't a whole lot to go on here, regardless good luck!
Yup, that's the plan. I was originally going to include a better explanation in the OP, but I didn't want it to get bogged down by exposition right off the bat; going to save it for where it's somewhat more natural, even if it's still going to be a bit "well bob as you know" ish. Ah well.
Thank you!

So first waifu is the Once Golden, now Broken Ace?
Sad, but very Animu. And it reminds me of Valks. Not that I'm expecting that! No, Avalanche is like... a 1 in a Million kind of writer/qm to do what he did. Even if he takes way too long to write for... pretty much everyone's tastes. *Shrug*
Yep. The four options are different in how they treat you, but all come with baggage.
Valks? Avalanche? Who are those?
And if they're slow writers, that's at least something we have in common. XD

Appearance votes when?
Appearance votes?
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Valks? Avalanche? Who are those?
And if they're slow writers, that's at least something we have in common. XD
Original - Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu)

He takes months to update. At best.
Yeah, what we look like. Personally I find it easier to immerse myself if I have a solid picture of the MC in my head.

I'm kinda surprised you don't know what that is. You're not new new to the forum(s).
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Valks, short for Valkyries, are the mecha suit things from Avalanche's quest. Link above.
He takes months to update. At best.
Oh right, that!
I started reading it about a year ago, but that's around when I started having some computer shenanigans and lost track of where I was. Should probably pick that back up eventually.

Yeah, what we look like. Personally I find it easier to immerse myself if I have a solid picture of the MC in my head.
Ah, that makes sense. Was going to describe the MC in the next update, but yeah, maybe better to let y'all decide that as well.
The Girl In The Mirror
Your name is Alexandra Polinski, and you are eighteen years and three months old. It's a big day today; after training yourself and carefully following the progress (or lack thereof, thankfully) of the invasion through the papers, after submitting for the draft and taking a health inspection in the Capital, you are finally ready to travel north and west to the front. You've put on what you hope is appropriate attire, and after adjusting the snowflake clip in your hair, you give yourself a last assessment in your vanity mirror.

What Are You Wearing?
> A pencil skirt and suit.
You want them to know you're taking this seriously
> A casual dress and bolero. You want to look nice without going overboard
> A sporty top and shorts. You don't know if you're going to be put to work right away
> A short skirt and a looong jacket. You want to look cool when you make your entrance
> Your reused school uniform. Getting a bit tight on you, but you're not exactly drowning in money
> Other/Write In

What is your hairstyle?
> That "Intentionally Messy" look
. Just because you forgot to comb this morning, doesn't mean it looks bad
> Bob cut. Favored among tankery prodigies and isomorphic algorithms
> Short ponytail. Feminine yet efficient
> Twintails. Because everyone loves a cheap Madoka knockoff
> Braided dreadlocks. Sure, why not?
> Other/Write In

What Color Are Your Eyes?
> Amber/Yellow
, the eyes of a predator ready to hunt
> Grey like a comfortable wool blanket on an overcast day
> Brown is the friendliest color
> Green/Teal that speaks of mystery and humor
> Blue (Light or Dark) to match the sea you grew up beside
> Pink so the curtains match the drapes
> Red to match the fire in your soul!

How Tall Are You?
> Tall
. You tend to bump your head on things, but you've been able to reach the cookie jar for forever
> Average. Just the way you like it
> Short. Plus five to cuteness, negative ten to any hopes of ever being taken seriously

> Toned
. It's gotten you mistaken for a boy sometimes, but you've worked hard and it shows
> Feminine. Average for your age, but still appealing
> Pear. Not much going on up top, but you've got hips to be envied
> Spindly. You're still growing out of your awkward teenage proportions

> Flat because you like to keep things closer to your heart
> Perky because you have an upright disposition
> Moderate because you're a healthy girl and growing well
> Cushy because... holy crap how did this happen?

I'm sorry
I feel like I'm forgetting something, but hopefully it's nothing too important.
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[X] Your reused school uniform. Getting a bit tight on you, but you're not exactly drowning in money.
[X] Twintails. Because everyone loves a Madoka knockoff
[X] Red to match the fire in your soul!
[X] Short. Plus five to cuteness, negative ten to any hopes of ever being taken seriously.
[X] Toned. It's gotten you mistaken from a boy sometimes, but you've worked hard and it shows
[X] Your reused school uniform. Getting a bit tight on you, but you're not exactly drowning in money.
[X] Twintails. Because everyone loves a Madoka knockoff
[X] Red to match the fire in your soul!
[X] Short. Plus five to cuteness, negative ten to any hopes of ever being taken seriously.
[X] Toned. It's gotten you mistaken form a boy sometimes, but you've worked hard and it shows

Twintail red mode.
[X] Your reused school uniform.
[X] Twintails. Because everyone loves a Madoka knockoff
[X] Amber/Yellow, the eyes of a predator ready to hunt
[X] Average.
[X] Feminine.
[X] Flat because you like to keep things closer to your heart
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[X] Your reused school uniform. Getting a bit tight on you, but you're not exactly drowning in money.
[X] Twintails. Because everyone loves a Madoka knockoff
[X] Red to match the fire in your soul!
[X] Short. Plus five to cuteness, negative ten to any hopes of ever being taken seriously.
[X] Toned. It's gotten you mistaken form a boy sometimes, but you've worked hard and it shows
[x] A sporty top and shorts. You don't know if you're going to be put to work right away
[x] Short ponytail. Feminine yet efficient
[x] Pink so the curtains match the drapes
[x] Short. Plus five to cuteness, negative ten to any hopes of ever being taken seriously
[x] Toned. It's gotten you mistaken for a boy sometimes, but you've worked hard and it shows

[x] A pencil skirt and suit. You want them to know you're taking this seriously
[x] Twintails. Because everyone loves a cheap Madoka knockoff
[x] Red to match the fire in your soul!
[x] Tall. You tend to bump your head on things, but you've been able to reach the cookie jar for forever
[x] Toned. It's gotten you mistaken for a boy sometimes, but you've worked hard and it shows

That aside,

Bob cut: Favored among tankery prodigies and isomorphic algorithms