My Life Can't Be This Gacha

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You are Amanda Wong, 18-year-old NEET with pink hair. And a bunch of spins.
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9 November 2019 1/x


you were always my best friend
somewhere over your shoulder
Pa's voice starts the moment you land on the squeaky step on the stairs - "HAP-" and Ma joins in on the "-PY". They both sing the "BIRTHDAY" in different, clashing keys, but only Pa gets to the "TO YOU!"

Because Ma is rushing up the stairs to take your head in her hands. "AH! Ah girl! Pink hair!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY," sings Pa, loud and distracted by the cake he's holding in his hands, " hair?"

You shrug, embarrassed, as Ma checks your roots and eyebrows for any sign of dye. You already know what she'll find. It's all pink. You checked already.

Kau Number Three( Dog Number Three) starts to howl.


Two hours later Pa and Ma are loading bulging, hastily packed bags into the minivan. They're tossing things that didn't fit in the bags, into the back seats. You're staring at them as flatly as you can.

"Again, again. You're saying you have to go off and live in the countryside 300km away because of this." You tug a lock of your pink hair into your view and brandish it at them. "This."

Pa heaves a suitcase into the minivan. The bags and other assorted stuff in there almost completely block his rear view mirror. "Ya," he says cheerfully. "It's us or you, and you're only eighteen, so!"

"It's okay, ah girl," says Ma consolingly. "There's Whatsapp and email and everything. We'll even keep the bills paid and send you an allowance!"

"But, again," you say flatly, "you're going to the kampung( village) . Three hundred km away."

"Ya," says Pa again. "For our own health!" He beams. "Anyway you eighteen already, adult already!" He winks. "And you've got that special thing." He wiggles his fingers at you.

You roll your eyes. "Pa."

"Ah girl!" He hugs you, then trots out and swings into the driver's seat. He rolls down the window, leans out, and goes on: "Don't forget to feed Kau( Number Three, for short) ! And we'll send you the address to get the other stuff delivered to!" He pauses, tugging at his beard. "Actually maybe not yet but we see how!"

Ma hugs you too, tighter, but she goes off. You think her eyes are a little redder than they were a few minutes ago, but she's smiling too. "Take care ah! Don't forget to eat, exercise healthily, and look for work!"

"Don't listen to your ma!" says Pa, almost inaudible over the sound of the automatic gate cranking open. And also the sound of the car radio bursting into life: "O-O-OH, BALIK KAMPUNG( go home) !" and getting muted as the window rolls up.

And then they're gone, just like that, leaving you in the house with Kau Number Three, with all the accumulated stuff of eighteen years' residence.

In your hand is a ★★ FORK. In your head is a little voice saying, 5 SPINS AVAILABLE! NEW SPIN AVAILABLE IN: 13:42.

"..." you say, watching the automatic gate closing.

Kau Number Three bumps his nose against your hand, looking up hopefully.

"No cake for you," you say automatically, and then sit down. "Oh my god."




Welcome to Gacha Quest!

You are an 18-year-old girl, and your hair just turned pink. And your parents just drove 300km away to live in some ulu kampung( hick village) somewhere. Your head is full of whut.

Well then! What now?
[ ] You've got mad Google skills. There's no way you can't find out something more about this... this. Whatever this is!
[ ] Kak( Big Sister) Bebe is always sympathetic, and she gives pretty okay advice. You'll FaceTime her, see what she's got to say about it.
[ ] You're not going to do anything crazy right now. That's your parents. They're the ones who went 300km away on the drop of a hat. You're going to act perfectly normal and take Kau Number Three out for his morning walk.
[ ] Write-in (subject to veto).

But things don't go smoothly, even for a pink-haired NEET.
[ ] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makan( eat) want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.
[ ] You'd nearly forgotten in all the rush, but you've got a date to get ready for. Ben said the reservation was at seven, and he's usually pretty punctual.
[ ] It promises to be a peaceful, quiet day, with the parents gone. So it's a surprise when the doorbell rings: it's Uncle Ben, looking for your parents.

And now for the SPIRAL POWER gacha rolls! You've got five (5) rolls right now. You can use them at any time, or not use them. You'll get more as you go.

If you want to use a spin, just roll me a d100 and state what items you spent in the win. You need to spend at least three items per spin. Right now you're limited to items that would normally be found in a household and that can be lifted without assistance by an 18-year-old girl!
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The Stuff
The Cast:
Amanda Wong: That's you! You never tell your friends anything. You were a pengawas for two years in secondary school. You're developing Aunty Energies despite being only 18. You're scared of getting ISA'd, but then who isn't? You're currently hiding from Gerak Khas in HMNC in Melaka, because they wrecked your home on 26th December 2019 looking for you.

You're 10_manda_panda_01 on Omima Online, where you've picked up a reputation and a floating banner that says Aunty 24/7, improved in the recent Omima Online event to sparkle and act as a mini-inventory. Your favourite equipment in Omima Online is The Slipper, a limited-edition weapon that has a small stun and knockback. Your second favourite is the Grounding Ring, a pre-patched item that you somehow obtained through a free roll, which shrinks your hitbox to a preposterously small size. You tend towards a more reckless playstyle on Omima Online.

You also have just bitten the bullet and told Ben, Che Din, Che Mat, and Era about your abilities.
Ben: Has a car and one (1) brain cell. Grab driver in the evenings. He uses TikTok.
Che Din: Che Mat's twin brother. Jobless and seeking work. Follows a lot of girls on Instagram, hoping one of them will be his girlfriend some day.
Che Mat: Che Din's twin brother. Jobless and seeking a sugar mama. Has a kapcai at home that's been spray painted with anime girl fanart. Has a reputation for rempiting. You gave him a bottle of supernatural transmission fluid. He is incredibly impressed.
Era: Has a cousin who just started at Amway. Has a really beefy boyfriend at HMNC, who appears prominently on her Instagram. She is not your mother. You could sell her some useful things. She sleeps too little and studies too much.
Gregory: Mixed blood. Your secondary school crush. He's had a boyfriend for several years.
Isabella: A first-year student in HMNC. Very friendly, she seems deeply interested in you. She wants to care for disabled people, and now thinks you ran to the library to hide from family issues. She's giving you space.
Jeff: Era's beefy boyfriend. He has a car and knows not to ask awkward questions.
Pa: Gone to an ulu kampung for his health. For some reason he calls you from unknown numbers now. He used to be a government civil engineering contractor, and sometimes took you to the sites to see-see.
Ma: Gone to an ulu kampung for her health.
@green18271: The founder of the 1OODB guild (which you're in) on Omima Online. He plays a ridiculously immortal alchemist and enjoys turtling. He almost never crafts offensive alchemical items. He's very good at data analysis and statistics, and nags guild members about their inventories. He has a little fame in the Omima Online subreddit for his extensive guide to farming dungeons.
anemones_lyk_dis: A fellow guild member of 1OODB on Omima Online.
dark_fl4m3m4st3r: A fellow guild member of 1OODB on Omima Online.
la_llorona88: A fellow guild member of 1OODB on Omima Online. She plays a mage. She's very enthusiastic, and she enjoys risky strategies. You're not sure how she and @green18271 can get along at all.
xXOwOXx: A fellow guild member of Omima Online. He plays a rogue.
fsevenutwelve: A player on Omima Online. She plays a barbarian. She's more perceptive than most people.
horrible-goose: A player on Omima Online. He plays a rogue.
irdchampx: A player on Omima Online. He plays a druid. He says acronyms out loud.
The Friendly Food Pandas: A group formed by the Aunties of Taman Orkid to deliver food to the elderly people around. Also functions as a daily gossip chamber. The Head Aunty seems to like you. They think you're too good for Ben.
Sim and Sim Solicitors: A pair of solicitors with an office in KL. You called them up, pretending to have a pink-haired son. They seemed to believe you, and gave you some advice.
Farhana: A NEET conspiracy theorist hoarder who buys weird bargain stuff off the Internet for later resale. She won't eat anything that comes from America, and believes Soros causes unemployment in Malaysia.
Priya: A teacher at SJK All Saints, she is a certified card-diviner and astrologer. She is married to Harinder. She is very soppy at him.
Harinder: A policeman, he is suffering from office politics and manpower shortages. He is lean, hairy, and his arms are veined. He is married to Priya. He is very soppy at her.

The Places:
The park: A park. It has outdoor exercise stuff (vandalised), a pond (overgrown with algae), a gazebo, and a football field. Its public toilets aren't worth using except in emergencies and even then you'd prefer to risk the travel time to the nearby gas station.
Zam Zam: A mamak place, always full of people.
Hospital Melaka Nursing College: Where Era lives and studies, when she's not in Ipoh.
The library: A safe place to sleep at night. Isabella haunts it too.

The Things:
Omima Online: An MMORPG.
Angel Fields: A region of Omima Online where Angels spawn. A good camping ground for defensive potion reagents.

The Spin Mechanics:
Free roll: A Free Roll consumes no items, and produces an item useful to the situation at hand. Amanda does not yet know how to get more Free Rolls.
Spin: A Spin consumes at least three items, and produces one item with a tier based on the items used. Amanda currently gets one Spin a day. There does not seem to be a maximum to Spins "stored".
10-Spin: A 10-Spin consumes at least three items, and produces one ★★★★ or better item. You've found out that your desires can bias the output of the 10-Spin, though not control it.
Rolls: A roll consumes nothing, and produces a waifu/husbando Stand-like being with behaviour and abilities based on a random person in the cast list. They start out weak and immaterial, but can be improved. Amanda currently gets one Roll at the end of each arc.
10-Roll: A 10-Roll consumes nothing, and allows Amanda to choose which not!Stand she would like to have. There may be other, unknown properties.

★: Low-quality, mundane items. Think a pair of disposable chopsticks, or a ripe banana.
★★: Regular-quality, mundane items. Most regular household items are of this tier.
★★★: High-quality, mundane items. Includes many luxury goods.
★★★★: The pinnacle of mundane quality. These items may have additional special qualities.
★★★★★: High-quality items with supernatural qualities/ abilities.
★★★★★★: ???

The Spins:
★★ Hairbrush + ★★ Hand mirror + ★★ Necktie + 1d100→26 = ★★ Headscarf
★★ Dishcloth + ★★ Laundry detergent + ★★ Coaster + 1d100→39 = ★★ Fabric Softener
★★ Slipper + ★★ Pen + ★★ Paper pocket notebook + 10 ROLL! 1d100→90 = ★★★★ Fountain Pen
★★ Hat + ★★ Umbrella + ★★ Boots + ★★ Raincoat + ★★ Comforter + ★★ Wok + ★★ Value Pack of Instant Noodles + ★★ Microwave + ★★ Kettle + ★★ Flashlight + ★★ Bucket + ★★ Rope (shitty) + ★★ Swiss Army Knife + ★★ Pool Floaties + ★★ Recorder + ★★ Hair Dye? + ★★ Desktop fan +10 ROLL!1d100→62 = ★★★★★ Raincoat
★ Old Digital Pet + ★ Red-blue paper 3D Glasses + ★★ Swimming Goggles + ★★ Scarf + ★★ Sling Bag + ★ Energy Drink + ★★ Pop-Pop "Firecrackers" + ★★ Cili Padi + ★★ Water Bottle + ★★ Dice + ★ Lock of Pink Hair + 10 ROLL!1d100→64 = ★★★★★ Sunglasses
★★ Rubik's Cube + ★★ Beyblade + ★★ Watercolors + ★ Ancient snack bar + ★★ Ruler + ★ Eraser + ★★ Magnifying glass + ★ Costume jewelry bracelet + ★★ Shirt + ★★ Scarf + 10 ROLL!1d100→34 = ★★★★ Brooch
★★ Motorcycle Engine + ★ Skateboard + ★ Bicycle + ★★ Sport shoes + ★★ Roller Skates + ★★ "The Flash" costume + ★ Kite + ★ Red Bull (the drink, not the animal) + ★★ Goggles + ★★ Firework rocket 1 pack+ 10 ROLL!1d100→85 = ★★★★★ Transmission Fluid
A dumpster full of stuff + 10ROLL!1d100→14 = ★★★★★★ The Armies on the Paper

The Inventory:
★★ Headscarf
★★ Fabric Softener
★★★★ Fountain Pen said:
A fountain pen with a transparent body, filled with gold-flecked pink ink. There is a little glass basketball on the tip of the case. Once per day, this pen may be used to autograph any sports equipment. The autographer gains peak human proficiency with that equipment while the autograph lasts. Up to five items may be autographed at a time.

Currently autographed:
Old running shoes (+ peak human running speed)
Computer mouse (+ peak human actions-per-second)
★★★★★ Raincoat said:
A transparent blue raincoat with bright red dice patterns along the edges of the sleeves and hood. The raincoat generates a spherical field entered on itself that strongly repels liquids and weakly repels wind.
★★★★★ Sunglasses said:
A pair of glasses with small oval lenses. The frame is green satin, with smoked blue-gray lenses. The glasses can be activated, enhancing Amanda's sense of temperature for up to an hour with higher sensitivity towards heat. Amanda can prematurely end the activation, which converts sources of heat (°C) in line-of-sight into sources of heat (Scoville) for the remainder of the duration. Once activated, the glasses cannot be reactivated for another two hours.
★★★★ Brooch said:
A brooch of silver and lacquered ceramics. When activated, it broadcasts everything the wearer sees and hears into electronics within ~1km radius. This broadcast lasts while the wearer is awake.
★★★★★★ The Armies on the Paper said:
A masterfully crafted papier-mache figurine, about 16cm tall and disproportionately heavy. The figurine is an armoured female bust of indeterminate age in the act of drawing a bow, though there is no arrow or bow-string. As a six-star item, the Armies on the Paper is indestructible and can be instantly recalled to Amanda's possession at any time and from any distance. The Armies on the Paper is activated whenever the holder comes under threat from a sentient being: the being is paralysed and held in place, while the figurine begins to recite the actions the being would have taken. This effect lasts for an hour, or until dispelled by Amanda.
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[X] Kak Bebe is always sympathetic, and she gives pretty okay advice. You'll FaceTime her, see what she's got to say about it.
[X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makan want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.

This seems to be the maximum meme Malay option.

EDIT to include Nevill's science rolls.
[x] SPIN!
-[x] Hairbrush
-[x] Hand mirror
-[x] Necktie
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Oh. Malaysian-Chinese?

[X] You're not going to do anything crazy right now. That's your parents. They're the ones who went 300km away on the drop of a hat. You're going to act perfectly normal and take Kau Number Three out for his morning walk.

[X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makan want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.
[X] Kak Bebe is always sympathetic, and she gives pretty okay advice. You'll FaceTime her, see what she's got to say about it.
[X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makan want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.

This seems to be the maximum meme Malay option.
More Malaysian Chinese, actually.

Amusingly, Kau in malay is translated as "you". A more nuanced translation would be "omae" btw.
[X] You've got mad Google skills. There's no way you can't find out something more about this... this. Whatever this is!

[X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makaneat want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.

When I was reading this, I was debating to myself whether this was Malaysia or Singapore. However, I then remember that Singapore dozed over almost every single one of those neighborhoods and replaced them with a technocratic cyberpunk dystopia with less hackers and more study study lor. So yeah.
[X] You've got mad Google skills. There's no way you can't find out something more about this... this. Whatever this is!

[X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makaneat want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.
[X] You're not going to do anything crazy right now. That's your parents. They're the ones who went 300km away on the drop of a hat. You're going to act perfectly normal and take Kau Number Three out for his morning walk.

[X] You'd nearly forgotten in all the rush, but you've got a date to get ready for. Ben said the reservation was at seven, and he's usually pretty punctual.

Balik Kampung literally means "return to village". Massaged into a context-sensitive translation, it's basically going home for Thanksgiving.

The two major balik kampung seasons in Malaysia are Chinese New Year (although given the higher ratio of urban chinese this is a bit less pronounced), and what we call Hari Raya* and which the rest of the Muslim world calls Eid al-Fitr.

*Literally Celebration Day; the full name is Hari Raya Aidilfitri but ehhhhhh Malaysia gonna do what Malaysia does.
Ma hugs you too, tighter, but she goes off.
Scary stuff.

[x] You're not going to do anything crazy right now. That's your parents. They're the ones who went 300km away on the drop of a hat. You're going to act perfectly normal and take Kau Number Three out for his morning walk.
[x] It promises to be a peaceful, quiet day, with the parents gone. So it's a surprise when the doorbell rings: it's Uncle Ben, looking for your parents.

[x] SPIN!
-[x] Hairbrush
-[x] Hand mirror
-[x] Necktie

For science, of course.
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[X] You're not going to do anything crazy right now. That's your parents. They're the ones who went 300km away on the drop of a hat. You're going to act perfectly normal and take Kau Number Three out for his morning walk.

[X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makan want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by pantherasapiens on Nov 10, 2019 at 8:10 AM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] You're not going to do anything crazy right now. That's your parents. They're the ones who went 300km away on the drop of a hat. You're going to act perfectly normal and take Kau Number Three out for his morning walk.
    [X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makan want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.
    [X] Kak Bebe is always sympathetic, and she gives pretty okay advice. You'll FaceTime her, see what she's got to say about it.
    [x] SPIN!
    -[x] Hairbrush
    -[x] Hand mirror
    -[x] Necktie
    [X] You've got mad Google skills. There's no way you can't find out something more about this... this. Whatever this is!
    [X] Your phone rings. "AYYYMANDA HEPIBATADAY!!" shouts Ben through the phone, echoed by a bunch of voices behind him. "Go out makaneat want or not?! We on the way already!!" There's no way they'll take no for an answer - but you know what it means when Ben says he's on the way: there's another two hours, at least.
    [X] You'd nearly forgotten in all the rush, but you've got a date to get ready for. Ben said the reservation was at seven, and he's usually pretty punctual.
    [x] It promises to be a peaceful, quiet day, with the parents gone. So it's a surprise when the doorbell rings: it's Uncle Ben, looking for your parents.
pantherasapiens threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: SPIN 1 Total: 26
26 26
9 November 2019 2/x
[x] SPIN 1d100 = 26
-[x] ★★ Hairbrush
-[x] ★★ Hand mirror
-[x] ★★ Necktie


Kau noses his head in and licks your nose. It's cold, wet, and the less said about how it smells the better, but it jars you out of your moment of introspection.

Right. Your parents are gone and that makes you Amanda Wong, Boss Lady of Hse 28, Jalan Orkid Bestari 10a, Taman Kilauan, and also the main caretaker of Kau. And with great power comes great responsibilities!

So you head back into the house to wash the ★★ FORK off and stick it in the drying rack. Ma did the washing up before they left, anyway - and you wrinkle your nose at the thought that you'll be doing all the washing up from now on, until... whenever, you don't know, they didn't say when they'd be back.

Until then you're the Boss Lady and Kau needs his morning walk, so you harness him up, take a deep breath, and go out for a walk.


Kau does his business while you walk, thinking mostly about your pink hair and Pa and Ma's reactions to it. It's not like everybody's running at the sight of it - some of the neighbours have seen you and waved hello, though none of them came up to talk to you or anything. Some of them pointed at their hair, and you just gave them a non-explanatory smile and a nod.

You don't mind that nobody's striking up conversation with you. There's a lot to process, and you'd rather process it by yourself right now, slowly. When you get back to the house you're feeling calmer even if you haven't actually made any concrete plans.

You de-harness Kau and hang his harness up, then go to get a drink. Then your phone rings. You nearly spray all over the kitchen.

"Ben!! Oi Ben -" nope, too late, he's hung up. The phone dings.

Ben said:
Eh you want mamak or dim sum!! 👌

"AAAA! STUPID BEN!" You drop the phone (after keying in mamak because dim sum? By the time they arrive? Hahahaha no), and run upstairs.


Two hours is just about enough time to quickly run through your clothing options. There is no way you're going to go out in a hijab even if you had one, and two hours is nowhere near enough to break out Ma's black hair dye. Luckily, you don't need either of those. Between the four of them, Ben & Co. have one (1) single functional brain cell.

So you shower and clean up, and there's a bit of time left over before Ben & Co. get to you, so.


There is actually surprisingly little spinning involved. A circle appears on the floor under the hairbrush, hand mirror, and necktie (sorry Pa), they shine, and then they vanish.

When the bright light fades, there's a ★★ HEADSCARF on the floor, striped white and red and decorated with little birds. Okay. Underwhelming. You knot it loosely around your neck anyway, like a kerchief, because it's still kind of pretty.


"OOOOOH AMANDA! Your parents let you dye ah!" Ben looks like he's about to reach out to touch your hair before Che Mat slaps his hand down. "So pretty!"

"Eh tapi( but) camtu( like that) hard to find job tau( know) ," says Che Din, while Che Mat and Ben get into a slap fight. "Nowadays boss semua( all) picky picky, hair yellow pun tak boleh( also cannot) , some more you pink..."

"Eh but pretty leh," says Ben, having finally gotten free of Che Mat and putting the car into gear. "So where? Zam Zam ah?"

"Anywhere lah," says Che Din, "as long as halal then can."

"Where got mamak not halal one," complains Ben. "Eh birthday girl choose lah!"

You decide quickly to prevent another round of anywheres and whatevers. "Zam Zam lor." And then you start mentally cursing yourself: a mamak store at lunchtime on a weekend? Everybody will be right there to see your pink hair! And it's too awkward now to cover it with your new headscarf. If you're lucky they'll all just put it up to a dye job or something, you hope.


There are stares and (you think, in your highly self-conscious state) whispers and murmurs. Ben is stupidly gleeful about it, ordering you bandung ping( iced rose syrup) because it's pink even though you never drink the stuff, and trying to find something pink on the menu to order for you.

Che Mat and Che Din roll their eyes and divert him onto football. Era rolls her eyes at the three boys, but then returns to the most important topic at hand - your "dyed" hair.

"So how much?" she asks, pointing at it. "And where you do?"

"Two hundred," you say, making an educated guess. "Jusco there." You hope you've named a correct price - you haven't actually dyed your hair in nearly three years, and even that was at home with Ma, so you don't actually know what the salons charge. You make a mental note to check the next time you go to Jusco.

"Aiyo, so expensive." She shakes her head. "Next time you tell me lah, I can recommend you some cheaper place."

"Next time lor," you say, apologetic.

"Next time," she says, nodding. "But it's a good job lah. Value for money. But you never find job meh?"

You shrug. "No eh." But Che Din has a good point. It's going to be hard for you to find conventional work with your hair the colour it is, and you don't really imagine "can turn things into headscarf" is a major selling point on a resume. "Never find yet."

"If you want then say lah. My cousin just started at Amway -"

"No, Era, no Amway."




Lunch done, Ben asks what you want to do. It's lepak time, birthday girl!
[ ] Go to the mall for window shopping and maybe actual shopping. You're getting used to people looking at your pink hair funny, except that you keep seeing that same one guy everywhere...
[ ] Go to the park for some relaxation and chill. You have an Amway-free conversation with Era, which is interrupted when your parents call you with some last-minute instructions.
[ ] Invite everybody to come hang out at your place. Che Din and Che Mat don't come, of course, because of Kau Number Three, but Ben and Era find out that you're an abandoned child adult. They take it very differently.
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[X] Go to the mall for window shopping and maybe actual shopping. You're getting used to people looking at your pink hair funny, except that you keep seeing that same one guy everywhere...
[x] Go to the park for some relaxation and chill. You have an Amway-free conversation with Era, which is interrupted when your parents call you with some last-minute instructions.

Do we have access to the SPIN option while out of the house? Or is is too conspicuous, and there are nearly not enough items around?

Do we get better results the more items we put in?
[X] Go to the park for some relaxation and chill. You have an Amway-free conversation with Era, which is interrupted when your parents call you with some last-minute instructions.
Do we have access to the SPIN option while out of the house? Or is is too conspicuous, and there are nearly not enough items around?

Do we get better results the more items we put in?
You have access to the SPIN option anywhere you go, though it is conspicuous what with the big shiny magic circle and all.

Yes, more items = better results, though there's caveats obviously!
[X] Go to the park for some relaxation and chill. You have an Amway-free conversation with Era, which is interrupted when your parents call you with some last-minute instructions.

This is so true. So true.

Like no joke i was at Cosmart last month and I'm getting kitted up for my Cold Harbor Crisis Troop cosplay and my mom calls and then my whole afternoon kena burn to help parents.
You decide quickly to prevent another round of anywheres and whatevers.

"Eh tapi( but) camtu( like that) hard to find job tau( know) ," says Che Din, while Che Mat and Ben get into a slap fight. "Nowadays boss semua( all) picky picky, hair yellow pun tak boleh( also cannot) , some more you pink..."

"If you want then say lah. My cousin just started at Amway -"

"No, Era, no Amway."

I rate this quest A U T H E N T I C

Except for Kau Number 3. I just called my dog "That Boy" (he had a name, but we all forgot it :V)
what the fuck is this

[X] Go to the mall for window shopping and maybe actual shopping. You're getting used to people looking at your pink hair funny, except that you keep seeing that same one guy everywhere...
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what the fuck is this
this is a u t h e n t i c

Except for Kau Number 3. I just called my dog "That Boy" (he had a name, but we all forgot it :V)
I mean Kau here is Hokkien for "dog" so it's literally "dog number 3"

what happened to dogs 1 and 2 is a m y s t e r y

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by pantherasapiens on Nov 13, 2019 at 8:17 AM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] Go to the park for some relaxation and chill. You have an Amway-free conversation with Era, which is interrupted when your parents call you with some last-minute instructions.
    [X] Go to the mall for window shopping and maybe actual shopping. You're getting used to people looking at your pink hair funny, except that you keep seeing that same one guy everywhere...
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