My life as a dimension-hopping mad scientist (Jumpchain SI)

Pokemon Year 2, Chapter 2
Cipher's Shadow Pokemon factory was an imposing pyramid-shaped structure. Carl was accompanying me this time, wearing his very own suit of power armor. He remarked "This place gives me the creeps." as we continued towards the factory.

I replied "Me too, but then, we're here to blow it up."

As we reached the courtyard however, a big guy with an absurd hairdo and a red t-shirt bearing a lightning bolt insignia walked up and said "You don't get to go in there, boss's orders."

He suddenly found himself staring down the optics of my laser and I remarked "This is an L-2 pulsed laser carbine, capable of burning through well over a meter of steel every second. Do you want to see firsthand what it does to an unarmored human?"

He felt nervous all of a sudden, and I saw him reaching for his Pokeballs. I didn't give him a chance to do it, I just pulled the trigger. His head exploded in a blast of steam and gore, and we continued into the factory. We were further obstructed by a few Cipher Peons, but they died quickly thanks to the amount of firepower me and Carl could bring to bear. We slaughtered our way through the base and blasted obstacles out of our way as we reached the center of the structure.

Before I blew this place to kingdom come however, I wanted to make sure any and all Shadow Pokemon here were safely extracted for purification. They were (probably) innocent victims the lot of them, and I couldn't allow them to perish in the localized apocalypse I was about to unleash. I'd been doing more than enough killing already, and I wasn't about to do it to those who didn't deserve it.

We quickly located the 'assembly line', and after killing those defending it stuffed all the currently occupied Pokeballs into the Warehouse. We made sure to sort them into two groups for those who were already Shadow Pokemon and those who weren't before continuing. Soon, we reached the lowest point of this horrifying atrocity factory, and I decided that we'd gone far enough.

Nothing really notable happened as we dropped the bomb and portaled away to a safe distance. Unlike the Cipher lab, where the blast was mostly contained underground, there was a full-fledged mushroom cloud from this detonation. The facility was in a ravine, meaning that the majority of the blast was directed upwards. When I played back the footage later, I saw what looked to be the topmost part of the facility actually getting launched upwards at speeds exceeding Mach 3 before it disintegrated.

I sighed, and then I heard the distinctive whir of a hover-scooter coming up behind us. I snapped up my laser and whirled around to see a redheaded young man in a yellow vest with a snag machine on his left arm. He asked "So, are you going to battle me to keep me from getting to Cipher's facility and stopping them or something?"

I chuckled slightly before saying "Nothing like that. I just blew that place sky high, it doesn't exist anymore. You can even see the mushroom cloud from here. Anyway, I don't think I quite caught your name."

He answered "I'm Michael, and I'm opposing Cipher."

"You can call me Dan. It's a pseudonym, but I'd rather not have my real name linked to the mass-murderer who goes around blowing up criminals. I previously put a stop to Team Galactic, and I've currently annihilated 2 Cipher facilities. Also, I liberated a load of Shadow Pokemon for you to get purified, though I'm not sure what to do with the ones who hadn't been converted yet."

Michael nodded and asked "Where are they then? I would think that many Pokeballs would need a lot of storage space."

I nodded and said "Oh they do." before opening a Warehouse portal "Just not inside the universe." and then me and Carl stepped through, beckoning for him to follow. He did so cautiously, and looked around at my equipment within the pocket universe.

"This way please!" I called to Michael as he reached out towards the holographic replicator design suite I used for designing my latest gear and instantly fabricating prototypes for testing. He shook himself out of his trance, an we quickly proceeded to where there were two wheeled bins full of Pokeballs. One was labelled 'Shadow Pokemon' and the other 'Uncorrupted'.

Michael looked at them appreciatively before saying "That still leaves me with the issue of getting them back to the lab on my relatively puny little scooter. Those bins are huge!"

I nodded and replied "That's why I'm arranging for easier transport." and opened a second portal to the path leading to the Pokemon HQ lab, just barely out of sight.

Michael nodded and said "I'll grab my scooter." He did so as I wheeled the bins out onto the path.

When everything was clear I asked "Do you want any help hauling those up to the lab, or can you handle it on your own?"

He shook his head and replied "No, I should be able to handle this without any further assistance. Thank you for getting them out by the way."

As we shook hands I remarked "You are very much welcome." He began pushing the bins up the path, and I closed the portal. As me and Carl got out of our power armor and went back to Canalave via portal I remarked "Today has been a good day."

Carl replied "That depends quite a bit on someone's definition of 'good' now doesn't it?"

Indeed, it very much did.
Pokemon Year 2, Chapter 3
My raid on Citadark Isle was different from my previous attacks in one crucial regard. Namely, I was actually doing some information gathering before hand. This was achieved using a multitude of miniscule scout drones, each piloted by a basic VI I'd developed based on a Porygon 2 I bought in my civilian ID, having pawned some replicated 'antiques' and jewelry to pay for it. I made a backup copy of its source code for reference as well, once I'd defused the copy protection.

I replicated the drones on site using an airdropped Pokeball loaded with energy equal to 3 tons of mass, given that each was about half a kilogram I could make up to 6,000. The drones were made using a quad-rotor design, using an electric bladeless fan for completely silent thrust. This allowed them to stealthily explore the facility without alerting anyone, their small size and adaptive camouflage assisting with avoiding the attention of anyone who happened to look their way.

the end result of this was that I very rapidly got a map of Cipher's HQ, along with knowledge of what they had for security. What I saw was not encouraging in the slightest, as they had apparently taken my SOP as an example. They had their own laser weapons, about half as powerful as my own now. Their uniform suits were now powered armor, which I would guess was fairly effective protection. Pokemon both normal and Shadow patrolled the corridors constantly, ready to open fire at the slightest provocation.

Over the next week I ran several simulations based on constantly up to date intelligence, and every scenario in which I tried to rescue the Shadow Pokemon ended in failure, even the one with the army of killbots. If I personally went in there, I would die. I could either annihilate Cipher, or allow well over 100 relatively innocent victims of mind rape to live. In this scenario, there weren't any good options.

I agonized over it for most of the day after coming to that realization, and eventually brought it up at dinner (some gourmet food replicated from a scan I took in Kalos by drone) by asking Mom "I've got something of a predicament. Cipher's got one facility left, and I've scouted it out using some drones, but they've prepared for me and there's no way for me to get the Shadow Pokemon out. If I go in myself, I'll get killed, and sending endless waves of killbots will take long enough for them to get their act together. On the other hand I could blow the place up, which will work pretty well, but consign all the Shadow Pokemon inside to death."

Mom was thinking for a while before replying "Maybe you could try a sneak attack? Sneak a bunch of little drones up next to them, and blow them up with a lot of small explosions rather than a single big one to minimize collateral damage."

I sighed and answered "That won't work. They've got their own power armor now, meaning that if I want that sort of attack to actually work, the blasts will have to be big enough that I might as well just nuke the entire place."

Mom took a few bites of her dinner, then said "You provided the answer yourself back when you convinced me to let you blow up that first Team Galactic building. If Cipher is allowed to continue operating they'll just keep hurting more and more people. The only way to truly put a stop to them is complete and total annihilation."

I nodded as I finished my food, cleaning off the dish by sending it through the replicator. I told Mom and Carl as I opened a warehouse portal "Alright. I'll blow them up, but I doubt I'm going to like it."

As I sat at the design suite, putting the finishing touches on the Bunker Buster I'd be dropping on Cipher, I reminisced about my past actions. Just how many lives had I put a sudden stop to? Personally, about 38. In totality, I'd actually killed almost 400 people and Pokemon. Well over three hundred individuals with their own lives and experiences, ended by my actions.

I came to a conclusion as I hit the button to replicate my weapon into existence. For this jump at least, this would be the last time I killed. My finished bomb was a 2 meter long Tungsten pole with a nanocomposite sheath designed like a miniature rod from god. Unlike that device however, this weapon had a 30 megaton Total Conversion warhead in the tail, designed to go off when the weapon had penetrated into the underground bunker on Citadark Isle.

I wept as I hauled the warhead to the portal in my power suit, dropping it out from 5,000 km up. It would impact at well over 2 km/s. I just sat and watched from the edge of a hole in reality as Cipher's doom hurtled towards the ground. I portaled back down to ground level, and waited on a rooftop in Gateon port and watched for the distinctive streak through the air.

When the bomb hit atmosphere, there was a vertical line over Cipher's island, followed by a brilliant flash. The warhead had presumably gone off inside as planned, as I could see through my binoculars that most of the energy had been directed upwards. I stepped back into my pocket dimension, suited up, and deployed another swarm of sensor drones to check.

Citadark isle was gone. The entire island had been rather small, and had been was indeed the correct term. Most of the island's mass had been blown off into the sea, and the entire place that had been the island was now just a particularly elevated area of volcanic seafloor. The volcano was still active though, meaning that within 200 years at most there would be a brand new Citadark isle.

I broke down in tears after I was back in the safety of my pocket universe. Was I a monster? I honestly didn't know, on the one hand I had destroyed two nearly irredeemable organizations, but my methods were absolutely horrific.

I needed someone to help me work through this, but I couldn't talk to a psychiatrist, because as soon as I admitted to my actions I was probably going to be arrested and thrown in jail for life, even if I could just portal to freedom. I'd checked the world's most wanted list, and the 'Armored Annihilator' was #2 worldwide.
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Excellent story so far.

That had to be a seriously hard choice, I'd have made pokeball-drones to kidnap all the shadow pokemon then transport them to the warehouse before launching the bomb but eh, can't really complain if your character(s) didn't come up with that idea or did but had a reason it wouldn't work.
Pokemon Year 2, Chapter 4
Looking at the calendar, I realized that my 17th birthday was in a month. I'd wound up missing it last year, given I was so preoccupied with stopping Team Galactic's plot to destroy the world. Spending some time with friends would probably be a good idea, but who even qualified? I'd basically abandoned my friends back in Twinleaf town without warning, I couldn't meet Michael in my civilian ID without risking arrest, and I'd prefer to avoid Lucas so as not to tip him off any further if I slipped up. That basically left Anne, she already knew part of what I'd done and hadn't told anyone.

When I had a bit of time available, I called Anne up on my Pokegear. She answered on the third ring with "Hello Jack, what is this all about?"

"I just noticed that my birthday is a few weeks from now, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"My schedule's open, where and when do you want to meet up?"

"Hmm. How about outside the Canalave library at 2 PM on Thursday 3 weeks from now?"

"Ugh, typical of you to want to have your party in the library."

"Actually, I only suggested that because we both know where it is. I was actually thinking I'd rent someplace for a few hours, set up a movie projector, buy some pizza, and then we laugh our asses off at some cheesy B-movies."

"You know, I think I'd actually rather like that. Any requests for a present?"

"Not really, but there is one thing. You're basically the only person I knew who I felt comfortable inviting besides Mom and Carl. Can you please bring a few other people along? People who share our... condition would be preferred."

There was a slight pause before Anne answered "Alright, I know a couple other people who you'd probably like. Meet you then, OK?"

I finished with "Sure thing! Bye for now."

"Goodbye." and then she hung up.

The metaknowledge had updated with an urgent alert about yet another plot to destroy the world. Apparently Kalos' Team Flare was scheming to activate AZ's Ultimate Weapon and wipe out all life on Earth. This was completely unacceptable.

A bit of scouting quickly found where the accursed machine was buried, and I set up some sensor drones. While the laser would probably suffice for dealing with this, if my party got interrupted I wanted to be able to kill whoever was responsible with fire. Thus I began designing a rather unique flamethrowing instrument. It worked using a Degenerate Energy Cell twice the diameter of a Pokeball (capacity of 24 tons) to feed a replicator.

The replicator was configured to make a constant stream of Buckyballs filled with small amounts of Thermite. This acted somewhat like a liquid, meaning that the constantly increasing pressure would quickly result in them being ejected from the weapon's high-pressure firehose nozzle. A series of high-energy lasers converged immediately in front of the barrel, functioning as an ignition source. The end result was a stupidly hot stream of molten slag spewing from the weapon and going for a good hundred meters.

I really hoped it wouldn't be necessary, but if it turned out to be the case, I wouldn't hesitate to bring this atrocity to bear.

I was waiting outside the Canalave library at the appointed time, and soon spotted Anne along with two other girls riding up. I waved them down, and greeted them with "Hi Anne Who're these two? I'm Jack by the way."

Anne nodded and said "Hello, anyways, this is Maria." while gesturing to the blue-eyed dark skinned blonde to her left, who grinned assuredly. She then pointed to the extremely pale brunette to her left and introduced her as Genevieve. Genevieve blushed slightly.

I remarked "Anyway, the party is actually going to happen at this really cool function hall place. I know where it is, so follow me."

I heard Genevieve mutter to Anne in the background "Are you sure this guy is legit?" but continued on, pretending to be oblivious. We only rode our bikes for about two minutes before we arrived at the location. We had arrived at a small function hall, but I hadn't actually rented it. Instead, I subtly formed a Warehouse portal so that when the door was opened, we stepped into my pocket dimension, though inside a room I'd designed to resemble a function hall.

We sat down at the table with a plate of freshly replicated pizza (not that anyone else knew it was replicated), and the first movie began. It was a low-budget space opera from a few decades ago, and we were laughing throughout the whole thing. One of the highlights was that they had actually resorted to using a cardboard cutout of a Deoxys to 'act' the part for most of the aliens, and the voice-over for it was hilariously bad.

We were nearing the climax, when an alarm on my Pokegear went off. I groaned as I paused the movie and checked which alarm. Much to my chagrin, it was the alarm for the Ultimate Weapon starting its activation sequence.

I leapt out of my chair and barked out "Computer, open main facility and grant PAS access to all guests currently present."

As a part of the wall folded away to reveal the main warehouse, Maria and Genevieve gaped while Anne just shook her head. Genevieve managed to ask "Jack, what was that alarm for?"

"That, Genevieve, means that it's time to save the world. Come with me if you want to help."
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Pokemon Year 2, Chapter 5
As we dashed into the main area of the warehouse, I stepped into the Power Armor booth and suited up in a flash. Anne didn't look terribly surprised, but Maria blurted out "Wait, you of all people are the Armored Annihilator!?"

I answered "Yes. I've configured the armor replicator booth to let you three use it as well, so if you want to help me stop all life on the planet from getting killed, suit up and grab a weapon." as I retrieved a freshly replicated and loaded Thermite Pump. Carl suited up immediately after me as my three guests shared a look. Anne and Maria stepped forwards, and went through the armor fabricator one after another, grabbing lasers as they did so. Genevieve opted to sit this one out however, at which point the security system automatically and gently restrained her to prevent sabotage while I was out.

I nodded and said "We're about to portal into Kalos on a time critical mission, so if you see anyone wearing a Team Flare uniform, kill them. If you see a giant machine with some sort of crystal in the middle, blow it up with your grenade launchers, they're currently configured for thermobaric incendiary." And with that I opened a portal and dropped through.

Me and Carl hit the ground weapons blazing, my stream of Thermite and Carl's laser killing 5 Team Flare grunts in the first 5 seconds. I charged forwards, cursing my shortsightedness for not making my flamer grenade compatible as I lobbed an Aura Sphere to clear out some more Grunts hiding in cover. In 20 seconds I reached the spot where Lysandre currently was having a monologue with Calem and Serena. I wish I could have seen the look of surprise and abject horror he made when I blasted him, but he was facing away from me and his head was soon coated in burning Thermite before shortly ceasing to exist.

Lysandre dealt with, me and Carl began making our way back towards the now-open Ultimate Weapon. I shortened the distance with a portal, and was soon on top of one of the machine's large 'petals'. Once there I began dumping huge amounts of Thermite on the central crystal. It started melting slowly, but it was still unacceptably slow. I soon changed targets, laying down Thermite to cut off one of the 'petals'.

As the 'petal' began to sag and melt, there was an explosion on the central crystal, and a quick glance at the tac-net revealed that Anne had finally managed to get out of the 'first time combat' daze and started deploying her grenade launcher on the machine. I broadcast to them "Get clear by 250 meters, this is taking too long, so I'm about to break out one of the big bombs. I'm going to render this thing to be completely and utterly unsalvageable."

With that I dived back into my Warehouse for a few seconds, and snagged a Degenerate Energy warhead dialed for a yield equivalent to 5 tons of TNT. The device itself was only the size of a pinhead, but was encased in focusing equipment to make it act like a shaped charge. I jumped out of my crack in reality on top of the remnant of the central crystal and set the charge for 40 seconds before portaling over to the safe distance. I arrived in time for us to watch as the doomsday machine exploded in a massive burst of destruction and I remarked "Mission accomplished, back to the party then?" before opening a portal back to the warehouse, I wanted to finish my birthday party, hopefully without further interruptions.

Once I and my guests de-suited, we all went back to the movie and pizza. We watched it, but I was the only one who laughed at anything, and even for me it as forced. I paused the movie and asked "I suppose seeing me like that probably spoiled the mood. Can I ask you a question? Does the word Jumpchain mean anything to you?"

Both Maria and Genevieve nodded, and I responded "Then you've probably figured out that I'm a Jumper. Another question, could you please not reveal my civilian identity to the authorities? Though my methods are themselves an atrocity at times, I'm keeping the world from being destroyed or falling into a hive of scum and villainy."

Maria and Anne answered "Alright." with an Aura signature indicating honesty at the same instant as Genevieve answered "No way! You're a terrorist with access to effectively unlimited nuclear weapons or something similar and need to be brought down!"

At this point I sighed and muttered 'didn't want to have to do this' under my breath before bellowing "CARL! GET IN HERE!"

My Jolteon companion came in, and I told him "First, please render all my guests here unconscious." he did so with a brief flash of light in his eyes, and Anne, Maria, and Genevieve slumped over in their seats.

My next question was "Hey Carl, do you think you could possibly erase a few memories for me?"

He answered "Probably. I've never done that before, so the results are likely to be a bit rough."

I nodded and said "Let's just scan them into the replicator then and restore them from backup if you make a mistake."

In the end it took about 4 instances of Anne before Carl got the hang of erasing memories, but once that happened I basically hit the reset button on my party. I picked a different movie to start with, given I'd already seen "The Otherworldly Invasion", and we greatly enjoyed the pizza and hilariously bad special effects. Still, at the end of the movie I remarked "Wow, that movie ran a lot longer than I thought it would. Looks like you'll have to get going now."

I made a portal in the appropriate place, and they left. Once they were out of sight, I cried for the fact that I'd had to kill another batch of innocents who never even got a chance to live just to ensure my secret would be safe. I really was a monster, wasn't I?
You're avoiding all possible character development and interpersonal interactions with the heavy usage of deus-ex-machina super-science. You've already broken out the pseudo-nuclear arms, once you've crossed that threshold what possible battle scenarios can you realistically participate in with any sense of danger for the main character?

Battle too tough?
Teleport out and use a smaller bomb.

The above chapter could also have been solved with another big bomb, got another problem in the future?
Big bomb

Got problems with other people you don't want to kill, you just "shrugged" and basically said "oh well" deus-ex-machina memory eraser.
Problem solved.

The addition of other jumpers is unnecessary and serves zero purpose.

He has too many advantages over everyone, he's basically out of everyone's leagues and no one can match his resources, powers and abilities.

It's as exciting as watching superman beat up normal bankrobbers, you know that the bank robbers stand absolutely zero chance of winning.

Take away your characters access to the cosmic warehouse, just give him one advantage like aura abilities or something that will give him a chance of winning but not guarantee it. You'll have a better story if you concentrated more on a struggling character who has to work for his victories.
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You're avoiding all possible character development and interpersonal interactions with the heavy usage of deus-ex-machina super-science. You've already broken out the pseudo-nuclear arms, once you've crossed that threshold what possible battle scenarios can you realistically participate in with any sense of danger for the main character?

Battle too tough?
Teleport out and use a smaller bomb.

The above chapter could also have been solved with another big bomb, got another problem in the future?
Big bomb

Got problems with other people you don't want to kill, you just "shrugged" and basically said "oh well" deus-ex-machina memory eraser.
Problem solved.

The addition of other jumpers is unnecessary and serves zero purpose.

He has too many advantages over everyone, he's basically out of everyone's leagues and no one can match his resources, powers and abilities.

It's as exciting as watching superman beat up normal bankrobbers, you know that the bank robbers stand absolutely zero chance of winning.

Take away your characters access to the cosmic warehouse, just give him one advantage like aura abilities or something that will give him a chance of winning but not guarantee it. You'll have a better story if you concentrated more on a struggling character who has to work for his victories.
The thing is, the Pokemon world actually already has everything they need to make my tech, they just refuse to apply it. Also, most of the struggling that'll happen is going to be internal.
Pokemon Year 3, Chapter 1
I was tinkering in my pocket dimension again, though on what I wasn't quite sure. Still, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see hundreds of angry black specters. They were all skeletal in appearance and emitting a terrifying black mist, but there was a massive individual variance in forms. They charged forwards as one, and I tried to open a portal to escape but nothing happened.

I attempted to fend them off with a hastily replicated laser, but the replicator glitched out and failed. I then fell back on Aura powers and my old handgun to try and keep the encroaching horde at bay. My bullets just harmlessly whizzed through the phantoms, and my Aura came out dark and weak. Within seconds the apparitions had seized me by all four limbs and were carrying me away.

While I was struggling futilely to get free, we suddenly arrived at what looked to be a courtroom carved out of Obsidian, and I was placed into what was obviously the defendant's stand. The judge was wearing a hooded cloak I couldn't see within, and his hands were strangely pale and bony. He bellowed out in a surprisingly deep voice "Jack, also known as the Armored Annihilator, you are charged with 4 counts deploying a weapon of mass destruction, 451 counts of murder, 5 counts destruction of property, 3 counts of unlawful surveillance, and effectively infinite charges of illegal possession of a lethal weapon. How do you plead?"

It was with resignation that I answered "Guilty."

The judge bellowed "I didn't quite hear that. Could you say it louder."

I shouted as loud as I could "I'M GUILTY ALRIGHT, I DID ALL OF THAT STUFF!"

The jury, which I only noticed now was composed of the same wraiths that had attacked me earlier and dragged me here sing-songed "He's guilty! Time for some justice!"

The judge pointed at me and answered "There is no plea bargain in effect here, the verdict is guilty, and the sentence is DEATH!"

The Jury surged forwards, and grabbed me as I begged for mercy. They just laughed as they dragged me along, their answers along the lines of "Mercy? You never showed us any, so why should we return the favor?"

The scene changed again to an orange-glowing cavern. I managed to catch a glimpse of where we were going, to see a crucible of molten metal. I noticed that the man at the lever to pour it was Lysandre, though how I'd figured that out I wasn't sure given that he looked like all the other phantoms. I was soon tied up in the mold they'd be pouring metal into, and I screamed as I felt it flowing over me.

The screaming rapidly stopped as the metal reached my mouth, and I mistakenly inhaled. I could feel my lungs burning as blobs of molten metal flowed into them. I couldn't do anything about it though, everything from the neck down had stopped working. Despite being immersed in molten alloy by this point, everything felt so cold. I faintly heard Lysandre laughing as I faded away.

I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat, waking up from that horrifying nightmare. I shakily stepped out of the bedroom in my Warehouse, and began my morning clean up routine. Much to my consternation, I'd actually wound up crapping myself in bed, but a few seconds with a replicator wand fixed that quite effectively. This was the 18th night in a row I'd had that same effing nightmare, and at this point I just wanted it to stop.

I soon joined Mom for breakfast, and she remarked "You look horrible Jack. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Yeah, for the last couple weeks I've been having this horrifying nightmare about getting dragged to a trial and executed for my crimes. This is on top of my own issues with all the things I've done in the past. I really want to see a psychiatrist, but I can't do that without getting arrested."

Mom looked at me for a long time and said "You're on a downward spiral from what I can see. As someone who cares about your mental health, I think spending a couple years in federal custody might not be the worst thing to happen to you if it means you get some help dealing with your emotional baggage. We both know that you can just portal out of there any time you want."

Thus it was that I suited up and began marching towards the police station in Veilstone city, dragging my laser on the ground in a relatively non-threatening position. I soon encountered a police barricade, backed up by several rather beefy Pokemon. I figured this was as good a time as any, and broke my laser in half over my knee and kicked the pieces towards the barricade while saying "I surrender, I'm done. The suit isn't coming off until I get a guarantee that you aren't planning on shooting me though."

(A/N: There's one thing SI-me forgot to account for. Namely, I forgot that Pokemon is a setting where ghosts are a thing.)
Pokemon Years 3-7
Ultimately, I received a life sentence with no chance of parole. That wasn't terribly unexpected, given that I was an infamous terrorist who had deployed Weapons of Mass Destruction on multiple occasions. Most of the other inmates were actually rather surprised to find that I was a relatively calm and kind person, given that I'd ruthlessly slaughtered the leadership of 3 whole Teams.

I started in a maximum security prison somewhere near Sandgem Town. I didn't get much free time, but what I did have I spent either with the psychiatrist that was assigned to my case, studying in the library, or exercising to stay fit. Things were so-so there as long as I didn't step out of line, and the counseling I was getting

After a year, I was transferred to a medium-security correctional facility who knows where for good behavior. Their rec-room actually had a TV, which I fixed up whenever one of the punks here broke it. I spent another two years there, before I saw something on the news that gave me pause. Live, from Hoenn, were Kyogre and Groudon slugging it out.
Dear Jumper #7, you're being boring. Do something. Sincerely; your benefactor.
That snapped me out of my funk, this world needed my technology, or this sort of thing would just keep happening, and the next time it actually could be the end for everyone. I excused myself from the rec-room, saying I needed to use the restroom. The very instant I reached a gap in the prison's security camera coverage, I disappeared into a Warehouse portal which closed immediately behind me.
I looked upon my machinery, as pristine as the last time I'd been in here. I fed my prison jumpsuit into my replicator's mass intake and made myself a new outfit. It occurred to me that I'd probably also need a new face and body to go with, seeing as I would be all over the news shortly worldwide as a highly dangerous escaped convict.
Oh shut up you aggravating specters, you're ruining my entertainment.
I'd had an idea of what I wanted to do in order to deal with this for a while, but I wasn't sure it would work, and didn't want to try it until I'd perfected the process. The process in question was relatively simple, in principle. Basically, I would scan someone using what a Pokeball used to digitize its victims but not actually capture them. I would then delete the scan's brain, and run a sub-routine in the replicator such that my brain would be used to fill the now empty brain cavity while altering all the genetics and biochemical markers to be as if I'd always been that way, along with scrambling the biometrics such as the finger print and iris pattern. I would then undergo a bit of plastic surgery in the medbay.

This was immensely risky, if it didn't work I would suffer a horrific death, so I wanted to run some testing first. Thus, I sent a couple Pokeball-equipped mini-quadrotor drones armed with tranquilizer guns into the wilderness of Kanto, with the simple directive to capture a pair of Pidgeys. I'd be wanting some test subjects for this, and a pair of wild Pokemon of a species that was literally almost everywhere and that almost everything else ate if it got the chance likely wouldn't be terribly missed.

I checked back on the drones at their preset return point a week after initial deployment. Both were back, and both had successfully captured a Pidgey. I copied their scans and got to tinkering with the replicator. Hopefully I'd be able to make this work in an automated fashion once I gave myself a crash-course in neurosurgery and genetic engineering.

My first attempt was a failure, I failed to properly connect the brain stem to the spinal column, meaning the resulting individual was paralyzed. That was no good, so I gave that instance a quick death via getting absorbed back into the replicator's mass reserves. Things would continue in this vein for almost 3 weeks, during which I made sure to keep track of what was going on in the world at large.

Eventually I made a breakthrough, and I could now easily do brain swaps with a 99.9% success rate... for Pidgeys. I wanted to make sure I could make it work for all sorts of species before I tried it on myself. Thus I sent out the Pokeball drones again to scan some more Pokemon. This time I shrunk down the Degenerate Energy Cell to accommodate more memory so it could store more scans. I wouldn't dare trying it on myself until I made absolutely sure it was safe, and the first time I tried it on something besides a Pidgey the results were horrific. That poor Rattata never stood a chance.

It was on the eve of my 21st birthday when I felt it was safe for me to make my change. I'd scanned a few people, and decided that the most thorough disguise I could adopt would be one of the opposite gender. Ultimately I decided to go for a woman who'd just reached the age of adulthood with Auburn Brown hair, blue eyes, and modest features. Then I started tweaking the scan to differentiate it from the original. First thing I did was strengthen the skeletal muscles in a manner that could be reached via a couple years of intense training.

I also made some other alterations, primarily related to the metabolic, circulatory, and immune systems. For starters I replaced the bone marrow with an array of small replicators producing Respirocytes and germ-slaying nanomachines, greatly improving my stamina and immune system. I altered the digestive system to feed into a set of Degenerate Energy Cells and micro-replicators throughout the body, converting literally anything I ate into the required nutrients and energy along with recycling metabolic byproducts, and only routing things through the lower digestive track if those were full. The nodes would also send me a notification through the central nervous system when they filled up. The last feature I made was that my new body's replicator nodes would also act to repair damage if I ever received more than superficial injuries, acting as an effective healing factor, even though it would deplete the node's energy reserves something fierce.

My arrangements made, I stepped into the Replicator booth, ordered it to begin the sequence, and there was a flash of light. I stepped out of the machine, feeling slightly off-balance from the alterations made to my center of gravity. Though everything was at least working short-term, I wanted to be absolutely sure that I wouldn't be at risk long-term, and so I hauled myself to the medbay.
Pokemon Year 7 chapter 3
When it came to setting off a technological singularity, I was at a distinct disadvantage. Yes I had most of the technology needed to compete on the galactic stage (even if I was stuck with lighthuggers for the time being), but my previous identity was a known terrorist and my current one would be effectively appearing out of nowhere in a massive burst of suspicion.

This effectively ruled out going through legitimate channels to establish myself as a high-tech megacorp like I'd originally intended, which meant I'd have to operate in significantly shadier ways. There had to be those discontented with the current status quo of technology with nigh infinite applications being horribly misapplied, and they would form the backbone of my organization. Perhaps I should give this organization a name? What to call it... Team Circuit and Team Cyber were out, sounded too close to Cipher for my tastes.

I decided to start recruiting for my new Team Transistor in Unova, and the first stage was scouting out those who'd be willing to join. I solved this the same way I'd handled most of my scouting so far, namely with robots. It took a month, but I managed to locate almost 200 people in Castelia City who would make viable recruits. Not many of them were into fighting, but that was something I could work around.

I also wanted to have a base that I could bring recruits to besides the Warehouse, and for that I set some construction bots equipped with overly large Degenerate Energy Cells and some replicators to excavate a base in Pinwheel Forest. The end result was a well-equipped facility hidden in the wilderness, capable of expanding itself as necessary. It even had a hangar and landing pad for VTOL aerospace craft which was hidden when not in use by the simple expedient of de-materializing and replicating the area of forest the hangar was below whenever it was opened or closed.

Before I could do any recruiting however, I'd need to get some money. It took a bit of looking, but I managed to find a no questions asked back-alley pawn shop in Nimbasa City that suited my purposes. Some replicated jewelry and a sob story about needing to sell precious antique family heirlooms that went back generations to pay for grandma's medical bills to ratchet up the price a bit, and I walked out of there with a nice 300,000 Unova Poke (translated to about 3,000 USD). Sure he ripped me off a bit, but the necklace and earrings were only about 15 minutes old when I sold them, so I'd say it was a fair deal.

I then took my newly acquired funds, and hit the bar scene. Not just any bar at any time though, no I'd been following the movements of one of the people who I thought would be prime recruiting material, and he frequented this bar for about half an hour after getting off work every Thursday. I arranged my schedule to be here at the same time as him, and when he arrived he sat at the bar right next to me. I greeted him with "Hello, I'm Shirley. Nice weather today huh?" while at the same time twisting my features into a somewhat depressed pout.

He looked at me and answered "Yes I suppose so. I'm Adam by the way."

I sipped at my beer for a few minutes, glad that my systems would instantly clear my system of all toxins so I wouldn't have to worry about getting drunk. Adam eventually asked "You look like something's eating at you, mind if I ask what it is?"

I chuckled darkly before saying "It's just, there's so much amazing technology within easy reach, but people don't apply it. As a species we could easily reach out into the galaxy and probably be a major player with just the technology needed to make a Pokeball, but we don't. Even closer to home we could be completely post-scarcity within months at most using the same technology, but again, we don't."

Adam nodded and said "Yeah, it's a waste of potential, but it's not like we can shake people out of their complacence, they're just too set in their ways."

I nodded and said "I've actually got an idea about fixing that, which could work if you came by my place for a bit tonight. My car's loaded into a modified Pokeball in my pocket."

Adam looked at me with a dubious expression, before he said "Alright, but if you want to bang the answer is no."

I nodded and said "Pfft, sex is the last thing on my mind. Anyway, I'll get my car ready to go when you're ready."

Adam's answer was to knock back the rest of his beer, pay his tab really quickly, and declare "Alright, I'm ready to go."

I nodded, stepped outside, and materialized my car in front of me. In reality, car was something of a misnomer, as it was nothing less than a stealth VTOL theoretically capable of going to the moon in an hour thanks to its Degenerate Energy Thrusters. It was also self-driving, using a loophole to get around the fact that I didn't have a driver's license, well, anywhere.

When Adam saw it he remarked "How in the world is that a car!? Cars have wheels rather than jets, and they generally aren't shaped like an arrowhead."

I just told him "This is far from being a normal car, I've done quite a bit of work on it recently. Want to come aboard?" as I sent the signal to open the door to the passenger cabin.

Adam hesitated before following me into the car, and I called out "Nav, drive us home, low profile please."

A computerized voice rang out "Affirmative" and the car began its silent journey through the night sky, overlaying the windows with a misleading trajectory to make it look like we were going up into the mountains near Route 6.
Pokemon Year 7, Chapter 4
Recruiting continued at a decent rate for the next month or so, managing to recruit 70% of the potential candidates, enticing them with machines that made their life far easier than any Pokemon ever could. For instance, household replicators and hacked Pokeballs that let someone carry their car on their keychain were both extremely alluring. Providing conversion kits that let them switch their cars to being self-driving was also a big hit.

One of the other things I arranged was a way to get a legal identity so I could start a company. This was achieved by making an 'improvised' raft just over the horizon atop a current that would bring me drifting into harbor in Castelia city. I spent 2 days on that rickety piece of flotsam, rather upset about having to temporarily remove my metabolic augmentations to pass the inevitable medical checkup without suspicion. Still, all I'd have to do to reapply them is expose the winding key of the seemingly broken pocket watch I was wearing to a drop of my blood. This would activate the concealed replicator within it, and return me to my glorious cyborg state.

Staring out at the sea became boring by the 5th hour, and I started to see why some adrift shipwreck survivors went mad from the isolation. As I went to sleep on the first night, I noted that I was barely able to make out the skyline of Castelia city. The second day was oh so much worse than the first, as the effects of dehydration were really starting to show. I started seeing things that weren't there by noon, both from hunger and from dehydration. I passed out at 3 PM, and when I woke up I was in a hospital bed attached to an I.V.

I glanced feebly around my hospital room, noting that I didn't have a neighbor. Eventually a nurse walked in and met my gaze. She noticed I was awake then and remarked "Hello, I'm Shelly, and now that you're awake I'd like to ask you a few questions. First up, what's your name?"

I answered "Michelle. Sorry, I don't remember any surname. Last thing I remember is being stuck on that raft and then here, don't remember much before that. Curiously, how long was I out?"

"Almost 3 days. When we found you, you were suffering extreme dehydration, and some of the doctors thought you'd actually suffered some sort of brain damage. Curiously, is there anything at all you remember?"

Ugh, that was way too close to being game over right there, even if it had been carefully calculated. I answered "Sort of? I remember all sorts of facts, such as who won the Kanto Pokemon league last year, but not really anything about me. Part of me's just screaming that I could take a look inside say, one of those cars I can see through the window, and make it work better than it ever did before."

She nodded and told me "Ah, I understand. There's a few more questions I've go ask. Do you by any chance remember where you came from?"

Being homeless sucked. It sucked even worse because I knew I could put it to a stop at any time, but that it would undermine all the work I was doing to have a place in society besides behind bars again if I did so. Still, I wasn't wanting for food, as the augmentations I'd reapplied meant that I could go for a very long time between meals. The watch had converted itself into a masterful clockwork model in good working order after I was once again cybernetic, and I pawned it off for about 240,000 Unova Poke, before blowing it all gorging myself on food which went straight into my Degenerate Energy Cells and buying a set of Pokeballs, some other electronic components including everything I needed to make my own laptop, and some tools.

I suffered 3 weeks of demeaning life on the streets as I slowly pieced together a black-boxed Pokeball reactor with an output of several megawatts. One of the particularly nasty highlights were when a group of jerkass teens stole my tools, forcing me to beg like one of the many dog-like Pokemon out there before they'd give them back. I set a few replicator drones on them for catharsis a few days later, nothing lethal, but they'd be off-kilter for a good long while after I body-swapped the lot of them.

Still, I eventually got the thing completed, and walked into the Castelia Department of Public Works on a Thursday and asked "Curiously, who would I have to talk to about selling electricity to the city?" while holding my black-box reactor, complete with electrical hazard symbol.

Someone looked at my rather small black-box and remarked "Sorry, but I don't think you'll be able to get much out of that little generator you've got there, after all it can't have a power output-"

I cut him off with "Higher than 8 megawatts. I know this thing is powerful, I built and tested it myself. It's got zero emissions or hazardous waste, the underlying technology is tried and tested safe, the parts are dirt cheap, the fuel is cheaper than what it costs to feed an equivalent number of Electric-type Pokemon, and it has enough fuel in this little box to run for several decades."

The people working here didn't seem all that convinced at first, but eventually they relented to let me plug my reactor into the power grid. After some haggling, we settled that I'd be willing to sell electricity for 1 Poke per Kilowatt Hour, undercutting the big power companies by a significant margin and netting me an income of 8,000 Poke per hour. This was automatically wired to the new bank account they gladly helped me set up, and I began using my new legal identity and rather large income to make several purchases.

One of the first things I bought is a lot just outside town, where I also hired some people to begin constructing the new corporate headquarters for Artifactor Electrical and Technology Incorporation. Stage 1 and 2 of making Team Transistor a global power for the abolition of stagnation was complete, now for the rest of the plan.
Feedback? I rarely comment on fics, but here goes;

Pacing is an issue. Show, not tell. If someone familiar with Pokemon read this before figuring out what the Jumpchain is, they would be really confused at where your SI got all his non-Pokemon stuff.

The characters are universally one dimensional.

Your jumper is a Mary-sue.

I suspect you personally of being a psychopath, due to the sheer callousness and disregard for others your self insert shows.
Mindrape when someone disagrees with you and refusing to face the consequences of your actions are bad things. Genuine remorse for your actions is generally followed by not doing them again.
After disrespecting both society (breaking laws) and it's appointed protectors (demanding the police arrest you on your terms, and only for as long as it was convenient for you), your character went back to mass murder like it was in danger of going out of style.

I must thank you however, for not physically raping the girls while they were unconscious. Mentally raping them into a state of mind they didn't choose is just as bad, however.

I'm going to go skim over the non-indexed posts, just in case I missed a statement about you doing this intentionally, to make a villain out of your MC...
...and done. You appear to be taking this entirely at face value. Nope, no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Feedback? I rarely comment on fics, but here goes;

Pacing is an issue. Show, not tell. If someone familiar with Pokemon read this before figuring out what the Jumpchain is, they would be really confused at where your SI got all his non-Pokemon stuff.

The characters are universally one dimensional.

Your jumper is a Mary-sue.

I suspect you personally of being a psychopath, due to the sheer callousness and disregard for others your self insert shows.
Mindrape when someone disagrees with you and refusing to face the consequences of your actions are bad things. Genuine remorse for your actions is generally followed by not doing them again.
After disrespecting both society (breaking laws) and it's appointed protectors (demanding the police arrest you on your terms, and only for as long as it was convenient for you), your character went back to mass murder like it was in danger of going out of style.

I must thank you however, for not physically raping the girls while they were unconscious. Mentally raping them into a state of mind they didn't choose is just as bad, however.

I'm going to go skim over the non-indexed posts, just in case I missed a statement about you doing this intentionally, to make a villain out of your MC...
...and done. You appear to be taking this entirely at face value. Nope, no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Of course, there's the traumatic memories from the start of the Jump as a major motivator, not to mention that 2 out of the 3 groups SI went after were trying to destroy the universe/kill everyone, and the third group was performing industrialized mind-rape. There was also some serious prodding required by Jump-Chan to make me break out of jail, which is proof that agreeing to go an a multiversal joyride for the amusement of an eldricht abomination isn't always the best of ideas.

As to being arrested on my terms, my only term was that they wouldn't kill me without due process. If they'd put me on death row, I probably would have let them do it. I also haven't deliberately killed anyone after my time in jail (Pidgey test subjects don't count), and it's going to stay that way for most cases.

As to my performing a memory wipe, you'll note I ever did that once.

One dimensional characters are a weakness of mine, and I admit it. As for my Jumper being a Mary Sue, that comes with the territory, and can't really be avoided.
Pokemon Year 8, Chapter 1
My second year as head of the rapidly growing Artifactor E&T Corporation was heralded when I looked out my window and saw a fleet of flying warships bearing the Team Plasma logo hovering over Castelia city. As I stood and gaped, a few fired underslung laser weapons and missiles at the capitol building, which went up in a fireball I estimated at roughly 60 tons of TNT worth of boom. Roughly 380 people just died, going by the reduction in ambient Aura.

I was trying to figure out where they'd gotten the massive fleet of warships from, when the television activated. On it was Ghetsis' maniacal grin, and he began one of those monologues he loved so much. "People of Unova, no, the world! I am Ghetsis, and now you all exist under my rule. Team Plasma has returned from our defeat two years ago, and now we have military might sufficient to crush all who dare oppose us.

Going off the technological and doctrinal example provided by the Armored Annihilator, we have created self-replicating war machines the likes of which the world has never seen! Our forces are limitless, and we will not be stopped. The rules under my rule are quite simple. You will do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. Any dissenters will be summarily executed."

I shut him up, at least on my end, by hurling an Aura Sphere into the TV. This could not be allowed to continue, so without further delay, I used a portal to slip into the Team Transistor HQ, and informed my currently present subordinates "As you all probably have heard, Team Plasma has somehow acquired a massive fleet of aerial warships and made a move to take over the world through sheer military force. The only possible way they could have built so many in such a short time is via replicators. I really didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like we'll have to use the SC Contingency."

The few hundred subordinates present in the mess hall, many of whom were duplicates of others who had since diverged, nodded grimly. I ordered "All personnel to battle stations, get the mantle extractor running, replicate the lifeboat starship, and get the Reshiram class Von Neumann battleship flying out of the replicators. Also, begin the expansion program."

Several things happened at once then. First, the base began expanding according to pre-programmed plans using its replicators, rapidly stretching for miles in all directions, sporting a shipyard capable of pumping out several capital ships per second. Several cooled Tungsten pipes were replicated further down, and began transmuting magma directly from the mantle into Mercury, which was pumped back up towards the main base to be used as construction mass.

I watched through the security cameras as the shipyard materialized its first product, a lighthugger starship that was capable of making a round trip at 0.999 c without re-fueling thanks to its Degenerate Energy fuel tanks and hyper-efficient gravity engine, carrying enough scans of people who said they'd like to go to a different star system if given the chance to ensure a stable population with no genetic bottlenecks along with fauna and flora to ensure a functional ecosystem could be created, and replicators allowing it to terraform an area the size of Unova. The last hope for civilization if I failed thrusted out into the cosmos as the replicators turned to making a different sort of ship entirely.

The Reshiram class 'battleship' was a compact brick of pure murder, designed with the singular purpose of clearing the airspace of hostiles. Coming in at a mere 30 meters long, its primary armament was a Replicator Cannon that could turn anything it hit into more of itself.

The Reshiram was also equipped with secondary laser batteries, capable of a total 40 gigawatts of laser power. For control it was piloted by a cyberneticized Pikachu brain, linked to an AI and filled with overrides to ensure their absolute loyalty. On top of all this, the base's replicators were manufacturing almost 80 of them every second. In fact, the main restriction on how fast I could make them was how long it took for one of them to get out of the way so the next one could be built.

The first destination for my constant stream of war machines was the airspace over Nacrene City, which was both directly adjacent, and had a relatively low amount of resistance present. My forces engaged immediately, both seamlessly removing Team Plasma's local forces from the equation and producing more of themselves in the enemy's midst. Within 3 seconds Nacrene City was clear of Team Plasma forces and Transistor members were duplicated from the main base to act as defensive garrison, peacekeeping force, and to use their mind-linked replicators to restore functionality to public infrastructure and perform emergency medical care.

That done, my forces continued to spread outwards. Castelia City was retaken almost immediately, along with Striaton City and the desert between Castelia and Nimbasa. Resistance started to build up by the time my forces had reached Black City and Nimbasa, Team Plasma's ships having self-replicated to an immense degree. Though those cities fell to my forces, I was absolutely stonewalled at Accumula Town, as Team Plasma's forces had built up enough numbers to counteract the new threats in their midst produced by my force's Replicator Cannons.

I groaned as I settled into my command deck back at the main facility. In the absolute best case scenario, this would be along and bloody war.
Skimmed briefly through the story. About as good as expected from average jumpchain adventure in a written form.

Which isn't exactly that kind of quality you should be proud of.
I know, but I try to keep it from being complete crap at the very least.

It's been an interesting run so far, but I'm certain that, at this point, there will be a dramatic shift in the setting, not just due to the war, but from the Armored Annihilator's advancements and their effects on society.

Also wondering if any kid heroes are going to say something like, "Wait... Team Transistor's goal is to protect humanity and improve the world? I thought they wanted to take over, like everyone else."

EDIT: To make it clear, I'm liking the story.
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