Muv Luv Nations - Interest Check

Interested in a Muv Luv Nations game?

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I'm thinking of starting a council game where players assume the role of leading a nation in the...
I'm thinking of starting a council game where players assume the role of leading a nation in the Muv Luv Alternative world shortly after the BETA have established a presence on Earth. This game will be in a shared game world with my BETA Superior quest on SB; the Superior players will play the opposing BETA force in quest format.

In terms of system, here's what I'm thinking of:

Each move a nation takes is based on a system of Political Points. As a leader of a nation, there are internal factions you have to contend with; if you want to do something, you have to spend a Political Point to get the necessary support to make it happen. You gain Political Points by doing something your opposition wants, succeeding in battle, or other large successes. Anything you want to do you can do -- the GM will be responsible for making sure it is reasonable considering your limitations. No matter how big or small the action, if there is opposition to it, it will cost a Political Point. Things like sending a diplomatic message, setting up a special military unit, sending a spy, using spec ops, etc, would not normally require expenditure of a Political Point.

Nations that are closer to Hives will have more Political Points to work with. China will start the game with unlimited Political Points, as the Original Hive has been established there. And they just got Laser-class so good luck with that.

Only the US will start the game with very early TSFs that were developed originally for Lunar missions.

An example list of nations would be:

China - unlimited PP engaged with the Original Hive
GDR (East Germany) - 1 PP
FRG (West Germany) - 1 PP
France - 1 PP
UK - 1 PP
North Africa - 1 PP
South Africa - 1 PP
US - 1 PP
Canada - 1 PP
South America - 1 PP
Japan - 1 PP
Australia - 1 PP

OR, alternatively, it could be a quest-style game for the UN.
Canada for the win.

but im ok for a quest style game. could be easier if you want it to work along side the other quest because a council/rp can take longer because one member might be busy.
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I'll need to refresh myself on how precisely council games are run, but this seems interesting.

For the Union!

Edit: To make it explicit, that was me calling the USSR.
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Welp, if this does turn out to be acouncil game, I'm interested. Japan for me.
China should switch to a command economy. It sucks for normal purposes, but it excels for getting one specific thing done.
Does China have nukes yet? If so focus on nukes and carpet ground detonate nukes to punch through the BETA forces. Suicide nukes everywhere. And any hives that start up gets Nuked.

Edit: 1964 is when China successfully detonated its first nuke. So, yeah, pump out nukes like there's no tomorrow.
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China did acquire some nukes, and tried to hit the Kashgar Hive with one -- which was annoying to it, and has now posted its Laser-class BETA on defensive duty so forget about landing anything on the Hive -- mass bombardment may work if you can overwhelm the Laser-class, though. Intel is a problem now, because after the Lasers came out, everything that flies that comes anywhere near the airspace of the Hive gets instantly vaporized. You have to rely on satellite imagery from the USSR which at this stage is not very high-quality.
So you don't try to *fly* something there. You use a bait to nuke nearby BETA ground forces, repeatedly if need be, and force the nukes through via ground. Drive the damned things through smoking irradiated land if need be. Given China's population it would damned well have enough fanatical troops that will take the job.
I'll work on that. After doing some reading to familiarize myself with the setting, I have a few ideas for things to do.

The Pillars of Damocles* shall rain upon them. Well, at least until they start deploying anti-orbital assets.

*Also referred to as tungsten telephone poles dropped from orbit. High speed, high salvo size, great power per shot, and don't need much tech beyond getting them into space and working out when to drop them.

Note: Secondary plans involve very heavy sustained fire to contain BETA spread, since direct attacks will by that point be nonviable. At least until G-bombs become available.
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I want to join too.

Can I become Australia? I want to play China but I don't think I will survive nightmare mode.
So the Rod from God strategy to contain the BETA? Bot that I have anything against dropping tungten shells from orbit onto hostile aliens, but doesn't that particular strategy cause extreme colateral?

I'm interesting. Japan or UK please?
Called dibs on Japan, friend.
Less collateral than an equivalent nuclear effort, I think. Better than my second plan, which is to break out the biological and chemical weapons to see what sticks.

It should also buy a bit of time so other solutions can be implemented when the BETA adapt to that.
Gah, missed Viper, because he said murrica, instead of US, and Frost Giant didn't actually call Canada, just said 'FTW'.

Looking for the Hive Map, but will tentatively call East Germany.
You guys do realize that you guys don't have enough lift capacity to do rods from god? Not to mention the BETA will vaporize the rods just like they do the heavy metal rods that the MuvLuvverse drop troops in the 2000s use? The only way you are going to push in a timely manner is ground transported nukes. Like what I said before.

Suicide troops equipped with nukes to keep nuking on the way to the Hive.

Case in point:

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Hmmm... it might be a little excessive, but perhaps the US could be persuaded to reactivate their ORION program? That might do something if there aren't enough laser class guarding the surface...
You guys know what nation is top dog in MuvLuv Alternative? USA. Because it didn't hesitate to nuke the hive that landed in Canada. If you guys don't use every tool you have to crush any further hives you be fucked btw.