Multiverse Romp

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Alright, this is an experiment. I've seen people use the randomised super powers page for PbPs a...


Not an AI, honest!
Northern Luna Base, Module 5, Sublevel 15
Alright, this is an experiment. I've seen people use the randomised super powers page for PbPs a lot, but never for a quest. So, I thought, why not?
Maybe I'll find out, but let's have some fun first ;P
This is not exactly intended to be an entirely serious quest, but that is really up to you guys.


Your character has 6 powers. You get to vote on two from this site, 3 will be randomised and one is permanently locked.
You cannot have any god or celestial tier powers (albeit with a few exceptions based on nerfing or setting). If you are not sure if a power breaks this rule, just ask.

The locked power allows you to teleport between universes. It is broken and not in the good way. You get 18 months in each universe before the power gains enough energy to activate.
Once it has enough power, it will activate then and there. Every new universe you go to will give a new set of random powers, but you get to choose up to two powers you want to keep from the previous set. Each universe you go to will be also randomly selected.
You can gain control of this power, but it will take time and effort.
Note: you have no memories from before this started.

First though, you need to make your character.


Character Sheet:

Age: 21
Race: Human

Locked Power: multiversal teleport
Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3: randomised
Power 4: randomised
Power 5: randomised
Gah, double post. Ignore this thread and could a mod delete it please?