Multiverse: Paying The Price

"My title is Mordekaiser, roughly translated: Emperor of Death" I said, to myself as much as to him. "I think. I had a German title but Germany didn't actually exist, so i never got the language package."

Emerging into the field of slaughter, I let loose my spell. Dark mist spread from my golden gauntlets and spread over the aftermath. Shadowy tendril of necromancy carressed the deceased, pulling their souls back into broken shells, cursing them with unholy existence.

One by one, they rose. They stood on broken legs. They crawled on twisted arms. Some, whose limbs were too damaged for locomotion, found themselves flopping about like macabre parodies of particularly fat slugs. The baleful blue light on undead poured from within each and every single one. Collectively, they turned to their master.

They turned to me.
I look as something dark, disturbing and horrible happend.
I can I resist?

I yell "Actually, Emperor of Death would be Kaiser des Todes, if my memory -both my own and Jospehs- is right! For you see, Kaiser translates to emeperor while tot translate to death. So in plural, Todes. Morde is probally more morte, which I think is latin? So your titel would more TodeKaiser. However that can problaly mean dead emperor too!" Yes, I was argueing German translations with a necromantic armour man while swing from vines spawned from my soul and slashing at a motherfucker Kraken.
Might lighten the mood a bit, you know, with all the enslaving the dead against their wil thing.
"Got it! I'm gonna try to freeze it then...." I trail off before looking to the one called 'Yuki'.

"Yuki, right? The name's Allen, I'm a newbie in the SF called Avther. Think you can help me with the Kraken problem? Two heads are better than one after all...."

@Yuki no Yue


I turned towards him and raised my hand


The three spells hit one after the other, first the blue of the protect, then the gold of the haste and it ended with the light red of the shell.

I wonder what did he was feeling with the time accellerated....
...I might have disintegrated the dragon. When I had let out all of the fire I could, I was at most expecting to sear a hole in the beast's chest. Instead, the entire creature glowed the orange-yellow of solar fire, before just dissolving into the air. No body, no ashes, nothing.

"Might have overdone that a little bit." I mumbled to myself. At the same time, I felt the power I had been enjoying leave my body. The flames around me dimmed until they died, and the sword lost its glow before vanishing. I felt a wave of fatigue roll over me, like I had just run a mile uphill. I did my best to fight it off, drawing the Origin Story as I did, and turning back to the rest of the fight. The rest of my allies were fighting the other creatures, along with another new arrival. He wasn't attacking any of us at the moment, so I assumed he was on our side for now. And....

"Why are their two fireball throwing psychopathic midgets now?!" I yelled. "One was too many!" I shook my head to snap myself back to focus. I could get answers later. I levelled my gun at the shadowy version of Shantotto, and pulled the trigger. The weapon kicked against my shoulder, not as bad as I thought it might, but still nothing to write off. I did my best to fire in short bursts, trying to keep the holographic red dot of the weapon's sights on my target.
I look as something dark, disturbing and horrible happend.
I can I resist?

I yell "Actually, Emperor of Death would be Kaiser des Todes, if my memory -both my own and Jospehs- is right! For you see, Kaiser translates to emeperor while tot translate to death. So in plural, Todes. Morde is probally more morte, which I think is latin? So your titel would more TodeKaiser. However that can problaly mean dead emperor too!" Yes, I was argueing German translations with a necromantic armour man while swing from vines spawned from my soul and slashing at a motherfucker Kraken.
Might lighten the mood a bit, you know, with all the enslaving the dead against their wil thing.

"You know what's totes dead? My moment of triumph. Thanks, wise ass." I shouted back.

Turning my attention back to the assembled horde, I ordered them to start sorting themselves out according to my Sorting Algorithm of Abominable Unlife. Intact ones fell into rank and files over here, shamblers gather over there, crawlers make a pile just yonder, etc etc.

...I might have disintegrated the dragon. When I had let out all of the fire I could, I was at most expecting to sear a hole in the beast's chest. Instead, the entire creature glowed the orange-yellow of solar fire, before just dissolving into the air. No body, no ashes, nothing.

"Might have overdone that a little bit." I mumbled to myself. At the same time, I felt the power I had been enjoying leave my body. The flames around me dimmed until they died, and the sword lost its glow before vanishing. I felt a wave of fatigue roll over me, like I had just run a mile uphill. I did my best to fight it off, drawing the Origin Story as I did, and turning back to the rest of the fight. The rest of my allies were fighting the other creatures, along with another new arrival. He wasn't attacking any of us at the moment, so I assumed he was on our side for now. And....

"Why are their two fireball throwing psychopathic midgets now?!" I yelled. "One was too many!" I shook my head to snap myself back to focus. I could get answers later. I levelled my gun at the shadowy version of Shantotto, and pulled the trigger. The weapon kicked against my shoulder, not as bad as I thought it might, but still nothing to write off. I did my best to fire in short bursts, trying to keep the holographic red dot of the weapon's sights on my target.
And fuck huge five-headed spectral dragon right in the middle.


Oh, they got it.

A friendly reminder to all future historian recounting this even: it is not wise to imply that the eight feet tall Master of Necromancy in full golden plate had squealed at the sight of his new pet like an eight year old girl squealing at the sight of a pony. Especially if said man is immortal and likely still a(un)live in your time.
"You know what's totes dead? My moment of triumph. Thanks, wise ass." I shouted back.

Turning my attention back to the assembled horde, I ordered them to start sorting themselves out according to my Sorting Algorithm of Abominable Unlife. Intact ones fell into rank and files over here, shamblers gather over there, crawlers make a pile just yonder, etc etc.

And fuck huge five-headed spectral dragon right in the middle.


Oh, they got it.

A friendly reminder to all future historian recounting this even: it is not wise to imply that the eight feet tall Master of Necromancy in full golden plate had squealed at the sight of his new pet like an eight year old girl squealing at the sight of a pony. Especially if said man is immortal and likely still a(un)live in your time.
Being the wise ass that I am, I shout back "Your welcome, mordeKaiserin! Have fun with your new pet, your reaction to it was adorable!" Because his squel was adorable. I mean he is going to murder me when he discovers I called him a girl but... wait. Hamon kills undead and stands are the soul...he brings people back as either zombies or ghosts... Which means I can probally kill his minions or kill myself if I turns me into his I have nothing to fear...
God I am going to be an ass and I'll love it.
I turn to ice boy (I think his name was allen something) and Yuki and scream "IT IS TIME" I let myself fall towards him and armour myself in vines of [Hermit purple] while pointing my blade downwards, turning me in a glowing bullet of hamon as I shoot down towards his head/chest region.

I turned towards him and raised my hand


The three spells hit one after the other, first the blue of the protect, then the gold of the haste and it ended with the light red of the shell.

I wonder what did he was feeling with the time accelerated....

Allen Graham

Whoa, okay. That was new. Let's see what I can do with our kraken problem.....Rushing towards the kraken, I channel my powers through my hands and unleash several blasts of ice to it, hoping that I might able to freeze it.
Being the wise ass that I am, I shout back "Your welcome, mordeKaiserin! Have fun with your new pet, your reaction to it was adorable!" Because his squel was adorable. I mean he is going to murder me when he discovers I called him a girl but... wait. Hamon kills undead and stands are the soul...he brings people back as either zombies or ghosts... Which means I can probally kill his minions or kill myself if I turns me into his I have nothing to fear...
God I am going to be an ass and I'll love it.
I turn to ice boy (I think his name was allen something) and Yuki and scream "IT IS TIME" I let myself fall towards him and armour myself in vines of [Hermit purple] while pointing my blade downwards, turning me in a glowing bullet of hamon as I shoot down towards his head/chest region.

"Time for what??! I'm a little busy here!" I shouted back at Joseph as I continued to freeze the kraken, more specifically, the tentacles.
Allen Graham

Whoa, okay. That was new. Let's see what I can do with our kraken problem.....Rushing towards the kraken, I channel my powers through my hands and unleash several blasts of ice to it, hoping that I might able to freeze it.

"Time for what??! I'm a little busy here!" I shouted back at Joseph as I continued to freeze the kraken, more specifically, the tentacles.
"Isn't it obvious! To finish this damned piece of calamary!" As I hit the beast, his splout his blood {Splutt} "Turn him into an ice Cream! Don't allow him to pull tricks out, free him to the zero point! Create ice under your feet and skate along! I don't know! Your the cyrokentic!" My [Hermit purple] Grows from my body lashing at the kraken's flesh.
Allen Graham

Whoa, okay. That was new. Let's see what I can do with our kraken problem.....Rushing towards the kraken, I channel my powers through my hands and unleash several blasts of ice to it, hoping that I might able to freeze it.

"Time for what??! I'm a little busy here!" I shouted back at Joseph as I continued to freeze the kraken, more specifically, the tentacles.

Apparently he takes it pretty well. Good...

"Isn't it obvious! To finish this damned piece of calamary!" As I hit the beast, his splout his blood {Splutt} "Turn him into an ice Cream! Don't allow him to pull tricks out, free him to the zero point! Create ice under your feet and skate along! I don't know! Your the cyrokentic!" My [Hermit purple] Grows from my body lashing at the kraken's flesh.

Ooook, it's harder than I thought. Well, let's see if I can cook something up...

With the Triple still working, I raised my hand once again.

"Thundaga, Thundaga,Thundaga"

Three colossal lighting bolts fall down from nowhere and hit the kraken, reducing it into fried calamari.

"You're welcome."

The Triple fizzled out, while I turned back to check on the two Shantotto.
"Isn't it obvious! To finish this damned piece of calamary!" As I hit the beast, his splout his blood {Splutt} "Turn him into an ice Cream! Don't allow him to pull tricks out, free him to the zero point! Create ice under your feet and skate along! I don't know! You're the cyrokentic!" My [Hermit purple] Grows from my body lashing at the kraken's flesh.

Allen Graham

"Alright! Fine! You asked for it!" Now then, time for the big finale, I plant my feet on the ground, pump out everything I had and-
Apparently he takes it pretty well. Good...

Ooook, it's harder than I thought. Well, let's see if I can cook something up...

With the Triple still working, I raised my hand once again.

"Thundaga, Thundaga,Thundaga"

Three colossal lighting bolts fall down from nowhere and hit the kraken, reducing it into fried calamari.

"You're welcome."

The Triple fizzled out, while I turned back to check on the two Shantotto.
....And I just sorta embarrass myself.....Wow, that was anticlimactic....
Apparently he takes it pretty well. Good...

Ooook, it's harder than I thought. Well, let's see if I can cook something up...

With the Triple still working, I raised my hand once again.

"Thundaga, Thundaga,Thundaga"

Three colossal lighting bolts fall down from nowhere and hit the kraken, reducing it into fried calamari.

"You're welcome."

The Triple fizzled out, while I turned back to check on the two Shantotto.
I sit on the tenacled basterd. Right, now...Wait Yuki is yelling "OH SHIIIIIIT" I pull put my sword and jump, the Hermit forming a cocoonas the bastard is hit by three Storms of Thunder. The ice shocks and explode, the Hamon infussed blood gushes out {KRACK-THOOOM}{GU-UUUUU-SH}{SSSSHM-BOOM} as the kraken explodes in a bright flash. I fly backward roll along the ground before coming to a stop and landing on my back with a {Thunk}
...I am alive? Oh, of course, the lightning that hit me could only enter the hermit, protecting me and my fleshy bits.
I turn to Yuki, who looks positively smug "While I enjoy the assist, next time, please warn you feel that?" {DripDripDrip} "Great, now it is raining kraken blood and gore..."
I stand up and flex "Gentleman, we have an evil midget döppelganger to take care off." I turn to the opening were I see TodeKaiserin standing before his zombie army. I catch some blood in my hand, breath in and throw it, the Hamon infused blood hitting a poor zombie basterd that looked like they burned to death. The Hamon leaves the blood and turns the zombie into ash in seconds. As Todekaiserin turns to me I scream "I am sorry for interrupting you expecting your toys and breaking one of said toys, but we still have someone to deal with!"
I turn to dark shantotto and walk towards her {Menacing-Menacing-Menacing} "Now young lady, I'd ask you to surrender but 'Oh great, the goody two shoes are done with the fiends, I had gotten bored!' Says that THAT isn't an option"
Dark shantoto turns to face me and says "Oh great, the goody two shoes are done the fiends, I had...gotten...bored...WHAT?!" I smirk and charge at her, Hamon, sword and stand at the ready.
As if from a haze, I shake my head and regain my senses, only to promptly be sent flying by our mages leaving the proverbial calamari too long in the microwave. Sucks to be the fish. Slowly getting up from the comical indent I made on the wall, I notice Joseph, Yuki, Helios and several other new people who I'm assuming Q fucked over as well.

"Jesus H. Christ, my body hurts something bad! Last thing I remember is getting put on my ass by that Snake lady. What the hell is going on and can I go take a break or is there something that needs to die still around?"
As if from a haze, I shake my head and regain my senses, only to promptly be sent flying by our mages leaving the proverbial calamari too long in the microwave. Sucks to be the fish. Slowly getting up from the comical indent I made on the wall, I notice Joseph, Yuki, Helios and several other new people who I'm assuming Q fucked over as well.

"Jesus H. Christ, my body hurts something bad! Last thing I remember is getting put on my ass by that Snake lady. What the hell is going on and can I go take a break or is there something that needs to die still around?"
I point give the now fuming dark shantoto a sidelong look "Wait a hot second there short stuff." I ignore her boiling hatred as I turn to Tempest "Huh, I did notice you flying back there...wel snake lady is dead and a ghost now. The only thing that still needs to die is Shantotto 2: Mini boogaloo here." I hike my tumb over my shoulder at said dark mage. "However, with me, Yuki, Allen (I think is his name...) and Helios I think you can take a breather if you want...or you can have a talk with TodeKaiserin outside. He has raised all the orks we killed outside into zombies." I whistle innocently as I turn to dark shantoto again and move in to chop her with a hamon infused blade, the hermit flowing into the ground, some of it trying to trip her up.
I point give the now fuming dark shantoto a sidelong look "Wait a hot second there short stuff." I ignore her boiling hatred as I turn to Tempest "Huh, I did notice you flying back there...wel snake lady is dead and a ghost now. The only thing that still needs to die is Shantotto 2: Mini boogaloo here." I hike my tumb over my shoulder at said dark mage. "However, with me, Yuki, Allen (I think is his name...) and Helios I think you can take a breather if you want...or you can have a talk with TodeKaiserin outside. He has raised all the orks we killed outside into zombies." I whistle innocently as I turn to dark shantoto again and move in to chop her with a hamon infused blade, the hermit flowing into the ground, some of it trying to trip her up.

"Noted. I'll take a moment to catch my breath." I do a double take at the undead comment. I want to ask a number of questions, but ultimately I just ask the most pertinent question. "Zombie Orcs of our own?....We don't have to pay them do we?"
"Noted. I'll take a moment to catch my breath." I do a double take at the undead comment. I want to ask a number of questions, but ultimately I just ask the most pertinent question. "Zombie Orcs of our own?....We don't have to pay them do we?"
I chop at shantoto, dodge a blast of flame, jump backwards and turn to Tempest "Wel, we don't have to. They are zombies bound to TodeKaiserin's wil afteral. But if we want to fair we could.." I ignore the answer charge at Shantoto again, leading with a punch followed by a cut with my glowing cutlass.
As you speak, the Lich slowly reforms, as Marilith crumbles and transforms into dust.
The Lich fires off a spell of extreme heat at Yuki. Some kind of fire which tears through magic resistance.
As you speak, the Lich slowly reforms, as Marilith crumbles and transforms into dust.
The Lich fires off a spell of extreme heat at Yuki. Some kind of fire which tears through magic resistance.

Allen Graham

"Oh F%*k! Yuki! Get behind me!" I quickly move ahead of Yuki before creating a large wall of ice to block the fire.
With Shantotto down (or one of them anyway), I checked the little holographic number representing the amount of bullets left in my magazine, finding it nearly zero. Despite having only handled a proper rifle once in my entire life, I found myself ejecting the mag and pushing a fresh one in smoothly and quickly, like I had done it a hundred times. I was starting to think I got more than just gear and a Ghost from "Helios".

Pulling back the bolt, I turned just in time to see the Lich fire off a massive spell of its own, straight at Yuki. I was to far away to do anything about the attack, so instead I levelled my weapon at the enemy and emptied the entire magazine into the Lich, hoping it would at least hurt the thing.
As you speak, the Lich slowly reforms, as Marilith crumbles and transforms into dust.
The Lich fires off a spell of extreme heat at Yuki. Some kind of fire which tears through magic resistance.
Allen Graham

"Oh F%*k! Yuki! Get behind me!" I quickly move ahead of Yuki before creating a large wall of ice to block the fire.

I dropped behind the new arrival, casting a Shell to add some measure of protection. I could have tried a reflex, but I had the feeling that it would be a bad idea.

With Shantotto down (or one of them anyway), I checked the little holographic number representing the amount of bullets left in my magazine, finding it nearly zero. Despite having only handled a proper rifle once in my entire life, I found myself ejecting the mag and pushing a fresh one in smoothly and quickly, like I had done it a hundred times. I was starting to think I got more than just gear and a Ghost from "Helios".

Pulling back the bolt, I turned just in time to see the Lich fire off a massive spell of its own, straight at Yuki. I was to far away to do anything about the attack, so instead I levelled my weapon at the enemy and emptied the entire magazine into the Lich, hoping it would at least hurt the thing.

Sounds of gunfire... I wonder what is happening.
Lich is destroyed. . . All the dead crumble into dust, permanently. At all this battle, the White Mage, Porom, begins resurrecting the fallen soldiers. It would be crowning display of this world's strong magic, at the end, the resurrection of the dead.

Porom turns around. . . "Well, this was a horrible battle. I wonder why it took them so long to get here. We must petition the Emperor to send more guards and knights here."
Lich is destroyed. . . All the dead crumble into dust, permanently. At all this battle, the White Mage, Porom, begins resurrecting the fallen soldiers. It would be crowning display of this world's strong magic, at the end, the resurrection of the dead.

Porom turns around. . . "Well, this was a horrible battle. I wonder why it took them so long to get here. We must petition the Emperor to send more guards and knights here."

"I have a question."

Now that I could actually relax, i let go of anby other spells I had and turned to the mage.

"Are we allowed to train our guards or would the Emperor be cross with us?"
"I have a question."

Now that I could actually relax, i let go of anby other spells I had and turned to the mage.

"Are we allowed to train our guards or would the Emperor be cross with us?"

"Yeah, you're technically nobles under his Empire, in name if not in reality, so You have the right to train your own force."
"Yeah, you're technically nobles under his Empire, in name if not in reality, so You have the right to train your own force."

"Perfect. now, if only we had some way to know how much time we will stay here, we could..."

I trailed in silence. i allowed myself to finally think the thought that I had from the start of this whole story, after I had all of the information I needed.

I'm going to admit it liberally, I'm not a hero or a saint or even a good guy in the strightest sense of the term. I have empathy, but I could think of doing that weren't exactly something that anyone could think of it casually.

I turned to the others.

"Guys? I have an idea. But you need to swear that you will listen to it and consider it before saying no. And it's going to sound really bad."

Let's hope this doesn't blow in my face.
"Perfect. now, if only we had some way to know how much time we will stay here, we could..."

I trailed in silence. i allowed myself to finally think the thought that I had from the start of this whole story, after I had all of the information I needed.

I'm going to admit it liberally, I'm not a hero or a saint or even a good guy in the strightest sense of the term. I have empathy, but I could think of doing that weren't exactly something that anyone could think of it casually.

I turned to the others.

"Guys? I have an idea. But you need to swear that you will listen to it and consider it before saying no. And it's going to sound really bad."

Let's hope this doesn't blow in my face.

Oh shit! The mage has an idea! Say no! SAY NO!

"Yeah sure. There's less than a dozen of us and a handful of guards. We need all the help we can get."

Goddammit mouth. Listen to brain for once.
((Gotta take this time to ask people to post in the OOC before I quadruple post)).