Multiverse: Paying The Price

Before anyone could say even a single word, everyone suddenly felt a chill on their backs. Within seconds, the temperature started to drop rapidly around them. And right before their eyes, a life-like statue formed in front of them, ignoring the laws of logic and physics. It was nothing extraordinary, other than the fact that what appears to be a young man somehow sleeping while standing.


However, this is no statue, another lost soul dragged into this very dangerous game...and he's a very dangerous one.....

As for what happened next, the statue exploded.....

Allen Graham

Cold...that was my first thought as I wake from what seems to be a long slumber. It was strange, I felt different, as if I'm more than what I was.....why?
Then, I know. It only took a few seconds, yet it felt like forever. I raised my hands, staring at them for the moment....then....

Ice quickly formed around my arms, reaching from my elbows to the fingertips. Somehow, I could tell that the ice are stronger than they should be, and I'm not even getting frostbites from them. I couldn't help but stared before I started to grin. "Well then, this has to be the weirdest yet the best thing that has happen to me....minus the assassins and 'away from home part'....."
The five guardsmen, plus the Captain of the Guards run towards the creatures. . . predictably, the Kraken merely snaps one of his tentacles, crushing them all in one fell swoop. The rest of the castle's servants run. As Palom merely stands there with his mouth open, Porom does something surprising. A flash of white light flickers throughout the Crystal Chambers as the real Shantotto, just awakening from unconsciousness awakens. The Dark half of Shantotto, an evil doppleganger feels the flare spells slam into her magically defended body, still suffering majorly from her archmage's spells. Her clothes were not damage, but even though Dark Shantotto was harmed enough to be staggered, the sleeping spell did nothing. Also strangely, the flare spells caused no burns, but harmed their targets with a very fierce concussive blast instead.

Tiamat, the five headed dragon breathed fire towards Palom. Surprisingly he survived this. At this same moment, Porom's flickering white magic attack she cast earlier released from a strange sounding incantation from her mouth, and it slammed into Tiamat, hard, enough to distract her from Palom, causing her heads to turn towards Porom. Ironically, the astonished guards of Porom stalled, but woke up to attention fast once they figured out all of this was really going on. Pulling out their long swords they would attempt to defend the Crystals in the chamber with their lives.

I watched as the five goons were crushed underneath one of the Kraken's many suckered limbs and let out a scoff.

Wood play.

"Death is not an excuse. Your services shall continue." And with that, their broken bodies pulled themselves off the floor, baleful dull blue light pouring from eyes and mouth and open wounds. "Onward. "

And with that, they fell into formation and marched forth again, as eager as undead thralls could be.

I continued my advance on the five-headed dragon who had the audacity to overlook me. The sharpnel storm raked and sliced at its hide, tearing long, ragged tear on the beast. My mace, shrouded in dark power, rose and fell, crashing onto its leg.

The big threats were being taken care of by our own mages. Besides which, I was a mook blender not a monster slayer.

I leap in front of the Human-Snake warrior and begin to engage her in single combat.

I tap the hooded figure, seeing a flicker of steel and the flash of a lantern. A yellow eyed, green skinned(?) creature looks me in the eyes.

"Umm...Excuse me, sir of madam, are you the keeper of these dungeons?" I ask the creature. One of my friends is a ratman and the other a space revanent, this creature could be friendly. The creature simple nods. "Alright Then, do you have a name." It nods "...Will you Tell me your name?" It shakes its head "...So, is it oké If I nickname you morte?" I nods. Good, morte fits for someone taking care of the dungeon.
I hear slight scrapping as the orcs wake up and try to stand. I stand behind them and Knock them out cold...Again. I point towards two cells "Can I put them there?" Morte nods.

I Hear the room shake and Hear an unholy screach "...that is my cue to leave. Got it handled here morte?" The Tiny creature nods as it points to the now closed and locked Doors. Which is weird, as I never saw it release its lantern or knife but KNOW it locked the Doors...probally magic. "Wel in that case, good luck friend!" I saw boistoursly as I see the Tiny creature wave as I leave.

As I step outside I see what can only be described as a clusterfuck. A five headed dragon getting kicked in by Helios and some pimp-in looking armored fellow and some zombie guards (wait I recognize that armour...those are our guards. Shit). Past that I see a waterless kraken, a thin fellow how is probably a lich and a multi armed lady fighting tempest. There two shantotto's, the shadowy one fighting her doppelgänger and Yuki. The mages are guarding the crystal room. How? Oh... we are missing walls right now...
My hands snap to my face as I scream "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD!"

After I finish screaming (and everyone is looking at me confused) I swagger towards the lich {Menacing Menacing Menacing}. The Lich finally snaps out of its confused stupor as I point at it "Hmmm, this one a challenge but 'Tremble and rejoice human, for you have the privilege of serving me' hmm?" The lich opens its mouth and gloats "Tremble and rejoice human, for you have the privilege of ser-EEEEH!?" It screeches in surprise and I take that moment to snap out my [Hermit Purples] vines to completely bind the creature. I look at the pimp-in armour "I assume the skeleton posse is yours, hmm? If your undead, I advice staying away from the energy I create." As I slam my hand into the hermit sending a massive wave of Hamon {SHHHMMM} into the creature, the life force causing the creature to ripple and burn before exploding {BOOOOOOM} until nothing but ash remains. "My Hamon is lethal to undead you see, it destroys them and blocks any form of regeneration. Granted I have no idea how interacts with phylacteries or whatever lichens use." I take a moment to take in the suroundings, I see the lich won't be making a return as I crack my knuckles and approach the multi limbed lady and Tempest "Need some help friend? Don't worry, the orcs are secured in dungeons my a pleasant...fellow? Creature in robes with a knife and lantern. I think they have it covered." I look the multi armed woman "Now young lady, I advice you surrender before you are beaten into a pulp." I say, grinning and letting the Hermit cover my arms.

Two Shantotto. how did i miss this? One was already enough. And apparently sleep doesn't work. Well, if you fail the first time....


The reflex around me faded in a series of arch of blue and magenta. Then, almost at the same time, I chained another spell.


The golden clock appeared over me, before their lancets started to accelerate, until they were only a blur that vanished. And time slowed down for everyone else, my own affinity magkificating the effect of the spell. it wasn't the same thing that the original Ultimecia could do with her completely TIME!, but I'll take it.

I had this body for less than a day, give me a bit of adjustment time!

Still, now that I could act and think at many times the the speed of before, I could act with more flexibility. Still, using the spell in this way wouldn't last.


My voice would sound like an almost unrecognizable blur from the outside, but it was okay. And now the fun begin. Let's just hope that they would be able to keep the other four pests occupied.


Three chained Dispel against Shantotto, the one who attacked me, to block or undo any kind of magical protection she could have on her, just to start.


Silence to shut her up, slow to... well, slow her and berserk to block her to cast any other spells.

Let's hope that this is enough.

Before anyone could say even a single word, everyone suddenly felt a chill on their backs. Within seconds, the temperature started to drop rapidly around them. And right before their eyes, a life-like statue formed in front of them, ignoring the laws of logic and physics. It was nothing extraordinary, other than the fact that what appears to be a young man somehow sleeping while standing.


However, this is no statue, another lost soul dragged into this very dangerous game...and he's a very dangerous one.....

As for what happened next, the statue exploded.....

Allen Graham

Cold...that was my first thought as I wake from what seems to be a long slumber. It was strange, I felt different, as if I'm more than what I was.....why?
Then, I know. It only took a few seconds, yet it felt like forever. I raised my hands, staring at them for the moment....then....

Ice quickly formed around my arms, reaching from my elbows to the fingertips. Somehow, I could tell that the ice are stronger than they should be, and I'm not even getting frostbites from them. I couldn't help but stared before I started to grin. "Well then, this has to be the weirdest yet the best thing that has happen to me....minus the assassins and 'away from home part'....."

Of fucking course.
Before anyone could say even a single word, everyone suddenly felt a chill on their backs. Within seconds, the temperature started to drop rapidly around them. And right before their eyes, a life-like statue formed in front of them, ignoring the laws of logic and physics. It was nothing extraordinary, other than the fact that what appears to be a young man somehow sleeping while standing.


However, this is no statue, another lost soul dragged into this very dangerous game...and he's a very dangerous one.....

As for what happened next, the statue exploded.....

Allen Graham

Cold...that was my first thought as I wake from what seems to be a long slumber. It was strange, I felt different, as if I'm more than what I was.....why?
Then, I know. It only took a few seconds, yet it felt like forever. I raised my hands, staring at them for the moment....then....

Ice quickly formed around my arms, reaching from my elbows to the fingertips. Somehow, I could tell that the ice are stronger than they should be, and I'm not even getting frostbites from them. I couldn't help but stared before I started to grin. "Well then, this has to be the weirdest yet the best thing that has happen to me....minus the assassins and 'away from home part'....."
I look at the new figure, or more specificly, the fading sound effects. Huh, others have them too, neat. I turn to the snake woman "I assume He is not one of you?" I Ignore her reaction walk towards the man "Wel Hello there! Are you Alright? I assume Q dicked you over too. Names Jospeh Joestar, fellow Pawn of Fate. The ratman With the snake woman is Tempest, the guy with wings and black shoeless feet Yuki, the armoured Guy With fire near the Dragon is Helios. No clue Who the other armoured feller is but I assume He is fellow chewtoy of fate. We currently being attacked, So Some help would be swel. Maybe you can help deal with the...kraken issue?" I say looking up to the massive thing "we should probally deal With that. Tempest probally has snake girl coverd." I wasn't going to fight the kraken alone, So shouldn't let the new Guy do it alone either.
I look at the new figure, or more specificly, the fading sound effects. Huh, others have them too, neat. I turn to the snake woman "I assume He is not one of you?" I Ignore her reaction walk towards the man "Wel Hello there! Are you Alright? I assume Q dicked you over too. Names Jospeh Joestar, fellow Pawn of Fate. The ratman With the snake woman is Tempest, the guy with wings and black shoeless feet Yuki, the armoured Guy With fire near the Dragon is Helios. No clue Who the other armoured feller is but I assume He is fellow chewtoy of fate. We currently being attacked, So Some help would be swel. Maybe you can help deal with the...kraken issue?" I say looking up to the massive thing "we should probally deal With that. Tempest probally has snake girl coverd." I wasn't going to fight the kraken alone, So shouldn't let the new Guy do it alone either.

Allen Graham

I blinked twice, trying to process what just happen and as well as the fact that I'm looking at none other than bloody Joseph Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the smartest trickster who a lot of people, especially a god who almost destroy the world....

"....Err..Sure? I guess?....Wait, what kraken issue?" I looked around and...."Oh...that Kraken..."
Allen Graham

I blinked twice, trying to process what just happen and as well as the fact that I'm looking at none other than bloody Joseph Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the smartest trickster who a lot of people, especially a god who almost destroy the world....

"....Err..Sure? I guess?....Wait, what kraken issue?" I looked around and...."Oh...that Kraken..."
"Yep" {Menacing Menacing Menacing} "That Kraken. Up for it kiddo?" I ask as I flex my body with a smirk, getting ready for a fight. "If yes, I have a game plan. Hamon CAN travel through ice, if barely. If you can make your ice melt slightly at the surface I can let Hamon travel along it and try to boil its blood." I say, slamming my fist into my open palm.
"Yep" {Menacing Menacing Menacing} "That Kraken. Up for it kiddo?" I ask as I flex my body with a smirk, getting ready for a fight. "If yes, I have a game plan. Hamon CAN travel through ice, if barely. If you can make your ice melt slightly at the surface I can let Hamon travel along it and try to boil its blood." I say, slamming my fist into my open palm.

Allen Graham

"Yeah, sure. Why not? Not sure if I can melt my ice, but it's worth a shot." I took a deep breath, and with my instincts guiding me, I sent a large trail of ice heading towards the kraken.
After I finish screaming (and everyone is looking at me confused) I swagger towards the lich {Menacing Menacing Menacing}. The Lich finally snaps out of its confused stupor as I point at it "Hmmm, this one a challenge but 'Tremble and rejoice human, for you have the privilege of serving me' hmm?" The lich opens its mouth and gloats "Tremble and rejoice human, for you have the privilege of ser-EEEEH!?" It screeches in surprise and I take that moment to snap out my [Hermit Purples] vines to completely bind the creature. I look at the pimp-in armour "I assume the skeleton posse is yours, hmm? If your undead, I advice staying away from the energy I create." As I slam my hand into the hermit sending a massive wave of Hamon {SHHHMMM} into the creature, the life force causing the creature to ripple and burn before exploding {BOOOOOOM} until nothing but ash remains. "My Hamon is lethal to undead you see, it destroys them and blocks any form of regeneration. Granted I have no idea how interacts with phylacteries or whatever lichens use." I take a moment to take in the suroundings, I see the lich won't be making a return as I crack my knuckles and approach the multi limbed lady and Tempest "Need some help friend? Don't worry, the orcs are secured in dungeons my a pleasant...fellow? Creature in robes with a knife and lantern. I think they have it covered." I look the multi armed woman "Now young lady, I advice you surrender before you are beaten into a pulp." I say, grinning and letting the Hermit cover my arms.

I ordered the troops to pull back away from the expanding wave of life energy. While I have no idea how something such as that would interact with me and my minions, it was better to be safe than sorry.

I didn't like it one bit though. It present a threat to my permanence.

Ah, well, I need to get myself a pet dragon first, then I can worry about anti-undead nuke hax.

I swung my massive metal instrument at the five-headed lizard, clipping two of its head on the snouts before slamming my third strike on its chest. My undead soldiers fell into formation around me, arms lashing tirelessly into its scales
Various attacks slashed, stabbed, and otherwise assaulted Tiamat, the five headed, massive dragon that could fit into the Main Keep with ease, but that could only by some literal miracle fit in the gates. Tiamat screeched from all five heads, causing the guards and even Tempest to drop his sword. He was doing surprisingly well against Kary Marilith, the Fiend of Fire, as he managed to get off several light cuts and a non lethal stab before she finally blasted him backwards with a fiery explosion. The screeching from it's five heads caused the group to all clutch their ears in pain. Palom and Porom, on the other hand, managed to close their ears as they saw the attack already coming. Maybe they had experience or knowledge of Tiamat? The guards of Porom also had their chain mailed hands over their ears and lept to all assault the Kraken, this time surrounding it. They lasted as long as the previous handful of soldiers, but none were dead. All these men however, were knocked unconscious.

Dark Shantotto barely stood as she was still recovering from her own double flare. The real Shantotto, however, peered with curiosity at the weird scene before her. She gave her signature laugh, before launching the white magic attack known as "Holy" which was somewhat like a white colored laser, two of these same spells slammed into Kary Marilith, the four armed, snake bodied woman before she could finish the Storm Rat off. Porom squinted, unleashing an indoor thunderstorm which caused the enemies further havoc, causing little harm to Tiamat but, Dark Shantotto was further annoyed to have just recovered, only to see a Thundaja assault knock her out, stone cold. Kraken received the worst damage, letting out a scream which could be heard throughout the entire keep.
Various attacks slashed, stabbed, and otherwise assaulted Tiamat, the five headed, massive dragon that could fit into the Main Keep with ease, but that could only by some literal miracle fit in the gates. Tiamat screeched from all five heads, causing the guards and even Tempest to drop his sword. He was doing surprisingly well against Kary Marilith, the Fiend of Fire, as he managed to get off several light cuts and a non lethal stab before she finally blasted him backwards with a fiery explosion. The screeching from it's five heads caused the group to all clutch their ears in pain. Palom and Porom, on the other hand, managed to close their ears as they saw the attack already coming. Maybe they had experience or knowledge of Tiamat? The guards of Porom also had their chain mailed hands over their ears and lept to all assault the Kraken, this time surrounding it. They lasted as long as the previous handful of soldiers, but none were dead. All these men however, were knocked unconscious.

Dark Shantotto barely stood as she was still recovering from her own double flare. The real Shantotto, however, peered with curiosity at the weird scene before her. She gave her signature laugh, before launching the white magic attack known as "Holy" which was somewhat like a white colored laser, two of these same spells slammed into Kary Marilith, the four armed, snake bodied woman before she could finish the Storm Rat off. Porom squinted, unleashing an indoor thunderstorm which caused the enemies further havoc, causing little harm to Tiamat but, Dark Shantotto was further annoyed to have just recovered, only to see a Thundaja assault knock her out, stone cold. Kraken received the worst damage, letting out a scream which could be heard throughout the entire keep.
Ignoring my bursting ear drums (nothing some Hamon could not fix) I sneak upon the snake woman. Giving her now time to notice me, I jump on her shoulders and lets the Hermit flow free around her neck before shooting some vines to the ceiling. I jump up, pulling her body with me by the neck, I then allow Hamon to flow through my muscles to enchance my strength and boil her blood. Soon, the fiend his hanging about the ground, the vines forming a make shift gallows and cutting into her neck. I pull hard, trying to rip her neck to shreds.
I turn to tempest and scream "Grab your weapon" while nodding towards the fallen blade "I think I have got her coverd, try to help Metal guy and Helios kill the dragon. That thing maybe rad as hell but it is clearly the real threat here." I think it over before saying "or do you need a minor touch up?"
Ignoring my bursting ear drums (nothing some Hamon could not fix) I sneak upon the snake woman. Giving her now time to notice me, I jump on her shoulders and lets the Hermit flow free around her neck before shooting some vines to the ceiling. I jump up, pulling her body with me by the neck, I then allow Hamon to flow through my muscles to enchance my strength and boil her blood. Soon, the fiend his hanging about the ground, the vines forming a make shift gallows and cutting into her neck. I pull hard, trying to rip her neck to shreds.
I turn to tempest and scream "Grab your weapon" while nodding towards the fallen blade "I think I have got her coverd, try to help Metal guy and Helios kill the dragon. That thing maybe rad as hell but it is clearly the real threat here." I think it over before saying "or do you need a minor touch up?"

I growl in anger and frustration as I get up as quickly as I can. I was battered and bruised and definitely not at 100%, and that was before this entire mess started. Grabbing my Halberd, I advance towards the Snake-Woman who had me at her mercy before Shantotto and Joseph intervened. "I'll survive, whatever this armor is made of it's good stuff, I'll give Q that much." By all accounts the older man had the Snake-Woman, but I was pissed and not entirely thinking straight. As she struggled against the Joe and his vines, I stab her repeatedly. There is none of the finesse Q decided to gift me in my attacks. All the frustration I have at just being here I channel it all into my strikes and hack and slash away at the Snake-Woman like a savage.
I growl in anger and frustration as I get up as quickly as I can. I was battered and bruised and definitely not at 100%, and that was before this entire mess started. Grabbing my Halberd, I advance towards the Snake-Woman who had me at her mercy before Shantotto and Joseph intervened. "I'll survive, whatever this armor is made of it's good stuff, I'll give Q that much." By all accounts the older man had the Snake-Woman, but I was pissed and not entirely thinking straight. As she struggled against the Joe and his vines, I stab her repeatedly. There is none of the finesse Q decided to gift me in my attacks. All the frustration I have at just being here I channel it all into my strikes and hack and slash away at the Snake-Woman like a savage.
I stare slightly as Tempest goes wild on the woman trapped in my Hermit´s vines. "Or gut the snake woman, that is fine too." I hold her tight to stop her from breathing and restrain her arms and tail while keeping space for Tempest to stab. This might be quite gruesome but...I think he needs to let his frustation out for a bit.
Various attacks slashed, stabbed, and otherwise assaulted Tiamat, the five headed, massive dragon that could fit into the Main Keep with ease, but that could only by some literal miracle fit in the gates. Tiamat screeched from all five heads, causing the guards and even Tempest to drop his sword. He was doing surprisingly well against Kary Marilith, the Fiend of Fire, as he managed to get off several light cuts and a non lethal stab before she finally blasted him backwards with a fiery explosion. The screeching from it's five heads caused the group to all clutch their ears in pain. Palom and Porom, on the other hand, managed to close their ears as they saw the attack already coming. Maybe they had experience or knowledge of Tiamat? The guards of Porom also had their chain mailed hands over their ears and lept to all assault the Kraken, this time surrounding it. They lasted as long as the previous handful of soldiers, but none were dead. All these men however, were knocked unconscious.

Dark Shantotto barely stood as she was still recovering from her own double flare. The real Shantotto, however, peered with curiosity at the weird scene before her. She gave her signature laugh, before launching the white magic attack known as "Holy" which was somewhat like a white colored laser, two of these same spells slammed into Kary Marilith, the four armed, snake bodied woman before she could finish the Storm Rat off. Porom squinted, unleashing an indoor thunderstorm which caused the enemies further havoc, causing little harm to Tiamat but, Dark Shantotto was further annoyed to have just recovered, only to see a Thundaja assault knock her out, stone cold. Kraken received the worst damage, letting out a scream which could be heard throughout the entire keep.
Now I know what it felt like to be a bell.

Tiamat's roar shooked me. Literally. My metal shell was actually vibrating from the loudness and I felt dizzy out of sheer reflexes despite not actually having any ear-based balancing mechanism.

However, the brief second of weakness passed quickly, and I resumed my relentless battering into its hide with my soul-infused mace and dark magic. I was the Master of Metal. This lizard's squawking is nothing before the roar of rock.

My undead minions quickly resumed their task of wittling down the beast. Without there arms discarded and their brains somewhat use-impaired, they did so with their bare fists and legs, tossing themselves at the unyielding hide with minimal result.

"Your weapons, claim them." I ordered in annoyance, and they quickly complied. Once again armed, they resumed their task with marginally improved result.

This will take some time. I'll get my pet eventually though

Where the fuck was our jungler?
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Various attacks slashed, stabbed, and otherwise assaulted Tiamat, the five headed, massive dragon that could fit into the Main Keep with ease, but that could only by some literal miracle fit in the gates. Tiamat screeched from all five heads, causing the guards and even Tempest to drop his sword. He was doing surprisingly well against Kary Marilith, the Fiend of Fire, as he managed to get off several light cuts and a non lethal stab before she finally blasted him backwards with a fiery explosion. The screeching from it's five heads caused the group to all clutch their ears in pain. Palom and Porom, on the other hand, managed to close their ears as they saw the attack already coming. Maybe they had experience or knowledge of Tiamat? The guards of Porom also had their chain mailed hands over their ears and lept to all assault the Kraken, this time surrounding it. They lasted as long as the previous handful of soldiers, but none were dead. All these men however, were knocked unconscious.

Dark Shantotto barely stood as she was still recovering from her own double flare. The real Shantotto, however, peered with curiosity at the weird scene before her. She gave her signature laugh, before launching the white magic attack known as "Holy" which was somewhat like a white colored laser, two of these same spells slammed into Kary Marilith, the four armed, snake bodied woman before she could finish the Storm Rat off. Porom squinted, unleashing an indoor thunderstorm which caused the enemies further havoc, causing little harm to Tiamat but, Dark Shantotto was further annoyed to have just recovered, only to see a Thundaja assault knock her out, stone cold. Kraken received the worst damage, letting out a scream which could be heard throughout the entire keep.

Have you ever been near a giant bell while it ringed, but you heard the sound slowed, like a sound that was manipulated?

For me it was exactly like that. That didn't mean that it didn't hurt, obviously. It simply was extremely low.

Well, at least the Dark Shantotto was down. If only my head wasn't ringing like a bell...


A circle of magic twirled around me and immediately I was feeling better. Then two different barriers appeared, one that would dull physical blows and one that made magic weaker.

Then, I turned towards the monsters, the Haste fizzling out and bringing the world back to the normal speed.

Ignoring my bursting ear drums (nothing some Hamon could not fix) I sneak upon the snake woman. Giving her now time to notice me, I jump on her shoulders and lets the Hermit flow free around her neck before shooting some vines to the ceiling. I jump up, pulling her body with me by the neck, I then allow Hamon to flow through my muscles to enchance my strength and boil her blood. Soon, the fiend his hanging about the ground, the vines forming a make shift gallows and cutting into her neck. I pull hard, trying to rip her neck to shreds.
I turn to tempest and scream "Grab your weapon" while nodding towards the fallen blade "I think I have got her coverd, try to help Metal guy and Helios kill the dragon. That thing maybe rad as hell but it is clearly the real threat here." I think it over before saying "or do you need a minor touch up?"
I growl in anger and frustration as I get up as quickly as I can. I was battered and bruised and definitely not at 100%, and that was before this entire mess started. Grabbing my Halberd, I advance towards the Snake-Woman who had me at her mercy before Shantotto and Joseph intervened. "I'll survive, whatever this armor is made of it's good stuff, I'll give Q that much." By all accounts the older man had the Snake-Woman, but I was pissed and not entirely thinking straight. As she struggled against the Joe and his vines, I stab her repeatedly. There is none of the finesse Q decided to gift me in my attacks. All the frustration I have at just being here I channel it all into my strikes and hack and slash away at the Snake-Woman like a savage.
I stare slightly as Tempest goes wild on the woman trapped in my Hermit´s vines. "Or gut the snake woman, that is fine too." I hold her tight to stop her from breathing and restrain her arms and tail while keeping space for Tempest to stab. This might be quite gruesome but...I think he needs to let his frustation out for a bit.
Now I know what it felt like to be a bell.

Tiamat's roar shooked me. Literally. My metal shell was actually vibrating from the loudness and I felt dizzy out of sheer reflexes despite not actually having any ear-based balancing mechanism.

However, the brief second of weakness passed quickly, and I resumed my relentless battering into its hide with my soul-infused mace and dark magic. I was the Master of Metal. This lizard's squawking is nothing before the roar of rock.

My undead minions quickly resumed their task of wittling down the beast. Without there arms discarded and their brains somewhat use-impaired, they did so with their bare fists and legs, tossing themselves at the unyielding hide with minimal result.

"Your weapons, claim them." I ordered in annoyance, and they quickly complied. Once again armed, they resumed their task with marginally improved result.

This will take some time. I'll get my pet eventually though

Where the fuck was our jungler?

The two new kid in the sandbox were playing, too. Well, who am I to stay away from the fun?

"Well Tiamat. This has been fun, but now I think it's time for you to go to sleep." I said, looking directly at her. With the Triple still working, I had a good shots. And I think I remember something about elemental resistance?

"Tornado, Flare, Quake"

Immediately, a tornado materialized in the middle of the dragon, a fiery explosion made of pure mana went off around her and the very earth under her feet decuded to buckle up and send various lances of rocks in the soft underside of her belly.

Let's see if this is enough.
Now I know what it felt like to be a bell.

Tiamat's roar shooked me. Literally. My metal shell was actually vibrating from the loudness and I felt dizzy out of sheer reflexes despite not actually having any ear-based balancing mechanism.

However, the brief second of weakness passed quickly, and I resumed my relentless battering into its hide with my soul-infused mace and dark magic. I was the Master of Metal. This lizard's squawking is nothing before the roar of rock.

My undead minions quickly resumed their task of wittling down the beast. Without there arms discarded and their brains somewhat use-impaired, they did so with their bare fists and legs, tossing themselves at the unyielding hide with minimal result.

"Your weapons, claim them." I ordered in annoyance, and they quickly complied. Once again armed, they resumed their task with marginally improved result.

This will take some time. I'll get my pet eventually though

Where the fuck was our jungler?

Have you ever been near a giant bell while it ringed, but you heard the sound slowed, like a sound that was manipulated?

For me it was exactly like that. That didn't mean that it didn't hurt, obviously. It simply was extremely low.

Well, at least the Dark Shantotto was down. If only my head wasn't ringing like a bell...


A circle of magic twirled around me and immediately I was feeling better. Then two different barriers appeared, one that would dull physical blows and one that made magic weaker.

Then, I turned towards the monsters, the Haste fizzling out and bringing the world back to the normal speed.

The two new kid in the sandbox were playing, too. Well, who am I to stay away from the fun?

"Well Tiamat. This has been fun, but now I think it's time for you to go to sleep." I said, looking directly at her. With the Triple still working, I had a good shots. And I think I remember something about elemental resistance?

"Tornado, Flare, Quake"

Immediately, a tornado materialized in the middle of the dragon, a fiery explosion made of pure mana went off around her and the very earth under her feet decuded to buckle up and send various lances of rocks in the soft underside of her belly.

Let's see if this is enough.
I look as I hear explosions, as I see Yuki battering the dragon. I look at the undead soldiers presumably raised by armor guy and yell "Yo, armour dude! You can raise people right? What are your limitations? Maybe you can raise this snake lady after Tempest is done gutting her." I turn to Yuki again "Yo Yuki, you recognise these four? A lich, a snake woman, a dragon and humanoid kraken seems a bit random, is this connected to the crystals again somehow?" I ask, doing my best to keep snake lady constraint, overloading her nervous system with hamon.
I quickly settled into a rough rhythm of sorts as I fought the dragon. Its heads, including a burned but very functional middle one, would lunge at me, trying to catch me in their massive jaws, either individually or in some combination of the five. I would use my superior mobility and sort-of flight to dodge around them, getting in hits with my sword whenever I could. That ultimately didn't result in much more than a few wounds burnt into their snouts, but I was able to keep ahead.

The pattern was interrupted by the appearance of a massive knight. I was only able to study him( I think its a him at least) out of the corner of my eye. He had to be eight feet tall, covered in ornate armour with a fancy cape around his shoulders, a large mace in one of his hands. I was distracted from any further observation by when one of the Dragon's heads snapped at me, and I had to turn my attention back to fighting.

A moment later, the air around the dragon seemed to... shift almost. As the seconds past, it notably seemed to be weakening. Its strikes slowed and the beast seemed to slouch a little, as if it was having trouble staying on its feet. I heard a shout behind me that was almost definitely Yuki, followed by three of their spells slamming into the Dragon in front of me, including a slightly downsized version of one of the tornadoes he had thrown at the orcs earlier.

The beast was weakened, on its last legs, and not really paying attention to me anymore. I saw my chance to end it. I let myself fall to the floor for a moment, gathering my legs beneath me. A second later with all the strength I could muster, with some assistance from my power, I sent myself flying forward as fast as I could, burying my flaming sword to the hilt in the scaly chest of the dragon. I pushed all the power I could into the sword, making the exposed hilt and cross-guard flare in my hands, releasing it all into my target.
Allen Graham

Well great, the battlefield is a complete mess, I don't even know who is exactly friend or foe.
I look as I hear explosions, as I see Yuki battering the dragon. I look at the undead soldiers presumably raised by armor guy and yell "Yo, armour dude! You can raise people right? What are your limitations? Maybe you can raise this snake lady after Tempest is done gutting her." I turn to Yuki again "Yo Yuki, you recognise these four? A lich, a snake woman, a dragon and humanoid kraken seems a bit random, is this connected to the crystals again somehow?" I ask, doing my best to keep snake lady constraint, overloading her nervous system with hamon.
Huh, well that helps clear things up. Right, so the guys who are trying to kill us are a dragon, a kraken, a lich, and a naga? So that means the rest are friendly...Alright then, might as well assist Joseph with the snake lady..

"Hey, Joseph!! Need some help over there?"
I look as I hear explosions, as I see Yuki battering the dragon. I look at the undead soldiers presumably raised by armor guy and yell "Yo, armour dude! You can raise people right? What are your limitations? Maybe you can raise this snake lady after Tempest is done gutting her." I turn to Yuki again "Yo Yuki, you recognise these four? A lich, a snake woman, a dragon and humanoid kraken seems a bit random, is this connected to the crystals again somehow?" I ask, doing my best to keep snake lady constraint, overloading her nervous system with hamon.

The spells had done their works and soon the Falre was spent, the Tornado stopped and the Quake put the earth back together, no sign of anything strange.

I need to get better to manipulate my spells. Quake could be priceless to bring up walls and other kind of fortifications.

"Bosses from Final Fantasy 9. Don't remember much more than this, just that every one represent an element."
(@Yuki no Yue @munchkinomatic @Avther @always_confused )
I look at the snake woman, blood flowing from her chest, a whimper escaping her throat...this No warriors way to die. I make a final pull and flood her With Hamon, launching her blood from her wounds {SPLORTCH. I dispel the Hermit causing her to {Thunk} land on the ground. I walk to Tempest and give him a slight heal up With Hamon. I notice that the woman had four sword (...I think they are cutlasses? Don't quote me in that) and start looting them and their scabbards, talking all the while "So, the lich and snake are down, Soliar and pimp-in McArmour has got the Dragon coverd...that leaves us With evil shantoto and Kraken. {Sigh} I don't know about you but after all this fighting I am running out of stamina. I am at half Hamon, escpecialy after the orks." I swing one I the cutlasses, before throwing one to ice dude, Yuki and Tempest. "Yuki, you might want to give Tempest the short sword back, I believe you still have it."
I look at the snake woman "This might not be Nice to say but the armour able to control...her corpse..." a grin grows on my face. "Tempest, you deal With the Shantoto problem, ice dude you fight Kraken, Yuki support. I have a plan!" I staart running towards the exit "Armour man! Follow me! I have plan, you'll love it!" Using Hermit I cover out flight. I soon stand outside in the sea of ork corpses. True, most got destroyed by the mages, but me and Tempest had left alteast 300 something corpses. I lead the armor man to the downed corpse of the warlock and the warchief. The former looking rather whole With only blood leaking from his mouth an indicator of death, while the later was rather burned. I spread by hands "Behold the field of battle we planets With death, now? It is time to harvest!" I grin at him. I could raise the corpses after getting squashed by kraken, this should be possible.
I look as I hear explosions, as I see Yuki battering the dragon. I look at the undead soldiers presumably raised by armor guy and yell "Yo, armour dude! You can raise people right? What are your limitations? Maybe you can raise this snake lady after Tempest is done gutting her." I turn to Yuki again "Yo Yuki, you recognise these four? A lich, a snake woman, a dragon and humanoid kraken seems a bit random, is this connected to the crystals again somehow?" I ask, doing my best to keep snake lady constraint, overloading her nervous system with hamon.

I nodded, a second curse forming in my hand as I turned to the naga.

"Affliction... Forever!" With, I felt a second trickle of life force formed, linking me to the four-armed snake. "End her life, so that her service may begin."
I nodded, a second curse forming in my hand as I turned to the naga.

"Affliction... Forever!" With, I felt a second trickle of life force formed, linking me to the four-armed snake. "End her life, so that her service may begin."
I draw her sword I stole "Nothing personal young lady" Stab her in the chest, my Hamon making her heart explode.
I turn to armour man "I saw you raised the recently deceased earlier, there a bunch of them outside. We fought an Army of orks and there corpses aly there to rot. Can you raise them?"
"Tempest, you deal With the Shantoto problem, ice dude you fight Kraken, Yuki support. I have a plan!" I staart running towards the exit "Armour man! Follow me! I have plan, you'll love it!"

"Got it! I'm gonna try to freeze it then...." I trail off before looking to the one called 'Yuki'.

"Yuki, right? The name's Allen, I'm a newbie in the SF called Avther. Think you can help me with the Kraken problem? Two heads are better than one after all...."

@Yuki no Yue
I draw her sword I stole "Nothing personal young lady" Stab her in the chest, my Hamon making her heart explode.
Unlike the zombie guards, the naga fell like a puppet with its string cut, never to rise again. However, her body flickered as it crashed and a translucent, ghostly shade slowly emerged, pulling itself free of its mortal shell while brandishing four spectral blades. With a silent command from me, she lunged at the dragon, dutifully carving into the overgrown lizard with no less skill and grace than when she still drew breath.

As she passed by me, I took a glance into her spectral orbs. Transparent as they were, I could still see the horror and confusion written clearly within them even as she carried out my will unfailingly.

This was... This wasn't... THis isn't...

Silence. Cold as death. Still as tomb.

I turn to armour man "I saw you raised the recently deceased earlier, there a bunch of them outside. We fought an Army of orks and there corpses aly there to rot. Can you raise them?"
"Do you speak German?" I asked rhetorically and disengaged from the dragon and let my new slave proceed with breaking the next one in. I stormed toward the door, toward where I could feel death and agony was heaviest, foul necromancy already primed.
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Unlike the zombie guards, the naga fell like a puppet with its string cut, never to rise again. However, her body flickered as it crashed and a translucent, ghostly shade slowly emerged, pulling itself free of its mortal shell while brandishing four spectral blades. With a silent command from me, she lunged at the dragon, dutifully carving into the overgrown lizard with no less skill and grace than when she still drew breath.

As she passed by me, I took a glance into her spectral orbs. Transparent as they were, I could still see the horror and confusion written clearly within them even as she carried out my will unfailingly.

This was... This wasn't... THis isn't...

Silence. Cold as death. Still as tomb.

"Do you speak German?" I asked rhetorically and disengaged from the dragon and let my new lave proceed with breaking the next one in. I stormed toward the door, toward where I could feel death and agony was heaviest, foul necromancy already primed.
I stare at the ghost naga "That was creepier and more fucked up then I suspected..." I look at the retreating back of the armoured man and scream "I did not really speak german before this ordeal, but appearently I do know. Joseph also had a german cyborg friend if that counts!" Missing the point on porpouse. They might think I am an idiot, but the goof might distract them from the fact armour men just enslaved the snake womans ghost...
...maybe he can give her some free wil to make it less horrifying? Wait, no, focus Jospeh.
I turn to Kraken, roll my shoulder blades. I use Hermit purple to swing from the roof and strike at the beast with a Hamon infused blade, stearing the hamon to increase the blood lost from each cut {SPOUT}. I swing around the Kraken, slash at it causing mountains of blood and being a general annoyance. The taunts must not have helped that "HEY! YOU FUCKED UP TENTECLE DEMON! TAKE SOME OF THIS!"
Yuki said that each of these things is an element, so this thing is clearly water. I prepare to use my hamon to deflect any water send my way back at him with ample force.

I hope I can keep up my breath, swinging from the hermit with one arm and swing my hamon infused blade in the other.
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I take several deep breaths as the Naga falls and is raised as a puppet. Some part of me cries out internally at the horror of it all and wants the horror of it all to end and is enraged and saddened at having her life taken from her and raised again in a mockery of the living. But I push that part of me down. That isn't the Tempest needed at this time. The tempest needed now is that one that mechanically turns toward Dark Shantotto and charges at her. There is no more pretense of taking any of our enemies alive, my halberd is straight at her heart.
I stare at the ghost naga "That was creepier and more fucked up then I suspected..." I look at the retreating back of the armoured man and scream "I did not really speak german before this ordeal, but appearently I do know. Joseph also had a german cyborg friend if that counts!" Missing the point on porpouse. They might think I am an idiot, but the goof might distract them from the fact armour men just enslaved the snake womans ghost...
...maybe he can give her some free wil to make it less horrifying? Wait, no, focus Jospeh.
I turn to Kraken, roll my shoulder blades. I use Hermit purple to swing from the roof and strike at the beast with a Hamon infused blade, stearing the hamon to increase the blood lost from each cut {SPOUT}. I swing around the Kraken, slash at it causing mountains of blood and being a general annoyance. The taunts must not have helped that "HEY! YOU FUCKED UP TENTECLE DEMON! TAKE SOME OF THIS!"
Yuki said that each of these things is an element, so this thing is clearly water. I prepare to use my hamon to deflect any water send my way back at him with ample force.
I hope I can keep up my breath, swinging from the hermit with one arm and swing my hamon infused blade in the other.

"My title is Mordekaiser, roughly translated: Emperor of Death" I said, to myself as much as to him. "I think. I had a German title but Germany didn't actually exist, so i never got the language package."

Emerging into the field of slaughter, I let loose my spell. Dark mist spread from my golden gauntlets and spread over the aftermath. Shadowy tendril of necromancy carressed the deceased, pulling their souls back into broken shells, cursing them with unholy existence.

One by one, they rose. They stood on broken legs. They crawled on twisted arms. Some, whose limbs were too damaged for locomotion, found themselves flopping about like macabre parodies of particularly fat slugs. The baleful blue light on undead poured from within each and every single one. Collectively, they turned to their master.

They turned to me.