Multiverse: Paying The Price

Final Fantasy World

OOC: This is a modern-ish Final Fantasy world. There are a great multitude of threats in Ivalice. A Magitech Empire, and monsters, to only name a few. But few, there's more. You find yourselves in an almost abandoned but well lit and well taken care of castle. One old man, and many servants live there. The old man is dressed like a Black Mage, and you can't see his face. Maybe he isn't an old man, for all you know he could just have a back problem.

You all find yourselves in The Castle with no idea how you got there, why you're there or even if you want to be there. The old man is inviting you, waiting to take you to supper.
Where am I? I was ̶m̶o̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ brooding, knife in hand one moment and the next I'm...wherever here is....Why am I rat-man? Am I a fucking Skaven? Did a ROB do this? They actually exist?! What did I do to deserve this?! FUUUU-

Ok ok. Freak out later, stay alive firstly. Looking around, I see I'm not the only person...being transported wherever here is. Getting up, far easier than my original fat ass could ever, I move over to the others and help them up if need be.

"Umm...Hi? How're you holding up? ROB got you guys too?"
Blinking I look around "Where am I?" is the first thought that crosses my mind.
I hear a schreeching noise next to me "Umm...Hi? How're you holding up? ROB got you guys too?".
I turn around to see a large rat man, almost tripping at the sight.
After giving my new appearance a once over (atleast I am a sexy old man, there are worse bodies out there) and taking in my seroundings, I speak again. "Yes, it would seem that way. Atleast, I would assume the being you refer to as...rob...must have done this."

I breath in, notice that aswel as my own memories, I have someone elses. Joseph joestars, from his own eyes.
...heh...could be way worse.
I take a moment to maintain hamon breahting (god that is harder then expected) and take a feel for hermit purple withing the depths of my soul (a weird feeling, to have a plant being a the center of your being).
After I am done self reflecting, I turn to the old man (at least, I assume he is an old man, past his bend back there are no traits that reveal his age) "Excuse me sir, but could you tell me and my...companions of fate where we are? Maybe why?"
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Final Fantasy World

OOC: This is a modern-ish Final Fantasy world. There are a great multitude of threats in Ivalice. A Magitech Empire, and monsters, to only name a few. But few, there's more. You find yourselves in an almost abandoned but well lit and well taken care of castle. One old man, and many servants live there. The old man is dressed like a Black Mage, and you can't see his face. Maybe he isn't an old man, for all you know he could just have a back problem.

You all find yourselves in The Castle with no idea how you got there, why you're there or even if you want to be there. The old man is inviting you, waiting to take you to supper.
Blinking I look around "Where am I?" is the first thought that crosses my mind.
I hear a schreeching noise next to me "Umm...Hi? How're you holding up? ROB got you guys too?".
I turn around to see a large rat man, almost tripping at the sight.
After giving my new appearance a once over (atleast I am a sexy old man, there are worse bodies out there) and taking in my seroundings, I speak again. "Yes, it would seem that way. Atleast, I would assume the being you refer to as...rob...must have done this."

I breath in, notice that aswel as my own memories, I have someone elses. Joseph joestars, from his own eyes.
...heh...could be way worse.
I take a moment to maintain hamon breahting (god that is harder then expected) and take a feel for hermit purple withing the depths of my soul (a weird feeling, to have a plant being a the center of your being).
After I am done self reflecting, I turn to the old man (the servant, not the other bearded fellow) "Excuse me sir, but could you tell me and my...companions of fate where we are? Maybe why?"

I was sleeping. Before. On my bed, on my comfy, warm bed.

Then I wasn't. I also was distinctly not warm. I also had a strange feeling on my back, like I was lying on something.

Waking up at the sound of strange, previously unheard, voices was something even more strange. And, if I was honest, worrying. Why are strangers in my house? Also, I could feel a draft around my midriff.

Cracking open an eye made me jump up in shock.

There was a giant rat-man, the one coming from Warhammer, I think that was talking to a muscled old man, before the old man asked a question to a... wizard? A Black Mage?

Another surprise was when I tried to rub my eyes just to feel silk on my face. With a frown, I checked my hands and found a elbow-long silk glove with tipped claws at the end, in a vivid shade of purple that combined nicely with the red top. The top was lined with black fur and kept close by a golden clasp with a red gem.

Also, I was missing pants. I simply had a sort of... skirt... that was close dangerously low on my hip and almost didn't hid anything.

Oh, and I was missing any shoes.

"Ok, can someone telle me what happened?"
Best let the muscular older guy (is that Joseph Joestar from the 3rd JoJo series?) do the talking. I doubt armored giant rat people give the best impression, especially those familiar with the Skaven....armored? Letting 'Joseph' take care of the diplomacy I take stock of what I have with me and what I've become. Judging from my size, form and equipment I'm either a Skaven Stormvermin or Warlord. Probably the former but I don't think even high end warlords like Queek Headtaker were as heavily armored as I was. I was practically encased head to toe in spotless dull red armor that looked too well designed to be generic Skaven gear. At my feet lay a long halberd with a sinister looking blade on one end and a rather sharp spear point on the other glowing a dull green. Next to it was what was either a very long dagger or a short sword that also had a dull green sheen to it. Finally, strapped to my back was a large and thick triangular shaped shield.

As I observed my equipment, internally panicking at apparently having become a fighter archetype, my head began to hurt as memories flashed through my mind. Memories of marching in lockstep with legions of other armored rat-men, all of us piercing the sky with our screeching which gave way to inhuman roars as we eventually charged the lines of battered looking men. Memories of pure violence as claw, fang and blade struck flesh with the smell of blood and sweat thick in the air. Memories of beheading another 'ornately' armored rat-man and raising the bloody head high into the air as my - and his - underlings cheered my victory. Large cities and camps underneath the earth filled to the brim with sights of wonder, terror and horror all in one as screams, not all of them rat, echoing in the distance...and finally a flash of colors and pain. I watched as a Skaven Stormvermin screamed side-by-side with a young pudgy human - me, as I was mere minutes ago - as both heat and cold tore into the very fabrics of our being, a cacophony of voices laughing all around us as we were combined and transformed into a greater whole for whatever reason. Amusement? A higher person? Who knew? I most certainly didn't. All I knew was pain. Greater than I had ever felt in my entire life, bereft of the wave of comfort I usually associated with pain, nothing but pain.

As the memories faded, I became dimly aware that I had been screaming just as my 'old' self had been and was now curled up in a fetal position on the floor. Panting heavily, I slowly got up, bracing myself up against the wall. Looking at the others, who must have been staring at me like I was insane, I weakly 'smiled' and gave them a 'thumbs' - claw - up. "Just memories...memories of who this body belonged to before...all this." Catching my breath, I continued, "...A Stormvermin. This body use to belong to one. Then...'it' came. I don't know how to describe it, just this cosmic force I guess, tore out the very being of what that vermin used to be and placed me in here, in this body, before transforming it and making 'improvements'. God only knows why I - or any of you - are here." As I continued to take in deep breaths, I gingerly took the halberd in one hand as I used my tail to grab the short sword and stuck it in a hidden compartment within my armor. I was dimly aware I had no experience with doing any such thing before and chalked it up to the experience of this body's original occupant or a 'gift' from whatever brought me here.

"...Do the words Sufficient Velocity or Space Battles mean anything to you guys?" I asked. Partly to lighten my thoughts and partly as a hopeful stab in the dark. If these people were former SV or SB members, then they represented the last vestiges of my old life as I remembered it.
"Folks. . . The Problem is that You are guests, and you haven't eaten yet. Please come with me to the dining hall, and I will get you something to eat. It would be best if we got this taken care of in the next several hours. You are our guests, and we don't let our guests go without hospitality."
I ignore the old man in robes as stride to the...sparsely dressed man on the floor, offering my hand to help him up (my metal one, I belately realise).
"I cannot rightly tell you what happend, young man" man, did it feel weird to call other men 'young', but this body I am deserves nothing less "I don't think any of us know." Any further thinking was interupted by the ratman - Skaven, if memory serves right - starts to scream and roll up into a ball.
The rat akwardly tells us that it got the memories of the previous holder of their body aswel -a [storm vermin]- and asked an...interresting question.
"-heh- yeah, I got an influx of memories myself earlier. I take it your are not as pleasent as mine however, by the screaming." I angle my head slightly and placing my hand on my chin, my entire body dropping into a pose without thinking (were those...katakana sound effects...
'pondering' fitting) "I possess no memory of myself getting fused together with this body very odd. Even more odd...bizarre even is that I recognise the words [sufficient velocity] and [space battles]. They were forums I was perusing before...our current predicament."
I turn to the old man "I beg your pardon good sir but all of us have gone odd phenomanon...I hope you do not mind us taking a moment to collect ourselves." That and I don't trust food made by a guy in robes who's [face] I can't even see! He might be in league with however or whatever send us here...
Best let the muscular older guy (is that Joseph Joestar from the 3rd JoJo series?) do the talking. I doubt armored giant rat people give the best impression, especially those familiar with the Skaven....armored? Letting 'Joseph' take care of the diplomacy I take stock of what I have with me and what I've become. Judging from my size, form and equipment I'm either a Skaven Stormvermin or Warlord. Probably the former but I don't think even high end warlords like Queek Headtaker were as heavily armored as I was. I was practically encased head to toe in spotless dull red armor that looked too well designed to be generic Skaven gear. At my feet lay a long halberd with a sinister looking blade on one end and a rather sharp spear point on the other glowing a dull green. Next to it was what was either a very long dagger or a short sword that also had a dull green sheen to it. Finally, strapped to my back was a large and thick triangular shaped shield.

As I observed my equipment, internally panicking at apparently having become a fighter archetype, my head began to hurt as memories flashed through my mind. Memories of marching in lockstep with legions of other armored rat-men, all of us piercing the sky with our screeching which gave way to inhuman roars as we eventually charged the lines of battered looking men. Memories of pure violence as claw, fang and blade struck flesh with the smell of blood and sweat thick in the air. Memories of beheading another 'ornately' armored rat-man and raising the bloody head high into the air as my - and his - underlings cheered my victory. Large cities and camps underneath the earth filled to the brim with sights of wonder, terror and horror all in one as screams, not all of them rat, echoing in the distance...and finally a flash of colors and pain. I watched as a Skaven Stormvermin screamed side-by-side with a young pudgy human - me, as I was mere minutes ago - as both heat and cold tore into the very fabrics of our being, a cacophony of voices laughing all around us as we were combined and transformed into a greater whole for whatever reason. Amusement? A higher person? Who knew? I most certainly didn't. All I knew was pain. Greater than I had ever felt in my entire life, bereft of the wave of comfort I usually associated with pain, nothing but pain.

As the memories faded, I became dimly aware that I had been screaming just as my 'old' self had been and was now curled up in a fetal position on the floor. Panting heavily, I slowly got up, bracing myself up against the wall. Looking at the others, who must have been staring at me like I was insane, I weakly 'smiled' and gave them a 'thumbs' - claw - up. "Just memories...memories of who this body belonged to before...all this." Catching my breath, I continued, "...A Stormvermin. This body use to belong to one. Then...'it' came. I don't know how to describe it, just this cosmic force I guess, tore out the very being of what that vermin used to be and placed me in here, in this body, before transforming it and making 'improvements'. God only knows why I - or any of you - are here." As I continued to take in deep breaths, I gingerly took the halberd in one hand as I used my tail to grab the short sword and stuck it in a hidden compartment within my armor. I was dimly aware I had no experience with doing any such thing before and chalked it up to the experience of this body's original occupant or a 'gift' from whatever brought me here.

"...Do the words Sufficient Velocity or Space Battles mean anything to you guys?" I asked. Partly to lighten my thoughts and partly as a hopeful stab in the dark. If these people were former SV or SB members, then they represented the last vestiges of my old life as I remembered it.
"Folks. . . The Problem is that You are guests, and you haven't eaten yet. Please come with me to the dining hall, and I will get you something to eat. It would be best if we got this taken care of in the next several hours. You are our guests, and we don't let our guests go without hospitality."
I ignore the old man in robes as stride to the...sparsely dressed man on the floor, offering my hand to help him up (my metal one, I belately realise).
"I cannot rightly tell you what happend, young man" man, did it feel weird to call other men 'young', but this body I am deserves nothing less "I don't think any of us know." Any further thinking was interupted by the ratman - Skaven, if memory serves right - starts to scream and roll up into a ball.
The rat akwardly tells us that it got the memories of the previous holder of their body aswel -a [storm vermin]- and asked an...interresting question.
"-heh- yeah, I got an influx of memories myself earlier. I take it your are not as pleasent as mine however, by the screaming." I angle my head slightly and placing my hand on my chin, my entire body dropping into a pose without thinking (were those...katakana sound effects...
'pondering' fitting) "I possess no memory of myself getting fused together with this body very odd. Even more odd...bizarre even is that I recognise the words [sufficient velocity] and [space battles]. They were forums I was perusing before...our current predicament."
I turn to the old man "I beg your pardon good sir but all of us have gone odd phenomanon...I hope you do not mind us taking a moment to collect ourselves." That and I don't trust food made by a guy in robes who's [face] I can't even see! He might be in league with however or whatever send us here...

"Well, this is getting more and more interesting".

Apparently my voice had turned more melodical than before. Honestly, it seems that I am a bit more elegant that before, too. At least if the way I can stride as well as a runway model is an hint.

Also the simil dress I have around my legs doesn't exactly impede my movement, which is a good thing.

The hair are a bit strange, but I'll take care of it later.

"In answer to your future question, I have no memories of my transformation and no memories of this body."

My hand gestured in front of me, indicating all of me. I couldn't feel any pain from walking barefoot, which I suspect is of magical nature, judging by the black coloration on them.

"And yes, both SB and SV ring bells with me."

I finally got what the weight on my back was: Wings. Black feathered wings.

"But I'm sure that ROB is involved."

I ended with a smile, hands at my sides and relaxed posture.
I ignore the old man in robes as stride to the...sparsely dressed man on the floor, offering my hand to help him up (my metal one, I belately realise).
"I cannot rightly tell you what happend, young man" man, did it feel weird to call other men 'young', but this body I am deserves nothing less "I don't think any of us know." Any further thinking was interupted by the ratman - Skaven, if memory serves right - starts to scream and roll up into a ball.
The rat akwardly tells us that it got the memories of the previous holder of their body aswel -a [storm vermin]- and asked an...interresting question.
"-heh- yeah, I got an influx of memories myself earlier. I take it your are not as pleasent as mine however, by the screaming." I angle my head slightly and placing my hand on my chin, my entire body dropping into a pose without thinking (were those...katakana sound effects...
'pondering' fitting) "I possess no memory of myself getting fused together with this body very odd. Even more odd...bizarre even is that I recognise the words [sufficient velocity] and [space battles]. They were forums I was perusing before...our current predicament."
I turn to the old man "I beg your pardon good sir but all of us have gone odd phenomanon...I hope you do not mind us taking a moment to collect ourselves." That and I don't trust food made by a guy in robes who's [face] I can't even see! He might be in league with however or whatever send us here...
"Well, this is getting more and more interesting".

Apparently my voice had turned more melodical than before. Honestly, it seems that I am a bit more elegant that before, too. At least if the way I can stride as well as a runway model is an hint.

Also the simil dress I have around my legs doesn't exactly impede my movement, which is a good thing.

The hair are a bit strange, but I'll take care of it later.

"In answer to your future question, I have no memories of my transformation and no memories of this body."

My hand gestured in front of me, indicating all of me. I couldn't feel any pain from walking barefoot, which I suspect is of magical nature, judging by the black coloration on them.

"And yes, both SB and SV ring bells with me."

I finally got what the weight on my back was: Wings. Black feathered wings.

"But I'm sure that ROB is involved."

I ended with a smile, hands at my sides and relaxed posture.

Mentally I was still somewhat out of it, and I expected I would be for quite some time yet. Going from a suicidal NEET to a rat-soldier-warlord-gods-toy-thing wasn't an easy transition. Physically, I hadn't felt this good in my entire life. My muscled rat-man body effortlessly carried the weight of my armor and all my equipment and I could practically feel the wellspring of energy and stamina ready to burst forth into action if need be. It was quite a rush, truth be told and as much as I hated my current predicament I was also slightly relieved I at least had something better than my original body to rely on.

I looked around and at the other fellows. Not-Joseph Joestar was one and a winged human that had...elegant(?) looking features and garments was another. If I had to make a shot in the dark I'd say the latter was a final fantasy character, although I was no big fan of the series and couldn't say for sure. Also they both recognized SV and SB, which was a plus. At the very least I wasn't among enemies, I think. I had no idea what crazy turns this ROB'd adventure would take but I was hopeful that I wouldn't be alone, at least.

"A race of backstabbing warlike Rat-Men. No, not particularly pleasant memories. Whatever sent us here could've been more gentle, but I digress. Good to know SV and SB ring a bell with you guys. Ditto the concept of ROB. I guess we've all been shanghaied into some crazy adventure by a ROB then."

"Folks. . . The Problem is that You are guests, and you haven't eaten yet. Please come with me to the dining hall, and I will get you something to eat. It would be best if we got this taken care of in the next several hours. You are our guests, and we don't let our guests go without hospitality."

I frowned as I looked over the hooded figure. That pointy hat...those two eyes shining from inside a hood with no visible face...those robes...



*rusty gears turning in brain*


"Wait! Are we in a fucking final fantasy game?!"
I blink as I notice the wings (...I thought that was a cape not wings) and feel myself sweating.
Just a little.
It is probally very manly sweat however.
This situation...its getting more curious with the moment.

"I must say that although the term [ROB] rings some bells I cannot for the life of me recall the meaning. Also...doesn't it hurt to walk without any shoes?" I say, looking befuddelt at the mans feet...
Wait, what am I doing! This is a crisis, I am another world, there are beter this to worry about then this mans lack of foot wear.
Something dawns on me as I take my [pondering] pose again.
"Odd, there are three of us here at the moment and we have varying symptobs. Our rat like friends can remember the past life of his current body and some sort of transformation, the fellow with wings does not posses either of these memories while I can remember the past of this body...but any transformation. All of us can remember being part of a pair of forums very odd..."

I turn to the old man again "Again, our lets assume host, sorry for the rudeness but we are in kind of a confussing predicament we have to figure out before we can move forward, me thinks. Apologies for the confussion."
The man removes his hat and winks at you, suddenly the group finds themselves in a dimension of pure white space.

"What made you think that?"
I stare at the man in the white...robes? Clothes? I stare at the man (...Jup those are stare katakana sound effects).
"Wel, mostly the Dark hat and robes get up, my good sir. I presume you are that mister Rob I have been hearing so much about" I stick out my hand to shake his.
I stare at the man in the white...robes? Clothes? I stare at the man (...Jup those are stare katakana sound effects).
"Wel, mostly the Dark hat and robes get up, my good sir. I presume you are that mister Rob I have been hearing so much about" I stick out my hand to shake his.

"Correct, good sir. I am, more accurately, Q. I am one of the many "Robs" that you Spacebattlers and Sufficient Velocity folk talk about all the time."
"The truth is, I have given you these powers for a little bit of fun. I've made a little wager with a friend of mine, another Rob, that you will survive your encounters."

"See, there are a lot of people who may have been, misled about all of you. Some people think you're all monsters that need to be stopped. Others just want you for a price on your head."
"Correct, good sir. I am, more accurately, Q. I am one of the many "Robs" that you Spacebattlers and Sufficient Velocity folk talk about all the time."
"The truth is, I have given you these powers for a little bit of fun. I've made a little wager with a friend of mine, another Rob, that you will survive your encounters."

"See, there are a lot of people who may have been, misled about all of you. Some people think you're all monsters that need to be stopped. Others just want you for a price on your head."
Q...I had a feeling I recognised that face. Never watched star trek so I knew almost nothing of the man...but news the man brought was rather ominous...
"I take it the wager is whatever or not we wil survive the man and woman send after our heads, I presume. I have many questions for you, mister Q. Rob esquire, but a few stick out the most. Wil the three of us stick together? What wil happen next? Was the final fantasy shtick really neceasary? Would you have kept the facade if non of us noticed? Lastly and also quitely importantly...can we expect our assassins to be from the same series our...bodies...came from?"
I ask, with a feeling of growing dread. Really, I did really want to face the likes of DIO, Pucci or ultimate Kars... even if I fought the former and later in my memory (and barely lived).
Mentally I was still somewhat out of it, and I expected I would be for quite some time yet. Going from a suicidal NEET to a rat-soldier-warlord-gods-toy-thing wasn't an easy transition. Physically, I hadn't felt this good in my entire life. My muscled rat-man body effortlessly carried the weight of my armor and all my equipment and I could practically feel the wellspring of energy and stamina ready to burst forth into action if need be. It was quite a rush, truth be told and as much as I hated my current predicament I was also slightly relieved I at least had something better than my original body to rely on.

I looked around and at the other fellows. Not-Joseph Joestar was one and a winged human that had...elegant(?) looking features and garments was another. If I had to make a shot in the dark I'd say the latter was a final fantasy character, although I was no big fan of the series and couldn't say for sure. Also they both recognized SV and SB, which was a plus. At the very least I wasn't among enemies, I think. I had no idea what crazy turns this ROB'd adventure would take but I was hopeful that I wouldn't be alone, at least.

"A race of backstabbing warlike Rat-Men. No, not particularly pleasant memories. Whatever sent us here could've been more gentle, but I digress. Good to know SV and SB ring a bell with you guys. Ditto the concept of ROB. I guess we've all been shanghaied into some crazy adventure by a ROB then."

I frowned as I looked over the hooded figure. That pointy hat...those two eyes shining from inside a hood with no visible face...those robes...



*rusty gears turning in brain*


"Wait! Are we in a fucking final fantasy game?!"

I admit that the Black Mage outfit was a nice hint. Still, I wonder what Final Fantasy game is.

"I must say that although the term [ROB] rings some bells I cannot for the life of me recall the meaning. Also...doesn't it hurt to walk without any shoes?" I say, looking befuddelt at the mans feet...

"Strangely not. I'm assuming magic."

The man removes his hat and winks at you, suddenly the group finds themselves in a dimension of pure white space.

"What made you think that?"

"The Black Mage outfit, mostly."

I, very pointedly, didn't look around in the white expanse.

I stare at the man in the white...robes? Clothes? I stare at the man (...Jup those are stare katakana sound effects).
"Wel, mostly the Dark hat and robes get up, my good sir. I presume you are that mister Rob I have been hearing so much about" I stick out my hand to shake his.

What the everloving....
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Q...I had a feeling I recognised that face. Never watched star trek so I knew almost nothing of the man...but news the man brought was rather ominous...
"I take it the wager is whatever or not we wil survive the man and woman send after our heads, I presume. I have many questions for you, mister Q. Rob esquire, but a few stick out the most. Wil the three of us stick together? What wil happen next? Was the final fantasy shtick really neceasary? Would you have kept the facade if non of us noticed? Lastly and also quitely importantly...can we expect our assassins to be from the same series our...bodies...came from?"
I ask, with a feeling of growing dread. Really, I did really want to face the likes of DIO, Pucci or ultimate Kars... even if I fought the former and later in my memory (and barely lived).

"Your bodies are fixed to be closer to whatever your bodies should be. For instance those of you who need a wheel chair no longer need it, any of you who might have some kind of disease no longer have it, sheerly out of the goodness of my heart. I think I'll skip your Final Fantasy question but I'll answer you your assassins will come from all sorts of places."
"Your bodies are fixed to be closer to whatever your bodies should be. For instance those of you who need a wheel chair no longer need it, any of you who might have some kind of disease no longer have it, sheerly out of the goodness of my heart. I think I'll skip your Final Fantasy question but I'll answer you your assassins will come from all sorts of places."

"I don't suppose you could just call it quits and send us home? Somehow I doubt it, but you must know that this question is obligatory in such situations. That aside, what happens now? Our overall goal may be to survive, but what do we do in the Final Fantasy world we were just in? Are we confined to just that universe or are we also going to be thrown about into the multiverse?"
"Strangely not. I'm assuming magic."
"That, our your feet are just sturdier. Maybe they don't have functioning nerve endings, we have not enough data to be sure" I shrug.
"Your bodies are fixed to be closer to whatever your bodies should be. For instance those of you who need a wheel chair no longer need it, any of you who might have some kind of disease no longer have it, sheerly out of the goodness of my heart. I think I'll skip your Final Fantasy question but I'll answer you your assassins will come from all sorts of places."
I cannot help but stare at the mans face...or whatever he is. It very much possible this male body is facade for whatever he truely is.
Also...fixing us out of the goodnes of his heart. Hah, good joke. He just wants to make sure he wins his bet with...however else has Rob as their last name in this place.
"-sigh- At least we can espect a colorful parade of murders to be after our heads. How lovely. However, good sir, you did not tell us if the three of us would be sticking together? More importantly...were are we going?" I ask...unceartinty in pose (and in my katakana sound effects).
"That, our your feet are just sturdier. Maybe they don't have functioning nerve endings, we have not enough data to be sure" I shrug.

I cannot help but stare at the mans face...or whatever he is. It very much possible this male body is facade for whatever he truely is.
Also...fixing us out of the goodnes of his heart. Hah, good joke. He just wants to make sure he wins his bet with...however else has Rob as their last name in this place.
"-sigh- At least we can espect a colorful parade of murders to be after our heads. How lovely. However, good sir, you did not tell us if the three of us would be sticking together? More importantly...were are we going?" I ask...unceartinty in pose (and in my katakana sound effects).

"There may be more of you than just you three. I have foreseen problems with someone who wants to be called "The Wizard", he will be replaced, though for how long, I don't know.
"I don't suppose you could just call it quits and send us home? Somehow I doubt it, but you must know that this question is obligatory in such situations. That aside, what happens now? Our overall goal may be to survive, but what do we do in the Final Fantasy world we were just in? Are we confined to just that universe or are we also going to be thrown about into the multiverse?"

"As for this question, no. I can't just send you home. This is the problem of the entire Q Continuim, not just me."
"There may be more of you than just you three. I have foreseen problems with someone who wants to be called "The Wizard", he will be replaced, though for how long, I don't know.

"As for this question, no. I can't just send you home. This is the problem of the entire Q Continuim, not just me."
I stare at the man "Great...this is politics. I assume we have to go through beaurocracy so solve our problem, doing paper work and such? Or wil this be limited to us meeting a slew of colorful characters and handing their colorful asses to them." I see, with a cocky smirk that I am not feeling. Quite frankly? Fighting proffesional murders is not the most pleasent thing to be doing, especilay for the amusement of who ever this arse Q is.
"Do we have all the powers that our bodies possessed?"

That was a rather necessary question, seeing as a strangr old man and a giant Rat were... Strange bodies.

I also understood who I was, even if rather genderbent .
"Yes. Yes you do . You all have your powers to fight with."
"Now, back to the Castle. We're at some kind of place called "Dawn".
"There is a real black wizard, I was bothering his image. The Dawn Citadel is all of your headquarters."
"Yes. Yes you do . You all have your powers to fight with."
"Now, back to the Castle. We're at some kind of place called "Dawn".
"There is a real black wizard, I was bothering his image. The Dawn Citadel is all of your headquarters."


That... Sounded like a trap. Also DA:I flashback for some reason.

It could be a good thing. It could also be a trap.
"I can read your mind. No it's not a trap. I've learned a lot with my deals with Humans and other Mortals. You all need a place to rest and a place of protection. The Citadel is a mostly empty city with a few guards, servants, farmers and the old man you saw. I'll just say that you're all a lot more important in Dawn Citadel than you are in your little mortal lives. You all have land rights to the Citadel, and I suggest you make use of it. You'll need it."
"I can read your mind. No it's not a trap. I've learned a lot with my deals with Humans and other Mortals. You all need a place to rest and a place of protection. The Citadel is a mostly empty city with a few guards, servants, farmers and the old man you saw. I'll just say that you're all a lot more important in Dawn Citadel than you are in your little mortal lives. You all have land rights to the Citadel, and I suggest you make use of it. You'll need it."

"That's... Good? I honestly thought that we would be on the run on the streets, always evading pursuers..."

I trailed off, perfecy conscious that it still was a possible outcome, if things went south.