Multiverse : Paying The Price (Recruiting Indefinitely)

What should the setting be like?

  • A Single Planet (Many different Settings)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • More than one world (Many different Settings)

    Votes: 15 78.9%

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Is it possible for munchkin to raise the Ork corpses? I mean, they are just lying there in front of the keep. We may as we use them If we can.
(We fought a gaint ork Army before the Gates, there is a swamp of corpes in front of the citadel)
Interesting question. Probably yes.

Mordekaiser has never been explicitly stated to be capable of raising armies of undeads, but it was never also never disprove. However, his lore has shown him both capable of raising the dead and commanding large hosts of undead. That would have been good enough evidence if it wasn't for most of that being after he was reborn in the Shadow Isles, where unlife was already running rampant thanks to previous fuck up which created the Black Mist, a creeping cloud of pure necromantic energy that reanimate deads and united them under a faction of sort.

Mordekaiser didn't get dominated by the Black Mist, some only three individuals touched by it can boast, one of which is a nature spirit, the other made a pact of some sort and is constantly fighting temptation. He actually flipped the table and dominated the Shadow Isle into being his new kingdom. So, the few tidbits of lore that was shown of him in combat with his army was after the Shadow Isle ressurection, when he didn't really need to raise the deads since the Black Mist can do it for him automatically.

However, Mordekaiser has been a lich-death knight long before the Black Mist was a thing. He had a personal entourage of liches to take care of his phylactery and ruled over at least a vast portion of the main continent in Runeterra. They didn't really make it all that clear how his army actually looked like back then. If I had to guess though, they were probably undeads, since Mordekaiser wasn't what you would call an inspiring leader...
No problem, I think that's just my bran's gentle way of reminding me to go the fuck to bed.
But that is probally the joke
Also, I think that @Janus wouldn't mind if you just raised the Orcs right now
Or atleast, those not burned/frozen/electrocuted-to-a-crispt by Yuki, burned by Shantoto/Helios or wathever the mage siblings did in this battle. The people cut open my tempest, shot by Helios or beaten into a pulp by Joseph are probally fair play.
Hell, the corpses I left died from having their blood boil or their heads caved in, so it must not be that bad.
That and their is one warlock amongst them who left his gear there...he got killed by me so his coprse is probally mostly intact.
Edit: ...wait, I maybe evicarated his throat, not sure
Edit 2 bloody boogaloo: Appearently Tempest, Always_Confussed character, used me holding the warlock as his chance to cute the warlock in half. So...yeah.
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Bran, Brain? No. Brian. :3

IC Tempest is going somewhat crazy. In the normal world he was a depressed suicidal twenty something guy. Being thrust into a body of a giant rat, having to hack and slash his way through crowds of thinking, feeling beings and then having his life flash before his eyes as he almost died is doing a number on his sanity.
Bran, Brain? No. Brian. :3

IC Tempest is going somewhat crazy. In the normal world he was a depressed suicidal twenty something guy. Being thrust into a body of a giant rat, having to hack and slash his way through crowds of thinking, feeling beings and then having his life flash before his eyes as he almost died is doing a number on his sanity.
I'm already insane. Turn out, fusing with Voldysauron isn't conductive to positive thinking. Who woulda thunk?
Bran, Brain? No. Brian. :3

IC Tempest is going somewhat crazy. In the normal world he was a depressed suicidal twenty something guy. Being thrust into a body of a giant rat, having to hack and slash his way through crowds of thinking, feeling beings and then having his life flash before his eyes as he almost died is doing a number on his sanity.

I'm already insane. Turn out, fusing with Voldysauron isn't conductive to positive thinking. Who woulda thunk?
My sanity is fine...but then again I am viewing everything from the haze that is jojo, where death of everything who is not the main character is a bit more...detached. That and with all the posing, music and sound effect I have no time to focus on the depressing.
My character does notice and lament the darkest of the situation and plays the clown on porpouse to lighten the situation.
Like, think about the current situation.
I am an old man swining from vines made from his soul attack the kraken with the blade of naga while argueing german translations with a voldesauron.
I mean, I am probally insane and senile, but in all the best ways.
(It helps that I did not turn into a monstrous rat man or a suit or armour, but instead a very sexy old man.)
Fun Google Translate Fact: Morde is actually German for Murder. So Mordekaiser actually translate to Emperor of Murder.


I have a small feeling there was not a single German on board when they named him.
Fun Google Translate Fact: Morde is actually German for Murder. So Mordekaiser actually translate to Emperor of Murder.


I have a small feeling there was not a single German on board when they named him.
They probally thought it sounded cool. Which to be fair, it does. Mordekaiser is cooler sounding then ToteKaiser.
I should have guessed that morde is murder. I am dutch you see. Murder is moord in dutch, kaiser is kijzer (or keiser, because I can switch things around in my heid) and death is dood (while in german it is tot).
I think you see the resemblance. ( in dutch he is either doodkijzer of moordkijzer...there is a reason nobody uses dutch woords when choosing a cool name).

Also, @Yuki no Yue if you character look at the kraken they see Joseph swinging around on his stand screaming quips to a necromantic armour man...
I assume your character is unimpressed.

Also Also, @always_confused I have the weird feeling your character is going to attack me in a breakdown. I am encouraging this because it is a cool character moment and kind of makes sense. I am kind of bumbeling along and doing stupid and horrible stuff.
Like...I was the one who pretty much reminded Munchkin 'yeah you can raise this snake lady, I'll even kill her for you. Also there is a bunch of corpses outside, have fun tiger.' your character has all the reason to go "what the fuck!"
There was also that bit where I had dark shantotto and just let her go when she asked rudely (because I got confussed and did not know there were two Shantoto's, but tempest does not know that.) I mean, this whole quest I am either joking around or coming up with strategies, some of which are quite horrible. Catipulting an orks head into the sky and using it to locate their leaders comes to mind.
If I am evil, I am stupid evil. However, I am probally more derpy normal.

Also...I wonder what all characters opinion are of eachother.
In Joseph's case:
Tempest: Good friend and battle brother
Yuki: Funny and insane friend
Helios: Nice guy
Shantotto: very confussed if she is good or evil.
Dark shantotto: See above.
The mage siblings: Nice people, can't remember their names for the life of me. No idea which sibling is who
Munchkin: Just met him, but seems like a pleasent dark enslaver of the damned.
Allen Grahem: Just met him, but seems like a nice ice statue turned human.
Morte the tonberry (sssh): Pleasent small person who is now holding two orks captive

Oh those orks we let go
Oh those orks that are in our dungeon
Oh the orks back in azeroth/dreanor
They are going to be pissed if they discover we have raised all their friends back from the death and used them as meat shields. Wel there goes my silent recruitment plan...
If the lich king become involved he wil probally be pissed at Munchkin for stealing his shtick.
Do you think the emperor of final fantasy land wil be too pissed if we used the damned souls of dead to protect the citadel
I mean, if we do that the next time someone like Shantoto shows up and says someone is stealing the crystals, raising the dead and generaly making a mess of things they probally wil be less willing to listen to us...

Also Also Also
@munchkinomatic good news about the zombies, a few of them are probally fine as I only fried there brains, so they can just grab their armor.
Also, depending on what happend again, there might or might not be some very much living orcs laying unconcious among the dead...
They would be waking up about now...
Seeing you turning their friends into zombies...
They probally thought it sounded cool. Which to be fair, it does. Mordekaiser is cooler sounding then ToteKaiser.
I should have guessed that morde is murder. I am dutch you see. Murder is moord in dutch, kaiser is kijzer (or keiser, because I can switch things around in my heid) and death is dood (while in german it is tot).
I think you see the resemblance. ( in dutch he is either doodkijzer of moordkijzer...there is a reason nobody uses dutch woords when choosing a cool name).

I dunno. TotesKaiser sound hipster as fuck.
Oh those orks we let go
Oh those orks that are in our dungeon
Oh the orks back in azeroth/dreanor
They are going to be pissed if they discover we have raised all their friends back from the death and used them as meat shields. Wel there goes my silent recruitment plan...
If the lich king become involved he wil probally be pissed at Munchkin for stealing his shtick.
Do you think the emperor of final fantasy land wil be too pissed if we used the damned souls of dead to protect the citadel
I mean, if we do that the next time someone like Shantoto shows up and says someone is stealing the crystals, raising the dead and generaly making a mess of things they probally wil be less willing to listen to us...

Also Also Also
@munchkinomatic good news about the zombies, a few of them are probally fine as I only fried there brains, so they can just grab their armor.
Also, depending on what happend again, there might or might not be some very much living orcs laying unconcious among the dead...
They would be waking up about now...
Seeing you turning their friends into zombies...

How about we be the new FF villain? I Totes got the look for it.
I dunno. TotesKaiser sound hipster as fuck.


How about we be the new FF villain? I Totes got the look for it.
That joke works on so many levels, it fils me with joy.
I feel that Jospeh and munch/mordekaiser are going to cause so much shenanigens, it wil be wonderful.
Also, not sure if Tempests sanity can take us becoming the villian.
I mean...Yuki did murder the retreating orcs with a tornado
Munchkin, are we the baddies?
(So I took your joke and ran with it.)

Also...did you leave your phylectory (I assume the skeleton in the coffin) standing in the middle of a battlefield...
Eh could be worse.
I think your character probally doesn't want me and my undead murdering sun-breathing near your real body.

Edit: I also regret not being able to like your post with funny twice, @munchkinomatic
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So, I found an imager...image about how stands work.
It is not totally accurate, because it does not mentioned the sea of asteriks that come with stands.
Like, if the user dies the stand dies...which is not the case for Noterious B.I.G., Anubis, super fly etc.
For almost every stand rule, there is a stand that takes that rule and breaks it over its knee.
But it can give a bit more a clear Idea what the hell a stand is.
Hey now, just because we have undead doesn't make us evil. As someone who's basically a lich reanimated by alien space magic, I take offence to that.
Hey now, just because we have undead doesn't make us evil. As someone who's basically a lich reanimated by alien space magic, I take offence to that.
undeads as a rule are not a problem. Helios is fire controlling space lich, nothing horrible about that.
Enslaving the souls of the living against their wil, forcing them to puppet their dead rotten broken bodies to serve someone against their wil?
Way more evil.
Hey guys! Can someone give me a clear description of the kraken? It's hard to write a fight scene without knowing exactly what your enemy looks like....
While I enjoy the undead craziness going on, I do have some worries about this RP going forward. Here's the thing, The entire capture, wounding, killing and raising of the Naga was done entirely without any input from the GM, if I'm not mistaken! I'm just as guilty as anyone else of doing it, but shouldn't it have been something like -

Player - Tries something
GM - describes it working/not working/slightly working/etc.
Player(s) - Reacts to the above, tries something else/continues what they're doing
GM - reacts to the players, rules on whether an attack worked or didn't

etc. etc.?

At this point it seems to have descended into some sort of free for all madness where everyone is both GM and Player at the same time! :oops:
While I enjoy the undead craziness going on, I do have some worries about this RP going forward. Here's the thing, The entire capture, wounding, killing and raising of the Naga was done entirely without any input from the GM, if I'm not mistaken! I'm just as guilty as anyone else of doing it, but shouldn't it have been something like -

Player - Tries something
GM - describes it working/not working/slightly working/etc.
Player(s) - Reacts to the above, tries something else/continues what they're doing
GM - reacts to the players, rules on whether an attack worked or didn't

etc. etc.?

At this point it seems to have descended into some sort of free for all madness where everyone is both GM and Player at the same time! :oops:
I understand where your coming from, I am guilty of it as wel.
In my case, I was getting sick of waiting. Like, when I was seperated and in te Dungeons all the focus was on the big fight. After a while I just took control for myself.
In the case of the naga I did Wait for the GM, but after He did not Come the story kind...went on without him.
It is kind of weird.

What kraken looks like according to the wiki.
Janus mentioned He was huge.
While I enjoy the undead craziness going on, I do have some worries about this RP going forward. Here's the thing, The entire capture, wounding, killing and raising of the Naga was done entirely without any input from the GM, if I'm not mistaken! I'm just as guilty as anyone else of doing it, but shouldn't it have been something like -

Player - Tries something
GM - describes it working/not working/slightly working/etc.
Player(s) - Reacts to the above, tries something else/continues what they're doing
GM - reacts to the players, rules on whether an attack worked or didn't

etc. etc.?

At this point it seems to have descended into some sort of free for all madness where everyone is both GM and Player at the same time! :oops:
As someone who'd played a lot of Janus games, it happens. I just kinda went with the flow.

Anyway, since Tiamat is dead, it's going to be rezz'd because CoTG curse. I assume he's fine with this since the first thing I did upon entering was marking it.