Multiverse : Paying The Price (Recruiting Indefinitely)

What should the setting be like?

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    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • More than one world (Many different Settings)

    Votes: 15 78.9%

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Is Hamon life energy?
Yes it is.
Which is why it can heal and kill undead.
It appearently is Also the Same ripples as the sun. Which is Why UV light kills Vampires and turns pillarman to stone.
However, Because it is life energy it can absorbed by living material. The vampire Straits had a scarf woven from Beetle stomachs that could absorb Hamon because...reasons.
Yes it is.
Which is why it can heal and kill undead.
It appearently is Also the Same ripples as the sun. Which is Why UV light kills Vampires and turns pillarman to stone.
However, Because it is life energy it can absorbed by living material. The vampire Straits had a scarf woven from Beetle stomachs that could absorb Hamon because...reasons.
Not sure how that actually interacts with Runeterran undeads, seeing how none of them actually care about neither sunlight or the heal-kill-undead trope. In fact, Mordekaiser and Hecarim, two of the most prolific legendary undeads in the setting, steal life force from their victims.
Not sure how that actually interacts with Runeterran undeads, seeing how none of them actually care about neither sunlight or the heal-kill-undead trope. In fact, Mordekaiser and Hecarim, two of the most prolific legendary undeads in the setting, steal life force from their victims.
Hmm, I think it mentioned that Vampires actually steal life force at wel and the reason they are weak to it is more that they are being over charged. Like, So much life force is put into it So they cannot contain it and explode.
However, this is my understanding. In the end it probally won't be a problem. GM has the final say anyhow.
It is an interresting topic for discussion however, it Depends how the rules of our specific universes are implemented. I mean, I think it is mentioned you can affect souls? Could you affect stands? It is mentioned only a stand can Harm a stand, but the arrow can Harm stands (even though arrow is What causes people to have stands in the first place.)
However, Although in the jojo universe the only a stand can Harm a stand rule apply', there still souls.
@Janus , I am currently catching up to the IC (was asleep)
However, I was under the impression I took the orcs With me into the Dungeons.
Edit: I hope my newest post is oke. Seeing as Hamon hard counters undead I assumed the lich if caught off guard would be nothing but ash after a wave of the stuff.
Lich is dead, but he is not dead permanently.
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Hmm, I think it mentioned that Vampires actually steal life force at wel and the reason they are weak to it is more that they are being over charged. Like, So much life force is put into it So they cannot contain it and explode.
However, this is my understanding. In the end it probally won't be a problem. GM has the final say anyhow.
It is an interresting topic for discussion however, it Depends how the rules of our specific universes are implemented. I mean, I think it is mentioned you can affect souls? Could you affect stands? It is mentioned only a stand can Harm a stand, but the arrow can Harm stands (even though arrow is What causes people to have stands in the first place.)
However, Although in the jojo universe the only a stand can Harm a stand rule apply', there still souls.
I don't think the ideal of overcharge apply to Runeterran anywhere, more is just universally better. Although, there's Xerath who did get overcharged by a holy sun artifact thing, but consider it turned him into an eldritch being of pure arcane energy, I'd say it's debatable if he's worse for wear or not. Although, question, if a vampire is severely weakened and/or on the verge of death, wouldn't Hammon and sunlight be highly beneficial in small doses?

It is an interresting topic for discussion however, it Depends how the rules of our specific universes are implemented. I mean, I think it is mentioned you can affect souls? Could you affect stands? It is mentioned only a stand can Harm a stand, but the arrow can Harm stands (even though arrow is What causes people to have stands in the first place.)
However, Although in the jojo universe the only a stand can Harm a stand rule apply', there still souls
No idea. Jojo's take on souls and stand is...bizzare (badumtish!). Mordekaiser's and, by extension, Runeterran, take on souls is a lot more traditional: wraith, ghosts, that kind of things. I think stands are semi-seperated beings?
I don't think the ideal of overcharge apply to Runeterran anywhere, more is just universally better. Although, there's Xerath who did get overcharged by a holy sun artifact thing, but consider it turned him into an eldritch being of pure arcane energy, I'd say it's debatable if he's worse for wear or not. Although, question, if a vampire is severely weakened and/or on the verge of death, wouldn't Hammon and sunlight be highly beneficial in small doses?

No idea. Jojo's take on souls and stand is...bizzare (badumtish!). Mordekaiser's and, by extension, Runeterran, take on souls is a lot more traditional: wraith, ghosts, that kind of things. I think stands are semi-seperated beings?
On overcharge idea, again, No idea how it works. But the way I see it, lifeforce has two states, inactive and active. Plants take the active life energy from the suns energy and store it to do photosynthesis and shit. We take in that Hamon through...wel...eating plants. Pillar men steal it by absorbin other life forms cells and vampires by absorbing blood (this says life energy is in blood).
When a Hamon user breaths in, they make their life energy active, creating Hamon. This only works in the extremities, so it has to travel a while to build up the energy. If a Hamon user does not use the special breathing technique, their body is the same as that of a normal person. When they breath however they activate the Hamon and...the active life energy causes the inactive energy to explode...? No that doesn't make sense.
Let's back up a bit. An important thing to note is that animals can be vampires too (they had horse vampire masks for some reason.) and vampires have...Wel...vampiric essence to make zombies. A Jojo vampires can't make new vampires, only the mask can make new vampires, otherwise it is just a zombie. Granted, Jojo zombies aren't stupid like in most media.
Vampires can also regenerate from everything none Hamon based. It was noted by the nazi cyborg von stroheim however that a pillar men (super vampire) can be killed by separating all his cells. sure if Hamon could kill Mordekaiser. It is complicated

About stands, stands are both the soul and the expression of mental energies. They are in a way, the mind and soul fused together in a fabulous reflection of that person. If you would pull out a Jojo characters soul, you would pull out their stand or both a misty image of them and their stand.

Also, the lich is dead but not it wil come back and probably have learned from getting instakilled.
The Lich is also a god like creature. If I remember right, the over charge you killed it with might not have even supposed to have worked. Let me go check the FFI bestiary.
The Lich is also a god like creature. If I remember right, the over charge you killed it with might not have even supposed to have worked. Let me go check the FFI bestiary.
Let's say that Hamon is anti-undead, makes it easier. Lich did not see it coming so could not defend itself causing it pop like ballon. It is not really dead tho. If its soul is still around I should be able to see it with my third eye.
Really, were mixing universes which makes things weird. This can cause things that are not supposed to happen...happen. It's weird.
Let's say that Hamon is anti-undead, makes it easier. Lich did not see it coming so could not defend itself causing it pop like ballon. It is not really dead tho. If its soul is still around I should be able to see it with my third eye.
Really, were mixing universes which makes things weird. This can cause things that are not supposed to happen...happen. It's weird.

Hmmm. Okay.
On overcharge idea, again, No idea how it works. But the way I see it, lifeforce has two states, inactive and active. Plants take the active life energy from the suns energy and store it to do photosynthesis and shit. We take in that Hamon through...wel...eating plants. Pillar men steal it by absorbin other life forms cells and vampires by absorbing blood (this says life energy is in blood).
When a Hamon user breaths in, they make their life energy active, creating Hamon. This only works in the extremities, so it has to travel a while to build up the energy. If a Hamon user does not use the special breathing technique, their body is the same as that of a normal person. When they breath however they activate the Hamon and...the active life energy causes the inactive energy to explode...? No that doesn't make sense.
Let's back up a bit. An important thing to note is that animals can be vampires too (they had horse vampire masks for some reason.) and vampires have...Wel...vampiric essence to make zombies. A Jojo vampires can't make new vampires, only the mask can make new vampires, otherwise it is just a zombie. Granted, Jojo zombies aren't stupid like in most media.
Vampires can also regenerate from everything none Hamon based. It was noted by the nazi cyborg von stroheim however that a pillar men (super vampire) can be killed by separating all his cells. sure if Hamon could kill Mordekaiser. It is complicated

About stands, stands are both the soul and the expression of mental energies. They are in a way, the mind and soul fused together in a fabulous reflection of that person. If you would pull out a Jojo characters soul, you would pull out their stand or both a misty image of them and their stand.

Also, the lich is dead but not it wil come back and probably have learned from getting instakilled.
Well, that sounds complicated, to say the least... When you mention Hamon and vampire healing, what is the exact interraction? Does Hamon prevent all healing, including Vampire healing (so if some bloke got wounded by Hamon, the wound just never close) or does vampire heal from everything that isn't Hamon?

Healing in League is very varied and only occasionally justified. There's the Ascended Human Nasus and Mordekaiser who pretty much consume souls to heal themselves. There's Mundo and Singed, who do a copius amount of magical drug. There's Maokai, who heal by sapping magic from offensive spells. There's Swain who heals himself by...turning into a humanoid raven that send out little ravens to peck at people and heal him...

And Runeterra's concept of soul is just you. The soul is the thing piloting the fleshy body. That's about it. Pretty simple. You can't do the whole projection thing (as far as I know, never know if they're going to release a Jojo-based character in the future) because that would mean taking the pilot out of the vehicle.

@Janus How's Tiamat looking?
Well, that sounds complicated, to say the least... When you mention Hamon and vampire healing, what is the exact interraction? Does Hamon prevent all healing, including Vampire healing (so if some bloke got wounded by Hamon, the wound just never close) or does vampire heal from everything that isn't Hamon?

Healing in League is very varied and only occasionally justified. There's the Ascended Human Nasus and Mordekaiser who pretty much consume souls to heal themselves. There's Mundo and Singed, who do a copius amount of magical drug. There's Maokai, who heal by sapping magic from offensive spells. There's Swain who heals himself by...turning into a humanoid raven that send out little ravens to peck at people and heal him...

And Runeterra's concept of soul is just you. The soul is the thing piloting the fleshy body. That's about it. Pretty simple. You can't do the whole projection thing (as far as I know, never know if they're going to release a Jojo-based character in the future) because that would mean taking the pilot out of the vehicle.

@Janus How's Tiamat looking?
Oke, I took a step back and thought about it. Hamon is dangerous to vampires not because it blocks their healing completely. It is just that in most cases there is nothing to heal. Vampires can control their body parts no matter if it removed from the rest, you see. Hamon however reduces it to nothing. The reason Vampires don't want to fuck with Hamon is because a few second of exposure can leave them nothing but a skeleton.
Dio, the main villian from jojo part 1, survived getting his head cut in half with a hamon infused blade and after reconnecting the halves it could regrow. However, their were seperation marks on his face for most of the fight, so the healing was not instant like normal for him. That is mostly why hamon is dangerous, now that I think about it. Because it kills undead really fast, giving them no time to heal. It doesn't damage living things normaly (it just enters them and heals them) but it can be used to heat things up, including the living. Kars, the ultimate life form, had super charged hamon that was as hot as the sun. He melted Jospeh's knee, but Jospeh was able to recover from that (somehow...).

Thinking about Kars, when he was still a pillar man sun was lethal to him. However, after becoming the ultimate lifeform he was not only immune to hamon, he could use it himself.

About healing and jojo again. Vampires can heal from tons of things, but normally it takes time. After Dio was set on fire and impaled (and probally had a burning mansion collapse on him) he needed a while and some blood to recuperate. However, blowing a vampire up or stabbing them does jack shit. Hamon or sun light are the only methods used because they are fast using and leave no trace.
Thinking about it, vampires mostly regerate by putting their bits back together. If their bits are destroyed however, they can't access it. Hamon reduces their bodies to ash so they cannot use those parts again. However, by drinking blood they can regrow bits, beter, just steal body parts. Dio for exemple lost everything but his head. He couldn't regrow so he killed someone and then removed the (using his veins) and the replaced it, taking the body as his own.
Hamon can heal, but its is mostly good at closing wounds and cleaning infections. It is not capable of regrowing large parts of tissue.
These video's have all hamon uses, but not all results of it getting used. It wil paint a good picture tho. I also revealed a fact I had almost forgotten. Concetrated hamon is way stronger then hamon spread out. That is why Straits scarf protected him, the hamon charge was spread out and so became weaker.

About stands, when they are projected the soul does not really leave the body. Souls in jojo are never eleborated upon, however, we do have an interresting case study. Silver chariot requiem which has the power to control souls (yes, it is broken as fuck).
We saw some interresting things in this fight, as body without a soul (the body was alive but hollow) we saw a person with two personality so two souls (but one stand, if very powerful) with the souls seperated. Silver chariot reqiuem had put everyone souls in someone elses body, but when the effect was reversed we saw their souls. It was pretty much the person as mist BUT we did see their stands float next to them.
So...I think we can say a stand is a construct born from someones mind (mostly subconcious) and their soul. Stands are very varied, so the effect that destroying a stand has on its user or vice versa varies. Hell, their are some stands that can remain without their user.

...again, part of me wants a stand arrow to come up with weird shit.
Well, that sounds complicated, to say the least... When you mention Hamon and vampire healing, what is the exact interraction? Does Hamon prevent all healing, including Vampire healing (so if some bloke got wounded by Hamon, the wound just never close) or does vampire heal from everything that isn't Hamon?

Healing in League is very varied and only occasionally justified. There's the Ascended Human Nasus and Mordekaiser who pretty much consume souls to heal themselves. There's Mundo and Singed, who do a copius amount of magical drug. There's Maokai, who heal by sapping magic from offensive spells. There's Swain who heals himself by...turning into a humanoid raven that send out little ravens to peck at people and heal him...

And Runeterra's concept of soul is just you. The soul is the thing piloting the fleshy body. That's about it. Pretty simple. You can't do the whole projection thing (as far as I know, never know if they're going to release a Jojo-based character in the future) because that would mean taking the pilot out of the vehicle.

@Janus How's Tiamat looking?

Tiamat's getting battered by the NPCs pretty hard, but she's just fine.
Yuki's got plenty of Mana. He is ULtimecia, after all. How does Hamon run out in Bizarre Adventure?
About half of you are battered but none of you are near dead yet.
As far as I understand they limited reserves they activate to fight. After a while they just run and need time for their reserves to refill. So after long fights with much hamon use the hamon user can run out. They wil regain it later, ofcourse.
As far as I understand they limited reserves they activate to fight. After a while they just run and need time for their reserves to refill. So after long fights with much hamon use the hamon user can run out. They wil regain it later, ofcourse.

I have no idea how long it takes so I could say you're half out?
I have no idea how long it takes so I could say you're half out?
That is completely fine, have been using it for a day where I fought an army of orcs afterall. Again, this is a Jospeh with a bit more Hamon then part 3 Joseph, but he still has his limit.
Granted, that is a thing I can maybe expand when character progression is a thing.
So, here I thought that these four monsters were kind of...random. Then I looked the fire fiend up and appearntly these are the four elemantal fiends, so they are probally after the crystals.
Also, here I thought it was the classic Kraken but nope, a humanoid Kraken.
Welp, atleast one of them was undead we could postpone fighting the four elemantal fiends at onces.
Now it is only water, wind and fire...
Is it possible for munchkin to raise the Ork corpses? I mean, they are just lying there in front of the keep. We may as we use them If we can.
(We fought a gaint ork Army before the Gates, there is a swamp of corpes in front of the citadel)