Vote tally - Monster Marriage Quest

Scheduled vote count started by Ghoul King on Jul 30, 2024 at 1:53 PM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Ghoul King
Monster Marriage Quest
Post #1237
Post #1242


  • [x]"No, no, I'll be fine, and I really mustn't keep people waiting!" On balance, you think trying to infiltrate an enemy city with no armor on hand, no weapon beyond your knife, entirely by yourself, when Ada's response suggests other Commoners will be disturbed by your eyes and voice... is a really bad plan that will get you killed and make Caras sad. You'll just engage Ada in more conversation while you wait for the sun to go down.
    -[x]You'll ask about Ada's hometown, Neustadt de Glaubens. (You don't care if it is her hometown; you'll pretend to assume regardless)
    -[x]You'll ask about this 'holiness' thing. You've heard of sacred ground, but sacred people?
    [x]"This came on suddenly, and I'm hoping it'll pass just as quickly!" On balance, you think trying to infiltrate an enemy city with no armor on hand, no weapon beyond your knife, entirely by yourself, when Ada's response suggests other Commoners will be disturbed by your eyes and voice... is a really bad plan that will get you killed and make Caras sad. You'll just engage Ada in more conversation while you wait for the sun to go down.
    -[x]You'll ask about Ada's hometown, Neustadt de Glaubens. (You don't care if it is her hometown; you'll pretend to assume regardless)
    -[x]You'll ask about this 'holiness' thing. You've heard of sacred ground, but sacred people?
    [x]"No, no, I'll be fine, and I really mustn't keep people waiting!" On balance, you think trying to infiltrate an enemy city with no armor on hand, no weapon beyond your knife, entirely by yourself, when Ada's response suggests other Commoners will be disturbed by your eyes and voice... is a really bad plan that will get you killed and make Caras sad. You'll just engage Ada in more conversation while you wait for the sun to go down.
    -[x]You'll ask about this 'holiness' thing. You've heard of sacred ground, but sacred people?