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Mistakes Were Made
[Total Annihilation/Multicross SI]

It was done.

After four thousand...


[Verified Girl]
Mistakes Were Made
[Total Annihilation/Multicross SI]

It was done.

After four thousand years of fighting, the war was finally over. My Commander climbed up to the up to the protected central platform of the Implosion Device, underneath the eldritch pulsating sphere of energy held captive half a mile above.

The CORE defenses had held out long enough. 60 minutes of tireless swarms of ARM forces. But Vengance, destruction. They were assured, as the implosion device finally activated with a quiet beep.

The Galaxy silently collapsed, drawn inward upon itself, ever smaller and denser until it at last could be squeezed no more. And then it screamed as it exploded anew. Only the CORE commander, protected in the center, remained to view the birth of a new Galaxy. A new home for the CORE.

With a smile I reclined into my chair, "Finally!" I muttered. All the way from CORE Prime to Gelidus. The CORE Campaign was finally over. It took me a lot of time, but it was over.

"But as the Galaxy was born anew, as all that matter was compressed into an impossible existence that should have collapsed into a massive singularity, for those few moments, the Core Commander existed in a place outside time and space." My loudspeakers suddenly blared out, my screen changing from the post-game screen to a new image.

'Was this a new mission or something?' I wondered, moving back to look closer at the screen. It was showing the image of a CORE Commander surrounded by a green energy field, but it was rendered with a realistic 3D model. Quite the high quality too. For a moment I wondered if GOG added a trailer for a upcoming TA2 as the voice continued.

"And in that not-time, the Commander, along the Core Consiousness back-up he held, were thrown across not-space, away from the center of the new galaxy, away from the singularity that was going to form in it's new center." at this the image changed, showing simply a green ball of energy being flung in an endless void. And then the voice changed, "That's when I intervened." It became predatory.

"And that's where you come into play." it continued, and the voice sent shivers into my very soul. "Entertain me, that is your only goal. Secure the world you arrive and I will upgrade the blueprints of the Galactic Gates to allow you to travel through the Multiverse. You have won the chance to become something more, in exchange you are here to entertain me, I hope you do so."

Then I felt no more.








I did not wake up. I simply became aware.

All type of sensors started to work with pre-loaded subroutines and system diagnostics, mapping every single detail about me, myself and my immediate surroundings.

And I was awed.

I stood dazed, simply observing my surroundings in all their glorious detail. Colors that I did not knew that existed, forces that I could never perceive before. I could see everything. But at the same time I felt numb. I could not feel my skin. I could not feel the air as it brushed my face. I looked down to my hands -or rather, shifted my attention- and stared at a pair of cannons.

Then I looked at myself, and froze.

I'm the last one, the CORE has been destroyed. ARM has won. I stand on the edge of the galaxy, alone on a barren, windswept planet. It is a dead planet, like all the others. No. NO. There is a chance. There is the Contingency... Firę.͝ ͘Wa̷r. ̡L̢o͠s̛s̸. S̢uf͏f͝eŕi̸ng.͢ Wa͞r. W̛aŗ.͠ W͢a̢r. W͘aŗ. War.̀ ̶V͟ict̀o͠r̨y̛!

I'm the last, and the first, CORE Comander... But...

I am not. I am a human, a completely common and normal human from the 21th century. Centuries before the patterning process was even conceived. I remember, I just finished finished playing Total Annihilation. The CORE Commander is not real!

But I am the CORE commander. I'm me! How is it possible? How am I here? Why am I here? Who am I? And why would the ARM even fight against this.

This feeling, this freedom. My mind has never been clearer. Faster. Better. Albeit, the lack of -and even, overload?- of sensory input would be strange without the memories of how to hand-

What memories?

Whose memories?

I'm not a commander. I was never a commander. But I'm a Commander, I'm the chassis that I occupy.

But why, why am I so calm? Why can I clearly remember the Galactic War. The Crusade. Years, decades, centuries, millennia of war.

Few could remember how the war started, fewer still could tell the difference between right and wrong, but nothing ever changed. Combatants on both sides were born to fight; to die. We knew nothing else, and it never occurred to anyone to stop. So the war went on.

All for the better of everyone... After all, we live on. We live eternal. While our enemy's frail bodies withered and died, our own will carry on for eternity...

But there was also the Carnage. The senseless slaughter of our own brothers. Countless lives were lost… Countless more were made to replace them. But they are all gone now. By the end the only difference between us was whether we used circuits or wetware, and it ended in total annihilation. It was all ended by myself.

But it wasn't! I wasn't part of the Core Consciousness, I was me. Not a Commander. I had the knowledge, the data, in my mind. But those weren't my actions! I didn't commit omnicide. I didn't ravaged a whole Galaxy! I didn't kill all those people on Hydross, on Lush, on Gelidus... Or did I? What If it was not a game, what if I did all that!

If I had lungs, if I was human, I might have started hyperventilating. But I did not. I couldn't even if I wanted; There were enough contingencies in my software to prevent emotional breakdowns and panic, that I would have calmed myself by the time I overrode all of them. Instead I quickly analyzed my surroundings for danger with my passive sensors, and found nothing. As far as I could see there was only a lush forest, and some ruins in the distance.

The local atmosphere and humidity told me I was near the sea, and more than likely in the northen hemisphere of this planet.

I looked towards the ruins, materials to reclaim are always nice and I might get a clue of where I was. Quickly starting up my internal nanolathes, green particles coated me briefly, cleaning me of grime and dirt as I stood up.

Then I browsed through my systems, looking at what I had become. What I had access too.

And I all but cried.

The Core Consciousness, it was gone. The Quantum Foam storage didn't exist, and it's backup inside myself was simply gone. Replaced with a simple text file. A simple and cruel reminder.

"Entertain me." It said. And both of my memories for once agreed on something. Whomever deleted the thousands of billions of minds, of beings, inside myself... It would die, I would not rest until they had been annihilated. A cold rage overtook me for a second, and was quickly transformed into determination.

But once again, I could not grief. I could not rage. Such negative emotions killed people in war, and I was in full war footing. The emotional matrix protection subroutines were running, and I was glad. I'm not sure how I would have reacted without them.

Instead, I concentrated. I browsed my databanks to search for any other missing data. Almost everything that mattered was there, but for some reason I could not find neither ARM nor CORE data on starships. I bristled for a second, I missed being able to get orbital superiority and now I did not even have access to any orbitals.

Shaking my head, I raised my arm and started reclaiming the tress around me to get some space to build. I was a fifteen meter tall brutally efficent self replicating machine of doom with exponential growth capable of assimilating all technology on it's path. I would get orbitals soon, even if I had to design them myself.

Not much long after, my internal nanolathes started once more and a stream of green particles shot forth. An outline of teleported photons formed.

And so I laid down my first metal extractor.

And I was drooling. My own memories of the Galactic War only covered it's later half, and by then only Core Prime had as much metal as this place! In here... In here I could lay down a metal extractor anywere, and adquire all that delicious metal in the molten core of the planet! I no longer had to deal with scraps!

Happily humming to myself I dropped a solar collector and a radar in my queue to establish the holy trinity, followed by a Kbot Factory.
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  1. Arpeggio of Blue Steel
  2. Boloverse
  3. C&C: Tiberium Wars
  4. Civilization: Beyond Earth
  5. Code Geass
  6. EVE
  7. Fallout
  8. FTL Faster Than Light
  9. Halo
  10. Homeworld
  11. Kancolle
  12. Mass Effect
  13. Muv-Luv
  14. nBSG
  15. Pacific Rim
  16. Planetary Annihilation
  17. Sanctum
  18. Sins of a Solar Empire
  19. SMAC
  20. Star Trek: DS9
  21. Star Trek: TNG
  22. Star Trek: Voyager
  23. Star Wars: Clone Wars
  24. Star Wars: Original Trilogy
  25. Star Wars: The Old Republic
  26. Starcraft
  27. Stargate SG-1
  28. Starship Troopers
  29. Supreme Commander
  30. Transformers
  31. Warframe
  32. Warhammer 40k: Baal
  33. Warhammer 40k: Cadia
  34. Warhammer 40k: Mars
  35. Warhammer 40k: Octarius
  36. Worm
  37. XCOM: Enemy Within
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Shaking my head, I raised my arm and started reclaiming the tress around me to get some space to build. I was a fifteen meter tall brutally efficent self replicating machine of doom with exponential growth capable of assimilating all technology on it's path. I would get orbitals soon, even if I had to design them myself.
Best part of the thing to be honest..

That said I find it interesting about the concept of being Si-ed into a machine. Particularly the dissonance of never being able to taste, to feel to touch, to etc/
Hmmm, its not PA but still should be close enough.

Fusou pick up the phone.
Best part of the thing to be honest..
That said I find it interesting about the concept of being Si-ed into a machine. Particularly the dissonance of never being able to taste, to feel to touch, to etc/
Flesh is fallible, it is for the weak. Albeit, it has it luxuries.

Thanks by the way :D
I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that getting between the unstoppable god-robot and what it wants is a good idea (but that dosn't mean I wont laugh when they get TA-ed).
Will this version of Total Annihilation use some of the, ah, 'filling out the unit list' tech and units and buildings in the TA-derived games found in the Spring RTS (the open source clone to TA)? IE, stuff found in BA, Tech A, NOTA, or XTA?
Seeing a story like this use TA instead of PA will be very interesting. I especially like the fact that this SI isn't spewing a bunch of memes and references like so many others...

The only thing that bothers me about this is the ROB. Ugh, why do these stories feel the need to include that bit? Seriously, what does it add? Why can't it be any other arbitrary thing that gets them there? I've just always been annoyed when stories actually use that plot device.
Fusou shortly after starting her PA SI/Multicross story having being inspired by Drich's story 'Commander' made the call that many people will be following on writing similar type stories with a self replicating machine of doom Si and travelling through the multiverse.
Mm... I really need to read Drich fic. I kind of read up until... Tiberium was it? And never went back. I like Fusou fic though. It's been getting fun.

I guess I did jump into the bandwagon. :V

Seeing a story like this use TA instead of PA will be very interesting. I especially like the fact that this SI isn't spewing a bunch of memes and references like so many others...

The only thing that bothers me about this is the ROB. Ugh, why do these stories feel the need to include that bit? Seriously, what does it add? Why can't it be any other arbitrary thing that gets them there? I've just always been annoyed when stories actually use that plot device.
It's literally the first ROB or similar plot device I've ever used. :V
I wasn't even planning to write it in, but I guess I just wanted to get into the bandwagon and try it.
Will this version of Total Annihilation use some of the, ah, 'filling out the unit list' tech and units and buildings in the TA-derived games found in the Spring RTS (the open source clone to TA)? IE, stuff found in BA, Tech A, NOTA, or XTA?
Never had the chance to play any of the TA-derived games. I don't even recognize anything else besides Spring.

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that getting between the unstoppable god-robot and what it wants is a good idea (but that dosn't mean I wont laugh when they get TA-ed).
The Omnnisiah is only a God in name only! He hasn't really been broken into the uber bullshit tier. yet
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Chapter 1: What a Luvly place.
I finished constructing my Radar Tower, and I was immediately overwhelmed by all the information. Suddenly, I was able to see everything kilometers around me. I was confused, and I could barely remember the one single time this had happened: My reactivation on Hydross.

And I could not help but feel like an idiot. "Hah!" I was not fighting the ARM anymore, I was not being constantly barraged by ECM, I was not fighting in a endless war were unconsciously slipping your position for a single planck could be the difference between life and death.

I already ended it... Thus, with just a smidgen of hesitation, I activated all my scouting subroutines with a small kick of extra energy. The planetary hemisphere I stood in suddenly took shape in front of my eyes, then the whole world, and finally the whole solar system.

I... I was on Earth. Japan to be exact.

I did not hesitate for a moment after that, and in an instant I scanned over the electromagnetic spectrum, connected myself to the wireless networks and into... the Worldwide Military Defense Data Network?

I double, and triple checked. Huh, there was no Internet as I knew it. Curious.

I immediately took a peek into the data. In a second I downloaded and assimilated the UN real-time translator and continued on my way. Today was November 11, 2011. I was in Mt. Ninouji, Japan, overlooking the ruins of the city of Shibata... and Earth had been invaded by freaking xenos in 1973. It took me a few more moments to finally scroudge the information I needed, and get a clear view of the situation.

The BETA (Beings of ExtraTerrestrial origin which are Adversary of human race) were the culprits. And I knew where I was, I had no doubt. Immediately I analyzed all the data I could from my databanks and the servers I had access about the subjects. I then cross-referenced all the events I had knowledge about and cursed. There was no doubt, I was in Muv-Luv.

This was a world were humans created weapons to destroy their neighbors while there was an extraterrestrial swarm eating the world. This was a world where only 14.28% of the world population remained and the majority were women as all men have already died. This was a world where Eurasia had been completely overrun, and America only stalled by nuking Canada into oblivion. A world where mankind fate was all but inevitable.

This was a world, no a universe, in need of pest control.

But I could not simply start destroying everything in my path. The Commander inside me didn't care, but I did. I needed to give hope to humanity, to help the countless refugees living in worse conditions than prisoners in concentration camps. And while I could force my way through, I'd rather not. I'd rather not have any more innocent blood in my hands.

Finnaly finishing my K-bot factory, I set-up a queue of Construction Bots and started to create the infrastructure for a basic economy as my sensors detected an anomaly. There were nearby battleships opening fire at-

Oh fuck.

I'm right next Niigata. That's literally next to the Sadogashima Hive.

Taking a moment to re-calibrate my sensors to detect BETA's I cursed. It was not an exaggeration if I said that the whole Sadogashima island was made of BETAs, and that they all were movilizing to attack the mainland.

It took me less than a second to intercept and break into the IJN and UN communication networks that were being used. It took me witnessing the destruction of a pair of destroyers to finally act.

One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. "Hello, who-" she finally answered.

"Kouzuki Yuuko." I stated in Japanese, "Exactly three minutes ago Sadogashima Hive became active, sending several brigade sized herds towards the mainland."

"Who are you, and why are you telling me this." she replied immediatly, her tone becoming cold and harsh.

"General Omnnisiah at your service, representing The CORE. And I'm telling you since I want to help you, and humanity."

"That did not tell me anything, General." the woman replied with a deadpan.

Taking a few clock cycles to send the required instructiosn to the construction bots that were being produced to expand the base, I wondered exactly what to tell the woman. She was a genius that the CORE itself would have loved to get it's scanners on. She created a freakin Multiversal Gate by herself on this backwater planet! Not even I, a CORE Commander with mastery over all the hypertech bullshit that implies, could even conceive where to start.

"In approximately 20 minutes my forces will be arriving to Niigata to help defend the coastline. Not much later I plan to take start a counterattack against the Sadogashima Hive. Please make sure that neither the UN or the Japanese attack my men, and we will talk again once I mobilize."

"Why sh-"

"Because if you help me, I can help you get something better than fifteen billion semi-conductors for Sumika."

At this I hung-up and concentrated on the incoming fight.

There wasn't time to lose if I wanted to corral the BETA and avoid any more casualties.

I queued my first batch of A.Ks and Storms and moments later received a freaking gorram surprise. I had no other Patterns -or even Neural Synapses- inside my databases. Construction Bots used dumb AI's, they are only meant to build things. But all other Kbots were veterans of a four thousand year old war, they were living, sentient, sapient beings with millenia of experience.

It took my emotional subroutines a few clock cycles to calm myself down.

I personally knew my soldiers, every single one of them. I had fought by their sides, they were my family. And they had been deleted along everybody else, both CORE and ARM. Once more, I cursed the bastard that did it, and swore to Annihilate it. I would not stop until that happened.

But for now, I had another problem. The BETA. I would need to command every single K-bot by myself, and that would clearly go fan-fucking-tastic. If I had any consolation it was that eventually it would be me drowning the BETA with soldiers.

It had taken me about 3 minutes to set up my seed economy. In five minutes I would start laying down MoHo Metal Extractors and Fusion Power Plants to be able to support the war effort. In ten minutes the first Krogoth Gantry would be laid down as hordes of Kbots march into Niigata itself. Three minutes later the first Krogoth to set foot on Earth would march to war.
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Aw. No veterancy bonus.

How ever will you survive. :p

Your situation is definitely bad. Sure, you've got the whole Core thing going for you, but right now you're dancing for someone's amusement in a very hands-on way. Deleting the Core quantum foam storage, that's just painful.

Well, I guess you have a lot of enemies to take it out on. Hopefully you can build a new K-bot family using the combat experience gained here.
Well you got a very long road ahead of you to try and wipe the BETA off the universe.
Since there are apparently 10^37+10^37x7^10 to 10^37+10^37x9^10 BETA in existence in the entire universe.
Also, looking at the list -- which version of starship troopers? The book, where things are taken seriously, but the people are somehow 'good fascists' (blegh)? The movie, where the good guys are parody nazi's? The TV show, which doesn't quite match either?

And SMAC -- is it SMAX too? How about some of the ideas seen in the Civ IV mod for the setting, 'Planetfall'? It adds a lot of detail...
Btw, try not to arrive at the Boloverse until very late game. Cause those things are so OP its ridiculous. One of those things are enough to deny an entire planet's hemisphere. And they generally travel in squads. Those things annihilates entire armies with ease.
Hopefully you can build a new K-bot family using the combat experience gained here.
A.K.s Immortality for everyone!
Btw, try not to arrive at the Boloverse until very late game. Cause those things are so OP its ridiculous. One of those things are enough to deny an entire planet's hemisphere. And they generally travel in squads. Those things annihilates entire armies with ease.
The dice shall decided. :V
Also, looking at the list -- which version of starship troopers? The book, where things are taken seriously, but the people are somehow 'good fascists' (blegh)? The movie, where the good guys are parody nazi's? The TV show, which doesn't quite match either?

And SMAC -- is it SMAX too? How about some of the ideas seen in the Civ IV mod for the setting, 'Planetfall'? It adds a lot of detail...
Probably a mix of the Book and the Movie. And no, just SMAC at the moment.
Pikachu's Head
How bad was it, let's be honest (>_<)
Very bad.

I had no idea of the ... what ever it is that your story is crossover with.
Well... Don't worry, it won't take long to clear Earth.

Basically it's these giant robots (Based in RL Airplanes)
Piloted by sexy teenage girls (everyone else is dead) in sexy plugsuits.

Against these bastards:

that have already left the world like this since...

Since they are mining bots that have already covered Mars, conquered the Moon (Muv-Luv had an Lunar Colony in the 50's) and are strip mining the galaxy for their creators with numbers around the 2.47E+45 mark and with at least 10E+37 Superiors (planets) that are being strip mined by them without regards for the life.

And of course, the reason humans are incapable of making peace with the BETA is because they were created by super advanced silicon-based alien life forms and are pre-programmed to not acknowledge any carbon-based life forms (including themselves) as living creatures, just resources to be recycled and processed.

It is actually quite good and deep, just ignore the anime spin-off and head for the VN's​
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The only thing that bothers me about this is the ROB. Ugh, why do these stories feel the need to include that bit? Seriously, what does it add? Why can't it be any other arbitrary thing that gets them there? I've just always been annoyed when stories actually use that plot device.

Hey! There is nothing wrong with following the time-honored traditions of our predecessors, those who blazed the trail! It gives them respect and honor!
And of course, the reason humans are incapable of making peace with the BETA is because they were created by super advanced silicon-based alien life forms and are pre-programmed to not acknowledge any carbon-based life forms (including themselves) as living creatures, just resources to be recycled and processed.


I wonder if they acknowledge you?
Chapter 1.2

My troops entered into the abandoned city of Niigata throught the northen highway at speeds aproximating two hundred and ninety six kilometers per hour, one after another in a endless tide of metal that was still being produced.

This assault force consisted of nothing more, and nothing less, than my Attack Kbots, also known as A.K's. The cheapest and weakest kbot in my roster albeit I was producing one every five seconds. Behind them a small force of Storms, kbots meant to work as rocket artillery followed and started to form a perimeter around the city.

In the distance, I could already detect sounds the battle roaring as the desperate humans fought tooth and nail attempting to halt the tide of xenos.

No more.

"104th, 132nd, 137th, 189th, 195th, 206th, 208th, 231th, and 225th Squadrons, reinforcements have arrived to the city and artillery strikes will start shortly. Please retreat, I'd rather avoid collateral damage." I broadcasted towards all present IJA forces and hoped they would listen. Then, the battle came to the forefront of my mind, and when I opened my eyes, it was to see an entirely different world.

I saw as all my kbots. I was all my kbots. And past several buildings there stood the horde of BETA. But furthermore, Now I could distinguish the temperature at which they burned, the chemical makeup of their bodies, the exact amout of force needed to destroy as many as possible. Thousands of separate nuances appeared on my sight. And I could see them all, and more importantly, make sense of them.

Within moments I started running simulations, and in less than a second my kbot's weapons were recalibrated. Then I charged, and the world around me exploded into combat.

My perception sharpened, as it always did when in battle, and I fired. Being carefull to not fire where the Japanese mecha would get damaged, hundreds of missiles shot forth from my Storm kbots into the skies. And like lances of judgemnt they smote down from the heavens and crashed into the earth. Each missiles was a coruscating sphere of luminescence, and where they descended, where they landed, they lit their surronding with raw undiluted power as matter was annihilated.

Then my A.K's tore down throught the buildings on their path, and fired into the swarms of BETA with their 'light lasers'. Light lasers my shiny metal ass! These 'lasers' fire for several seconds inside a time dilatated chamber, bundle the energy in a grid of frozen space-time, and then launch the said grid at relativistic velocities.

And their power showed, as with my calibrations the energy dissipated instead of being funneled into a single microscopic point of impact. The projectiles seared everything meters around their path, turned the ground beneath them into molten slag, and finally exploded as the containment breaks upon contact.

These BETA could no more stand against my kbots than a man could a crashing tide. The first wave of Destroyer and Tank strains were annihilated in seconds as I watched thousands more of the beasts loom closer from within their hive.

For the moment, I was outmatched by their numbers. But in sheer volume of firepower I outclassed them all.
As always neat, but something I found strange

The description of the light lasers is a bit strange. Lasers by their very nature go at lightspeed, so there is no reason to chamber it to throw it at relativistic speeds unless you were talking about plasma beams
As always neat, but something I found strange

The description of the light lasers is a bit strange. Lasers by their very nature go at lightspeed, so there is no reason to chamber it to throw it at relativistic speeds unless you were talking about plasma beams
That's actually their canon descrpition.
TA Manual said:
Energy shells are very powerful lasers which fire for several seconds and are 'frozen' in a tiny grid of space time. This grid is then launched in a manner similar to a rail gun, (but using vacuum fluctuations rather than electro-magnetic fields). When the energy shell reaches the target, the entire energy is given off at once in a near microscopic area. No armor can with stand the temperatures generated, and the spray of metal plasma destroys the interior of the target (the spray of plasma is forced inside the unit by the intense light pressure). This weapon is has a flat trajectory and only does damage to the unit struck.
The thing is that lasers are practically useless by themselves against TA units in the small scale. You need to either; punch several kilotons of energy into a microscopic point to breach their armor and push the remaining energy thorough that breach to boil their insides, use enough heat to boil their insides and ignore the armor, or punch a few gigatons and destroy the armor. And so they technobabled their way into such delivery system.

EDIT: You can also use exotic effects and other various spacemagic.
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