~Miracle Princess of Blazing Passion~ (PMMM / Magia Record)

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica / Magia Record

After yet another failure to defeat her eternal foe – the Super-Witch Walpurgisnacht – Homura rewinds time for another attempt to save Madoka from certain death. But this time she has help, in two forms. First – the last timeline's Madoka has given her a gift: a set of special powers based on emotions, built into her Soul Gem, meant to support her efforts... if she can master them. Second – Homura has found allies in the city of Kamihama, ones that can aid in combating Walpurgisnacht... if she can keep them alive.

Homura will have her work cut out for her as events in Kamihama spill out and drag her into dealing with a city-spanning Magical Girl cult and a dimension-shattering Super-Witch on top of her own usual issues.

She'll need all the help she can get!
Day -1 / Day 0 / Day 1


It's all in the cards
Zombie World
Day -1

Homura Akemi lay half-buried and half-delirious beneath the wreckage of skyscraper below the storm brought to Mitakihara by Walpurgisnacht.

Oh, how had things come to this? Even with Mami Tomoe dead and Miki Sayaka having become a Witch yet again, Homura had found a reason to maintain her faint hope. For Kyoko, rather than having come immediately to Mitakihara after hearing of Mami's death, had been residing in a city unfamiliar to Homura – the city of Kamihama, to the southeast. A place that Homura had never thought of as more than a hunting ground until this attempt. In that city, Homura had found a few surviving Magical Girls amongst the Witches infesting the city and recruited them to the cause of destroying a deadly threat to all Magical Girls.

She could still hear their death-screams echoing in her mind.

Even with four Magical Girls backing her up, Walpurgisnacht and her Familiars were simply too much to handle. Each of them was slain one by one, gems shattered in the wake of their death, leaving Homura alone here in the ruins.

Kyoko Sakura went down first, rushing in recklessly and rampaging through a swarm of this horrid Witch's Familiars, blowing up her Soul Gem to take them out. But it had been for nothing, as more simply emerged as if from the air itself. Homura's three allies from Kamihama – Ria Ami, Meiyui Chun, and Natsuki Utsuho – then decided to draw all of the Familiars towards them and open up a clear shot to Walpurgisnacht. With their abilities combined – Ria's concealment, Meiyui's falsification, and Natsuki's cheering – Homura had hope that they might survive until the end.

Those hopes were dashed as she felt them explode their own gems to take out all the Familiars once more.

And to make matters worse, Walpurgisnacht shrugged off all of her armaments yet again and slammed a skyscraper into her for daring to interfere with her "performance". Homura herself had barely managed to avoid having her own Soul Gem smashed – instead almost sacrificing her body. She could barely crawl out from underneath the wreckage, her Soul Gem on the verge of filling up and sand almost running out.

She'd been defeated yet again.

With Walpurgisnacht's haunting laughter coming closer, there was nothing left to do but to reverse time and...

"Homura!! Where are you!?"

...get out of here before Madoka makes her Wish, kills Walpurgisnacht single-handedly, and then becomes a worse Witch in the process. Homura had seen enough death for one day. As she pulled herself out of the wreckage, she heard none other than one of those Incubators talking to Madoka.

"It is likely that she's been killed, like every other Magical Girl she's brought along with her. But you could save her if you made a Wish."

Madoka couldn't do any such thing, but there was no way she could know that.

"Homura is...!? N-no, that can't be right! She said she'd come back to me! She promised!"

"Those were sweet words to soothe you, just like her last words to Sayaka. But you could make them come true, of course. You have the potential to grant any Wish you want."

Homura gritted her teeth, and made ready to go back to the beginning for yet another attempt at protecting Madoka from doom. In the end, was she doomed to settle this fate without anyone's aid? Even with her newfound companions convincing Kyoko to keep herself alive after Sayaka's death, even after gaining said allies in the first place, even after all of that... it was all for naught. Maybe Homura would get lucky and Kamihama would have more allies to spare next time, but given that this was another anomalous timeline, she doubted it.


A hand on her shield, Homura paused. Was Madoka... hesitating? If so, then maybe... if she revealed herself, would Madoka not make a Wish this time?

"...no, I believe that Homura's still alive, so I'm going to make a Wish for her! Then I'll take out this Witch and save everyone!"

...never mind.

There was no other way this would end. Of course, Madoka would go through with it anyway. No matter what, she was the same person. That's why Homura never gave up on her – she was worth it, despite everything.

An exhausted Homura sighed and spun her shield, fading out of existence just after Madoka uttered two fateful words.

"I WISH-!"

Day 0

Something is wrong.

Homura looks around.

The world has been replaced by a rush of bright colors, swirls of pink, purple, blue, orange, yellow, and green, accompanied with white tendrils, flat and thin, draped delicately across the canvas.

Homura is able to look around.

Something is wrong.

She should already be in her hospital bed, so why...!? Is this from Madoka's wish?

Homura is falling down through the void, rushing towards her next timeline. The strings that pull her from the future to the past are wound tightly around her, drawing her closer to a new start. They're a mix of purple, pink, and white. Why is there white? It seems like it's coming from the place she's heading towards.

A young girl's voice echoes around Homura, derailing her thoughts.

"Come to Kamihama City."

"In Kamihama City, Magical Girls can be saved."

What...!? What does that mean?!

Homura shouts into the void, demanding answers.

But there is no response, only repetition.

"Come to Kamihama City."

"In Kamihama City, Magical Girls can be saved."

"Come to Kamihama City."

"In Kamihama City, Magical Girls can be saved."

The voices are coming from all sides, from faces made of crackling static, crowding around her...

"Come to Kamihama City."

"In Kamihama City, Magical Girls can be saved."

...she cries for them to stop!

But they do not stop on their own.

No, Homura descends into a web of white of threads and crashes body and soul into a mirror.

Only then does the world fall silent...

Day 1

...and Homura wakes up, heart racing, in a hospital bed. She flails herself upright, throwing her sheets aside, nearly falling out of the bed. Her heavy breathing clashes with the silence of the room, only punctuated by the gentle hum and occasional beeping of machinery.

She's back in the real world now, not some odd nightmare.

Catching her breath, Homura flops back onto the bed, and pulls out her Soul Gem. It was bad to have to use up a Grief Seed already, but after a nightmare like that-


She pauses, observing her soul closely. The gem has a new glow to it. The crystalline part is still entirely purple in color, but more colors are shining inside of it, subdued. Homura takes a count of them – pink, blue, orange, yellow, and green, all swimming around each other distinctly alongside the purple light. The blue and orange lights were glowing about as intensely as the purple that she's used to, while the pink is faint and barely visible. What does this mean?

Madoka's wish... is this related to that?

But Homura thought she warped back to the past before she'd made it...

...then again, if Madoka really could Wish for anything, then maybe Madoka's Wish also reached back into the past, and so she couldn't escape its effect... whatever it might be.

Homura decided then that she should check for any other anomalies, starting with the very room she was in. And looking around for a bit, she realized something quite important: this was not the hospital room she usually frequented. In a panic, she quickly touched up her body with magic and hopped out of bed. Where was this place!? There had to be some clues lying around! She hid her Soul Gem and dashed into the hall-!


...just to almost crash into a nurse.

She stopped herself fine, but the nurse fell over and so Homura helped her up.

"S-sorry..." she apologized. "A-are you okay?"

The nurse had an ID tag on. Homura ignored her name and focused on the most important piece of information on it – the name of this place. She was in the Satomi Medical Center... wherever that was. Wait, actually... one of the girls from Kamihama had mentioned it before. So, she'd been drawn back to that city after all. But was that Madoka's doing or the will of something else?

It certainly wasn't hers.

Once the nurse had recovered and realized that Homura was no longer bed-ridden, she called in other nurses and doctors for a slew of tests. This was something she'd been familiar, and it had ended just as it would back in Mitakihara – she was released with a clean bill of health after a seemingly miraculous recovery. Only this time, someone had let slip that this was just like those two other girls a few months ago... they must be other Magical Girls, but no names were mentioned. Homura would have to look into them later.

For now, it was off to Mitakihara, back to her old apartment, and back to protecting Madoka.

Whatever those odd glowing lights in Homura's Soul Gem were, they must be Madoka's gift to her. After getting her bearings, she'd have to spend some time figuring out what they do. They must have some benefit; they must be some sort of aid towards defeating Walpurgisnacht.

Homura takes a train out of Kamihama to her house. Perhaps starting off her in Kamihama was also an aid. The city seemed peaceful this time – not a den of Witches filled with people on the edge. The girls she had partnered with before – Ria, Natsuki, and Meiyui – may be alive here and thriving. Since she's her in another anomalous timeline, she may as well take advantage of it. She should go find them – and others.

With all this newfound support behind her, surely this time Walpurgisnacht would be defeated.

This time would be the last time.
An Encyclopedia of Emotions (Homura's Character Sheet)
An Encyclopedia of Emotions (Homura's Character Sheet)

Homura Akemi
A girl who locked herself inside a chamber of looped time and threw away the key. The way out must be created with her own hand, or so she believes. So far, she's been stuck in a repeating groove – the individual notes might change but the melody remains the same. This time, however, a new melody is being played...
-JOY – Unique Magic: Idealization (???) -> ELATION (!?!?!?)
-SADNESS – Unique Magic: Isolation (stops the flow of the sands of time) -> GRIEF (Homulilly)

-FEAR – Unique Magic: Intimidation (???) -> TERROR (!?!?!?)
-ANGER – Unique Magic: Distort (???) -> RAGE (!?!?!?)
-SUPRISE – Unique Magic: Overwrite (???) -> ASTONISHMENT (!?!?!?)
-ANTICIPATION – Unique Magic: Prediction (???) -> VIGILENCE (!?!?!?)
-Magical Item(s): Hourglass Shield (now in Six Colors) | Hand Mirror | Man-Catcher | Crystal Ball
-Homura's Daily Log
--Day 1:
"I had to reset time yet again... Madoka, I've failed you once more. Even when I got help from Meiyui, Natuski, and Ria from Kamihama and Kyoko this time, Walpurgisnacht was too strong. But I won't give up. Kamihama in this timeline isn't a wreck, so I'll find allies once more. My gracious Madoka has even given me a gift with her Wish. I don't know how, but... I'm grateful. Now, I need to figure out what it does and how it can help me triumph. I must do everything I can in order to win."
--Day 3: "A new attempt brings new opportunities, this time granted by my best friend Madoka. But something's strange about these powers. I don't quite understand them just yet. The pink and blue colors seem to have emotional impacts, one positive and the other negative. The rest substitute my shield out for another tool. Orange grants me a strange mirror and the ability to distort space. Yellow grants me a man-catcher but seemingly nothing else...? Green grants me Oriko's crystal ball and her future sight. And she has her own designs for Madoka yet again... I won't let them come to pass!"
--Day 5: TBD
--Day 8: TBD
--Day 10: TBD
--Day 15: TBD
--Day ?: TBD

Madoka Kaname
A brave maiden. The one who this is all for. Once upon a time, she saved Homura's life, and now Homura has devoted her own life to saving this girl from a cruel fate. Homura has yet to figure out how to save her.
Opinion: Admiring (in general); Neutral (this particular one)

Sayaka Miki

A foolish maiden. The accompaniment to Madoka. She always tries to be a hero, but becomes the bringer of despair Oktavia von Seckendorff instead every time. Homura has yet to figure out how to stop this.
Opinion: Neutral

The Incubators

Evil aliens from outer space. They lure in girls with Wishes and turn them into Magical Girls, but this is a trick! Those girls will inevitably become Witches as long as the Incubators have their way. Homura has yet to figure out how to defeat them.
Opinion: Loathing (always)

Amy the Cat

A cat that Homura rescued to prevent a fatal contract from Madoka. She has adopted Homura as her caretaker and is being appropriately pampered. Very friendly.
Opinion: Trusting

Mami Tomoe


Kyoko Sakura


Other characters and logs will be added over time...
Author's Note: This work was originally going to be quest, but after working on it further, I decided that it would fit better as a fic. This would have been the Character Sheet. As it also includes notes on the characters and events in the story so far, I have decided to continue using it and post it in the thread. Underlined lines in Homura's log come from her Magia Record dialogue.
Day 3
Day 3


There's a sudden pressure on Homura's face and soft kitten cries ringing in the air.

"Hmm... oh, good morning Amy."

Homura wakes up in her gloomy dark apartment at the behest of Amy the cat, her new companion. As usual, the little black cat was nearly run over by a car. As usual, Madoka was nearby and so was Kyubey, poised to offer the girl a contract in order to save the life of a common stray cat. As usual, Madoka would have accepted without hesitation had the accident occurred.

Cue Homura, entering from stage left in stopped time, picking Amy up and out of the way.


The Amy that's now licking her face, having decided to follow her home this time.

Well, now that she's awake, she may as well get out of bed. Homura has another week until she transfers into the school, but that's no excuse to be idle. She has plenty to do until then. The most pressing priorities are two-fold. One – resupply her stashes of Grief Seeds and weapons. Two – determine the best way to use these new abilities Madoka granted her. She expected the first to be straightforward. Even if the Witches weren't all in the same place, the bases and hideouts she raided usually were. The second one, however...


...well, that will take some time. She found that whatever they do, they can't be used at the same time as her native time-stop, and so she's prioritized that and neglected them so far. But since this morning was a normal morning with no disasters, she could try them all out one by one, here in the safety of her home.

Her stomach growled.

Ah... she could do that after eating breakfast, of course. Something simple, probably just eggs and rice. It doesn't take too long to make or eat, nor does getting dressed or putting out food for Amy. Rather than open the blinds for light, she flips a switch and her apartment transforms into a white negative space, punctuated only by sparse furniture and pictures and a large screen hung up on a single wall. Amy, despite not having been around her long, is unfazed by the change, focused solely on her food. That's cats for you, Homura supposed.

Amy was equally unfazed by Homura's transformation into her Magical Girl outfit of a white shirt, dull purple skirt, and black tights, complete with her small gear-shield on her left arm. It had been unaffected by Madoka's gift, retaining the same cold metal sheen. What had changed was the Soul Gem embedded in her left hand. It was still dominantly purple, but the outer edges were composed of four of the five other colors she'd noted before. The pink was in the center, surrounded by soft purple. Said pink was shining a little brighter now, but nothing else had changed about it or the other colors.

She tapped on the pink spot, only for nothing to happen.

So, she tried pressing down on it and focusing... still nothing? No wait, if she looked at her hands, they now had a soft pink glow to them, one that was spreading around her whole body. Amy perked up and came up to her, mewing and purring. Did Madoka really just give her a power that attracted cats...?

Homura shook her head. No, there had to be something more to it, something that she couldn't grasp at the moment. She gave Amy a little pet, followed by a rub, and then released the power and let her go back to her meal.

Hopefully, the next one would be less underwhelming.

But which one... well, the blue in her Soul Gem had also been glowing when Homura first was blessed with these colors, so she'd try that and the orange one afterwards. When she tapped on the blue corner, things started off the same as with the pink spot where nothing happened at first. But, after only a few moments, a harsh blue glare burst out of her skin. Amy hissed nearby, and Homura shut it off at once.

Homura blinked.

Amy mewed happily and went back to her food.

Homura frowned. Did she really back down because of a cat...?

She shook her head, and then walked away into her bedroom. There, she draped the blue aura over herself once more. Amy's distant cries of displeasure were ignored in favor of figuring out of the aura did anything other than annoy cats.

The answer was apparently no. Other than glowing, Homura felt no different than before.

Hm, well maybe, the two would have similar effects on people. That would allow for some risky plays if so. That blue power could snap someone out of trying to attack her or doing something reckless, but it could also drive someone over the edge. She'd have to be careful about it. Okay, then next was orange... Homura tapped on it and her shield vani-.

Homura nearly slammed her hand into her Soul Gem and had her shield re-appear.


She blinked. Oh, she'd flopped over onto the floor. Amy's (curious?) (concerned?) eyes were gazing into her own, and the kitten licked her face once, twice, and then Homura rolled over and sat up. She caught her breath. She hesitated, holding her hand over the orange spot over her Soul Gem once more.

Madoka gave her this gift.

There was no reason to panic.

Madoka wouldn't take her shield away forever... right?

Tense, Homura tapped the orange color on her Soul Gem once more, and allowed her shield to vanish into a shimmering light. In its place, a hand-sized mirror appeared before her, clutched tightly in her right hand. The mirror was shiny silver but the frame was orange swirls and white tendrils. Tendrils...!? These looked just like the tendrils she'd seen before when she was spiraling out of the future and into the past. But with her body tensing up more and more and breath becoming unsteady, Homura decided not to investigate further and swapped back to her shield.

She shook her head. What was she doing...? Madoka wouldn't sabotage her! That mirror had to do something useful, something to justify swapping it out for her shield.


...was that all truly part of Madoka's wish? Those white strings and that mirror, where they things that Madoka had selected for her? As far as Homura was aware, Madoka had no special connection to either thing, yet they were important enough to be connected directly to Homura's soul.

Then again, she could say the same thing about the other new abilities she's demonstrated so far. Well, she had only just begun to investigate them, so perhaps there was more to discover. The mirror at least was a weapon and probably had some use against Witches, if nothing else.

Yellow would hopefully be the same way.

Her hopes would be fulfilled as tapping on the yellow color on her Soul Gem resulted in her shield being replaced with a weapon that Homura had no familiarity with. It was long charcoal-gray pole weapon, about as tall as she was, with a sharp and bold yellow tip at the end and two half-circle prongs coming out of it near said sharp tip. Said prongs also had similarly colored spikes coming out them, evenly spaced. Homura wasn't sure where Madoka had ever learned about a weapon like this – a man-catcher if the internet could be believed. Surely, this was also more interference – but from who? Or, more likely, what? The Incubator, a new Witch, or something else entirely?

With a sigh, she decided to put that aside for the moment. There was nothing she could now to undo this. All she could do was move forward towards her goal, just as she always had. This was just another complication, but every attempt had those.

She'd take this weapon, though not now. Back to her familiar trusty shield.

That just left the green color, so she tapped that and her shield was replaced with a crystal ball-!?

Sure enough, even though its green and looks like it's covered in vines, it looks just like the ones used by Oriko Mikuni! If... if she gazed into it, would it also tell her future!?

There was only one way to find out.


Homura ignored Amy and gazed intently into the green crystal ball, focused entirely on it. Next week, Madoka and Sayaka will have a fateful encounter with the cotton-headed Familiars. The two of them will be saved by none other than Mami Tomoe, the strongest yet most fragile Magical Girl. And they will be ambushed by said Familiars after chasing down an Incubator Unit that was stalking them, one that she herself had ambushed... the orb turned translucent and showed these visions to her with great clarity from an omniscient viewpoint, though she noticed that only scenes involving her directly were shown. Attempts to force it to show Madoka's or Mami's viewpoint failed and only gave her a headache.

But, of course, she'd already experienced this, so she knew what to expect. What about a future vision of another day? Other than keeping tabs on Kyubey and Madoka, nothing much would happen until she joined classes next week. How about she have the orb tell her if anything was to occur in between that time?

The orb turned translucent yet again and this time showed her something new. She sees herself chatting with Natsuki, Meiyui, and Ria, each in turn, after catching them fighting Witches in a healthy city. Here, none of them are alone as they were before. The blue chirpy cheerleader girl Natuski and her orange-haired companion look to be dragging an exasperated Homura away somewhere. Blue-haired and sharp-eyed Meiyui with her three new companions were staring Homura down, all wary of her intentions. Bombastic and blonde Ria was eager and energized, contrasting sharply with her plainer black-haired companion and the seemingly stoic Homura. She cannot tell what's being said in any of these cases, but no encounter ends in a fight, so she can assume they'll go well as long she doesn't antagonize them.

She also can't tell what day it is in these visions, only that it is the daytime. Must be a weekend then. She'll make it this upcoming one. Then, she can...


She gazes upon the orb as the crystalline depths turn murky and the vision shifts into something new. Something that stuns Homura for a moment before white-hot anger flows through her body. She almost cracks the crystal ball in response.

"Oriko Mikuni. Kirika Kure. Why are they here!?"

For some odd reason, these two aren't always Magical Girls. Even after they started appearing suddenly, they were not a constant pain in her side – only the occasional sudden and unexpected shock. She had the pleasure of not having to deal with them last time, but this time they had contracted once more. In Homura's vision, the white-clad Oriko and black-clad Kirika had ambushed her! Looks like the two will track her down as she's wandering the city looking for Witches to slay. The Homura in that vision doesn't look surprised by it either, retaliating without any hesitation, shooting down crystal balls from the sky and blinking in and out of sight to evade sharp claws.

The original Homura in her room is only taken out of the vision by the realization that her Soul Gem is almost entirely filled up with a green glow. She puts her desire to know more aside and cuts off the vision and then her green power, swapping back to her familiar shield. But that didn't make the green color retreat. Taking a Soul Gem to it didn't do much of anything either, as she'd already cleansed herself earlier.

No, what did help was swapping back to her orange power and attempting to figure out what the mirror did. As it turned out, this mirror had the ability to connect different spaces together, provided she summoned a second mirror and left that somewhere else. The first to use said power was a curious Amy, following Homura around and falling into the distorted space and out into Homura's arms. As Homura held Amy, she noted that the orange in her Soul Gem was overtaking the green, bit by bit. So then, while these powers weren't subject to cleansing, she could prevent one of them from overtaking her by switching them around. Homura had to wonder how exactly the last Madoka had designed these powers. Perhaps she hadn't, and this was all based her impressions – but impressions of who or what?

"...what am I going to do...?"

The same thing she would always do until this was resolved she supposed.

Deal with it. Adapt to the new circumstances of this new attempt.

At least this time she'd gained something.


And not just powers either. Information was critical, both in one day defeating Walpurgisnacht and in surviving the gauntlet she'd face on the way there. She knew that Oriko and Kirika were upcoming threats and now she could prepare for them. She knew not from where the special distortion magic arose, but she knew that it had to have some origin, one that she could pinpoint and interrogate. Maybe she'd find a clue in Kamihama.

But first... those two. She'd have to deal with them before she felt comfortable leaving Madoka alone with only Mami to protect her.

Homura picked up Amy, stepped out of her apartment, and began her search for the black and white duo.

Author's Note: Hello again. I meant to post this last month, but ended up working on other stuff / procrastinating instead. I don't have a regular schedule for this either, but I am going to keep at it.
Day 5
Day 5

Two days.

Two days of tracking trails, of stalking the city streets, of following faint traces of Magical Girls while striking down wrathful Witches.

It took two days for Homura to find Oriko and Kirika.

Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that it took two days for Homura to place herself in a position where the hostile duo were willing to reveal themselves to her. Oriko would never strike from a position of weakness after all. Not if she could prevent it (and she almost always could). She must not be aware that any position where Homura could fight back would be a position of weakness.

Either way, beneath a grey and cloudy sky, walking down roadways slick with rain... they came close. As close as they dared. Homura sensed them well before she could see them, two familiar jolts of energy running through her Soul Gem. While, to her frustration, it wasn't possible to sense out specific Magical Girls, she knew it had to be the two of them. By this point, Mami was living alone, and no one else would have come from elsewhere to be by her side, not even Kyoko.

Any doubts that Homura might have had in her heart were slashed in half just the same as Kirika Kure just tried to do to her.

"I've got..."

Launching herself from a dark alleyway, the black-clad Magical Girl with long red-tipped black sickle claws bared tried to slash Homura's head clean off. But...

...with a click and a clack, Homura froze time, walked a few steps away, unfroze time, and allowed Kirika to completely pass by her.


Kirika nearly fell over in shock.

Not so much for her companion. Only moments later, silver spheres, laden with vines and cloaked in a golden aura, came flying out of that same alleyway towards her. Homura, once again, retreated to her own time-space to avoid them, effortlessly. She then pulled out a gun from her shield and started shooting them down once Oriko started attacking with her spheres as a mass rather than individually.

"Kirika!" shouted the white-clad Oriko Mikuni to her companion. "Get back in there, now!"

"Ah, right! You got it, Lady Oriko!"

Kirika went in for another slash, but it was for nothing. Even if this wasn't something that Homura had known would happen, Kirika was simply too straightforward. It might be an admirable quality at another time, but here it made her predictable and easy to handle. Homura made her gears whirl and spin, aiming to stop time once more. Oriko surrounding her and striking at her with her crystal balls was only a minor inconvenience. They could be dodged even without the benefit of time-stop.

And with it...

"Kirika, now!"

...there was nothing-!!

Last time they met, in a prior try for Madoka's salvation, Kirika had the ability to slow time down. She was still no match for Homura, of course, but it was quite an annoying ability to work around. Here, Kirika had gained a new ability. A black mist exploded out of Kirika's body, and her aura obscured her, the street, and everything else. Homura couldn't even sense them out anymore.

This is... so far, similar to what she foresaw, though the details have changed. Perhaps her own sight is not perfect, or perhaps Oriko's own future sight is interfering with it. No matter, all she needs to do is...

"Got you!!"

...go on the attack!

Homura, with her own foresight, knew full well that Kirika would attempt approach her through the concealing black mist. Had she reacted faster, she could have escaped through stopped time and slipped away. Indeed, if she had no interest in settling this matter with the two of them and simply escaping from this battle, she could have done just that. But it would have solved nothing. Oriko, with her loyal Kirika's help, would simply keep trying again and again and again, until either Madoka was dead or they were. Or both, as had happened last time.

Homura had no interest in letting that fatal finale repeat.

So, it was time for a counterattacking push. Get these two out of here and out of her life, one way or another...

Homura stopped time. All she could see was a heavy grey-cloud. But here, in her isolated space, Kirika's ability no longer applied. She was no longer hidden. The blades that would have crashed down on Homura's head still could not be seen, but their pressure could be felt, looming above her.

Homura slid backwards and let Kirika crash down into the pavement.

That sound was all she needed.

More clicks and clacks. Weapons suddenly in her hands – grenades, ready to blow.

She stopped time and stepped away, letting her bombs do the work for her.

Only moments later...


...the mist was blown away, as was Kirika. But she wasn't hurt enough to stop, and Oriko was already launching her next attack. They're as persistent as ever. Each time they've appeared before Homura, it's been as another series of obstacles to fail to overcome. But this time, she's striking first. With them out of the way, she'll be able to focus on these mysteries and her Madoka in front of her.

In a sudden flash (to them), Homura appears directly in front of Oriko, gun raised and ready at her chest.

Oriko freezes. So does Kirika.

This is the moment Homura's been waiting for.

"Stop this. Both of you. I don't know why you're pursuing me and I don't care. Leave and don't return."

She did in fact know why, but there was no need to bring that up.

Oriko's eyes stayed wide, glancing between Homura and Kirika. Her breath was short. So, she knew what this meant. Then she ought to know that surrendering was her best way to leave here alive.

But nothing like that happened.

Instead, she closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down, stabilizing the taint in her Soul Gem. She had yet to respond to Homura's demand. Just what could she be thinking about? She has to realize she has no way out of this – Kirika had no way of sneaking up on Homura, and Oriko had no attacks at the ready. So, her only way out is...

"Kirika, do it!"

...giving up-!?

"B-but, Lady Oriko..."

"Don't worry about me!"

Homura stays focused on Oriko, knowing full well that Kirika won't attack if it risks her partner.

"You'd have nothing to worry about if you both left me alone..."

This prompts a response, a hateful glare.

"As if I could!" shrieks Oriko. "I've seen your future, Akemi Homura... you're the cause of a great calamity! You'll bring doom upon us all! I'll sacrifice anything to stop you, even my own future sight!"

Homura blinks, confused. Even her own-!?

And that moment of hesitation was all Kirika needed, as the world suddenly became enshrouded in a black and white thick fog. Homura, choking, backed away from Oriko – or maybe Oriko slipped away from her – regardless, she lost track of the white-clad girl. She then tried to stop time and sneak her way out...


...only to find the gears in her shield completely unresponsive.

She froze.


It was gone.

She had no way of going back now.

Her breath caught in her throat.

No. No. How-!?

How did Kirika get an ability like this!?

Her mind swirls as her breath stills. Panic sets in.

Thus, she barely registered Oriko's continued assault, twisting out of the way of a sphere aimed at her head only at the last second. She flopped over almost into the path of another one, turning away and getting up just in time to avoid it smashing into her arm. The third one is the one that gets her, crashing into her stomach instead and sending back down to the ground.

This pain... she couldn't let it stop her. She needed to find a way out of this!

Homura knows that it must exist. She's seen herself in Kamihama, a place she hasn't been since her hospital visit. It's in her future. She'll definitely reach it!

Now if only she didn't have to deal with all of these silver spheres-!!

Tense, she barely notices the implements of her growing wrath appearing in her hands. But she feels their weight and knows what to do.

With a mirror in one hand, she swings at the flying orbs. They're all absorbed into it, one by one.

With a mirror in the other hand, she swings again. The silver spheres fly freely into the swirling mist.

She follows behind. 'Oriko Mikuni... I'm coming for your head!' so Homura thinks.

"Lady Oriko! Look out!"

Kirika's somewhere to her right now, and up ahead.


And Oriko is just ahead, coming plain into view once Homura finally escapes the fog. The white-clad girl stares at her in disbelief, stunned. If it wasn't for Kirika's timely intervention, she would have been doomed.

But as it stood, Homura was forced to stop and clash Kirika's claws with her hand-mirrors.

"Get out of my way...!!" she demanded, as she switched from a defensive posture to an offensive one. It's strange. She's never fought with anything like these weapons before, nor would she call herself much of an expert in close-quarters combat (that was always Kyoko's specialty). But here, none of that mattered. It's like there's a current running through her, and she's a live wire channeling it. All she needs to do is strike and strike and strike until these two finally fall down-!!

With a precise swing, she smashes her mirrors into Kirika's claws, and then twists.

She shatters them in an instant, in front of a bewildered Kirika's eyes.

And in the very next moment, Homura presses forward, kicking Kirika in the stomach and towards her oh-so-precious Oriko. Said Oriko shakes herself from her stupor once she sees her partner in danger, sending more silver spheres out to shield them from Homura's rampage. But they're cast aside, dodged, or returned to sender one by one.

Homura has found her footing and she'll have their heads.

At least, that's what she thought would happen. The two were in danger of Grief corruption, while Homura, enchanted by her anger and unbound by Kyubey's restrictions, no longer had to worry about such things. And two themselves were no match for her. No, if she hadn't shown up, things would have ended here.

"Magical Girls shouldn't fight like this...! Please stop."

But she had.

None other than Mami Tomoe, having finally overheard the growing calamity, entered the scene. She was in her Magical Girl outfit, of course, and despite the tense atmosphere she also wore a smile. She appeared unarmed, but Mami was never truly unarmed, not with her ability to conjure ribbons and muskets from nowhere. Homura had learned that the hard way before.

Her sudden appearance broke Homura out of her incensed state to mere annoyance.

"...They came here to kill me," Homura stated as calmly as she could. Her body was buzzing with energy still. Her skin itched. Her eyes twitched. Guess this power came with side effects after all...

Mami turned her smile down at that news. "Is that so...?"

"Indeed. I had warned Oriko Mikuni against attempting this attack, but she chose not to listen..."

And Kyubey's sudden appearance atop a nearby lamppost almost drove Homura back into her state of rage. The Incubator, in his deceptive appearance as a white cat-like creature with long golden-eared rings and red impassive eyes, looked down upon them all. That it chose now to appear meant that it must want something from one of them. Or perhaps it sees an opportunity to drive Oriko and Kirika deep into despair...!

"You're the one who chose not to listen, Kyubey..." grumbled Oriko as Kirika helped her up. "Homura is a danger to us all! I told you about my vision and you agreed that something needed to be done!"

"That is so. I don't recall agreeing to you assaulting your fellow Magical Girl, however."

Ah, the Incubator classic. Mislead to succeed.

Homura chose to remain silent as Mami tried to reach an understanding with a fuming Oriko. "Miss Oriko... surely, Miss Homura doesn't mean to cause problems for us. Whatever you saw, maybe we can resolve it by working together? We Magical Girls ought to stick together after all."

Homura titled her head curiously at that. Oh? Was Mami not alone this time? It'd surely be a help if she and Kyoko had resolved their issues already. She'd have to ask Mami about it later. This time, Mami would likely be inclined to see her positively... at least for now. Things could always change thanks to that meddling Incubator. Speaking of...

"Indeed. Is that what's happening in Kamihama?"

Homura blinked and betrayed herself with a curious question. "Do you not know?"

"I do not. A mysterious force bars me from entry. So, I asked Mami to investigate for me."

Mysterious... what? Something powerful enough to stop the Incubator in its tracks!? How could she not have noticed it!? And who put it there in the first place!?

Homura doesn't ask any of the questions burning in her mind, instead allowing Mami to speak. As it turns out, she has yet to find the cause of Kyubey's malady. However, she has run into Magical Girls that call themselves the 'Wings of the Magius' and is currently looking more into them. This weekend, she ought to be able to get actual answers, having been offered a meeting with one of their leaders.

"In the meantime... Miss Oriko, Miss Kirika, if you could come with me and leave Miss Homura be for the moment... please."

Oriko, battered and bruised, gave Homura one last grim glare before accepting Mami's request.

"But don't think... this is over... Homura Akemi... for the sake of the future... you will..."

She's promptly cut off by hacking coughs and searing pain, prompting Kirika to take her side and treat them both to a Grief Seed. They then are escorted away by Mami, but not before she exchanged numbers with Homura. The Incubator departs as well, though not before commenting that they'll talk later. Most likely whenever would be least convenient for Homura.

Homura glanced at her Soul Gem. It was almost fully orange, accompanied only by small sections of dull purple and shining yellow. She wonders briefly what might have happened if it had become fully orange. It was likely a transformation, but would it be permanent...?

She had no desire to find out.

She does, however, desire to have her time-stop restored. Despite returning to her usual outfit, her shield was non-functional. She even waited to make sure that Oriko and Kirika were at least 100 m away before trying it. No luck... this can't be permanent; nothing is when magic is involved. But if Kirika won't fix her, then who can she turn to...?

Well, there's one place she can try.

Kamihama, the anomalous city.

She'd have to return there soon, maybe with Mami by her side. It'd be good to make a genuine connection with her this time.

Author's Note: This was actually done earlier in the week, but I got busy and ended up just posting it now. See you in the next part for a return to Kamihama!