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A ship that never really saw service awakens at an old airbase of her country's enemy, with the mannerisms and memories from a Teenager generations younger, and from an ocean away.

SB Side of things.
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The Quakiest of Quakebotes
A usually Warm, Southern state of the US
Hello and welcome!

I don't know why I'm starting yet another Project, though I blame my friend @Zeroth Jupi for challenging me to do this, so, without further ado, let's get on with it. Let me know what y'all think~

Edit (02/13/2022):

Well, a lot has changed :V

Like Jupi being my partner now ;p


Jupi and I have a Discord for this fic to have real-time discussions when we're awake and share early-process snippets, I hope you will join us and have some fun as we fumble our way through the writing process!

"Ugh…" I moan out as I come to, the sun beaming brightly.

I put a hand to my face and feel my bangs. Alright, they seem to be a bit longer now, but whatever… I start patting the ground around me to find my glasses. When I feel the sands of a beach, I open my eyes in surprise.

Since when did I live near a beach?

I feel something poking my back so I sit up, soon the uncomfortable feeling ends, and is replaced by an insufferable pinching pain, so I look as far back behind me as I can, and I see Nine very...fluffy…TAILS. I blank out for a minute as I see a crab pinching the tip of one, which still hurts like hell, though a pair of small creatures come running down my back to my tail and start to fight the crab. I'll figure out what that was later first, though, I grab one of my crab-less tails and start rubbing it, feeling the soft fur under my fingers.

Wait. Tails? Uhhhhh…Fox tails? Foxtails on a human = Kitsune, I'm an American with no connection to Japan or China. So why do I have tails?

More importantly. Extra weight on my chest and a quick look tells me my folks wouldn't recognize me if I went home now. Who the Hell thought it was a good idea to turn a Texan into a foxgirl?

And then it fully registered. Why the hell am I a girl in the first place?!

I also become highly aware of the fucking Ōhka rockets and "sailors" inside me. Greaaat...I'm a shipgirl, too, without any proper aircraft. It doesn't make that fact any better when I realize a majority of my "Crew" are civilians. Everything is pointing towards me being a Yamato, or at least was…. What was the name of the Yamato that was like… halfway through a conversion into a Carrier? I...feel like I should know this...

I hear the roar of aircraft above me, which is confusing, but what about today Hasn't been?

I decide to hide from the aircraft, if it's friendly, I have to get it's attention...If it's not, I can't let it see me.

I look up to see if I can ID it…At first, it looks like a angry murder arrowhead, then I look again and it very much looks like a shot to hell plane still afloat.

I run for the closest tree and hide in the shadows, and the craft passes overhead, showing the ghostly roundel of a Star. I sigh in relief after it passes, obviously it missed the young foxgirl in green robes.

I look around, I have absolutely no idea where I am...Somewhere in the pacific is a given, however. Then an itch brings my attention back to my ta-

Beach + fur =...


How the hell am I supposed to get all of this out?! Besides taking a bath in the sea?!

I quickly flick my tails before pulling them to where I can see them and running my hands up and down them, doing my best to rid them of the sand, shivering as I do so.

"Desu!" I hear from behind me, a distinct series of words coming into my mind as it translates the simple word. How I am understanding Japanese, I have no idea.

Maybe it has something to do with me being a Japanese warship?

I looked at the small creature shouting at me, dragging the damn crab that had been pinching my fucking tail, and now had a Tiny Katana sticking from its carapace, towards me.


"Food? For me?" I ask the same creature - one of my "Fairies.'' If I had any doubts I was in the Kancolle universe, they are gone now, being replaced by just how weird it feels to have my voice be higher pitched to my ear in specific than it already was when I was a civilian, and not a Fox girl...

I stand back up and look around. That plane I saw earlier did look like a Scout...

Does that mean there's a Carrier, or an airfield around here?

And why do I have this feeling of sadness in my heart?

After eating the crab my "crew" had handed me, I decided to quickly explore my surroundings, maybe I could find a radio tower and call for help?

Wishful thinking, I know.

My stomach is still growling...

I hear something crush underneath my weight, looking down, I see the front end of an A6M under my foot, as in, from the edge of where the pilot's legs would go, to the propeller.

Shit. Moving my foot, I look at the cockpit, sighing as I notice the pilot's missing. Looking around, I notice a pair of straps hanging from a tree.

I wonder where the pilot went…

With my stomach growling loudly, I look at the mangled craft, an uneasy feeling in my throat as I pick up the back half of the fuselage and while my crew screams at me to eat it, I grit my teeth at the thought, before taking an experimental bite out of the craft.

While it tastes like nothing, at first, I do get a small irony taste as I chew, and a burning sensation as what's left of the AvGas precedes to slide down my throat. Even as this happens, I can hear my crew reporting small amounts of inventory being restocked with each swallow of the destroyed friendly…

...She says, how the hell do I know if it's from a friendly carrier or not?! It could be from one that's hostile to me, even if we come from the same nation!

...And now I realize I've fully started referring to myself as "she" now. No turning back, then.

Full speed ahead, Damn the torpedoes!

I wander around the island's forest, finding downed aircraft, eating the crafts remains, and burying the few dead pilots I come across, marking their graves with a bit of their plane's fuselage I didn't eat, showing the roundel, I have yet to find any of the few survivors from a few of the crashes…

Looking around, I see a flash on the ground. Walking towards it, it happens again, and I hear the leaves around me rustle as I get closer. Looking up, I see the six pilots who survived.

Sighing with relief, I hold my hand out to them, the Japanese fairies step down off the branches tentatively, and I move them to my shoulder, setting them on said shoulder allowing them to enter my hull as I move my hand to their American counterparts, who, despite puffing out their tiny little chests in an adorable manner, are slightly more tentative as they step onto my hand. Oh, don't worry, sweetheart, I'm American too...At least half of me is.

Bringing the Americans to my shoulder, the tiny creatures also enter my hull.

I sigh, the feeling of being outwardly alone surrounding me.

I walked through the forest, soon coming across an old, decrepit hanger, well, it looks like someone's trying to fix it up…

A pair of the healthier fairies I had added to my crew to protect them scurry up my shoulder, and my hair, before holding onto a floofy ear each, an American for the right ear, a Japanese for the left one. I smile at this.

We walk through the old base, which, if the semi-well taken care of flags with forty-eight stars on a Blue field and thirteen stripes of Red and White that represent the ideals of our nation are any indication, someone's patriotic for the old days, and must be taking care of the base…

We walk for a few minutes, soon, we come across a building on fire, and despite my immediate gut instinct to try and put out the fires, I see an albino woman sitting at a chart table, looking over several maps.

"H-Hey…" The fairy holding onto my right ear whispers.

`Shit. We just came across an enemy Boss…'
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Ch. 2: The First Sortie
Hey y'all, here's the 2nd chapter, thanks to Jupiter's Twilight for their help via beta work and conversation partner.

Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think~

'Shit. We just came across an enemy Boss…'

My ears twitch. How am I going to get out of this one? This is a situation I've gotten myself into. Maybe she hasn't-

I feel something run into my tails. Slowly turning around, I find a small girl with a pair of headphones nuzzling into them.

I freeze as she does this, taking the time to register that there is a possible, most likely hostile, child nuzzling my tails. This is totally normal, right?

...I hope so. Now what to do about th-

I do not see a pair of crimson irises staring in my direction.


Ain't happening.

...Oh fuck, she actually is.

"...Hi?" I ask, even as the glare becomes even more heated despite me trying to pour on all the Texan I could into that, the Japanese fairy quickly descending into my hull, the American staying on deck for only a few extra seconds as we enter a staring match.

"You do not belong here outsider," The Airbase starts with a glare

"Oh, I agree completely. Thing is, I have no idea where "here" is." I reply back.

"You claim to not know where you are outsider?" She retorts with a harsher glare.

"Best I know is an old American airbase in the Pacific, but beyond that, nothing." I answer back, my ears lowering.

"You're on what the humans call Midway, outsider, now begone this is your last warning,"

….Annnnd that's why I'm feeling dread. The place where my ship self's country lost four carriers and proceeded to send the surviving pilots off to another place in the theatre to die. On the other hand, it gave my birth country a sense of 'It's just us Vs them, so what?' By the end of the year.

"Oh! Thank you! I'll leave then." I turn to leave, getting a few steps away before I feel a light tug on one of my tails, as the child stands in place, one of said tails held tightly to the young one's chest. To say my heart melted at the face she gave me would be an understatement.

"Uhhhh…Kiddo, I can't leave if you don't let go," I say, trying to get the small one to let go of my tail.

Only for her to tighten her grip. Heck.

"You would keep the outsider here, small one? Or perhaps you desire to leave here with the outsider?"

The little one hums, before dragging me back into the room.

I quickly stop my cry of pain as the child pulls my tail till I move with her.

The Airbase sighs in exasperation as the kid drags me back in, slumping down into a chair.

"Soft. Mine now. Sleepy..." The youngest of us three says in no uncertain terms, before tightening her grip on her captured prey and laying her head against the elder corrupted spirit and falling asleep.

"I'm so sorry-" I start to stutter before I am cut off.

"...Don't be. She made her choice." The Airbase sighs.

"Still, I'll be gone by the end of the week. Just let me figure something out to get back Stateside." I say, my ears flattening against my head.

"Aren't you a J-" My conversation partner starts.

"Only half thanks to the ship-half of me. Every other part of me is American." I cut in.

"I see…" She says as I nod.

I feel the little headphone girls' grip leave me, as her arms wrap around her elder's waist and she continues to sleep peacefully.

"I-I'm just gonna go, get some practice in," I say. As I slowly walk towards and out the door.

I am seemingly ignored in favor of the Kiddo. Good…

Despite the Fires, looking around the airfield, B-25s and F4Fs sit near their hangers, some destroyed and on fire, slowly being put out. Others are still operational and only refraining from taking off due to the oncoming storm brewing towards the west and the impending night. Fires still climb into the skies from what I assume to be wrecks that I missed on my way to the base.

Signing, I decide to speak with the new additions to my crew.

"So, where do you all hail from?" I Ask the fairies that had once again climbed to my ears.

"Hey/Desu." They both answer. I snort at their answer.

"Yorktown and Akagi, Eh?" I joke.

"Hey/Desu." I feel them nod atop my ears.

"Which Yorkie would that be…" I Ask, probing for a name…

"Hey Hey."

"And the irony remains! Though, that's interesting. While you represent a member of her crew, you don't remember your true name?" I ask, feeling the nod from the fairy in question. "Can I give you a nickname?" I ask another question. Getting another, more hesitant nod.

I hum in thought as I think. "I'll get back to you on that…" I say, getting a patient 'Hey.' In response.

I reach the oceanfront, the burning airfield behind me as I look out into the sea. Hesitantly, I step into the rising tides. The sea crashing against my feet, the sea breeze fills my nostrils. I start to feel my crew move to their stations as I start to try to collect my rigging together.

Breathing deep, I see my rigging materialize. My bow materializes to my left, the golden Chrysanthemum symbolizing the Empire from which my ship self was built, shines proudly in the moonlight upon my bow. A platform representing my island, which holds my conning tower and funnel sits on my right. A long, wooden longbow rests in my left hand. If I remember correctly, that signifies that both bodies of mine are Right-Handed. Good to know.

My crew try to run a couple Ōhka's to the flight deck for flight testing, but given what I remember about the damn things, I instinctively order my crew to quickly usher them back into the han-

...On second thought, especially with the insistence of the few lost Americans, I order deck parks, despite the complaints from my crew.

I take an experimental step further into the waters and fire up my boilers, intending to make an experimental slow first movement forward.

I would like to say I perfectly reached my intended speed and made a few maneuvers, and I did. After I fell into the tides and got my clothes and fur wet.

Satisfied with my progress, albeit, I need to work on finding my balance, I dismiss my rigging and walk off to find a comfy spot to sleep for the rest of the night.

...Hopefully I'll dry soon.
Ch. 3: Here we go a dodging
Sorry about the long wait, things have been strange recently.

It also doesn't help that I only had inspiration for this in short bursts, and thanks go to Jupiter's Twilight for their wonderful Beta work!

Come back after you finish the chapter
"Mama's soft, Mommy…" - Warehouse to Midway

'Get used to falling asleep wet and cold.' I think to myself. 'You've got a week before you said you'd leave, and you still need to figure out your balance and how to sail...Though, fuel conservation might be a thing you need…'

I curl up against the trunk of a tree, attempting to sleep.

As the sun rises, I feel a light tugging at one of my tails and a weight pressing against them and myself. I groan and nearly start cursing before I look and see just what has decided I'm a pillow. Headphone girl. I never did get her name...Anyway, how the hell did she find me?

...Doesn't matter, I'm still tired and I don't think she's ready to get up. I slowly stretch to not bother the little one and pull her from my tails into my arms, before draping my tails over her and starting to drift back off to sleep.

'I really shouldn't get attached...or let her get any further attached…

I smile at the child in my arms as I think over the past twenty-four hours. She really is cute.

'...And I got attached. Don't even have a name other than "little one" or "little warehouse" given what I seen from her habits and the majority of her spiritual presence Fucking Greeeeat…' I think to myself as I bring the Warehouse spirit closer and brush a few silvery strands out of her face. 'At least I'm pretty sure Midway would tell me to call her by her island's name…'

The smell of fresh burning fuel and smoke fills my nostrils. Then the sirens. Then an explosion, then a Zero flying overhead as an Abyssal Wildcat races after with a pair of normal Dauntless Planes circling uncontested.

Strange, if Midway is hostile to Japan, shouldn't she also be shooting down the Dauntlesses?

...Unless she's completely still in an "At-War" attitude…

Either way, I need to get the little one somewhere safe, which, considering where I am, should be right here.

'Though, we should let Midway know where we are…' I think, before bringing the arm not holding the little one to my face and slapping myself. 'How are you going to do that, idiot? She's going to be worried sick if she doesn't know where Warehouse is, and if you show up with Warehouse in tow she's going to be pissed you brought her into an active warzone!' I slap myself again lightly, allowing Warehouse to play with my tails in her sleep as I cradle her to my side. 'This is the safest place for her right now. If a bomb overshoots...I'll take it myself. I should be able to survive a single bomb hit or two…' I state in my mind, running a hand through Warehouse's hair, and I tune my ears to listen for a plane getting into ordnance release range as she silently snores, snuggled into my body.

I hear a plane begin its dive, and I order my crew to open up with the AA as I jump up and summon a part of my hull that has a few of my shitty Type 96s, getting complaints that the diving bomber has a friendly roundel painted on it, to which I repeated my order with secondary orders to intentionally miss, and just attempt to scare the bugger off.

And it worked halfway, while the bomber, a D3A my crew supplies, loses its bomb, it's far off target, as it nearly misses one of my tails, leaving a burning strand of fur which I quickly put out. I glare at the leaving plane.

My ears twitch as I hear something come from my crew, and I know it's my crew as all of my proper naval personnel are lads, and no one but the few American pilots I picked up speaks English.

"Hey, hey hey hey, hey!"

"I know my luck's going to run out eventually, but what else am I to do? Everything in my airwing is fucking flying suicide bombs." I shoot back, as I stare at the fairy now standing on the little piece of my summoned rig. She definitely isn't a part of my dockworkers and I already knew she wasn't proper naval personnel.

"Hey? Hey hey hey?" She says back snarkily, as my flight-deck materializes.

"What do you mean 'What's-" I start before I see a heavily modified Ohka sitting on my flight deck, funnily enough with an ad-hoc star on a blue field roundel.

"...How," I ask, directing my gaze at the fairy.

The fairy in lieu of actually answering me cackled madly for one worrying minute before clambering into her monstrosity, and I sent a message of good luck as she takes the damn thing out for a spin and provides a singular CAP fighter.

Humming to herself as she does the most insane thing with the monstrosity she created, trying to protect her new home. The fairy pondered as to why she was surprisingly willing to do this when she wasn't that great a pilot. Well, she supposed it was either being willing to protect her carrier, or she was insane. Come to think of it she probably was insane she did make this lovely monstrosity, the fairy thought.

If she were to survive this, what should she suggest to her carrier to call her? Focalor...Dantalion...Vephar…

Vephar...She liked that one. It would work for her. Especially because of what her name meant.

After deciding on her own name, Vephar shook her head and dove into the fray, keeping the other aircraft away from her carrier.

A particularly stubborn Zero seemed to be determined to throw her off from her self-appointed duty and she had no choice but to attempt to deal with the annoyance before it actually managed to do anything to her or her carrier.

Spraying down the annoying Zero with far more use of luck than any skill on her part, Vephar moves on to target after target, never actually shooting anything down after the first fighter, before her monstrosity floats on empty and the prop sputters from lack of fuel, forcing her to jump out of the cockpit. Descending into the forest below, Vephar looks out for fighters and for her white-haired carrier. She'd have to make a better monstrosity if she wanted to keep protecting her carrier, she decided.

As a carrier, it's hard watching one of your planes be shot down, but to watch a pilot have to bail due to running out of fuel? It's...strange. I'm worried, but at least she didn't go up in flames like a normal Ohka would've….

Sighing in relief as I catch sight of my fairy's parachute, I'll have to go find her eventually.

Shaking my head, I look at the sky. Seems like the attack is over, for now. Midway's fighters and the Dauntless' are still circling overhead, but the danger to Warehouse and I, has passed for the moment.

So, with a sigh, I pick up the waking Warehouse and carry her as we walk through the forest back towards the smoke that hadn't been burning yesterday as it was today. The feeling of her clinging to me as I hold her to my side brings me a sense of calmness as we walk.

"Warehouse?" I ask as we walk, getting a sleepy pair of eyes staring at me in response. "Are you hungry?" Getting a nod in response, I take the Ohka's out of my hangers one by one, playing with the child by moving it around before setting it in her mouth, allowing her to chew on it. She's no carrier, field, or hanger, but she has happily eaten them with the old trick well enough.

In response, she hands me a single F4F-3 and a single SBD, which to my surprise, expands into a squadron of the craft once they enter my hanger. While the Japanese crewmen complain, the American's cheer, promising to teach their IJN compatriots how to fly the Freedom made birds.

I smiled, and held the child a little closer to my chest with my right hand, opening the tent with my left.

"Hey, so I, uh, believe this to be yours?" I say as I motion to the once again sleeping child.

"She is, where was she? I was worried sick that the blasted J-" She stops herself, looking at me for a moment slightly sheepishly. Looks like I called it on her being stuck in a wartime mindset.

"I didn't necessarily find her…" I start, my tails flowing behind me softly.

"How do you mean? Did she find you?" Midway asks, and I nod.

"I was sleeping after practice last night, and felt a pull on my tails this morning, went back to sleep, then the attack started," I answer, a slight smile on my face.

"Is she alright? She's not hurt in any way, is she?" Midway asks, slightly panicked as she checks over what she can without moving Warehouse from my arms.

"Dirty, Yes. Hurt? No. Only one bomber tried to make a run and I gave up my position to foil it. Best I got was getting it off target due to intentionally missing and how my guns are anyway." I say, one of my tails wrapping itself around the small Warehouse protectively as I hold her closer to me, feeling the sleepy, subconscious smile growing on her face.

"You...protected her? But you're..." She asks, looking at me strangely, confusion written on her face due to our factions being at war.

"An Ex-Yamato-class Battleship? Yes, but she's cute, and I would've blamed myself had she died…" I say softly, my tails continuing their protective grasp.

"Well...Thank you." Midway says, pausing. "Look, I can't say I want you here, but, If you need any food or supplies, it's the least I can do for saving one of my daughters," Midway says, sighing as she brushes a hair out of Warehouse's face.

"Well...I do have to retrain my pilots, and rebuild my airwing from the airframes she gave me…And learn how to sail again…" I say, mentally counting the things I needed to do before I could leave for the mainland. Also before I could decide which mainland I wanted to head for and call home.

...Part of me says Japan, the other says Hawaii or Cali.

Midway, on the other hand, lifts a hand to hide her chuckles. She fails miserably. "Y-You don't know how to sail?" She asks, looking me in the eye. I just give her a deadpan look, my tails swaying slightly before one flicks the island's nose. She giggles at that. "That tickles-" She clears her throat, "Sorry, and did you say she gave you a few airframes?" She asks, staring at me, then her daughter.

"I did, Best I had were a few manned bombs, and a monstrosity one of my fairies made out of spare parts and said manned bombs." I sigh, remembering the fairy in question. I really need to go find her… "She gave me a Wildcat and a Dauntless to replace them, moving the explosion risks from my decks and hangers to being assimilated into metal and fuel," I answer, smiling at the girl in my arms

"Well then, do you need any help training your pilots as well?" The Airbase asks, raising an eyebrow.

Before I can answer, a few of the downed American pilots climb up and hold onto my ears, giving the base a slew of smirks. "HeyHey!" I laugh, and Midway smiles. "They've been saying they'd retrain my fairies till I can return them to their carriers," I say, a smirk landing on my face.

"Well...That's good. Let's get something to eat, yes?" The airbase asked with a slight smile, as she looked at her daughter, who just woke up.

"...'s soft, Mommy…." She mutters into my shoulder sleepily, causing me to blush at hearing the little one mumble that.

'I'm so screwed…' I think to myself as I feel myself get more and more attached to the little one. I'll look for my fairy later.
To be a spy, a traitor or an ambassador, she has it rough when tutorial period ends and reality catches up to her.

Consider me hooked to the Abyss Nanny and her upcoming misadventures.
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I'm hooked. Don't see a lot of carrier SIs, let alone Shinano. It's a nice change of pace and I'm looking forward to more
The First Spotting Report - Ch. 4
A blonde woman with piercing jade eyes stretches and adjusts her hat after shouldering her rifle after her last Wildcat and Dauntless landed on her deck. Intel had been right, it wasn't a coincidence: Ex-Allied and Axis ships from years ago passing Midway and not getting attacked weren't flukes, Yes, some of her planes were shot down, but when it was only due to stray Flak fire and not intentional Abbie CAP? That was suspicious.

Hell, Akagi and Kaga lost more planes than she did!

Speaking of the foxes…

<<"Seems intel was right. I think this explains why Rabaul attacks our transfers, but not yours. Let's head back, Sis and Admiral Goto are going to want to hear about this.">>

She snickers as one of her fairies spies the red motif fox-carrier shivering at the mention of her war-hero little sister. <<"I still don't understand how the G-Ghost lets you call her "sis" when she outranks you by several ranks, Yorktown.">>

<<"I know when to salute the rank, E's my sister, and I know her well enough to know when she goes into her newfound Flag Officer role, Akagi. Anyways, commencing radio silence, will meet up with you on the designated rendezvous.">>

Cutting her radio, Yorktown continues snickering at her friend's fear of her sister. Enterprise wouldn't go into her murderous ways ever again, right?

And that other carrier...Yorktown smiles that her few pilots that had been shot down and survived were picked up by a friendly, even if she was stuck. Thinking for a moment, she shrugs and looks ahead, Midway Atoll was friendly enough, the other carrier could be extracted later, and they were running low on aviation fuel to have any sort of sortie without a plausibility of no CAP for the way home, and that would leave them planeless, and a planeless carrier was a sunk Carrier.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Pacific, a pair of red irises stare into the ceiling of their owner's room as she frets over her siblings' safety.

I yawn slightly and my ears twitch. Midway had cooked a few of the fish we caught. Normally, I'm not a seafood person, but I think being hungry made it taste better.

"Thanks for the food, Midway," I say, bowing my head. My ears twitch again as I do.

"No problem, like I said, least I could do for saving one of my daughters." The airbase waves it off, a slight smile hidden by her collar.

I nod, getting up to go practice my sailing, only to realize that it was nearing sundown, smiling at the skies orange coloring.

"Well then, the skies continue to be beautiful...Being able to see them without light pollution is…" I start, staring at the skies, before looking back at the airbase, taking note that her glowing orangish-red irises' shone with the same peaceful look the horizon did. I hadn't noticed before, but hadn't they been a ghostly electric blue earlier? Either way, I can't stop myself from uttering a silent "Beautiful..." under my breath

"Hmm?" The Abyssal hums.

"Nothing!" I quickly turn my face from my companion.

"...If you say so," She says, giving me a strange look

My mind decides at this point to remind me I had an MIA pilot somewhere, tearing me away from my companion's questioning look.

I begin quickly explaining, and hand m- I stop myself. Had the small Supply Depot really wormed her way into my heart that fast? I know friends became fast siblings, but here I stand. A 17-year-old, male, Texan in a Japanese Shipgirl's body, declaring to myself my position as the second mother of an Abyssal, just because she's taken a liking to me, and called me "Mama."

If I were among other shipgirls I have no doubts I'd be shamed, but I wasn't. What mattered right now was my pilot. I'd deal with my feelings eventually.

Okay. Where would she be...

Closing my eyes on complete instinct, I let my ears guide me.

In the distance, a cawing can be heard.

It took me about two hours to find my downed pilot, though she was lucky I found her when I did - A native bird, which I can't remember the name of, had cornered her, and she seemed exhausted.

I ran over and encouraged her to jump.

Landing in my hands, I nuzzle my now-found fairy and place a kiss on her tiny forehead.

"How about instead of cobbling together an airframe, you learn how to fly the Wildcats I just got if you want to protect me, ok?"

"Hey Hey?"

"I get that you would do it again, bu-" A light glare stops me. "Ugh, fine. Ju-Just...can I ask you to learn DamCon so that we don't get blown to hell like Taihō or the Flattops at...well, the island we're on? I think we can all agree we don't want to die smelling AvGas fumes or burn alive..."

"Hey, Hey-ey! Hey Hey?" She asks, asking me if I want her to install purging lines and reinforce belt joints.

"Yes please, if and where possible. The purge lines especially, If we can clear fuel from fueling points, I'm sure our chances of survival will skyrocket." I say gratefully.

My captain comes out on the deck while we talk.

"Desu?" He questions, wondering why I picked up Americans and traitors telling lies.

Oh boy... Time for a long explanation...

Luckily, he believed me after thirty minutes of me explaining and him ranting.

Heading back, my two ear mounted friends returned, explaining how much was needed to be taught, and crew numbers increased.

I panic slightly, realizing that if I were any other Japanese ship, I'd only have the berths for 2,400 of my crew. The extra 115 wouldn't have any.

I am then further reminded by my friends that I have even more displaced people, the American engineer and the pilots I picked up.

At the reminder of my insane fairy, I poke at the valley between my ear where she lays about.

"Hey...Did we ever name you?" I ask.


"...I see. Well, Vephar, warning you now. I'm calling you Veph from now on." I say, humming.


"'Tis a matter of me being unsure how to pronounce it."

"Heeeey." She draws out, understanding, nodding.

And with that, I headed back to the airfield to begin flight practice.

United States Shipgirl Corps-JMSDF joint fleet activities
Yokosuka, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan
8 days later

Looking over the report, 39 year old Rear Admiral Hinata Goto rubs her eyes as she goes over the report one of Richmond's carriers had given her.

Her own girls' reports had confirmed Yorktown and her escort groups' claims, which gave her a slight start, but a sigh of relief threatens to pass her lips. Finally, the reasoning for the lopsided air attacks was explained, but first, something bugged her.

"Your report mentioned pilots being picked up. Was this a carrier or Midway herself?" While she was certain that it was the former, if it was Midway, the USN would have POWs on their hands due to the Abyssal being seemingly completely loyal to the nation who once called her sand's home.

"Carrier. My two pilots alongside Akagi and Kaga's 4 in her hanger, ma'am. It was also my choice to leave her in friendly hands so that we could make it back, My airwing wasn't slaughtered, but theirs were." She gestures to Akagi and Kaga "If we wanted any kind of air support or strike capacity on the way back, we couldn't support any kind of rescue OP, especially with Rabaul and the few Essex imitation hunter groups we've been encountering recently, ma'am." Yorktown explains.

Goto nods. Solid reasoning, she figured. "Think we can extract her?"

"Yes ma'am, though, I'd suggest a reinforcement force from stateside to do it. Just to not spook her." Yorktown nods.

"Suggestion taken into account. I will forward this to Richmond and Anderson." Goto nods. "Go get some rest, call your sisters, whatever you need Yorktown."

The blonde carrier nods before turning and leaving.
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Jane's Fightin' Ships: The World's Shipgirls (2019) Edition
Page 02: JDS Akagi

The Eldest of the Amagi-class Battlecruisers, This lovely lady was one of Japan's first returnees, returning during the "Harbor Martyr Princess"' atack on Sasebo, Japan, repelling the attack.

Appearance: A young Japanese woman with brown hair, 9 brown tails, and a matching set of ears. She wears a red skirt and muneate and kimono blouse. She also has a piece of her flight deck on her lap with a Katakana A for Akagi.


- Mitsubishi A6M2 "Reisen/Zero" Fighter
- Aichi D3A "Val" Dive Bomber
- Nakajima B5N "Kate" Torpedo Bomber
- Nakajima B7N "Ryūsei" Dive/Torpedo Bomber

- 6 x twin 12cm/40 (Temp)
- 56 x 40 mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns (14x4)
- 52 x 20 mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft cannon (52x1)

Height: 6'5" (Length: 860 Feet)

Eye Color: Amber

Rank: Not given one, paygrade of Captain

Known traits: Motherly or Sisterly, Known mostly for being able to out-eat an Iowa in one setting.

Page 20: JDS Kaga

The youngest of the Tosa-class Battleships. Reportedly was the Oriential Carrier Princess prior to being sunk and summoned. Seems to have a working relationship with Carrier Akagi (See page 02)

Appearance: A young Japanese woman with her brown hair in a side-ponytail, 9 brown tails, and a matching set of ears. She wears a blue skirt and a muneate and kimono blouse. She also has a piece of her flight deck on her lap with a Katakana K for Kaga.


- Mitsubishi A6M2 "Reisen/Zero" Fighter
- Aichi D3A "Val" Dive Bomber
- Nakajima B5N "Kate" Torpedo Bomber
- Nakajima B7N "Ryūsei" Dive/Torpedo Bomber

- 8 x twin 12.7cm/40 Type 89 (Temp)
- 56 x 40 mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns (14x4)
- 52 x 20 mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft cannon (52x1)

Height: 6'1" (Length: 812 Feet)

Eye Color: Ice Blue

Rank: Not Given one, Paygrade of a Captain.

Known traits: Stern and prideful. Could be called stoic. Seems to hold a "Rivalry" with Zuikaku (See P.g. 10).

Seems to be a favored resting spot for Destroyers.

Page 60: USS Yorktown, CV-5

The Eldest of the Yorktown-class Aircraft Carriers. Yorktown was, in comparison to her sisters, the Ace who had her wings clipped early due to bad luck. It seems her loss granted one of her Country's rally points to find her footing in the War.

Normal Outfit and rigging: Dress shirt and tie with a black skirt, Her rigging is her flight deck hanging off her shoulder, and a M1903 Springfield, a smattering of 5" guns on a platform on her sides.


- Grummen F4F-4 Wildcat
- Douglas Scout-Dive Bomber Dauntless
- Grummen TBF Avenger

- 8x1 5"/38cal DP Guns
- 54 x 40mm Bofors (5x2 11x4)
- 32 x 20mm Oerlikon (16x2)

Height: 6'2 (Length: 824 Feet)

Eye Color: Jade

Hair color: Blonde

Rank: Captain

Known traits:

Page 61: USS Hornet, CV-8

The Youngest of the Yorktown-class Aircraft Carriers. Hornet was reportedly, very much the light in her classmate's/sister's eyes, being the last straw of dedication of one of her Countries' ralley points.

Normal Outfit: Yellow dress shirt with a black skirt, And a black-and-yellow letterman jacket, and her hair is done up in two ponytails.

Combat outfit and rigging: Black Bikini top and shorts with a yellow belt, black and yellow hat and cape. Her Flight deck hanging from her hip with a smattering of her guns and a M1903 like her sisters.


- Grummen F4F-4 Wildcat
- Douglas Scout-Dive Bomber Dauntless
- Grummen TBF Avenger
- B-25 Mitchell (Switch for Marine Varient)

- 8x1 5"/38cal DP guns
- 54 x 40mm Bofors (5x2 11x4)
- 32 x 20mm Oerlikon (16x2)

Height: 6'2" (Length: 824 Feet)

Eye Color: Emerald

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Known traits:

Page 80: USS Enterprise, CV-6

The middle child of the Yorktown-class Aircraft Carriers. Enterprise, unlike any of her sisters, besides Saratoga and Ranger (P.g. 90 and 112), lived through the hell that was 1942, coming out of the year as a changed woman, and became a source of pride and hope for a quick war.

Enterprise VS Japan

Hit Hard! Hit Fast! Hit Often!

"When I'm through with them..."

Normal Outfit and rigging: White sleeveless dress blouse with gold trimmings and a black skirt, a great coat over her shoulders. Her rigging is her flight deck hanging at her side with a "6" on the fore and aft, her guns smattered about, and a M1903


- Grummen F6F Hellcat
- Douglas Scout-Dive Bomber Dauntless
- Grummen TBF Avenger

- 8x1 5"/38cal DP guns
- 54 x 40mm Bofors (5x2 11x4)
- 32 x 20mm Oerlikon (16x2)
Height: 6'1 (Length: 809 Feet)

Eye Color: Crimson (Reported to have been naturally Lilac)

Rank: Fleet Admiral

Hair Color: Blonde with red tips and graying strands.

Known Traits: Not Much is known besides this: On Average, if her sister's are near, she's not far behind.
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Also, The Akagi and Kaga here, though their ears and tails are 1( the color of their hair, and 2( Not headbands or belts

This is being posted rather than a chapter due to the chapter being written, ;3
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Ch. 5 “Dry your tears, it’s not for long.”
Thanks to my darling Jupi for her amazing Beta reader work.

So, before we get into the chapter: I am debating the possibility of an interlude/omake to fill in the temporal gap. I doubt it'll come out as fast as this one did. Also. I am in fact, still alive.

And so without further ado, I present Chapter 5!

I have recently gone through and retconned somethings and I am working on going back and revising the older chapters, hope y'all enjoy

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
United States
1200 hours
March 3rd, 2019

Hornet walks into her Admiral's office, hands in her pockets. Normally she would've shown up either in her dress uniform or her formalwear, but today was her first day off in weeks. She had planned to go to the movies in Pearl City, but noooo. She gets called for duty again. All because she's the only carrier in the whole damn Pacific fleet with experience launching two-engine bombers.

"For fucks sake, what is it this time?" She mutters to herself, finally voicing her thoughts ever since she had received her summons.

"Lieutenant Commander Hornet reporting as ordered, sir." She says as she walks into the room, catching sight of her elder sister in the corner and sending a heartfelt smile her way. "Admiral." She nods in her sister's direction.

"Welcome Commander, take a seat." Her Base commander says, motioning to the seat in front of him. "It has been brought to my attention that your sister." Hornet's breath catches, but she calms down slightly when her crew reports no signs of fear, sorrow, or anger on her other sister's face. "Yorktown's scouting team safely made it back to Yokosuka." Admiral Johnathan Anderson says, a fond smile on his face as he watches the two carriers' exchange. Hornet had, since being summoned, been at least somewhat privy to her elder's worry for their shared elder sister and class leader.

As the sole survivors of the Battle of Midway in their class, the two siblings always took solace in each other's reaction to Anderson's penchant for making their minds jump to the worst possible scenario.

Hornet was, however, just as oblivious as Yorktown to Enterprise's reaction when news came in of her after-action reports.

Yorktown would scold her younger sisters for taking the damage they did.

Hornet made a fuss and tried to bandage any severe scratch her sisters obtained.

Enterprise fretted over even the slightest scratch on either her elder or baby sister.

Anderson chuckles and clears his throat as he shakes his head and smiles. "Yorktown's report gave us an interesting discovery - Midway Atoll is still within US Hands, and that a new carrier has been found."

"Well that makes sense, we get good support when passin- Wait. Excuse me sir if I'm being rude, but did you say a new carrier?" Hornet asks, dumbfounded.

"Yes. And Yorktown is certain that a Garrison replacement could act as a good recon and an extraction unit." Anderson explains, before continuing. "Enterprise and I discussed this already, we want you to head for Midway in three days' time. After you reach Midway, assess the situation and then head for Yokosuka and link up with your sister."

Hornet sighs. There goes her shore leave...Eh. Convoy crews had it worse. "I can do that, sir. What am I carrying? Army or Marine fighters or Bombers?"

"Marine PBJ-1s. Same number as Doolittle, but at least they might know how to take off from one of us." Enterprise smiles, making a smile appear on Hornet's face.

"Heh, I know my crew and I weren't the only ones telling those Army boys to pull the fuck up." Hornet giggles.

Enterprise smiles fondly at her sister.

"That is all, Hornet," Anderson starts. "Dismissed."

Hornet nods and turns to leave. Time to collect her escort…

"Ok, so besides another carrier or three to assist with Flight Ops while my deck is covered in Marines... I need to see if Massachusetts and Alabama are up for another sortie...need to find a couple cruisers, ask to be assigned oilers and their escort flotillas, transports, too, for replacement Marines..." Hornet mutters to herself.

"The fleet's not as big as it could be...and my orders are putting me in Japan. Hmmm...Vestal did clear that Katsuragi girl to weigh anchor...I'll have to see if we can take her home..." Hornet says, before sighing and leaning back in her chair.

"Dammit...I'm asking for shore leave after this." Hornet groans, before her fairies and RADAR warns her of a presence behind her.

She did not panic. She did not knock her chair backward.

Oh, who is she kidding? She yelped in pain as the chair hit the floor.

Rubbing the back of her head as she got up, she found the panicked red eyes and outstretched hand of her sister.

"Damnit, sis. You scared me. When did you come in?" Hornet questions, taking the offered hand and standing.

"While you were daydreaming, Horn. Speaking of, given that reaction, what were you thinking of, Baby sister?" Enterprise asks as she begins checking Hornet over for bruises or blood.

Satisfied with her inspection, Enterprise goes back and sits on Hornet's bed, before patting her lap. "Here, sister. Talk to your big sis about your problems." She says with a smile.

Hornet does as ordered.

"Hey, Horn!" Hornet blushes in embarrassment, pulling her hat over her eyes.

"What's up, sis?" Hornet asks, smiling at her approaching sister.

"Just thought I'd bring this to you in person. Especially since I'm coming too." Enterprise smiles, handing her younger sister a pair of magazines.

"Wait - I'm finally getting my Hellcats?! Hell ye- did you say you were coming along?" Hornet sputters, looking at her sister with wide eyes.

"Aye. It's been a while since we sailed together. Besides, four CVs and two CVLs is better than three and two." Enterprise says with a smile.

Hornet nods, quickly switching her F4F mags with F6F ones, disenchanting them to be regular Springfield mags and stashing them in her coat pockets, chuckling to herself.

"Fleet, raise anchor!" Enterprise barks, setting foot on the surf.

Sand Island
Midway Atoll
0500 hours
March 11th

For the next few weeks, I had increasingly wanted to be closer to my base companion. I've also caught myself checking her out.

On the other hand, little Warehouse had grown on me. Maybe it was her affection-hungry nature or that she felt comfortable enough in my arms to pass out in seconds.

Speaking of my little one, she just peeked around the door to my room Mid had given me for the duration. I pat my lap, looking at Warehouse's electric blue eyes with a smile on my face. "Come here, honey. Are you alright?" I say before she sits down on my lap and snuggles into me.

"..." She whimpers, before turning her eyes on me, my heart was already aching before I saw the look or tears.

What can I say? I went into overprotective mode. Drawing her to my chest, I start stroking her hair and humming slightly. "What's wrong dear?" I knew the answer. I came to dread it myself.

"M-mama knows how to sail and her pilots know how to fly...mama's going to leave soon...I d-don't want y-you to leave." The girl whimpers, ripping my heart in two.

"Oh honey..." I say before hugging her tightly. "I...don't want to leave you eith-"

"Then don't! Stay with me and Mommy..."

"Hun, I can't. As much as I want to, I need to get to a base, finish up my construction, and fight a war..." I purr, continuing to hug her and stroke her hair.

Instead of answering, she tightens her grip.

"Hey, hey, You have your big sisters here, granted they're still rebuilding your forces. But you have Mommy and them, and I'll come back soon." I say, laying a kiss on her forehead.

She says nothing and eventually naps on my lap. I can allow myself one more nap, right...?

200 miles Northeast of Midway Atoll
Pacific Ocean
Same time

"Commmaaannder..." A destroyer whines.

"Are you hungry, Anderson?" An emerald-eyed blonde wearing a bikini and ten-gallon hat, reaching into her pockets as she asked, looking the destroyer dead in the eye.

"Yes ma'am..." The destroyer says.

"Alright, but let me get these marines off my deck, then I can give you a snack, Anderson, Mustin." The "Commander" says before throwing a paper plane, a flight of B-25s forming soon after.

"Alright. Destroyers! Snack time." She says, handing the snacks to Anderson and Mustin.

"Thanks, Hornet!" The destroyers say with a smile and hug the carrier, nuzzling into her side.

"No problem you two. Now, let's get back to making way to the island." Hornet smiles, ruffling her escort's hair.

Enterprise smiles at her sister and clears her throat, before giggling slightly as Katsuragi stares at the Yorktown's and their escorts, slight hunger written on her face.

"Horn, Massa, and Allie are with me. Princeton and Belleau Wood, Help the destroyers with ASW, and keep a constant CAP up. Dakota, you're in charge. Keep the fleet safe while we're gone."

Sand Island
Midway Atoll
0525 hours

I yawn and stretch, my foot kicking slightly as I do.

I hug Warehouse close. I smile and set her head on the pillow, tucking her in as I climb out of bed.

I quickly kiss her forehead. "Sleep well honey, I'm going to get some food for us," I whisper, before standing up and quietly walking out.

The second I step foot out into the airstrip after quickly showering, it's bustling with activity. I wonder why.

As soon as I walk over to ask Midway, the roar of an engine grows louder and louder. How did I not notice earlier...?

Soon, what I think is a flight of B-25s lands on the airstrip.

The lead bomber's door opens and three fairies- No. Two Gremlins and a fairy bounce over to us.

"OO-RAH!" Ah, that explains it. Marine detachment of B-25s - Err, PBJ-1s.

"Hey!" The fairy says, stating his name, rank, carrier, and purpose while handing a piece of paper to Midway with a salute.

Midway laughs loudly. "Ol'Shangri-La is up to her antics, eh? The reinforcements and new planes are welcomed." She says with a big smile.

The combination of her gorgeous laugh and that smile sends my heart aflutter and lights my cheeks aflame.

Quickly controlling my blush, I bend over and hold out a hand for Hornet's crewman and set him on my head. "Here you go, welcome aboard until your carrier makes it," I say with a smile. "My name is Shinano." I introduced myself.

Midway Atoll
March 11th

I wave hello to the ship I assume to be Hornet.

She's wearing a Black and Yellow Ten-Gallon hat, cape, a black bikini top, and black shorts with a yellow belt. Flanking her are two battleships, both sisters, though they do vary slightly. A pin in the shape of a 60 and 59 are pinned on their persons, respectively. Alabama and Massachusetts?

Alabama is a young lady with tanned skin and straight auburn hair in short twin-tails, wearing a bikini under a white top with "ALBM" emblazoned on it, and a black miniskirt. Her hull number pins acting as hair clips.

Massachusetts, on the other hand, with her straight raven hair flowing down her shoulders and back, wears a black top and shorts.

A flash of jealousy flows through me. However, it is stamped out as I observe the last ship coming ashore, while the least threatening-looking of the four, she radiated power, as did her crimson eyes. She wears a sleeveless white blouse, navy greatcoat, and a black skirt, all with gold trim. Her facial features were similar to Hornet's, and if I were to hazard a guess, she's exhausted. Not physically, but... I shake my head.

"Howdy! Hornet, US Navy. These two are my friends Alabama and Massachusetts, and my sister, Enterprise." She says, motioning to her escorts and sibling.

I stare at the two for a moment, aghast. "Enterprise?" I ask, before shaking my head. Fangirl later, Shina. "We should have enough supplies to feed you to get you on your way." I say, turning to leave before I feel a tug on my left ear. "Ah, right." I mutter as I reach up to allow the fairy off my head and onto my hand. "I believe this to be yours, Ma'am?" I say, reaching a hand out with Hornet's fairy, whom she allows to climb up her arm and descend back into her hull.

"Thanks, Shinano."

"You're welcome, and now that that's been taken care of, let me lead you to the base commander." I say, waving slightly as my tails continue their slight drift in the wind.

Hornet nods, and I lead them to Midway's Planning room.

"Hornet, Enterprise! Welcome back. How are you doing?" Midway says, giddy with excitement.

"I'm doing fine thank you, just dropping off replacement troops, more aircraft, hungry, and was asked to escort Shina here home," Hornet says, smiling. "Also, back?" Enterprise mutters with a shiver. One of her big sisters died in these waters. She wasn't too fond of them.

"Ah, right. That." Midway says, suddenly becoming sad. Seems like she and Warehouse had grown used to me living here. It's the same for me. I just want to cuddle her and soothe her, freeing her from her sadness.

"Just for the time it takes to give her an overhaul, but have you thought to finish her conversion?"

"I have the workers for these things aboard," I interject. Last month, I couldn't wait to leave, now I don't want to.

"Do you have a docking zone or materials to install them?" Enterprise asks quizically. I look to the side and remain quiet, my ears flattening against my head.

"Not necessarily. One of my daughters is a port, but the biggest she can service aren't ships of Shinano's size. She's been slowly expanding, however." Midway hums, not seeming to care about concealing secrets.

I want to hug her, but I refrain, and sit back while we sit and discuss, before going to eat, since we leave at 0900.

Within a few hours of Midway's mood taking a sour turn, Destroyers, Cruisers and a couple of Battleships came ashore. A few of the destroyers, due to being outdated designs, off-load guns and ammunition, food, water, Marines, and medical supplies as Warehouse walks up. With a bright smile as she takes inventory and a few imps start stashing the goods as soon as she directs them.

I smile as the destroyers finish unloading, before looking around at the new capitals stow their riggings away. Looking at the carriers and Battleships, I take in their forms.

One of the two Battleships, is pretty, with a skirt and pantyhose, her top consists of a navy blue top exposing her cleavage and a jacket. A "56" pinned to her collar

The other Battleship is slightly shorter, but widely resembles Massachusetts and Alabama, though her straight black hair is braided with a feather holding it together. She wears a crop top and shorts.

The two carriers are wearing similar green and white outfits, the taller of the two is taller with long white hair in a braid, while the shorter has black hair in a ponytail. I wave somewhat shyly.

"Howdy, my name is Shinano. Welcome to Midway Atoll." I say, extending a hand.

"...S-Shinano-Sama?!" The two carriers blurt out, I sheepishly brush a lock of hair from my face and nod.

"Washington, and that's South Dakota." The newly introduced Battleship says

"Lead ship of the Unryū-Class, Unryū, I am honored to make your acquaintance, Shinano-Sama." The elder sister introduces herself.

"Third of the Unryū-class Fleet Carriers, Katsuragi, Shinano-sama." The younger adds, as both bow. I laughed awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you as well," I say out of politeness, though there is slight hesitation and anxiety to my voice.

"So, I assume you're who we're here to pick up?" The silverette Battleship cuts in, sensing my anxiety. I nod in thanks solemnly.

Midway Atoll
0856 hours
March 12th

"So...It's been fun. Thanks for letting me stay here as long as you did, Midway. I uh...enjoyed it." I say, tears threatening to roll, Warehouse was outwardly balling her eyes out, and Midway just looked at me with an indefinable look. I turn to leave and to hide my own tears.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, and a pair of arms wrapped around me as I'm pulled in for a hug.

After a moment of shock, I realized what happened. Midway hugged me. The woman I had grown to have a crush on, was hugging me. She pulls back with a blush.

Taking a moment, for the first time, it clicks that she stands a good eight or nine inches taller than me, her eyes are their beautiful sunset orange and her white-as-a-sheet face has a bright red hue to it that melts my heart. Instead of logging every detail in my mind, I hug her back.

"...Come back to visit us, Ok? Warehouse is already missing you." She says, a small smile on her face.

"Of course. Just going to get some refits and remodels done. I'll be back in no time." I say with a smile, wrapping one arm around her and hugging both her and Warehouse close.

A pang of guilt hits me as I do.

I quickly focus on the younger, kneeling down to her height and wiping her eyes. "Dry your tears, it's not for long. I'll be back in no time." I say, patting her before standing and walking off the island that had become my home.

Pacific Ocean
March 12th
1400 hours

As soon as we exited Midway's Airspace, Hornet punched my shoulder. "You sly Fox! I think you just ended a major problem area here." Hornet says, a smirk on her face as she laughs.

"Not just me, I think you all did too..." I say as I blush heavily. I'm going to have to deal with this for a loooong time.
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