[X] See if we can get energy out of the holtz blob

That's not a vote to drain it just yet, in case the scan turns up something more useful to do with it.
So... What exactly are the protocols we saw?
I noted one is basically racial bias in relation to 'Chozo' (I know there's another term that means this, but I can't remember it off the top of my head)... Which would explain the conversation earlier on we had.

[x] when facing enemies under a certain danger level (anything but top tier), if no supermissles are needed to destroy them - use Missles. We want to ensure we have Super Missles for later, since we might not be able to restock before Final Boss.
[x] Scan Holtz mass
[x] when we head down, keep an eye on the pockets in the walls. The acid (radioactive waste) could possibly be dumped on us, or there could be foes hiding in there.
[X] Scan Holtz mass, drain if useful. Scan hidden Fireblood chambers.

Also, because I'm a sucker for diplomacy:
[X] Tell the Heir Apparent to consider you a melitanzo-class Chozo Servitor, and ask it to stand down and tell you its demands.

Hopefully, Samus won't have too many issues with calling herself Not Technically Chozo. The language difference might help - the redefinition isn't internal, after all.

Also, because I'm a sucker for diplomacy:
[X] Tell the Heir Apparent to consider you a melitanzo-class Chozo Servitor, and ask it to stand down and tell you its demands.

Hopefully, Samus won't have too many issues with calling herself Not Technically Chozo. The language difference might help - the redefinition isn't internal, after all.
Oh god, not this shit again. We are not doing that again.

[X] No trying to fucking talk to the enemy.
Diplomacy, particularly in this case, has been called "the art of soothingly saying 'nice doggy' while you find a big enough stick."

With that in mind:

[X] Tell the Heir Apparent to consider you a melitanzo-class Chozo Servitor, and ask it to stand down and tell you its demands.
-[X] Scan it thoroughly (combat assessment) while doing so.

If diplomacy works, great. If not? Figuring out how to kill it better.

How's that, @13th Fleet ?
Diplomacy, particularly in this case, has been called "the art of soothingly saying 'nice doggy' while you find a big enough stick."

With that in mind:

[X] Tell the Heir Apparent to consider you a melitanzo-class Chozo Servitor, and ask it to stand down and tell you its demands.
-[X] Scan it thoroughly (combat assessment) while doing so.

If diplomacy works, great. If not? Figuring out how to kill it better.

How's that, @13th Fleet ?
No. It's still freaking dumb.
... Chozo Brain Zebes 01?
I'm thinking the big bad might just be a copy of Mother Brain.

Either that or I'm reading too much into too little.

You scan the mass.

Holtz Clutch said:
The simple frame of the holtz-class servitor enables it to be mass produced in large numbers by a biomimicking umbilical harness. After these skeletons and basic servomotors are complete, they can be remotely powered and guided into another factory chamber to have their brains, primary musculatures, and external armor and hardware added. The entire creation process takes a mere twelve hours, with the first nine of those being spent in the harness.

Attaching the extended flight, shield, and weapon suites to create a "greater" holtz is a significantly longer and more resource-intensive task.
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Diplomacy, particularly in this case, has been called "the art of soothingly saying 'nice doggy' while you find a big enough stick."

With that in mind:

[X] Tell the Heir Apparent to consider you a melitanzo-class Chozo Servitor, and ask it to stand down and tell you its demands.
-[X] Scan it thoroughly (combat assessment) while doing so.

If diplomacy works, great. If not? Figuring out how to kill it better.

How's that, @13th Fleet ?
I don't see what we would scan, why the enemy would stand down even if it considered us such a servitor, or how we would attempt to say any of this to the enemy in the first place.
Was thinking if any of them are going to be taken to armoring soon, we might remove them. Not to keep them from being finished, but so that another one would start being grown right away. If they'll get taken away before we can sap their health from them they're no use to us, so I figured we could just get the next one growing sooner.
[X] Tell the Heir Apparent to consider you a melitanzo-class Chozo Servitor, and ask it to stand down and tell you its demands.
-[X] Scan it thoroughly (combat assessment) while doing so.

Talking is a free action.
Talking is *mostly* a free action.
The last time we tried talking, it was a complete clusterfuck and the people participating in the quest at the time were gullible idiots. Trying to talk to enemy again is fucking retarded. If a dog almost bit your hand off when you tried to pet it, you have to be an imbecile to try petting it again the very next day.

This is a Metroid quest modeled after the games. Metroid is not a series where you talk to your enemies. Pretty much the only things that are ever exchanged between Samus and her enemies are attempts to kill one another. Samus's wholesale slaughter of her foes has always been and still is the correct course of action in the end. The closest to it being a mistake is her extermination of the Metroids, which unbeknownst to her were keeping the X-Parasites contained, but they were still a grave threat that needed to be destroyed to ensure the safety of the universe.
While I'm skeptical of trying to reason with the enemy here, I don't think we should take the option off the table completely. Yeah, it's not something you can normally do in the games, but it is something you can do in a quest. Going off the intended route is one of the coolest things with these sorts of role playing games, it seems a shame to just dismiss the option entirely.
Puzzle Tiem
[X] Tell the Heir Apparent to consider you a melitanzo-class Chozo Servitor, and ask it to stand down and tell you its demands.
[x] when we head down, keep an eye on the pockets in the walls. The acid (radioactive waste) could possibly be dumped on us, or there could be foes hiding in there.


Perhaps you hadn't taken the right approach with this entity last time. Or, even if you did, desperation might make it more amenable to diplomacy now.

"I'm a subordinate melitanzo," you broadcast, without lowering your armcannon or your awareness, "the chozo are my masters. We can talk about our goals. We might not need to be enemies."

No response.

Considering your next words, you float down to the central platform and begin scanning the walls. The DEV reveals a path extending beyond each, blocked after a short distance by paired orange barrier shields; you doubt a power bomb will be able to bleedthrough enough energy to flicker both simultaneously. A pair of violas hover in wait before each blockade.

You are unsurprised when all four paths begin spilling fireblood into the central chamber through a set of valve pipes far too small for the morph ball, causing the level to rise. You only have a minute or two before it fills up.

"Perhaps we can talk later," you broadcast.

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 915/1,200

MISSILES: 240/250


[x] Scan holtzes.

Looks a lot like a "drop the rock to break open the floor" type situation to me.