Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


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Prologue: Last Day in Outer Heaven

"Frontline combat is going to be suicide for us...
Last Day in Outer Heaven


Cooking Harder
Prologue: Last Day in Outer Heaven

"Frontline combat is going to be suicide for us despite our tech lead due to numbers alone. The most we'll be able to effectively fight against and win with a conventional force would be an over strength company comprised of infantry and tanks."


*Jesus Christ Cookie, can you hurry the fuck up with my ammo!? We've got a five to six fucking hour long drive ahead of us and we're already fucking late!*


"I'm bringing someone home."


"That is why we… no.


I will fight for you, Gallia."


"That's a nice dream, isn't it Kaz?" Snake chuckles fondly, reaching for the sun with his remaining hand, playing with the beams of light shining down from the sky.

Isara's eyes widen, looking up at the both of us as we lay splayed out against the deck of Mother Base

"Yeah Boss. A place where everyone is needed? Sounds like a real heaven. Something impossible." He spits a bloody wad of phlegm to the side and rises, once again coming into that stance.


"Yeah." I look up into the sky.

A minute later the thunder clouds roll in and the rain begins to pour.

I stay there staring at the heavens, reaching out with a hand to grip the intangible.

Another minute passes by and I slowly lower my arm and turn to walk to the Command Center while shaking my head.

Not yet.

We're not there yet.


"What took you so long?"

[x] Continue

"What… what happened…?" I muttered, coming back to consciousness from the strange, wondrous dream of a place I had never been filled with people I would never meet.

Smoke filled the room, the scent of cordite and blood floating in the air as I came back to wakefulness.

I didn't have the strength to move my legs-


Yes, I remember now

Blood still oozing from the many holes in my legs, I reach down, picking out a cigar covered in my own dark life fluids, lighting it up in a long practiced motion.

It takes a few tries for me to work the zippo. Fingers numb and unresponsive.

And then my radio scratches to life, the voice of an old friend filling the heavy air.

"Hello Ahab"

"Ishmael… you've really kept me waiting." I mumbled, leaning back just as much because it was physically impossible to do otherwise and that I felt the great weight atop my shoulder lighten for the first time in a decade.

As our conversation flowed through my ears like the silky smoke of my cigar spiraling into the air, I saw her.

Just as beautiful and silent as she was in life, the ghost from my past settled down near me with a hand pressing forward to brush against my cheek.

I see… so you've come to pick me up then?

Then I guess…

… My battle really is over…

My eyes closed and the cigar held between my lips dropped into the puddle of blood leaking from my many wounds.

And with a soft sigh, the last breath I would ever take, I exhaled-




New Game + Activated

-because the stench of an unwashed body, the cloying scent of gunpowder, and the ever present tang of blood nearly gagged my throat…


When my eyes opened again I was standing over the pale, glassy eyed body of a girl still barely clinging to life.

From my hands, the bomb that was just removed from Paz's stomach was plucked by…

The gloved hands of an old friend.

"Good work. Stitch her back up."



"No. Something isn't right. I'm checking again." I heard myself mutter as I brushed past my original, the phantom pain of my left arm still present despite it being visibly returned.

I've done this before. In a dream within a dream.

My body moves on it's own without command. A passenger trapped within an oh so familiar and regretful memory.

But it's different.

Something is strange.

But it doesn't feel wrong.


Maybe I'm stuck in hell, reliving all of my past mistakes over and over until the end of time.

But I have to make this right.

Paz struggles, hoarsely screaming even after her voice dies out to a silent, pained screech when my hands move automatically, searching for the second bomb that I know is there.

The sensation of plastic rubs against my gloved finger tips and I go deeper, carefully pulling the explosive out despite the urgency telling me that I need to be faster.

There was never time for anesthetic. The most I could do for the poor girl who had sacrificed herself to save us, and spat in the eye of Skull Face, was to lubricate my hand with her own blood.

Even within an impossible dream I hurt the people I'm trying to save.

Even when the second bomb is retrieved and disposed of over the ocean, I know that the likelihood of Paz surviving the night is slim to none.

I didn't need to see the lack of kidneys when I cut her gut open to remember that they'd been taken out prior to Snake's recovery of the tortured young woman.

Even if we could get her on the dialysis machine back at Mother Base, the combination of malnutrition, infection, and previous trauma to the body would all but seal her fate.

Pacifica Ocean would die.

It would take a miracle, an act of God to save her. I knew this.

But my hands moved anyway, both the right and non prosthetic left doing their best to keep her stable within Morpho's helicopter.

Even after XOF landed at Mother Base uncontested due to Emmerich's betrayal. Even through the staccato of rifle rounds pinging against or digging into the armor of the helicopter, I still tried to save.

I only stopped holding down the mentally broken girl when that damned helicopter appeared next to us with a XOF operative aiming a missile launcher in our direction.

Time slowed, the familiar sound of my thudding heartbeat and the ringing of my ears overtaking my senses.

His finger depresses against the trigger, causing a bloom of fire to exit in a murderous backblast as the rocket streaked forward like syrup dripping from a bottle onto a plate of pancakes.

Again, my body acted before I could really think. Pushing Paz as far to the back of the helicopter as I could, I moved.



Ha ha.

I guess I'll never reach Outer Heaven after all.


Don't worry Ishmael. Even if I already know how it all ends, I'll protect you until you turn this nightmare into a dream.

If there's anyone that can change Fate. It's you and me.


I leap forward without hesitation, shielding Big Boss with my body as the explosion rocks the chopper and sends a chunk of shrapnel into my temple-





The year is 1984.

While the Cold War still rages on, dozens upon dozens of brushfire conflicts, proxy wars, and rebellions are waged across the nuclear era. In this time, the formation of privately owned military organizations have risen to meet the demand for trained warfighters willing to fight and die by the rifle and for coin.

This is the world that you have awoken to after nine years Ahab.

While the whispers in the wind have labeled you as all three titles, as Big Boss, how did you historically grow your legend?
  • This vote choice represents the most factual account of how Venom Snake operated as the leader of the Diamond Dogs.
  • How did you, the player, conduct the majority of your missions leading up to this point in time within TPP. Were you madly giggling with every power drunk bullet that ripped through flailing bodies, or were you a CQC/Tranq maniac that used enough knockout drugs to flood the oceans?

[ ] Hero: You tried to preserve lives when you could, only resorting to lethal options when you had no choice but to do so. Your compassion, valor, and impossible skill cloaked you in the mantle of the Righteous Hero.

  • Your message is one that resonates throughout the hearts and minds of the world. They see you as a near mythical hero who fights against tyranny and oppression.
  • In the eyes of the common man, you are regarded in an incredibly positive light. You are the best of what humanity has to offer, struggling for a better tomorrow.
  • The governments and polities of the world see you as a dangerous threat to their power base despite their vocal platitudes for your achievements and actively work against you. You are the most dangerous kind of leader, one who can sway the hearts of the masses and force them out of their comfortable sheep pens through deed and example. You are a threat to world order that must be neutralized at all costs.
  • Soldiers of the world dream of meeting you, seeing you as an impossibly bright lantern who holds onto an ideal that shaves away the darkness in their hearts. Young boys and old men alike find their spirits lightening from your example, filling their spirits with a sense of purpose and rejuvenating their weary frames with a sense of pride. Because they know that they too fight for Outer Heaven regardless of their banner.

[ ] Mercenary: You didn't go out of your way to preserve lives, but neither did you glut yourself on the blood of your foes. Resources, cash, and ruthless efficiency shaded you in gray as the Legendary Mercenary.

  • You are a neutral entity to the world at large. A man who is focused more on building himself power just like every other self-made warrior king in history.
  • The common people see you as the pinnacle of commercial success at best and a money hungry despot at worst.
  • The world powers see you as a useful tool, degrading and extolling your virtues as they see fit. Offers for Diamond Dog's services are always at a premium, and government organizations seek to have long, fruitful relationships with their new business partner.
  • Soldiers regard you with a healthy respect and wistfully wish to follow your footsteps in order to achieve 'the dream'. Those with the skill and strength flock to the warzones in your areas of operation, hoping beyond hope that they can fight under your stewardship. They've heard the call, the foundations of Outer Heaven will be built upon the brick and mortar of their blood and bodies.

[ ] Demon: You gunned them all down. Regardless of who was standing in front of you, if they were an enemy, you acted without mercy. You penchant for inflicting pain, violence, and death bathed you in a river of sin as the Vengeful Demon.

  • You are seen as a mass murderer, a tyrant, and a dangerously unstable monster leading an equally deadly band of bloodthirsty psychopaths. The world trembles when your bloodsoaked boots squelch against the recoiling mud of Mother Earth.
  • You are universally disparaged by the civilian population of nearly every nation. A mad dog who needs to be put down before he becomes a threat encroaching on their doorsteps.
  • Governments see you as a dangerous tool, but one that will burn itself out in the fires of hatred and war before you can become a true threat. They've seen you and your ilk countless times before, and the thought of you achieving stability through your murderous ways is laughable to them.
  • Soldiers fear you. Just hearing your name is enough to send even the most hardened fighters packing for the most definitely greener pasture of life rather than certain doom. But they are also invariably drawn to you, calling for them to rage against the uncaring figures sitting untouched in their ivory towers while they bleed and die for the unthankful masses. In the darkest places within their disillusioned hearts, they yearn for the salvation of Outer Heaven.

How did you build Diamond Dogs?

  • This vote choice represents how large Diamond Dogs are at the start and how 'easy' it is to grow your numbers and equipment due to your organizational standards. The amount of available manpower also determines how many actions you have to use in a turn.
  • Are you one of those crazy Snakes that put a balloon on everything you could, or were you more subjective about the resources you fultoned out?

[ ] Meticulously: You only turned the best people and repurposed the highest quality equipment. Quality and expertise mattered more than filling boots. The training you gave was often done personally, and you moulded a core of crack professionals up to your own, near superhuman, standards. You could be certain that those who fought for your dream would be the most fit to build Outer Heaven. You take pride in the fact that there is no other armed force in the world that can compare to your peerless warriors and top of the line gear.

  • Advantages
  • Your troops range from Elite to FOX in skill, physical ability, and mental toughness, even freshly 'trained' units.
  • You pretty much have the largest Tier 1 SF group in the world.
  • Your tech, gear, and vehicles don't lag behind in this department either.
  • Difficulty Checks are lowered across the board due to the skill and sheer grit of your people.

  • Disadvantages
  • This is a highly exclusive PMC, it is exponentially more difficult to raise and train troops of all types.
  • Numbers do matter at times, and you don't have numbers. (Start with 4 Action Dice)

[ ] Regularly: You took what you wanted when the opportunity presented itself, but you didn't needlessly pad your numbers with an overabundance of chaff. Each man you recruited and the equipment you took are comparable to conventional, elite branches of the world's militaries. That is the standard set to be rightly called a Diamond Dog.

  • Advantages
  • Your troops range from Experienced to Elite in skill, physical ability, and mental toughness, even freshly 'trained' units.
  • DDogs are comparable to an elite conventional unit such as US Army Rangers.
  • Your tech, gear, and vehicles rate at average to above average.
  • Difficulty Checks remain at normal levels.

  • Disadvantages
  • There's really nothing special to say.
  • A middle ground does have its upsides? (Start with 6 Action Dice)

[ ] Enthusiastically: You fultoned everything that could move regardless of whether the personnel, equipment, or supplies you were lifting were immediately useful. You needed to grow strong and grow quickly to better take the fight to where you were needed. While you didn't have much time to train your troops, you made sure you had more than enough people to ensure those who survived would be Diamond Dog material.

  • Advantages
  • DDogs are comparable to a drafted cold war era military force, but you have enough people not to care. (Start with 8 Action Dice)
  • Your tech, gear, and vehicles is made by the lowest bidder, but you have a lot of them.
  • You can easily swamp many of your foes with standard troops of roughly equal value.

  • Disadvantages
  • Your troops range from Green to Veteran in skill, physical ability, and mental toughness, including 'freshly trained' units.
  • Difficulty Checks are higher to account for the normality of your soldiers.

What type of combat was your PMC primarily trained and armed for?

  • This vote represents the type of army that you field, it's starting composition, and how Diamond Dogs as an organization will grow.
  • Think of it as your personal SOP when it comes to playing TPP and VC.
  • This vote also influences Research Options.

[ ] Conventional Combined Arms: All of modern warfare is based upon this principle. It is exceptionally difficult to fight an army that seems to have all the answers to nearly every problem.

  • Advantages
  • You have an equally balanced PMC with roughly equal power in all aspects of war, adaptability is your game.
  • There is a reason this concept is the ruling king of the current era.

  • Disadvantages
  • Generalization means you fight well on all fronts, but this is a complicated concept to put into practice.

[ ] Asymmetrical Warfighting: This is the future of war, the anathema of conventional warfare with minimal resources spent. This is a nearly impossible to overcome paradigm without a great deal of ingenuity.

  • Advantages
  • Diamond Dogs are specialized in small unit warfare tailor made to fight and start insurgencies.
  • You are a conventional military killer, a hard to destroy thorn that'll eventually bleed out even the largest of giants.

  • Disadvantages
  • You lack punch when it comes to direct engagements with larger formations.

[ ] Technological Superiority: War is progress. Without it, humanity would stagnate into 'tried and true' methodologies based upon the last major war.

  • Advantages
  • DD focus on fielding the most high tech solutions on the battlefield and creating new combat paradigms.
  • Enemies have no idea how to deal with you, how unwell in the head do you have to be to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

  • Disadvantages
  • Sometimes your crazy ideas need to go back to the drawing board.

[ ] Logistical Juggernaut: An army marches on its stomach and if you fire enough bullets, you'll eventually kill whatever's on the other end.

  • Advantages
  • Diamond Dogs focus more on the strategic aspect of war rather than the tactical. Funding and logistics isn't a problem and humanitarian support is a drop in the bucket for you.
  • Unit morale is high due to abundant amenities, a luxurious paycheck, warehouses full of spare everything, and not having to lug around 20+ pounds of food and water on a long patrol when it can just be air dropped by your fleet of ever present helicopters and cargo planes.

  • Disadvantages
  • The maximum veterancy of your troops is dropped by one tier when you start the game.
  • For example, Experienced, Veteran, Elite

What combat arm did you place the most focus on within Diamond Dogs?

  • This vote determines where you focused your efforts when it came to training your soldiers regarding combat.
  • In player terms, did you guys fill Mother Base up with soldiers, tanks, or other things?
  • This vote also influences Research Options.

[ ] Infantry: The queen of battle, there's no other unit that can take and hold ground as effectively as a man with a rifle.

  • Your infantry units start the game with additional kit options already researched such as Standard Line Infantry having (Jungle), (Arctic), (Desert), (ETC), specializations.

[ ] Armor: There's nothing quite like hearing tanks rumbling by and ducking into your foxhole with the vain hope that the grumbling warmachine won't just flatten your cover under its treads and guns.

  • Your Armor units start the game with additional kit options already researched such as an M1 Abrams Tank Platoon having (Anti Infantry) (Anti Armor) (Air Defense), specializations.

[ ] Naval: While lacking the speed of air transport, the seas are the primary route by witch troops and, munitions, equipment, and powder propelled death rove the world.

  • You start the game with a Carrier Strike Group consisting of a Troopship, 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, an Aircraft Carrier, and a Supply Barge that you can use to land a Division sized unit anywhere in the world within a month.
  • Do note, it takes a fuck ton of resources and personnel to run something like this, so you should probably choose your votes carefully if you go this route!
  • While you do have choppers, you do not start with fixed winged vehicles!

[ ] Air: Mobility, reconnaissance, and close air support are how wars are won. On a modern battlefield, none can hope to combat the sheer utility and combat power of air assets.

  • You start the game with a landing strut on Mother Base that allows you to field fixed wing vehicles and begin with 3 F-16 Fighter Jets, a C-5 Galaxy super cargo plane, and 5 A-10 Thunderbolts.
  • The C-5 can take 3 companies of infantry, a company of mechanized infantry, or a company of Air Assault infantry along with their vehicles anywhere on the globe within 24 hours.

[ ] Experimental: The potency of air power was discovered during World War I and so far there hasn't been a contender. But who knows what can change with the advent of powered armor, infantry scale armored walkers, and more.

  • You start the game with 2 Battle Gears in the hanger and Walker Gears fitted with D-Walker AI capability as a standard.



"I'm sorry Snake..."

"It's time to wake up now."






Metal Gear Solid V
Chronicles of Outer Heaven
Tactical Espionage Quest

Valkyrian War DLC


By Konamikode


AN: I missed how fun it was to emulate Kojima's directorial flair through this medium :3.

Are you ready?

Just an annoying reminder that your friendly neighborhood Konami who the actual company totally ripped the Survive scenario from got no recognition or monetary compensation for coming up with the MSF transported to another dimension concept.
Please check it out if you want to support me <3
Kona's Patreon
Last edited:
Main Characters
Main Characters

Codename: Venom Snake, Big Boss
Name: Ahab/Jack/John Doe
Age: 49
Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian

Type: Legendary Hero
Rating: Big Boss
Notable Equipment: Bionic Arm, Phantom Cigar
Strong VS: The man can defeat giant bipedal warmachines on foot.
Weak VS: Regret, Peace

Fame: #1 of the Top 100 List of Most Influential Men in the World
Hero: 184,500 "... Ishmael."
Mercenary: 25,000 "So the ends justify the means, huh."
: 20,000 "I have to drive out this demon inside me."

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Kazuhira Miller: Old Friend 10/10
  • Adamska: Old Friend 9/10
  • Quiet: Partner 6/10
  • George: Coworker 5/10
  • Huey Emmerich: A Second Chance 1/10
  • Pacifica Ocean: A Living Ghost 1/10
  • Eli: An Unwanted Burden 6/10
  • Hana: A Responsibility 5/10


Big Boss (Righteous Hero): Your legend is that of a savior who fights against the wrongs of the world. While blood may stain your hands, you can be proud that those same limbs running wet with blood, mud, and sweat have locked onto the wrists of many and never let them fall into the abyss.

But those you were too late to catch still weigh heavily upon you. Those same ghosts drive your beleaguered body forward through the desire to crawl into a hole and rest.

You must be better.
  • When possible, Big Boss will do his best to keep lethality to a minimum.
  • Ahab's desire for positive change visibly shrouds his demeanor. When seeing, hearing, or interacting with him for the first time, other characters perceive the quiet nobility of weary hero still fighting for a cause.
  • When providing aid to the downtrodden masses, Big Boss gains a large Fame Bonus and will occasionally personally arrive to take part in eligible PMC OPS.
  • The slope to salvation is muddy. And steep.

The Man Who Guided the World: Ahab's heroism has reached the level of modern myth. Due to his actions, his place in the history books is all but assured and the legacy he leaves is one that will inspire countless people of future generations.
  • When failing heroic actions, Ahab will gain a reroll.
  • When pursuing combat actions befitting those of a hero, Ahab gains a +50 to his rolls.
  • Ahab's charisma is a near palpable thing. Characters who speak with him in person will be filled with an uplifting strength.
    • Allies and neutral characters will find themselves stiffening their backs and attempt to impress Ahab, instinctively unwilling to draw his disappointed gaze to themselves.
    • Enemies will find themselves looking at Ahab with respect, seeing that while they may be on opposite ends, Big Boss is a soldier worthy of the title, Hero.

The Man Who Held *** *****:

The Man Who Sold *** *****:

Phantom Pain: It's not just your missing arm that feels like it's still there. On occasions you have dreams and flashes of events that both have and have not come to pass. There are even moments when it feels like your aim is being guided by someone else's hands.

The medical team says it's just a sense of dejavu created by the shrapnel pushing against your brain.

Your gut tells you different.
  • Sometimes during gameplay, time will freeze for Snake and a series of vote choices will be offered. What happens next is up to you, Big Boss.

Meticulous: You have an eye for quality, and will only bring back the best for Diamond Dogs.
  • Rolls to fulton troops, equipment, and supplies have a higher DC.
  • However, the quality of said resources will be higher than normal.
Codename: Master Miller, Hell Master
Name: Kazuhira Benedict Miller
Age: 38
Nationality: Japanese American
Race: Asian/Caucasian

Type: Business Minded Combat Adviser
Rating: Operator
Notable Equipment: Aviator Glasses
Strong VS: Record Keeping, Training, Business Deals
Weak VS: Hatred, Beautiful Women, Pity

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Venom Snake: Old Friend 10/10
  • Ocelot: Grudgingly Respected Coworker 5/10
  • Quiet: Trusted Comrade 5/10
  • George: Friend 7/10
  • Huey Emmerich: Grudgingly on Parole 1/10
  • Pacifica Ocean: ... Someone from the Past 7/10
  • Eli: Just Another Brat 5/10
  • Hana: A Reminder of Catherine 9/10

Aimed Hatred: "Why are we here... just to suffer."
  • Kaz is driven by his need for vengeance over most everything else
  • He wishes to put a bullet through everything and anything that has to do with the fall of MSF and watch them slowly bleed out.
  • Raising relationship levels with Kaz is difficult for those he distrusts.
Peace Walker: "Peace in our time. I doubt it, but we can set the building blocks."
  • Though it has been a long road, Kaz has found a little bit of himself from before, even if it has become weathered with time.
  • He firmly believes that while true peace will never occur in his time, he doesn't have to accept that it's an impossibility either.

A Trainer from Hell: On the basis of military strength, Miller is exceptionally talented at imparted tactical knowledge and techniques. Despite missing two of his limbs and having his eyes burned to near uselessness during daylight, he's still just as dangerous as he was before...

If not more so.
  • The primary trainer of Diamond Dogs, he personally oversees the training of the new blood.
  • Current training standards are Brutal, pushing every recruit far past what a normal man can possibly endure with the full expectation they'll push past the hardship.
  • New units will start at Elite-Operator tier.

Business Visionary: Despite being partially blinded, Kaz has lost none of his brilliance in seeing the ebb and flow of the world economy. At times it even seems like there's an old piece of him still in there.
  • Miller's state of mind slightly influences the level of difficulty of Business Ops.
  • If he gets excited, he may squirrel away some funds to start a project on his own without thread input.
  • Pax Hamburgana.
Codename: The Ocelot, Shalashaska
Name: Adamska, Adam
Age: 40
Nationality: Russian American
Race: Caucasian

Type: Cowboy with an Agenda
Rating: FOX
Notable Equipment: SAA Revolvers, Stylish Cowboy Outfit
Strong VS: Hand Gestures, Psychological Warfare
Weak VS: Big Boss, Reloading, Blending in

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • John: Old Rival 10/10
  • Miller: Grudgingly Respected Coworker 6/10
  • Quiet: Unique Asset 5/10
  • Code Talker: Worthwhile Asset 5/10
  • Huey Emmerich: Disposable Asset 3/10
  • Pacifica Ocean: Psychological Asset 3/10
  • Eli: A Future 8/10
  • Hana: An Unfortunate Victim 4/10
  • Nameless Chicken

Theatrical Cowboy: "Let the legend come back to life!"
  • Ocelot is as flamboyant as they come. His magnetic personality draws people in and slowly reveal their deepest secrets to him.
  • Nobody knows if it's all part of an act or if this is really him.
  • Half of our animation budget goes into cutscenes involving him.
Psychological Warfare Genius: While his methods range from deceptively innocent to indescribably brutal, there are few people in the world that he can't get to talk.
  • The only people with a chance of shaking off Ocelot's 'enhanced interrogation' are named characters with extraordinarily high willpower.
  • During missions, Ocelot has a fairly high chance of having interesting interactions with named enemy characters.
2+2=5: ???
Codename: Quiet, Tixij
Name: Unknown
Age: Late 20's, Early 30's
Nationality: French?
Race: Caucasian

Type: Wordless Assassin
Notable Equipment: Wicked Butterfly, Guilty Butterfly
Strong VS: Voyeurs, Visible Soft Targets
Weak VS: Restrictive Clothing, Children, Ahab

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Ahab: Partner 9/10
  • Miller: Grudgingly Respected Coworker 5/10
  • Ocelot: Possible Ally 4/10
  • Code Talker: Fellow Silenced 8/10
  • Huey Emmerich: Bumbling Target 2/10
  • Pacifica Ocean: Pitiable Victim 2/10
  • Eli: A Wayward Child 4/10
  • Hana: A Painful Memory 7/10

One that Covers: "Hmm~ Hm~"
  • The parasite treatment Quiet has gone through has given her obviously superhuman abilities. These include partial intangibility, photosynthetic digestive system, supersonic speed, increased durability, vastly increased healing ability, inhuman reflexes, and more.
  • As far anyone knows, Quiet can not speak.
  • Under normal circumstances, most normal humans have no chance against her in battle.
Wicked Butterfly:???
Codename: Code Talker
Name: George
Age: 104
Nationality: Navajo
Race: Native American

Type: Ancient Researcher
Notable Equipment: Wheelchair, Smoking Pipe
Strong VS: Parasites
Weak VS: A Good Burger, Energetic Youth

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Big Boss: Respected Hero 7/10
  • Kazuhira: Troublesome Youth 6/10
  • Ocelot: Troublesome Blowhard 2/10
  • Quiet: Fellow Silenced 7/10
  • Huey Emmerich: Pitiable Researcher 4/10
  • Pacifica Ocean: Poor Child 6/10
  • Eli: Another Casualty of War 2/10
  • Hana: Poor Child 5/10

One that Covers: "What is that color?"
  • While Code Talker has gone through parasite therapy, he hasn't shown any obvious supernatural abilities except for his enhanced longevity, ability to photosynthesize, and a debatable form of weak aerokinesis.
  • Code Talker is able to speak due to his use of an herbal remedy.
  • Perhaps he is too old for his parasites to affect him as openly?

Parasite Researcher: He is the leading expert on the vocal cord parasites and their mutations. The majority of research regarding said parasites are due to his involvement.
  • Allows you to research the Parasite Tech Tree.
  • Code Talker doesn't consider the parasites as 'evil', rather they are something that humanity must coexist with or overcome.
  • While he will help research militaristic applications, the further you step towards the edge...
Codename: None
Name: Huey Emmerich
Age: 39
Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian

Type: Unstable Researcher
Rating: Untrained
Notable Equipment: Powered Legs/Wheelchair, Family Photo
Strong VS: Hiding from Reality, Robotics
Weak VS: Truth, Accusations, Sin

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Big Boss: My Friend, My Abel 10/10
  • Miller: A Friend I Crippled 4/10
  • Ocelot: Theatrical Torturer 2/10
  • Quiet: Fascinating Specimen 4/10
  • Code Talker: Fellow Researcher 6/10
  • Pacifica Ocean: Another Sin 4/10
  • Eli: A Reminder of Inescapable Failure 1/10
  • Hana: It... is My Fault 1/10

An Escape from Reality: "I'm on your side Snake, I swear!"
  • Huey truly believes himself to be blameless in all that he has ever done, a tragic hero of his own tale who has been ground into the dirt by the whims of fate.
  • His escapism is so strong that it might as well be a mental disorder at this point.

Robotics Researcher: For all his faults, the man is undeniably one of the leading experts in robotics technology.
  • Gives a +10 to research of all kinds and a +20 to Robotics research.
  • Huey is mentally unstable.
Separation of Guilt (Dr. Emmerich / Mr. Huey): ???
  • Huey has come to face his guilt for all of his many mistakes and sins.
  • But does all of him feel guilty?
Codename: Paz Ortega Andrade
Name: Pacifica Ocean
Age: 34
Nationality: American
Race: Latin American

Type: An Innocent Girl
Rating: Green (Operator)
Notable Equipment: MSF Photo Album
Strong VS: MSF Members
Weak VS: Memories, MSF Members

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Snake: A Torn Symbol of Peace 6/10
  • Mr. Miller: Trusted Friend 10/10
  • Adam: New Friend 7/10
  • Quiet: Quiet Friend 7/10
  • George: Grandfatherly Gentleman 8/10
  • Mr. Emmerich: Trusted Friend 10/10
  • Eli: Poor Child of War 9/10
  • Hana: A Cracked Mirror 7/10

Ghost from the Past: "What's wrong Snake?"
  • Paz has lost all memory of her original identity of Pacifica Ocean.
  • Recently awakened from a nine year coma, she at least recognizes that time has passed and is able to store new memories with difficulty.
  • Is often overjoyed when old MSF members come to visit her in her quarters.

Peaceful Soul: As Paz, Pacifica dearly holds onto the belief that the world can change into something better.
  • Paz holds Snake in a place of reverence, and has only placed him on a higher pedestal when she learned of his current achievements.
  • She often wonders where Chico is and asks after her old friends in MSF.
  • Every time someone musters up the emotional fortitude to tell them of their ends, Paz closes up for a period of time before forgetting that conversation ever happened.
Codename: White Mamba
Name: Eli
Age: 12
Nationality: English
Race: Asian/Caucasian

Type: Child Warlord
Rating: Elite
Notable Equipment: Bowie Knife, Bullet Casing
Strong VS: Adults, Warfare
Weak VS: Inferiority

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Father: Hated Gene Donor 5/10
  • Miller: Just Another Adult 2/10
  • Ocelot: Just Another Adult 2/10
  • Quiet: Just Another Adult 2/10
  • Code Talker: Just Another Old Adult 1/10
  • Emmerich: Just Another Crazy Adult 1/10
  • Paz: Just Another Crazy Adult 2/10
  • Wolf: That Empty Eyed Dog Girl 6/10

Les Enfant Terribles: "Father."
  • A result of the Les Enfants Terribles project, Eli is supposedly the recipient of Big Boss' 'inferior' genes.
  • This has clouded Eli his entire life and has nurtered within him a terrible hatred of Big Boss.
  • Regardless of the potency of his genetics, Eli is an experienced and highly dangerous combatant.
Hatred is My Being: Eli's seething hatred of... everything colors every action he takes, every decision he makes, and every thought he has.
  • It is extremely difficult to raise Eli's friendship ratings with anyone.
  • The stats shown here may or may not be accurate.
  • He follows.
Codename: Wolf
Name: Hana
Age: 8(?)
Nationality: Kurdish
Race: Indo Caucasian

Type: Child Refugee
Rating: Untrained
Notable Equipment: None
Strong VS: Adults, D-Dog, Canines
Weak VS: Being Alone

Character Relationships: (This character's opinion)
  • Saladin: Mythical Savior. Safe 10/10
  • DD: Warm. Comfort. Safe. 10/10
  • Sunglasses Man: Saladin's Friend and 'Hamburger' Maker. Safe 9/10
  • Long Haired Man: DD's 2nd Favorite. Safe 9/10
  • Quiet: ... Safe 10/10
  • Code Talker: Great Elder. Safe. 6/10
  • Emmerich: Strange. Sad. Dangerous? 1/10
  • Paz: Broken Woman. Strange. 3/10
  • Eli: Son of Saladin? A little mean but nice? 9/10

Wolf: "DD. Here."
  • Hana is near inseparable from DD after he found her alone next to the corpses of her family and brought her to safety.
  • When DD is on Mother Base, she'll follow him around everywhere if she is able. Hana becomes noticeably antsy when he isn't around and tends to wait around the comm center to hear word of his and Snake's return.
  • She seems to prefer the company of DD to most anyone else unless she's being bribed with something.
  • You bring one damaged little girl on base and everyone loses their minds trying to make her feel at home. Somehow I'm not surprised.
Inhuman Psychology:???
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Mother Base


Command Strut: The Heart of Mother Base, this is the nerve center that keeps Diamond Dogs alive.
  • Tactical and Strategic Operations Center LVL 1
  • "Welcome to the war room Boss. You remember how it was."
    • Unlocks the following turn features.
    • Main Ops
    • Side Ops
    • PMC Ops
    • Omake Ops
    • Locked Business Ops (Non Combat business opportunities such as Gun Running, Commercial Businesses, and Trade Deals)
      • LVL 2 TSOC Required
    • Locked Gates of Outer Heaven (Allows the formation of an additional NGO under the banner of Big Boss)
      • LVL 3 TSOC Required
  • Communications Center LVL 1
  • "This isn't the age of radio's anymore Boss. You got a lot to catch up on."
    • Unlocks the Following
    • Emergency Ops
    • End of Turn Reports (Local)
    • Locked QRF Support
      • LVL 2 CC Required
      • Allows you to use GMP to 'Double Down' on an action by having a unit waiting in the wings to support deployed Diamond Dogs
    • Locked End of Turn Reports (Continent)
      • LVL 2 CC Required
    • Locked End of Turn Reports (Worldwide)
      • LVL 3 CC Required
Research Strut: The structure that allows Diamond Dogs to keep ahead of the curve. War is ever changing.
  • R&D Lab
    • Unlocks the following turn features.
    • Research and Development
      • Allows you to research all basic technologies
      • A separate area must be built to tap into advanced research trees
  • Seychelles War College (Infantry)
    • Infantry Trainees start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Infantry Research
  • UNBUILT Tank Simulators (Armor)
    • Tankers start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Armor Research
  • UNBUILT Aerospace Engineering Shop (Air)
    • Pilots start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Air Research
  • UNBUILT Seychelles Naval Warfare Academy (Naval)
    • Sea Crews start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Naval Research
  • UNBUILT Robotics Research Station
    • Allows Mech Research
  • UNBUILT AI Pod Storage
    • Allows AI Research
  • UNBUILT Biological Research Station
    • Allows Parasite Research
    • Is this really worth it Boss?
  • UNBUILT Nuclear Research Station
    • Allows Nuclear Research
    • Boss… alright.
  • And More...
Supply Strut: "Hey welcome to my end of MB Boss! What can ol' Girl Scout and the rest of us supply guys do you for?"
  • Dining Facility LVL1
    • "Hot meals are great, but can we get the menu changed for just one day?"
    • Your troops are fed
    • No morale boost
      • May negatively affect morale if left alone for too long
  • Lounge LVL 1
    • "Hey whatever happened to that Gump guy? I could sit and watch him play ping pong all damned day."
    • Your soldiers can take some time off, grab a cheap local beer, and relax.
    • Slight morale boost
  • Medical Center LVL 1
    • "Ugh. I hate this smell."
    • Wounded or sick soldiers will be treated in 3-5 turns depending on the severity of their wounds.
  • Barracks LVL 1
    • "A cot, a closet, and a public bath and shower. We got it made boys!"
    • Your soldiers have a place to rest their heads on uncomfortable, itchy OD green blankets.
    • No morale boost
    • No limit to housing, Diamond Dogs will build more as needed.
  • Conservation Strut LVL 1
    • "Uh… why is there a petting zoo here?"
    • A place where animal lovers can come to relax.
    • Increase Environmental NGOs disposition of Diamond Dogs.
    • Upgradeable to start breeding livestock.
Motor Pool Strut
  • Allows you to field, maintain, and repair Ground Vehicles.
Hanger Strut
  • Allows you Allows you to field, maintain, and repair Rotary Wing Aircraft.
UNBUILT Landing Strip
  • Builds an additional strut where Fixed Wing Aircraft may land for maintenance and repair.
  • Builds an additional strut where large naval assets are anchored for maintenance and repair.
Containment Strut: It's where we keep all the shit we don't want getting out.
  • Holding Cells LVL 1
    • "It's where we keep the poor fucks Boss brings back to recover from their hypoxia and windchill. Yeah, getting knocked out and waking up 20,000 feet in the air really isn't fun.
    • Strong enough to reliably hold human prisoners
  • Bio Containment
    • "Those poor bastards. I thought the worst we had to worry about was chem weapons. At least nukes would kill us fast."
    • Allows you to keep samples of live bio weapons and quarantine infected personnel.
    • Live Parasite Samples: 5 Cultures
  • Nuclear Storage
    • "Careful… careful!"
    • Allows for storage of nuclear weapons, active and decommissioned.
    • Active Nuclear Warheads: 0
    • Disabled Nuclear Warheads: A lot.
  • Superweapon Containment
  • ST-84 Metal Gear "Sahelanthropus"
    • "Holy shit, that's one big mother. And the Boss took this down by his fucking self? On foot?"
    • Condition: Green
  • Mammal Pod
    • "What's with this thing's creeping singing?"
    • Condition: Lobotomized...?
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DD Organizational Chart

Organization: Diamond Dogs
Unit Morale: Near Unbreakable
Unit Size: 585 Men (Troop count only)
Quick Notes:
  • Infantry: Roughly 3, 100 man companies of Operator to Fox level Asymmetrical Warfare specialists of all types
    • Ranges from Counter Terror teams to PSYOPS
  • Armor: 1, 50 man platoon of Elite to Fox Level tank crew and support, 6 M551 Sheridan AR/AAV's
    • Self Propelled Artillery: NA
    • Rocket Artillery: 3 M270 MLRS, 9 Men in crews of 3.
  • Rotary Wing: 1, 50 man platoon of Elite to Fox Level pilots and support, 10 UH-60 Black Hawk Transports/Gunships
    • Recon Birds: 4 MH6 Little Birds, 8 Men in Pilot/Copilot teams of 4.
  • Misc Support: 1, 100 man company of Elite to Fox level, 10 HMMWV light transports, 5 HEMTT supply trucks, 2 CH-47 Chinooks heavy lifters, 20 Walker Gears, 2 M102 light artillery, and 30 Speed Boats
Logistics Level: Sustainable
Equipment Level: Proven Manufacturers
Equipment Condition: Pristine

Organization Chart

HQ Co "Cerberus"
  • Venom Snake "Big Boss"
    • Commander of Diamond Dogs
  • Kazuhira Miller "Master Miller"
    • Sub Commander of Diamond Dogs
  • Ocelot "Shalashaska"
    • Intelligence Division Commander
Special Assets Detachment "Scary Mother Fuckers (Unnofficial)"
  • Quiet
    • Parasite Enhanced Combatant
HQ Support Assets
  • D-Dog "DD"
    • Frighteningly Intelligent Mascot
  • D-Horse "Sayed" *Sai-eed*
    • Mild-Mannered War Horse
  • D-Walker
    • Walker Gear Testbed

Infantry Assets
1st Co "Heaven's Devils"
Commander: Big Boss
Total Troop Count: 100 Men
Morale: Unbreakable
Threat Rating: S
Upkeep: 40,000 GMP

1st Platoon
  • 4 Covert Cells of 4 men each for a total of 16 men
  • Highly trained peak human team of specialists designed to infiltrate and destroy targets of opportunity, capture or kill high priority assets, or dropped behind enemy lines to operate as a terror cell. These guys are the best spooks you've taught Boss.
  • Notable Characters: Apocalypse Crab, Lazing Gecko, Sleeping Sloth,
2nd Platoon
  • 4 Covert Cells of 5 men each for a total of 20 men
  • The very best specialists in their field, these soldiers are given nearly unlimited leeway in how they operate in order to support their sister platoon. Be they on the field or back on Mother Base, they are the lifeline of your teams in the field.
  • Notable Characters: Stalking Tiger, Unnerving Eagle,
3rd Platoon
  • 4 Squads of 11 men each for a total of 44 men
  • Highly trained peak human team of specialists formed to wreck the absolute living shit out of anyone or anything they are pointed at. If something or someone needs to be taken out, these are the boys and girls you call Boss.
  • Notable Characters: Demo Rat, Insatiable Whale, Laughing Panther
4th Platoon
  • 4 Covert Cells of 5 men each for a total of 20 men
  • The very best specialists in their field, these soldiers are given nearly unlimited leeway in how they operate in order to support their sister platoon. Be they on the field or back on Mother Base, they are the lifeline of your teams in the field.
  • Notable Characters: Soldier Ant,
2nd Co "Hearts of Darkness"
Commander: Big Boss, Ocelot
Total Troop Count: 100 Men
Morale: Exceptional
Threat Rating: A
Upkeep: 36,000 GMP

1st Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (PSYOPS) (Earth)
  • 4 Covert Cells of 5 men each for a total of 20 men
  • Formerly disenfranchised agents of varying government intelligence agencies, these 'Spook' teams are high level operators trained in diplomacy, psychology, and local culture. Send them in when you want to open up dialogue with unknown or possibly unfriendly rebel, mercenary, or warlord factions.
  • Notable Characters: Monarch Butterfly, Weaver Arachne,
2nd Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (Combat Advisers) (Standard)
    • (Arctic, Jungle, Mountain, Urban) Available
  • 4 Covert Cells of 5 men each for a total of 20 men
  • Man has been passing down better methods to kill since the dawn of time. These Diamond Dogs have the theoretical and practical skills required to turn civilians into relatively competent fighters in a short span of time. Use them when needing to turn an ineffective insurrection into a deadly one. They're pretty good when working as attaches to foreign militaries as well.
  • Notable Characters: Imperial Hound, Ragged Winter,
3rd Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (Humanitarian Aid) (Standard)
    • (Supply, Health, Arms) Available
  • 4 Squads of 10 men each for a total of 40 men
  • Sometimes you need to bring some muscle to make sure that innocent people suffering in warzones get to use the supplies we drop in. Many of these guys are from former, non-violent NGOs such as the Peace Corps, or Doctors Without Borders. They've personally seen what happens when there is a lack of deterrence that keeps the vultures away. Send them anywhere that needs doctors, food, or medicine Boss. They are our Angels of Outer Heaven.
  • Notable Characters: Belligerant Swan, Clouded Dawn
4th Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (Special Recon)
    • (Arctic, Jungle, Mountain, Urban) Available
  • 4 Covert Cells of 5 men each for a total of 20 men
  • A lot of these boys come from units like MACV SOG or their derivative formations. When we can't afford to be seen, they are the deniable assets we send in to disappear into the nearby terrain and bring back the information we need. Masters of E&E and living off the land, if we need something sniffed out, these guys are the hard humping sons of bitches that'll get the job done.
  • Notable Characters: Bouncing Baboon, Sadistic Kitten, Silent Ghost,
3rd Co "Lords of War"
Commander: Big Boss, Ocelot
Total Troop Count: 140 Men
Morale: Exceptional
Threat Rating: A
Upkeep: 36,000 GMP

1st Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (Lightning Raiders) (Standard)
    • (Explosives, Terror) Available
  • 4 Squads of 10 men each for a total of 40 men
    • 10 HMMWV Light Transports assigned
  • Armed entirely with light machine guns and heavily armed HMMWV's, these adrenaline junkies are trained to cause maximum havoc wherever they go. Taking inspiration from British SAS' desert operations during WW2 and the Green Beret's use of the Stoner 63 during Vietnam, they have combined both into a doctrine best described as 'Shock and Awe'. Almost nothing causes more chaos than for tired sentries to be shocked away when a hurricane of bullets and explosions drives straight through your camp in the dead of night.
  • Notable Characters: Baying Wolfhound,
2nd Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (Hell Jumpers) Standard)
    • (Explosives, Terror) Available
  • 4 Squads of 10 men each for a total of 40 men
    • 5 UH-60 Transport/Gunships assigned
  • Dependable, accurate, and customizable light machine guns are all the craze for our boys Snake. Except this is a helicopter based idea where we flatten the land from the sky and send in the boys to mop up anyone still alive. As far as QRF's go, the speed, volume of fire, and level of violence makes these guys the perfect sucker punch on an unexpected front.
  • Notable Characters: Idiot Sloth, Savvy Piglet,
3rd Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (Counter Terror) (Standard)
    • (Ship, Building, Aircraft) Available
  • 4 Squads of 10 men each for a total of 40 men
  • We can't really call it counter-terrorism if we're the ones doing the terrorizing, but it is what it is. A good number of these men come from various CT organizations and from SWAT teams. If there's a building, boat, or airplane that needs to be taken without too much of a fuss, these guys'll get it done Boss.
  • 10 Speed Boats assigned
  • Notable Characters: Vagrant Shrike,
4th Platoon
  • Unconventional Infantry (Walker Support) (Standard)
    • Research Walker Specializations for more
  • 4 Walker Teams of 5 men each for a total of 20 men
  • Walker Gears are the bridge between man and vehicle. They're relatively light, armored, all terrain, have a high cargo capacity, and are easy to use. As far as proving the technology, we're writing the book on this one, but it's easy to see that the number of potential applications are astounding. If you need some firepower, attach a squad of these bad boys to another unit and watch the fireworks.
  • 20 Walker Gears assigned.
  • Notable Characters: Konami Cod

Armor Assets
1st Recon Tank Co"Little Boom"
Commander: Big Boss, Miller
Total Troop Count: 50 Men
Morale: Exceptional
Threat Rating: A
Upkeep: 30,000 GMP

  • 6 M551 Sheridan AR/AAV's
Tank Crew
  • Tank Crew (Recon)
    • (Standard) Available
  • 6 Teams of 4 men each for a total of 24 men
  • It's cramped, loud, and smelly. It takes a special kind of man to love placing himself in a box of any kind and like it.
  • Elite (3 teams) Operator (2 Teams), FOX (1 Teams)
  • Notable Characters: Sleeping Bear, Snow Leopardess,
Vehicle Crew
  • Armor Engineers
  • 1, 30 man team for at total of 30 men.
  • These are the guys that keep the armor running.
  • Notable Characters: Black Crab,
2nd Rocket Artillery Det "Peace Day"
Commander: Big Boss, Miller
Total Troop Count: 9 Men
Morale: Exceptional
Threat Rating: A
Upkeep: 30,000 GMP

  • 3 M270 MLRS
Gun Crew
  • Gun Crew (Standard)
    • (No specializations available)
  • 3 Teams of 3 men each for a total of 9 men
  • Operator (3 Teams)
  • Notable Characters:

Aviation Assets
1st SQN "Carrier Pigeons"
Commander: Miller
Total Troop Count: 50 Men
Morale: Exceptional
Threat Rating: A
Upkeep: 70,000 GMP

  • 10 UH-60 Black Hawk Transports/Gunships
  • 2 CH-47 Chinooks heavy lifters
  • Helicopter Pilots (Transport)
    • (Gunship) Available
  • 12 Teams of 2 men each for a total of 24 men
  • These pilots come from all walks of life, but most of them are prior military servicemen seeking gainful employment under the flag of Big Boss.
  • Elite (6 teams) Operator (3 Teams), FOX (3 Teams)
  • Notable Characters: Pequod, Queequeg, Crashing Dragon, Glorified Gopher

Flight Team
  • Flight Engineers (Rotary Wing)
    • (Fixed Wing) (VTOL) specializations require research
  • 1, 30 man team for at total of 30 men.
  • These are the guys that keep the birds running.
  • Notable Characters:
1st Flt "Chirp Chirps"
Commander: Big Boss, Miller
Total Troop Count: 8 Men
Morale: Exceptional
Threat Rating: A
Upkeep: 16,000 GMP

  • 4 MH6 Little Bird Light Helicopters
  • Helicopter Pilots (Transport)
    • (Gunship) Available
  • 4 Teams of 2 men each for a total of 8 men
  • These pilots come from all walks of life, but most of them are prior military servicemen seeking gainful employment under the flag of Big Boss.
  • Elite (4 teams)
  • Notable Characters:

Supply Unit, or Beans, Bandages, and Bullets
1st Co "Supply Guys"
Commander: Miller
Total Troop Count: 120 Men
Morale: Exceptional
Threat Rating: NA
Upkeep: 10,000 GMP

1st Platoon
  • Support Team (Research)
  • 1, 30 man team for at total of 30 men.
  • What do you need them to do? Apparently all guys with degrees ended up here.
  • Notable Characters: Analytic Cormorant, Probable Crow
2nd Platoon
  • Support Team (Resource) (GMP)
  • 1, 30 man team for at total of 30 men.
  • What do you need them to do? Apparently all guys with degrees ended up here.
  • Notable Characters: Creeping Jackal, Gentle Boa, Smiling Jackal, Skittish Mako
3rd Platoon
  • Support Team (Intel) (Local)
  • 1, 30 man team for at total of 30 men.
  • What do you need them to do? Apparently all guys with degrees ended up here.
  • Notable Characters: Diligent Bumblebee, Chuckling Cuckoo
4th Platoon
  • Support Team (Recruitment)
  • 1, 30 man team for at total of 30 men.
  • What do you need them to do? Apparently all guys with degrees ended up here.
  • Notable Characters:

Civilian Contractors
  • Huey Emmerich "That Guy"
    • Head Researcher
  • George "Code Talker"
    • Parasite Researcher

  • Pacifica Ocean "Paz"
    • A ghost stuck in the past
  • Eli
    • Les Enfant Terribles
  • Hana "Wolf"
    • An Orphaned Pup
Refugees: 27
  • Kurdish
    • 12 Children and Teenagers of varying age
    • 5 Adults
  • Angolan
    • 10 Children and Teenagers of varying age (Child Soldiers) (Mbele Squad)
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Quick Notes
Convenient thread note area

  • Easier for Snake to raise Eli Points
Nix's Warden: Eli omake results unknown.
  • Omake Ops 5, Quiet looks more human to DDogs

mithril-blade: Ocelot omake gives small one time bonus /w child soldiers

TikiTau's: DD fultoning Selvaria omake (SECRET REWARD, Start turn 4)

Ghost in the Machine 1: "Hmm~ Hm~"
Ghost in the Machine 2: "WHo's th-rE? J-CK?"
Ghost in the Machine 3: "Hello Jack."
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Diamond Dog Recruitment Office
Information of Valkyria
information speculation

Contiuing on from my pervious info post.

The Valkyria
(Note this is all based on information from the three first games only)

The Valkyria, the descendants of Valkyrur whose blood is still strong enough to activate the races latent powers and special Ragnite based equipment. So far all natural cases of them in the series female. While the artificial creation of seems to be possible with both males and females, it seems unlikely that if natural male Valkyria exists that they exhibit the same powers and abilities of the female specimens.

A Valkyria can generally be considered to be in one of three, possibly four, states. Unawakened, Freshly Awakened, Awakened, and Equipped. While the level of superhuman abilities varies both from one state it another it also seems to vary for each individual Valkyria. While it is clear that the emotional and mental state of Valkyria seems to help determine her power there also appears to be some sort of unknown factor involved. Both in and out of universe this factor has been theorized to be multiple things but the most common theories include.
  1. The thickness of the blood, how closely descended from original Valkyrur the Valkyria is; IE the Genetics theory.
  2. The quality of the equipment the individual Valkyria wields; IE the Material theory.
  3. The exposure the Valkyria has had to Ragnite and Ragnite materials; IE the Environmental theory.
Personally, I think it's probably some mixture of the above with a more heavy emphasis on one and three. (If anyone one has the word of god on this it would be appreciated.)

Still, the purpose of this is not to debate the reasons for their different strengths but to explain them.

Valkyria are unquestionably extremely powerful threats when equipped with their ancestral weaponry and equipment, easily able to shape the flow of a conflict with their presence both on the tactical and strategic level. Even when not equipped with Valkyrur weaponry they are still superhuman foes to be reckoned with and should not be taken lightly. Again the sheer scope and abilities of each Valkyria change depending on the state they are in as well as the individual but here are some generalizations.

In the Unawakened state, a Valkyria is mostly undisguised from a regular human with slightly more stamina and physical ability than one might expect from their body. Their health is also nearly perfect with sickness being almost unheard of. Things don't get truly strange until they are wounded. Unawakened Valkyria poses amazing levels of regeneration wounds healing in days that would take a normal person weeks. They have sometimes been known to glow faintly blue when either wounded or exposed to Valkyrur technology and sites. For most Valkyria this is as far as they will ever get but should they be severely wounded and in the presence of Valkyrur weaponry, they enter the Awakened state.

When Freshly Awakened the Valkyria enters a borderline fugue state while for the most part still able to initially distinguish friend from foe they will not respond to almost any outside stimuli other than danger. The Valkyria will seek out the nearest and most dangerous threat and confront it. After it is dealt with one way or the other the Valkyria will enter a sort idle state which will only react to any perceived threat to themselves with overwhelming force. At some point during this or previous part, the Valkyria will burn herself out and collapse from exhaustion. Only then will she be safe to approach. The Valkyria's abilities and feats and powers during this phase will be described during Equipped part of this post but she should be considered to be at near her max potential strength though robotic in their utilization.

After recovering from this event the Valkyria has entered the Awakened state fully. Though there are no obvious outside physical changes to the Valkyria in this state she has truly entered the realm of superhuman. While the distribution of changes seems to vary from Valkyria to Valkyria I will again try cover the generalities. All Valkyria in this state see an across the board increase in physical capabilities but most generally focused on physical strength and endurance. Some are able to wield squad support weapons while on the move as well compensate for the recoil with little difficulty. Almost all of them seem to have extreme levels of stamina for as well as massive increases in pain resistance. Their ability to regenerate is also increased both in scope and strength with the ability to heal from almost anything that isn't imadeitly fetal. Some also seem to have to ability to occasionally while under great stress instantly regenerate their body though this doesn't seem to refresh them as well. At least one Valkyria has shown the ability to move fast enough to deflect low levels of small arms fire using a only a sword.

While the Awakened state is impressive it still doesn't reach the levels battlefield dominance mentioned earlier in this post. For that, an Awakened Valkyria must wield the Valkyrur weaponry of old. Once wielding these, the physical abilities of the Awakened Valkyria magnified even further. Dodging and deflecting bullets and tank shells become almost trivial. All but strongest of armors and materials crumple or break from to force of their strikes. They gain to the ability to channel bursts and beams or Ragnite energy into and through their weapons. Their senses and situational awareness also seem to increase vastly as catching them completely by surprise seems almost impossible. They are coated in an aura that seems to resist both blast waves, heat, and shrapnel while also burning any that touches it unless willed not to. While bracing a Valkyria was able to resist being knocked over by a direct hit from a navel grade artillery battery. They also seem to be able to manipulate the size and shapes of their Valkyrur weaponry though rather this is a feature of their powers or the weapons themselves is unknown.

Finally Awakened Valkyria seem to possess the ability to overload the power that lies within them and cause what appears to be the equivalent of a low-grade nuclear explosion without the radiation. This does appears to cost them their lives when used. (There is a theory running around that this merely strips them of their powers and/or memories, but I suspect that is simply wishful think for so people who really don't want a specific character to be dead.)

This does leave the question of why they simply don't walk over all resistance. Each Valkyria seems to have a limited amount of power and potential they draw forth while wielding the weapons of the ancient Valkyrur. The amount of power they expend appears to be affected by the action they take as well as their emotional state. The more emotional they are during their transformation the faster they seem to burn themselves out through the frequently seem to show greater strength and speed as well. What actions take up how much energy is pure speculation but some of the consistent behaviors from experience Valkyria give us some good information to theorycraft from.

While clearly able to shrug off direct fire from damn near almost anything other than another Valkyria it is telling that instead for the most part they try to either deflect or dodge such attack when possible. They also seem to try to avoid using their extremely superhuman speed and strength unless needed for their specific actions. Though their beam attack is quite clearly their most potent offensive ability they again seem to only use against exceptionally hard targets. Even their machine gun like burst attack is generally used only when making ranged is necessary and they mostly seem to prefer to stick to melee ranged attacks. While the last one is may be more of a matter of preference it does imply some interesting things.

The Aura that surrounds them appears to be what takes the majority of their energy even while it's not actively doing anything it requires some kind of upkeep from whatever power they have inside of them. The more experienced ones seem to try to keep it from flaring as much keeping it as tight around their body as possible maybe trying to limit how much power it draws out of them. It also probably requires that they expend even more power for it to negate any form of direct damage, making it far more efficient for them deflect an attack with their weapon or shield or simply get out of the way. Any acts of extreme superhuman abilities also draw from the same source which would explain their limited use of them. It also probably expends far less energy for them to simply use their weapons as melee instruments rather than channeling the energy through it a projector. Which again explains why they use melee when instead of burst attack and only use the beam against targets that absolutely warrant it.

Experienced Valkyria also try to keep themselves from burning all their energy in a single fight which probably indicates completely burning leaves them vulnerable and possible requires them to rest longer to recharge themselves. With one major exception* the process of restoring their energy doesn't seem to be a fast one. Admittedly it doesn't seem to take them terribly long to recover either but it's not a power to be used done lightly.

Another thing to keep in mind is that for all the Valkyria's powers and abilities they are still at least somewhat human. They need to eat, rest, and breath just like the rest of us. They can and will form emotional attachments both good and bad just like the rest of us. They also seem to be somewhat more prone to emotional swing than normal people which does seem to have at least some effect on their powers. Almost all the Valkyria in the series also seem to form a strong emotional bond with someone that tends to act as their anchor and/or primary motivating force life as well. This may just be a coincidence but it could also be an underlying pattern.

* Riela Marcellis seem to have to ability to be able to recover from burning out her energy extremely fast. In order to use this ability however, she is forced to only use her weapon enhanced Valkyria powers in short bursts. This could however just be a gameplay concession but the story seems to indicate that she does, in fact, use them that way in later battle.
Turn 1 (Old World)
Turn 1


"Jack… is that you…?"

I awoke from my bed with a start, body tense in preparation for the concussion and heatwave of the blast. Long used to the sensation of cold sweat running down my back after a restless night of sleep, I waved away the foggy memories of a night I barely remembered to prepare for the day.

"He was always the best man we had." I remembered saying at his eulogy.

But that moment of memory for the fallen man who had saved my life is all that I could regretfully spare.

Skull Face was dead, but that didn't mean Diamond Dogs didn't have other things to worry about.

Strange, nonsensical dreams I couldn't make heads or tails of or not, Outer Heaven isn't going to build itself.

Not without Big Boss.


Current GMP: 1,000,000 GMP

Upkeep: 222,000 GMP
-5% (GMP Supply Platoon)
Total Upkeep: 210,900

Projected GMP Next Turn: 789,100


Action Dice: 4 (Can be used as action or roll)
*I've purposefully made it so you can't research more actions right off the bat*
**Here's a hint, you need more manpower, more efficiency, or something autonomous that can do the work for you**


Vote moratorium until Friday, 6 AM PST

Votes will close Sunday at 3pm PST TIME

Emergency Ops: High Priority missions that can pop up at any time, including between turns. Extremely time sensitive.

No Missions


Main Ops: Story related missions, time sensitive

[ ] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Boost to Parasite Research, nearly eliminates threat of parasite tech leaking into the world.

Mission Brief: Cipher's still out there Boss and what's left of XOF is still reeling from Skull Face's death. We need to take the opportunity to get our hands on the Vocal Parasite research so that something like this doesn't happen again. You'll be going to a secure site in Africa so be prepared for an urban, mountainous, and woodland environment.


Side Ops: Semi-story driven missions, but still important and time sensitive

[ ] Side Ops 1: Miller Time
Mission Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: Increase relationship with Kazuhira Miller

Mission Brief: You haven't had a chance to relax in a while and neither has Miller. Take a day off and finally give yourselves time for the Phantoms to settle.

[ ] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard, Easy (Further Omake Bonus)
Reward: Increased relationship with 'Paz Ortega Andrade'

Mission Brief: You've managed to find an old photo of an MSF barbecue after taking down Zeke for the first time. Maybe some good memories will help Paz recover mentally after nine years without change.

[ ] Side Ops 3: No Son of Mine
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard (Pupper Omake)
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Eli

Mission Brief: There's no explanation to be had. Eli is a little shit, but you can't just foist him off onto Ocelot to deal with. Probably.

[ ] Side Ops 4: Let's Talk Huey *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard (Omake Bonus)
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Huey

Mission Brief: Skull Face is dead. Sit down and have a chat with a man who you thought was a friend and ask.


[ ] Side Ops 5: Saladin
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: ???, 100,000 GMP

Mission Brief: The Kurdish rebellion is fully underway and they've contracted Diamond Dogs to fulfill a job. Hitting a Turkish supply base should be easy enough for you Snake.

[ ] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Lose nuclear capability. Get started on something bigger.

Mission Brief: A world without nukes...can you imagine it Boss? Living in an era where we don't have to worry about the concept of mutually assured destruction.


PMC Ops: Missions for the grunts for everything else that requires manpower from small/large missions to building new outposts/structures and humanitarian aid.

[ ] PMC Ops 1: Mujahideen Support
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 150,000 GMP

Mission Brief: The soviets are attempting to muster men and material for a new offensive in the rural heartland of the Kandahar Valley. Increased soviet capability in the region would destabilize our own efforts and goals. This is going to be a large operation against a conventional force in mountainous terrain.

And we know exactly how to best fight against that.

[ ] PMC Ops 2: UN Peacekeeping in the Congo
Mission Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry Recruitment, 100,000 GMP

Mission Brief: Nothing much to mention here Boss. Just your standard peacekeeping op and making sure supplies get where they need to. We're not really expecting much opposition here.

[ ] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Guaranteed Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 50,000 GMP

Mission Brief: The Kurdish rebellion is in full swing. The rebels are on the ropes and they can't offer much. Well except manpower that is.

We've also heard word of rival PC's operating in the area, so why don't we take a few of their shiny new toys for our own?

[ ] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: 100,000 GMT, Conservation Strut construction funded by PETA!

Mission Brief: PETA contracted us for this one Boss. They want us to… uh… relocate a bunch of endangered species onto Mother Base until they can set up wildlife preserves. They'll even fund the building of a new strut to house them in as well as paying us some pretty solid paper.

But how the hell are we supposed to transport hundreds of animal-

Boss, you've got that look in your eye again.

Boss. No.

I still got one leg and an arm Boss, don't make me hobble over there!



R&D: Includes missions to test prototypes

[-] R&D 1: Wormhole Technology
Mission Difficulty: DC 100 (Passed!), 200,000 GMP already paid
Research Time: Will finish in 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: Gain Wormhole Fulton Technology?

Mission Brief: Emmerich says he's stumbled on something unbelievable. Apparently he's discovered some kind of new element that breaks multiple laws of physics. Could be something useful, I think.

[ ] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 500,000 GMP
Research Time: 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: ST-84 Metal Gear "Sahelanthropus" Repaired. Still requires an AI pod or child sized pilot to get it to work apparently.

Mission Brief: Emmerich's been on my ass all day begging for the funding to repair his little pet project. I told him I'd talk to you about it, but frankly it seems like a terrible idea.

Please tell me you're not actually thinking about throwing even more money at that traitor Snake?

[ ] R&D 3: The Chemical Burger
Mission Difficulty: DC 10, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Gain Chemical Burger Ration, Increased Relations with Code Talker, Large Morale Boost

Mission Brief: Kaz, what are you doing in the kitchen?

W-what!? Nothing Boss, just making sure that everything got brought in with the new shipment!

What the hell, why is that burger blue?

[ ] R&D 4: Ballistic Vests
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Infantry gain early Plate Carriers that increase survivability in case of a hit.

Mission Brief: This kevlar stuff has been around since the 60's, it's surprising that no one's thought to use it as body armor before. I bet with some kind of steel plate behind it, you'd be able to take a rifle round to the chest without serious harm!

[ ] R&D 5: Picatinny Rail System
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves Infantry adaptability by allowing them to slot Two specializations.

Mission Brief: What if we made a system where soldiers could add and replace any attachment they want on the go? It wouldn't take much work, we'd only need to fabricate some kind of… rail system.

[ ] R&D 6: Uparmored Vehicles
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 200,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all mechanized unit survivability with extra armor

Mission Brief: Sure, we could just bolt on a bunch of armor to make something tougher, but you gotta think about how it affects the weight, the balance, the load bearing capacity-

[ ] R&D 7: Armored Fuel tanks
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 250,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all air unit survivability with extra armor

Mission Brief: I think this is something we can do, see there's been research done on this new alloy that's just as light as aluminium and has the same properties as-

[ ] R&D 8: Basic Education Program
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 100,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Let's soldiers get their GED's. Allows child soldiers to begin rehabilitation. Increases morale all around.

Mission Brief: We're not the kind of people that'll force people to stay if they have any other choice. Get an education program made Kaz. We need to be more, not less than who we were going out than coming into this life.


Omake Ops: Player created content for goodies. Can affect other Ops. (No Action Dice Required)

[ ] Omake Ops 1: A Better Life
Mission Difficulty: 500-1k words, High Quality
Reward: Snake's attempts at increasing his relationship score with Eli lessens in difficulty

Mission Brief: Write a piece involving the child soldiers DDogs have brought back to base and showing them how to be kids. Either Eli's, Ocelot, Miller, or your character's perspective.

[DONE] Omake Ops 2: Official Mascot (DONE)
Mission Difficulty: 500-1k words, no quality requirement.
Reward: Opens research for Combat Dogs

Mission Brief: What does D-Dog get up to when he's at Mother Base? DD's perspective.

[DONE] Omake Ops 3: Reminiscing with Paz (DONE)

Mission Difficulty: 500-1k words, High Quality
Reward: Snake's attempts at increasing his relationship score with Paz lessens in difficulty

Mission Brief: Paz has reverted to her old persona that she had back when she first met MSF in the 70's. The docs say that she could get better if we spent time with her. Must be in the perspective of a player character from the MSF days.

[ ] Omake Ops 4: Go Ham~ (Good Lord, why did I do this?)
Mission Difficulty: However much you wanna write, no quality requirement.
Reward: Depends

Mission Brief: Whatever you can think of, go for it~


Building Options

Command Strut
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 Turns
  • Tactical and Strategic Operations Center LVL 2
    • Unlocks Business Ops (Non Combat business opportunities such as Gun Running, Commercial Businesses, and Trade Deals)
  • Communications Center LVL 2
    • Unlocks QRF Support (Allows you to use GMP to 'Double Down' on an action by having a unit waiting in the wings to support deployed Diamond Dogs)
    • Unlocks Continent End of Turn Reports

Research Buildings
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 turns
  • UNBUILT Tank Simulators (Armor)
    • Tankers start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Armor Research
  • UNBUILT Aerospace Engineering Shop (Air)
    • Pilots start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Air Research
  • UNBUILT Seychelles Naval Warfare Academy (Naval)
    • Sea Crews start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Naval Research
  • UNBUILT Robotics Research Station
    • Allows Mech Research
  • UNBUILT AI Pod Storage
    • Allows AI Research
  • UNBUILT Biological Research Station
    • Allows Parasite Research
    • Is this really worth it Boss?
  • UNBUILT Nuclear Research Station
    • Allows Nuclear Research
    • Boss… alright.

Supply Buildings
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 turns
  • Dining Facility LVL2
    • "Oh shit, pizza day!?"
    • Your troops are fed
    • Medium Morale Boost
  • Lounge LVL 2
    • "Gump's doing his own thing with Dan, but hey, we got an open bar!"
    • Your soldiers can take some time off, grab imported booze, and relax.
    • Medium morale boost
  • Medical Center LVL 2
    • "I hate needles too"
    • Wounded or sick soldiers will be treated in 3-4 turns depending on the severity of their wounds.
  • Barracks LVL 2
    • "We get our own rooms and bathrooms? I've never lived this good before Boss."
    • Your soldiers have a place to rest their heads on comfortable twin beds that aren't a bitch to sleep on.
    • Medium morale boost
    • No limit to housing, Diamond Dogs will build more as needed.

Vehicle Struts
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 turns
  • UNBUILT Landing Strip
    • Builds an additional strut where Fixed Wing Aircraft may land for maintenance and repair.

  • UNBUILT Dry Dock
    • Builds an additional strut where large naval assets are anchored for maintenance and repair.


AN: Character Creation Thread will be up later today or tomorrow. I'll let you all know when it happens :p.

Also if it isn't obvious, shit goes sideways at the end of Turn 3.

Be ready :3

Just an annoying reminder that your friendly neighborhood Konami who the actual company totally ripped the Survive scenario from got no recognition or monetary compensation for coming up with the MSF transported to another dimension concept.
Please check it out if you want to support me <3
Kona's Patreon
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Cleaning Duty A.K.A. Secret Of The Deeps... by Darik29
Cleaning Duty A.K.A. Secret Of The Deeps...

Cleaning Duty on Mother Base is not a punishment, but a Necessity. What, you think these giant platforms out in the ocean are immune to rust?

Hell no! No matter how well it's painted, or how much you pray it keeps itself clean, the damn things build up incredible amounts of salt, sea water, and other nasty things.

Don't even get me started on what's it's like cleaning up the Medical platform. Ugh.

Regardless, today I am down here in a tiny ass rubber raft by myself cleaning the base struts thanks to a slight... indescretion.

How was I supposed to know those blue hamburgers weren't bad!? The damn things were blue! Commander Miller didn't have to assign me cleaning duty for every single gods damned base strut under the command platform!

Lucky for me, while I am annoyed at being forced to do all this work by myself, being down here alone with a perfect excuse gives me all the time I need to check up on a few things.

First, one of the Secret Stashes. I've got a few of these hidden all over the base, for those less than legal wonders that the men like. What, you think the Dogs could get there hands on genuine American, Russian and even European delicacies themselves? Please! There as likely to loot something off a Russian supply base and eat the rations in the field than spend the effort needed to get quality goods.

Some people think having what they need at a moments notice is a super power. And really, it is. But I'm just that damn good I can fake it!

Alright! A little over here annnd...

Yep, Stash is safe and sound.

Now for the second, and much more important reason to be down here.

A sacrifice to the creatures guarding my stash. And also the underside of Mother Base, but mostly my stash.

You think I'm joking? These terrifying creatures have swam the worlds oceans for millions of years, and they're considered some of the smartest animals in the world after humans!

I speak, of course, of the Dolphins.

Make sure the raft is secured to the strut, get the offerings ready...

First things first, the summoning. Picking up the water proof boombox, I slap in the guardians favorite song, and lower the device slowly into the depths. Maneater is always good for a jam.

Second, I prepare the sacrifices. As the sea around me is disturbed by the movement of the guardian beasts, I pull up a brace full of yellowfin tuna, the guardians favorites. And as the music plays, I gently begin to toss the fish out one by one.

Every time one of the big meaty tuna gets tossed, a bolt of water shoots out of the sea and the fish disappears. I'm down over a dozen of the tuna fish when the music hits the chorus and the big boy himself rises.

I never knew Dolphins could grow to the size of great white sharks before I first set my stash up down here, but this beast put all my doubts away.

Pulling up the biggest, fattest tuna I had kept back just for this, I toss the fish out straight for the King. With a single snap of his mighty jaws, the tuna disappears, and like that so to do the dolphins.

How they manage to always disappear right as the song ends, I will never know.

Well, guardians fed and stash secured, time to get back to scrubbing the struts!
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