Metahuman and Supernatural Response Force

@Rowknan @QueenOfMana @Xasure Higeki @Theaxofwar @Aztez Fan @TrickVelocity
A screen flashed to life, showing a bald man, his face hidden in shadows.

"Greetings, Directors. You have been chosen for your unique skills, talents, and abilities. Undoubtedly, many of you are aware that our world has changed. People gifted with extraordinary powers have begun to appear across the globe in large numbers, putting on masks and playing the parts of "Super Heroes" and "Super Villains." This has proven to be both a blessing and a curse."

The screen changes to show men and women in different costumes fighting.

"The conflicts between these "Metahumans" has caused the long hidden magical communities and monsters the stalked the shadows to emerge, masquerading as Metahumans so that they can act in a more... overt manner."

Images of a werewolf and a man in wizard robes battling in the middle of a street flash on the screen.

"You're mission is one of the utmost importance. You're organization is to safeguard mankind, preventing the rise of Metahumans and the return of the Supernatural from destroying civilization and our world."

"Good Luck, and Godspeed, Directors."

Turn 1:

Credits: 1,000,000

HQ: Alpha Site (Mojave Desert)

Military: 60 Soldiers, 3 Infantry Transport Aircraft.
Covert Ops: 30 Agents.
Genetics: 20 Scientists
Technical: 30 Engineers
Mysticism: 20 Magi

  • Paragon, Frost Wolf, and Fire Drake start working together as the world's first Superhero team.
  • Cataclysm is reported to be in Spain.
  • Multiple missing person cases spring up in China.
@Rowknan @QueenOfMana @Xasure Higeki @Theaxofwar @Aztez Fan @TrickVelocity
A screen flashed to life, showing a bald man, his face hidden in shadows.

"Greetings, Directors. You have been chosen for your unique skills, talents, and abilities. Undoubtedly, many of you are aware that our world has changed. People gifted with extraordinary powers have begun to appear across the globe in large numbers, putting on masks and playing the parts of "Super Heroes" and "Super Villains." This has proven to be both a blessing and a curse."

The screen changes to show men and women in different costumes fighting.

"The conflicts between these "Metahumans" has caused the long hidden magical communities and monsters the stalked the shadows to emerge, masquerading as Metahumans so that they can act in a more... overt manner."

Images of a werewolf and a man in wizard robes battling in the middle of a street flash on the screen.

"You're mission is one of the utmost importance. You're organization is to safeguard mankind, preventing the rise of Metahumans and the return of the Supernatural from destroying civilization and our world."

"Good Luck, and Godspeed, Directors."

Turn 1:

Credits: 1,000,000

HQ: Alpha Site (Mojave Desert)

Military: 60 Soldiers, 3 Infantry Transport Aircraft.
Covert Ops: 30 Agents.
Genetics: 20 Scientists
Technical: 30 Engineers
Mysticism: 20 Magi

  • Paragon, Frost Wolf, and Fire Drake start working together as the world's first Superhero team.
  • Cataclysm is reported to be in Spain.
  • Multiple missing person cases spring up in China.

A tall woman stepped forward, white haired and a serious look on her face. She bowed her head as an short greating "I welcome you to the MSRF, Directors. My name is Contessa Marie, ex-navy seal, and the current Head of MSRF, I will be the one to distribute funds and approve of Projects, lead diplomatic talks, be responsible for PR and, if needed, take the fallout if things go FUBAR." Most could see why this woman was chosen as Head of this newly formed Force, she seemed to embody competence. "I am, admittally new to this Job, but I hope we can all work togehter. I am more than aware that most of you have personal ambitions you want to fulfil here, and as long you do the job that is given to you, that is okay. If there are any futher question, please ask them now." She gave the others a winning smile.
Dr. Daisy Nicole Adams looked over her budget and grinned. If someone had told her that she'd be working as the head of some sort of organization a few months before, she'd have used their bio-material to grow some more of her creations! Really, she was so greatful towards... whomever she worked for. She honestly didn't really care, she was being given funding, fun stuff to research, and a new lab! Dr. DNA was back!

Of course, the first thing she'd be doing was making sure that her lab employees were loyal. She didn't want any of them spilling her secrets or trying to kill her creations after all! Besides, she was looking forward to performing brain surgery again. It'd been so long!

Second, she'd be working on her personal assistants. They were marvelous creatures really. They were four legged, with ears and armlike appendages on their heads, and adorable to boot! The creatures were great for gathering genetic data, in part because they were utterly loyal to her and in part because they were actually rather intelligent. Yes, she was looking better to having her Kyubey's back (she didn't really know why her assistants called it that, but the name stuck).

Finally, she'd start actually collecting genetic materials. She couldn't wait to start puzzling out the Super-gene, and in order to do that, she needed samples. Some of them would be achieved through sending assistants to the sights, but she suspected the majority of it would be gotten simply through buying samples from various sources. She'd have to personally vet them first to make sure she wasn't being scammed by anyone, but it'd be worth it to get the DNA of supers.

1) Loyalty Package: A spoon full of brain surgery keeps the traitors away! If successful, all lab members will be totally loyal, unable to even consider betraying me in any situation. Truly, I wish I'd thought to do this in my last lab!
Funding: 100k dollars

2) Bunny-Cats: And I'm gonna build em! These guys will have Loyalty, intelligence, long bunny-ears that double as hands, a place on their back to store stuff, and they'll be completely adorable! I just can't wait!
Funding: 60k dollars

3) Creepy Fans Want to Buy Blood: I need the genetic material of as many supers as I can get in order to perform my experiments, and I'll gather it however I need to. I can just imagine the research I'll be doing with that glorious DNA!
Funding: 50k
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Megissa looked over her budget again and parsed out where she would need to cut back a bit. She had around one hundred thousand credits for this project. For building a secret factory in the middle of the desert that wasn't a lot of money.

Still for a bunch of super genii it was still doable. Megissa looked over the plans and saw Mayuri threatening some of the workers they were going to silence afterwards with a gun.

She sighed and took the gun out of the explosive scientist's hands. Only to end up threatening Krieger with it after the German Scientist had started building robots to fight each other. He was supposed to be working on those servant robots!

The other members of Megissa's head research team were thankfully a quieter kind of crazy. Urahara was currently torturing some interns by repeatedly making them make coffee runs out to a joint about one hundred miles away. Rick was busy drinking and working on those construction techniques. Farnsworth was probably off making something ridiculous, dangerous, or ridiculously dangerous. And then leaving the invention for some intern to find. Poor Danny...

Megissa focused and got back to her first projects.

  1. Creation of a secret manufacturing complex, 100k "Unknown job"
  2. Creation of new welding, smelting, and circuiting techniques, 50k "Omniwire"
  3. Creation of servant robots to improve efficiency in the workplace and logistics, 50k "How may I serve!"
Looking over his budget, Dane simply nodded at this, this was simply enough to do things anyway, headin' on back to his mages, he then hollered out to them.

"Alright, listen up, boys, we've got quite the cheap ass budget here, so listen up! This base feels a little bit unsafe in case some of our bad juju starts to show up, so I need least 10 o' you guys to make up some magical defenses to our base, the stronger the better! The less worry we get suddenly Newcastle'd, the better!"

"5 of you will also need to work on getting the guys some money! And thus, we relate to the oldest form of science in the book, which is honestly just bullshit magic, so I don't know what fucking history is talking about, alchemy! Make some useless shit into gold or any other rare metal, ya guys! Just don't over exceed it, we need about 500kg of all rarities combined by 3 months in order to get some mad cash, so I expect you guys to not lubber off, capiche?"

"As for the other 5 o' ya....ya wanna play some Uno or something?" he says with a cheeky grin.

  • 10 Magi for defense from magical/supernatural occurrences for 100k "Protego!"

  • 50k and 5 magi for alchemy research,"Crap, you may turn into valuable crap"
After a few years in retirement and quickly finding it fairly boring to not have something to look forward to when he woke up every day to the craziness that could happen in the military, Jade Conor, or just Conor as he likes to be called, was pulled out of his slow descent into the hole that was known as madness do to boredom the old Soldier got a call. Strangely being called to be part of a organization that was meant to protect the world would sound like a scam, that was what he thought it was until Conor heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Contessa Marie, someone he knew was a navy seal back in his days as a commander. She told him about MSRF, as well as the need for someone to lead there troops in response to anything serious that needs to be dealt with. For the first time then he retired from the military Conor smiled maddly, a smile that anyone would know full well meant he was thinking of something so insane that Conor will somehow pull off in the end.

With this chance to satisfy his boredom and need see shit go down he gladly accepted Marie's offer, Jade was so enthusiastic about getting back into the job that when he heard of the interesting characters and co-workers he will have to work with the man simply said "I can now see It shall never be a dull moment here...This is going to be fun!"


1:Hire Recruits 70K ("With a lot of trouble brewing around the world and only 60 men here at my disposal to deal with it im going to need to Hire some men. I honestly don't care where you get them, as long as they aren't complete morons im fine with it.")

2: Advanced Training 70K ("These 60 men are good, but they good be better, and given all the meta-humans as well fucking magic that we have showing up recently they're going to need to know how not to die on their first mission. Thus I will have them given a run down on the basics of taking down meta's and spellcasters, its going to take a while, but I know they will get it down eventually.")

3: Better Equipment 70K ("The stuff we have here is good, but when dealing with superpowers and wizardry our men will need better gear and vehicles to have a fighting chance as training and better gear goes hand and hand with winning a battle.")
Contessa Marie. A curious specimen, and the last target that Janus Hayes was assigned before Contessa changed her mind. These..."Metahumans", "Wizards" and "Villains" are taking the spotlight now, but you don't need to be centerstage to know that these changes were not all for the better. The Former Hyper Lethal Assassin looked down at the paperwork that she had to go through, before looking at her pawns and tools for the jobs at hand. She picked up one file she had in her desk, slapping it on top of the mess she had on top of her desk, opening it for the 3 Black Ops Agents she had at hand.

"This job came down from the very Top, and I want you three to work on this. Find these people, and talk to them. If they are hostile and a danger to civilians, you know what to do." The three Black Clad Agents all nodded at this, each taking a single photo from the file before Janus put it away, not even looking as the three left the room to get ready for deployment.

She had her work cut out for her.


1) Locate Extraordinary individuals for possible recruitment, and eliminate if they prove a danger to Society. ("Simple enough, but given these targets tend to be dangerous and often hard to convince, sending the Black Ops would be best compared to my more standard Agents. For some reason, someone decided to call the operation The CIA are Noobs. It's stupid, but it works.") 50K

2) Investigate a steadily growing string of Disappearances in China, and find out what happened to the Victims. ("A standard cold case, except all of these have little to no 'normal' evidence. Standard Agents will be deployed at the last known location of the victim and work from there. A more suitable operation name has been given, called Missing Cogs."). 100K
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Turn 1-Results
"Directors, our first year of operation has been something of a mixed bag."

Project: Memes
-50, Average Success.
"Our attempts at PR have had a mixed response. While some people are happy to know that there is an organization dedicated to protecting them, most believe us to be a hoax. The Council has sent a "suggestion" that we cultivate the latter image."

Project: Computerbook
-54, Average Success= +5 to Cyber Projects.
"The new staff are settling in quite nicely, and will be good for operations. They aren't technological geniuses, but they can do their job."

Project: Trinity
-56, Average Success
"Paragon, Frost Wolf, and Fire Drake have agreed to meet with a representative of the MSRF, though they seem suspicious."

1) Loyalty Package: A spoon full of brain surgery keeps the traitors away! If successful, all lab members will be totally loyal, unable to even consider betraying me in any situation. Truly, I wish I'd thought to do this in my last lab.
Project: Dogtraining
-50, Average Success
"The "Loyalty Package" shows success, the new staff members and previous staff showing increased loyalty towards the MSRF and genuine belief in its goals. Though, given brain surgery is involved, the recipients occasionally show odd or erratic behavior."
2) Bunny-Cats: And I'm gonna build em! These guys will have Loyalty, intelligence, long bunny-ears that double as hands, a place on their back to store stuff, and they'll be completely adorable! I just can't wait!
Project: Innocent
-24, Delay
"Sadly, the initial batches of the "Bunny-Cats" have come out deformed, being little more that sacks of mewling flesh with atrophied limbs and barely functioning organs."
3) Creepy Fans Want to Buy Blood: I need the genetic material of as many supers as I can get in order to perform my experiments, and I'll gather it however I need to. I can just imagine the research I'll be doing with that glorious DNA!
Project: Hair Collection
-39, Delay
"Unfortunately, this project has hit some roadblocks, mostly in acquiring samples. The staff, perhaps because of their altered mindset, took the project name literally, and attempted to gain hair samples from various sources, including E-Bay. All the samples have been proven to be fakes."
Creation of a secret manufacturing complex, 100k "Unknown job"
Project: Unknown Job
-33, Delay
"We've unfortunately hit several delays in construction of the facility, mostly in procuring functioning equipment from reliable sources that wouldn't pose a significant security risk."
Creation of new welding, smelting, and circuiting techniques, 50k "Omniwire"
Project: Omniwire
-26, Delay
"Unfortunately, no real progress was made on this project due to focus on Project: How May I Serve?"
Creation of servant robots to improve efficiency in the workplace and logistics, 50k "How may I serve!"
Project: How May I Serve?
-56, Average Success= +5 to Construction Projects.
"The newly made MSRF Service Drones were a success. With this, construction projects should see an increase in efficiency. Now, if only people stopped putting hard hats on them..."
10 Magi for defense from magical/supernatural occurrences for 100k "Protego!"
Project: Protego!
-97, Critical Success= Elite Mage Team
"The formation of the Magic Defense Squad, nickname "Aces", has proven to be an eye opener for the potential held by our mystical operatives. Their skills in casting magic and working as a cohesive unit have earned them their nickname."
50k and 5 magi for alchemy research,"Crap, you may turn into valuable crap"
Project: Crap, Turn Into Valuable Crap
-5, Critical Failure= Base Damaged and 5 Magi Dead.
"Our first fatalities, and not even from the enemy. Something went wrong during an Alchemical Ritual and there was an explosion of green fire that damaged the section of HQ it was taking place in, killing all the Magi assigned to the project."
1:Hire Recruits 70K ("With a lot of trouble brewing around the world and only 60 men here at my disposal to deal with it im going to need to Hire some men. I honestly don't care where you get them, as long as they aren't complete morons im fine with it.")
Project: Recruitment Drive
-14, Failure
"There was some form of clerical error, preventing the request of additional combat personnel from being sent."
2: Advanced Training 70K ("These 60 men are good, but they good be better, and given all the meta-humans as well fucking magic that we have showing up recently they're going to need to know how not to die on their first mission. Thus I will have them given a run down on the basics of taking down meta's and spellcasters, its going to take a while, but I know they will get it down eventually.")
Project: Advanced Training
-82, Greater Success.
"While not the supernatural power house that is the Aces, our conventional forces have proven to be up to standards, and then some. Against low level Metas and Magi, our troops should be effective, especially with the new equipment."
3: Better Equipment 70K ("The stuff we have here is good, but when dealing with superpowers and wizardry our men will need better gear and vehicles to have a fighting chance as training and better gear goes hand and hand with winning a battle.")
Project: Better Equipment.
-85, Greater Success.
"Anti-Tank Rifles, Anti-Air Rockets, and the latest in modern infantry armor, just to name a few of our purchases. The three new Valkyries are a fine addition to our roster as well."
1) Locate Extraordinary individuals for possible recruitment, and eliminate if they prove a danger to Society. ("Simple enough, but given these targets tend to be dangerous and often hard to convince, sending the Black Ops would be best compared to my more standard Agents. For some reason, someone decided to call the operation The CIA are Noobs. It's stupid, but it works.") $50K
Project: CIA Are Noobs
-59, Success.
"We've gotten a good few hits on the radar, a Cryokinetic in China, a Hydrokinetic in Australia, a few people with enhanced physical abilities peppered throughout the USA, and a missing person case on a girl who can control her hair in Russia."
2) Investigate a steadily growing string of Disappearances in China, and find out what happened to the Victims. ("A standard cold case, except all of these have little to no 'normal' evidence. Standard Agents will be deployed at the last known location of the victim and work from there. A more suitable operation name has been given, called Missing Cogs.").
Project: Missing Cogs
-71, Greater Success.
"Remember the Cryokinetic mentioned previously? He might be in danger. All the missing persons possessed a minor Metahuman ability, nothing strong, but still noticeable for those who pay attention and are looking for them."
Turn 2
"Directors, The Council has noticed your attempts of public relations. It is recommend that you cultivate the image of your organization is a hoax, or that you create a number of decoy bases.

The deaths of five of your Magi is an unfortunate setback, as is the damage to your base. A portion of your yearly budget has been put aside to pay for repairs."

Turn 2:

Credits: 900,000

HQ: Alpha Site (Mojave Desert)

Military: 60 Soldiers, 3 Goshawk, 3 Valkyrie
Covert Ops: 30 Agents
Genetics: 20 Scientists
Technical: 30 Engineers
Mysticism: 15 Magi (10 in Magic Defense Squad "Aces")

  • Paragon, Frost Wolf, and Fire Drake will meet with a Representative this year.
  • Multiple Metahumans are being monitored, Chinese Metahuman under risk.
  • Most of the population believe MSRF is a hoax.
  • The first Metahuman Super Sentai group, "Miracle Element Five", make their debut.
  • Cataclysm has moved to France.
Dr. DNA was annoyed. Not angry, science often suffered setbacks after all, but annoyed. Her assistants hadn't been able to procure the DNA she needed, not even one sample, and her Kyubeys hadn't been turning out right. She'd have to tweak the formula, and provide even more money towards both of the endeavors. Not that she really cared about the money, but she really hated not advancing as quickly as she wanted to. At least her loyalty protocols had worked, so she was more secure in security then she had been.

She sighed. There was nothing else to it but then, she'd just have to keep at it. While she did though, she decided to work on a little side project. She wasn't entirely sure what her organization did, but she knew it could be dangerous. Heck, just the other day she'd heard that some of the weird mystics that had been hired died in some weird ritual. Thankfully, death was no obstacle to a prepared scientist!

The director had given her permission to make cloned bodies of all her fellow department heads, and Daisy was only too happy to do so. Of course, this would only be the first step. Transferring a mind between bodies was the hard part after all. Maybe she'd try to get a telepath's DNA.

Innocent Take 2: Creating dem Kyubeys. No change.

Hair Collector Take 2: Collection of genetic code from supers. Minor focus on powerful Telepaths, if any are around. Slightly more money then last time.

Body Doubles: Because having an extra body on standby is always useful. I'm not doing anything weird with them, so hopefully they'll be rather easy. Making some for all directors that agree.
Megissa growled in frustration at the delays. She would have Krieger's ass on a platter if he fucked up these projects like he did the last one.

It didn't help that they were testing the newest batch of green fire and there wasn't an Air Conditioning yet.

Speaking of said Green Fire, Megissa had hopes for that project. Urahara was an expert at turning the mystical into the mundane, and despite his difficulties keeping his interns alive, Megissa would trust him with her life. He was probably her least insane researcher.

Megissa thought about calling Tessa or her sisters as she herself took another swing at some formulas.

  1. Project: Unknown Job Take 2. 100k Credits in funding
  2. Project Omniwire Take 2, Reduced Funding. 10k credits in funding.
  3. Project: We Didn't Start The Fire. 50k in funding.
Janus hummed. Of course, she wasn't very surprised that the Mysticism Division already ran into trouble, as Magic tends to be unpredictable even when you expect it. She preferred her line of work, and stayed well away from Magic, but it seems it still affects her even now. After that incident, her budget has been cut in order to pay for repairs...she's had worse factors to deal with.

It was still a lot of money that she got to spend, and she immediately had her Black Ops Agents switch to new tasks. Watch that Cryogenic, and other Metahumans in China, and find out the culprit behind Metahuman disappearances. Using them as bait would probably make others uncomfortable, to to her it didn't matter much. She was far from innocent, so she can't act like it now she had a comfy chair.


1) Followup on the discovery of Chinese Metahumans, and find out who the kidnappers are. ("Basically, I'm using them as bait. When the kidnappers come for them, then the Black Ops Agents can interrupt and capture them, or if that is not possible, find out who exactly they are. I'm dubbing it Operation Catch and Release.") 60K

2) As per the Order of Contessa, go through carious Millitary Dossiers for skilled and special cases. ("Contessa seems to share my 'worry' about China, and has officially gave permission for me to search for more Black Ops canidates. As much as Bakerfield is skilled, he and the others are only Men in the end. I will dub this Hide and Seek.") 100K
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Jane Conor was a little peeved right now, someone had fucked up the paper work meaning that he could not get the new recruits he asked for to bolster their ranks, but at least they did not screw up the request for more equipment and aircraft. Good timing too as his men had been hard at work training and so far their at least ready to take on most low level threats. Getting up he thought about the looks on some of the pilots faces when they got to see the new V-44 Valkyries I ordered, they almost thought they were dreaming too when Conor said they will be flying these planes, hopefully they remember their training and not let the excitement get to their heads.

Everything that happened was, unexpected, its not every day you hear that a bunch of Alchemists blow up a chunk of the base and...whatever the hell Dr DNA cooked up in her lab. But so far things have been going smoothly, but if there's one thing he has learn throughout his career in the military, its never temp fate, for it can and will take you up on that as a challenge.


1) Recruitment drive 70k ("Whoever fucks up the paperwork this time around is getting a boot up their ass!") Codename "Michael's call"

2) Investigate mercenary groups 30k ("I want those files on my desk with as much shit as you can find on these men for hire, once that's done i'll send the files over to Janus so she can have them looked over") "Payed blades: quality check"

3) New off site Military base 60k ("Now this place is nice, but given that if something goes wrong here were going to need a place to regroup at, thus I propose that we get funding to have a new military base built so we don't lose everything at once") "Two bodies"
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Dane looked to his fellow magi in a 'we've fucked up' kind of concern face.

"So...alchemy did NOT go so well last time. I mean, who the heck thought that using a burrito of all things was an optimal sacrifice for literally gold?!" he began to rant. "But, whatever, we've...checked our losses, cut our jib, and basically, we've got new assignments. And hopefully this time we won't explode in high diarrhea." He gave a high smile and fingerguns towards the 10 other magi. "Nice job on ya 10 though, never thought the Aces would take off! Keep it up!"

"So, you 5 will work together on these cool missions, first, the 4 o' ya! We need more magic power...and shit to sell. So we're sending ya out to get some charity work done by finding magical artifacts and other types of knowledge! The more knowledge on magical shit we have, the more we have a chance at actually doing good in the world! So get to it."

"And finally....hey, Larry! We need some confidants. Magical ones. Seriously, we can't be the only ones here busting our asses off. There has to be someone who wants to help us. Get to it! The sooner we've got some friends in high places, the better! The head director told me on it, so she's gotta be right on this...right....RIGHT?!"

  • Exploration, search and recovery of lost artefacts and knowledge, 4 Magi, 40k "Indiana Jones"

  • Researching about governments, associations or Organizations that could be a ally in the supernatural world, 60k, 1 magi Codename: "hocus" (Firmly suggested by the head director)
Contessa rubbed her forehead, This was going swimmingly already.

After sending a meesage and a amount of cash from her personal fund to each of the Families of the Magi that lost their lives in the Green fire accident, She looked over the porposed projects of her directors, approving each of them.

She then contacted the IT-Personal "Spread rumors and photoshopped evidence about us in the foren and the prove that the evidence is faked, Essentially make us the New Area 51 of the web, understood? You get 400,000$. Codename for this operation is "Copperfield"" She personally disagreed with this notion, but she can understand the council's reasonding at this moment of time.

Next she ordered her Co-Director Amamda into her office , a relative young brunette with a blank look in her eyes, She was a good friend for Contessa for a long time already though, along with the third part of their trio, Phillip. After giving her an smile she said "Hello Ams, I have an Task for you. "Vitrum Oculus" is the codename. The details are in this file." Amamda nodded quietly took the file, gave a small smile in return before leaving Contessa to file those Projects of hers.

"Copperfield" Photoshopping evidence, spread rumors, then prove them anoym wrong, aiming to achieve a similar reputation to area 51, 80k

"Vitrum Oculus" Sending Amanda and her ability to gather Informations about the trio (Everything from eating habit over their Favorite music to how long their fingernails are) 15k
Turn 2-Results
"Directors, this quarter has been somewhat mixed as well, but there appears to have been an increase in positive results."

Innocent Take 2: Creating dem Kyubeys. No change.
83, Greater Success= Bunny Cats!

"The new "Bunny-Cats" have received a warm reception from the staff, and a few requests have been made to keep them as pets. Look at their cute little faces~!"

Hair Collector Take 2: Collection of genetic code from supers. Minor focus on powerful Telepaths, if any are around.
80, Greater Success= High Quality Metahuman Samples (Telepath) gained, Metahuman Sample (Telekinesis) gained.

"Our personnel have managed to procure some genetic samples from a number of Telepathic and Telekinetic Metahumans. Blood, skin, hair, spit, and... other samples."

Body Doubles: Because having an extra body on standby is always useful. I'm not doing anything weird with them, so hopefully they'll be rather easy. Making some for all directors that agree.

"Gene-Lab 02 is under lock down, the... Subjects are trapped within the lab until they can be terminated."
Project: Unknown Job Take 2.
20= More Delays

"Unfortunately, even with the support of the new construction robots, building the manufacturing facility is still proving to be difficult."
Project Omniwire Take 2,
60= +5 to Construction, stacks with Construction Bots.

"The Engineers have managed to complete this Project, the reduction in funding seeming to light a fire under them."

Project: We Didn't Start The Fire.
40= Delays

"I have no idea what I'm doing." -Engineer Urahara

Followup on the discovery of Chinese Metahumans, and find out who the kidnappers are. ("Basically, I'm using them as bait. When the kidnappers come for them, then the Black Ops Agents can interrupt and capture them, or if that is not possible, find out who exactly they are. I'm dubbing it Operation Catch and Release.")
85, Greater Success= 2 Metahuman Orphans, 5 Human Orphans, Intel on Chinese Black Ops unit "BLACK SKY", 3 BLACK SKY Operatives captured.

"It would appear a section of the Chinese Government wishes to use the rising Metahuman population as a small army of elite enforcers, soldiers, and assassins, according to the information extracted from the three operatives we captured. We were then approached by the Cryokinetic, who offered to work with MSRF if we took in the other orphans he was looking after."

As per the Order of Contessa, go through carious Millitary Dossiers for skilled and special cases. ("Contessa seems to share my 'worry' about China, and has officially gave permission for me to search for more Black Ops canidates. As much as Bakerfield is skilled, he and the others are only Men in the end. I will dub this Hide and Seek.")

"Compared to our other success, Project Hide and Seek has proven to be difficult. Unsurprisingly, many former Black Ops operatives are either unable to get back into action, or have blended into the normal population too well."

Recruitment drive 70k ("Whoever fucks up the paperwork this time around is getting a boot up their ass!") Codename "Michael's call"

"History repeats itself, and the request doesn't get set out. Sorry Sir."

Investigate mercenary groups 30k ("I want those files on my desk with as much shit as you can find on these men for hire, once that's done i'll send the files over to Janus so she can have them looked over") "Payed blades: quality check"
87, Greater Success= 3 Mercenary Companies found.

"Compare to the last one, we have found several PMCs that seemed favorable: Raven's Nest, Eternal Arms, and The Death Corps."
New off site Military base 60k ("Now this place is nice, but given that if something goes wrong here were going to need a place to regroup at, thus I propose that we get funding to have a new military base built so we don't lose everything at once")

"It's a bit basic and bare bones, but the Ireland Military Base is up and running, Sir."

Exploration, search and recovery of lost artefacts and knowledge, 4 Magi, 40k "Indiana Jones"
90, Near Critical Success

"The Recovery Team lead by Mage Scrya has managed to recover a large number of Spell Books, Wands, Enchanted Weapons, Armor, and the grand prize, The Ring of King Solomon himself."
Researching about governments, associations or Organizations that could be a ally in the supernatural world, 60k, 1 magi Codename: "hocus" (Firmly suggested by the head director)
27= Delays.

"Sorry Boss, I got nothing."- Mage Larry.
"Copperfield" Photoshopping evidence, spread rumors, then prove them anoym wrong, aiming to achieve a similar reputation to area 51, 80k

"The Council is pleased that you followed their suggestions, Head Director. The world, except for those in the know, believe us to be a hoax."
"Vitrum Oculus" Sending Amanda and her ability to gather Informations about the trio (Everything from eating habit over their Favorite music to how long their fingernails are) 15k
85, Greater Success= Identities of Frost Wolf and Fire Drake Learned, Paragon Intel Gained.

"Frost Wolf is one Logan Russ, powers include a potent healing factor and minor cryokinesis to form his Frost Claws. He appears to have a taste for alcohol, and fighting."

"Fire Drake is one Victor Forge, a construction worker. A friendly man with a small family. Powerful Pyrokinetic with potent regeneration, outpacing even Frost Wolf's. Be careful, he's a hugger."

"Paragon, real name still unknown. Appears to have connections to Robert Regalia, CEO of the Regalia Corporation. Recommend we be careful, Head Director. The Regalia Corporation has their fingers in a lot of pies."
Turn 3
"The Council is pleased that the MSRF is making progress in its operations, even with some of the... set backs the organization has suffered so far. Your successful meeting with the hero group know as Heroes United, and the acquisition of several Metahuman genetic samples, has caused some raised eyebrows, though there are no objections."
Turn 3

Credits: 1,000,000

Bases: Alpha Site (Mojave Desert), Beta Site (Ireland, Military)

Military: 60 Soldiers, 3 Goshawk, 3 Valkyrie
Covert Ops: 30 Agents
Genetics: 20 Scientists
Technical: 30 Engineers
Mysticism: 15 Magi (10 in Magic Defense Squad "Aces")

Other: Countless "Bunny-Cats", 2 Metahuman Orphans, 5 Human Orphans, 3 BLACK SKY Operatives.

  • Heroes United is officially formed, with additional heroes Lightning Khan, Arch-Angel, and Steel Giant joining.
  • Cataclysm is sighted in Georgia, buying a puppy (a Corgi), reason is unknown.
  • Greek Supervillian "Titan" found dead at foot of Mt. Olympus, cause of death appears to be a hole in the head cauterized with electrical burns.
  • The orphans are settling in, with the younger children adoring the "Bunny-Cats."
  • Mana Distortion detected in Cairo, Egypt.
  • BLACK SKY has ceased operations, going into hiding.
  • There's a Golden Helmet on the Mysticism Director's desk that wasn't there before....
Despite the disappointing results from the search for retired Black Ops Agents, she still was happy about managing to shut down BLACK SKY's main Operations. She still plans on keeping an eye on them with a few Agents, but now she can focus on other these PMCs that Jane managed to find for her. Good recruitment options if nothing else.

There were also a few other things that she needed to get into, as she prepared to give out her new orders for the next few months. She sipped at her coffee, before frowning and looking at the cup. Strange that it was bitter, she'll have to find out who made her coffee and ask about that.

1) Continue to Monitor known Metahumans, especially within China, to watch out for any other organizations like BLACK SKY ("BLACK SKY may be in hiding now, and that is great, but we must not slack off on the job. Keep an eye on any further activities from them, as well as other known Metahumans in case such an Organization appears elsewhere in the world. Operation Bird's Eye is now a go.") 30K, with 4 Agents monitoring China and 5 keeping tabs on other Known Metahumans

2) Look into the PMCs that Jade Conner found out about, and see if they are worth contacting for potential recruitment efforts. ("I probably owe him a favor now, but Jane has managed to find a new area of potential high skill level recruits for us to pull from. I want a team of 5 to try and contact these groups to establish friendly relations with them. Which should be easy, as long as no one decides to fuck up the payment for their services. I'm dubbing it Operation Gold Rush.") 70K and a 5 man team to establish friendly relations with PMCs

3) Investigate the death of Greek Metahuman Titan, to try and find the culprit and/or why this murder occurred. ("As much as I dislike Metahumans, this needs to be investigated. The rest of you will be working on this with Black Ops Agent Bakerfield, try not to upset him. His Wife is enough to handle as it is. Meet him in the Briefing room for further details.") Operation Titan's Fall, with 100K in funds and the rest of the available 16 Agents, led by Black Ops Agent Bakerfield in this investigation.
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Dane comes in, holding a golden helmet with a confused look on his face. Still, he calms and composes himself and then begins to face his recruits with the same smile he always does have when tackling a new operation head on.

"So, team! Nice work on getting back those magical artifacts. Fuckin' grade-A job, Scrya! You done yourself well for the team. As for you, Larry, the fact that we haven't really gotten anyone on the phone yet, just means ya didn't work yer ass hard enough...that, or you had way too many Doritos and Mountain Dew. Prolly the latter is more listen up, ladies and gentlemen, we've got projects to discuss and boy, I've got some new prospects!" he says, pointing then to the helmet as he adds "This will come later on, I swear."

"So, first off, we're going to collaborate with the R&D guys in doing some thing called Wildfire. Stephano, Larry, you 2 will join with some of Director Megissa's friends and do it. And yes, while one part of the reason why is, as we all know one of the few things we don't mention in anyone but our little cabal..." Dane says, gesturing to his comrades to complete the sentence.

"You think she's blasting hot, sir..." Larry, of course, finishes it. "A bit blunt, but yes, I think she's attractive and out of my league, thanks Larry..." Dane mutters, but goes back to his normal self. "Anywho!" he then puts up the golden helmet.

"This thing just came up in my desk just recently. I've no idea why it appeared and I haven't tried to wear it yet, but, given that I sense of some weird juju out of this thing, it's safe to say that I probably shouldn't do that, which is why the 3 of you will research it. No wearing it for testing, or for some funny weird joke you guys are thinking of pulling on the hapless interns again, just research, and see what this thing does. Alright?" Dane explains the second op, and they nod. "Good." he says, tossing the helmet to Scrya. "Figure something out with Howard and Philips with this thing will ya? I mean, this shouldn't be too hard...I hope."

"And finally, and this is another one straight from the big boss woman himself...yo, Aces!" he then calls out, the prodigy team turns to him. "3 of you will be going out on the field and investigate the mana disturbance in Cairo. This is A BIG mission, so please don't screw this up or get yourselves killed. Decide amongst yourselves via the oldest challenge in the book: a game of rock-paper-scissors! Top 3 kek losers of course go, the rest stay!"

"If you got all that, let's move it, people!"

  • We Didn't Start The Fire take 2. 30k in funding.(Collab with R&D director) 2 Mages.

  • Researching the Golden helmet, 50k 3 Mages, (Contessa: If even one of you even remotely think about putting that Thing on, I will find a way to make it look like an accident. For now only research not testing!) Proposed Codename "Crown"

  • Investigation of the Mana disturbances in Cairo, 120k, 3 Ace-Mages, utmost caution, Proposed Codename "Desert Dance" (Contessa's order)
Daisy was happy. Excited. Overjoyed. Ecstatic. Incredibly pleased. She had samples for superpowers! "Mayuri, postpone all other projects, this will be taking my full attention!"

Mayuri, the adorable secretary that she was, responded cheerfully, "Too-too-roo! Mayuri will get right on that!"

Daisy nodded, already rushing down to one of her labs, avoiding the one with the hideous mutants locked within it. She wasn't entirely sure how she'd screwed up so badly to have created those things, but now wasn't the time to worry about that.

"Kyubey! Bring me the DNA of the cryokinetic! It's time to figure out what makes powers tick!"

Dr. DNA was going to do Science.

Super Science: It's time to figure out what makes powers tick. Dr. DNA won't be making any clones or anything yet, but she is going to analyze the DNA to figure out what parts of it give powers.

Okay, she may make some clones to study the biological changes, but she'll be careful not to let them actually be awake at any point in their existence.
200k. Split 100k 100k if this counts as two projects.
Well things have been very good lately, if you ignore the fact there's a bunch of horrific monstrosities in one of the labs that is. With kids around the base that were brought over by Janus's team and the meeting Contessa had with the big three Jane has decided that he was going to make sure this place was as safe as it can be. Also, if that guy at the recruitment desk fucks up one more time then he's getting it, he will make sure of that.

Recruitment Drive 80k ("For the love of god Ennis, if you mess up one more time im going ask our head director to set up a meeting with fire drake, and your going to be the one talking to the big guy.") Codename "Michael's call"

Betterment of the Barracks 20k ("I know you guys have been telling me that things here are a little bland, so I have commissioned better beds, some 4k plasma tvs, netflix, and a lot more just so you can relax on your free time.") Codename "Hestia's warmth"

Exterminate Abominations in the labs 100k ("Okay so remember the new stuff for the barracks i ordered, well that will have to wait untill we lock in those monsters DNA made in the lab and gas them, If that dont work just bring in the flamethrowers.") Codename "Purify"
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Megissa growled in frustration at both herself and the delays. Her team of super geniuses and experts in their fields couldn't get one god damn factory right?! Megissa had started carrying around the gun she had taken from Mayuri. She often threatened her head researchers with it.

Megissa looked down at her phone occasionally, trying to psyche herself up to ask out her boss. She could only hope that went well. She had never been too lucky in that area.

Her frustrations at herself only served to increase her anger on site, eventually resulting in poor Danny the Intern shitting himself all over her new rug. Making further setbacks...


  • Project: Unknown Job Take 3. 100k Credits in funding. Megissa knew that someone was going to die if this wasn't finished within the year. She just didn't know who yet.
  • Off-site secret base, recommend location by Contessa are the nearest mountains, 75k, proposed codename "Nitocris" With her current setbacks in building, Megissa didn't have too high of hopes.
  • Project: We Didn't Start The Fire take 2.(Now in collaborations with Mysticism director) 25k in funding., 5 Researchers, Urahara. This one Megissa was actually hopeful for. For his previous setbacks, this was Urahara's specialty , even if he would drive the Mystic Division mad.
Interlude: Hero Meeting: The originale Trio

The Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills Suite

Contessa Marie sat in an armchair waiting for her visitors to arrive, having already prepared the fitting beverage for Ice wolf, a bottle of Spirytus Vodka, the strongest in the world with 95%, and for the others a mixtures of non alcoholic and alcoholic liquids. In the background, relaxing and friendly music filled the brightly lit room, giving it a welcoming atmosphere while Contessa's own body language spoke of confidence, seriousness and yet also friendliness as if she embodied these traits.

Soon, the trio of heroes walked in. Paragon in his blue and gold knightly armor taking the front. "I take it you're the representative of the organization that most people think is a hoax?" He asked. Frost Wolf gave an impressed look at the Vodka, while Fire Drake seemed to enjoy the friendly atmosphere. It also became apparent to the Head-Director that these people were very tall, and Fire Drake looked like he could bench press a tank.

Contessa nodded ,offering her hand in a good natured Handshake "I can assure you we are very real, Paragon, in fact the realest secret agency you will ever meet. The Hoax image is one we were forced to cultivate of orders from the Government. A drink ?" She offered her guests a cup. Paragons was filled with the finest wine she could could burrow with Amanda's and Phillip's help. Frost Wolf's was filled with the vodka, slightly watered down to make it survivable, and Fire Drakes was filled with a cocktail called "three steps to friendship".

Paragon shook her hand, his grip firm. "I'm good, thank you." Paragon said, refusing the drink. Frost Wolf took his cup and downed it in an instant, before grabbing the bottle. Fire Drake just drank his own cocktail with a smile.

"Some advice, lass: don't water stuff down for regenerators." Frost Wolf said as he took a swig of the Vodka.

"The thought is appreciated though." Fire Drake said with that friendly smile that made it hard to remember he could probably crush a man's skull like an brittle egg.

"So, what is your name miss...?" Paragon asked.

"Not my idea, mister Frost wolf, I actually recommend the 96.6% version but the Government said that that would count as attempted murder." Contessa smiled, before actually standing up "My Name is Contessa Marie, Head Director of the Metahuman and Supernatural Response Force, or the most helpful government agent you will ever meet."

"Heh, maybe you should put that on a business card." Frost Wolf said with a laugh, before taking another drink of Vodka.

"Well then Miss Marie, you contacted us for a reason and invited us to a meeting, even going so far as to make the atmosphere as friendly as possible." Paragon said, and he looked Contessa in the eyes through his visor. "You've been very polite, which is more than I can say about others who've contacted us. So, here we are. Let's hear it."

Contessa nodded before sitting down "I will be honest, at the moment the MSRF is not equipped to deal with the threats that it was founded for, we are getting there but it will still need years to be able to deal with S-class. I, personally, want to work with you three to ensure that in the case of of escalation of these or any other threats, they are dealt with. without massive casualties. Of course your trio are also the poster boys of the good "Heroic Metahuman". A Image I want to cultivate. That would include to protect you from any legal red tape that might appear."(edited)

"So you want to be our PR department?" Frost Wolf asked. "And all we have to do is keeping being the good guys? Lass, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I know that can't be it."

"But it could be." Fire Drake said. "Not everything has a hidden meaning, sometimes what you see is all there is."

"Let's hear it from the Head-Director herself." Paragon said, putting the attention back on Contessa. "You want us to effectively keep dangerous Metahumans from causing a disaster, and in exchange, you help with our PR and deal with any legal problems that would pop up?"

Contessa nodded before adding "Not only that, I also offer Information, my right hand is a metahuman that can see through any reflection on the world, on the other hand my left hand can bring you to any point of the world in seconds."

She then leaned back "For my hidden reason ? I always served humans, I earned three doctor titles to help humans around me, I joined the military to protect my people from danger, I became a Spec ops soldier to stop terrorism from happening, I agreed to let any personal connection behind when I took this job to protect people from assholes that are causing willingly harm to people with their gifts. If I needed to kill myself to save others I would do it . Do you understand my reason now?"(edited)

Frost Wolf gave Contessa a long look, before smirking. "Heh, she's good." He said, and like that, an previously invisible tension seem to leave the room. It was only its sudden absence that revealed it was even there at all.

"We shall accept your offer, come! Let me embrace you as a sign of our new friendship!" Fire Drake said, standing up and opening his arms wide.

"Brace yourself." Paragon advised.

Contessa smiled before accepting the embrace full on, confident that her training (And the metric ton of pain killer she took) would help her endure it.(edited)

She was quickly proven wrong, as the spine crushing hug caused her life to flash before her eyes from the force of the hug threatening to snap her in half. There was immense relief when it ended, when Fire Drake released her from what would be the closet she had come to dying yet.

"Haha! Another friend, what a good day this is!" Fire Drake said, smiling like he hadn't nearly broken Contessa like a toothpick.

"Yeah, he's... a bit of a hugger." Paragon said. "Sorry about that. At least he didn't actually break your spine like he did Wolf's."

Quickly correcting her back, with an creaking sound, Contessa nodded with an smile, her power allowing her to suppress any sign of pain perfectly "It was certainly the strongest hug I had in a long time." She then took out nine cards out of a etui. giving each three. "These are my associates and my own number, Feel free to call when you think we can help, or you want to make a short vacation on Madagascar. Although, only contact Amanda, the Reflection sight metahuman, in emergency, she is a synthesist, so long conversation get odd for and with her."

"We'll keep that in mind." Paragon said as he took the cards. The trio left so after, Frost Wolf taking the Vodka with him.

Contessa waved them goodbye, before pulling out two plastic bags, packing Frost wolf's and Fire Drake's cup in them. Two out of three wasn't bad, DNA will be happy. She called up Philip and left the room through a Door, happy to take a bath soon.

Contessa was mostly pleased with this quarter,

The abominations in lab 2 were while certainly unpleasent , but also kind of expected at this point.

What was truely concerning was the sudden apparance of this golden helmet, and the vanishing of BLACK SKY.

She sighed, approving all the projects and took out her phone, looking at Megissas number. She would do it soon.

  • Sending Amanda and her ability to gather Informations about the "Miracle Element Five" (Everything from eating habit over their Favorite music to how long their fingernails are) 15k "Vitrum Oculus Elementalis"

  • Establishing a proper daycare/Kindergarten for the orphans,rotating shifts as overseers for all those who have nothing else to do,10k "New Lights"

  • Investing under a cover name in the Regalia Corporation, 100k "Revenues" ("Explanation for the council: We are aware that Paragon is connected to the corporation, and if my guess is right we can gain further connections and Intel about him, if not, we gain further funds that is not reliant on the taxpayers.")
Turn 3-Results
"Directors, It would appear this quarter has been quite favorable towards our operations, though there were still a few hiccups."​
1) Continue to Monitor known Metahumans, especially within China, to watch out for any other organizations like BLACK SKY ("BLACK SKY may be in hiding now, and that is great, but we must not slack off on the job. Keep an eye on any further activities from them, as well as other known Metahumans in case such an Organization appears elsewhere in the world. Operation Bird's Eye is now a go.") 30K, with 4 Agents monitoring China and 5 keeping tabs on other Known Metahumans
"Director, BLACK SKY continues to evade us, they most likely known that their agents were compromised and any Intel the captives could give us is most likely useless. Our observation on the Metahumans we know of shows no danger."
2) Look into the PMCs that Jade Conner found out about, and see if they are worth contacting for potential recruitment efforts. ("I probably owe him a favor now, but Jane has managed to find a new area of potential high skill level recruits for us to pull from. I want a team of 5 to try and contact these groups to establish friendly relations with them. Which should be easy, as long as no one decides to fuck up the payment for their services. I'm dubbing it Operation Gold Rush.") 70K and a 5 man team to establish friendly relations with PMCs
49=Bare Fail

"Given what happened in Titan Fall... we just couldn't get to this."
3) Investigate the death of Greek Metahuman Titan, to try and find the culprit and/or why this murder occurred. ("As much as I dislike Metahumans, this needs to be investigated. The rest of you will be working on this with Black Ops Agent Bakerfield, try not to upset him. His Wife is enough to handle as it is. Meet him in the Briefing room for further details.") Operation Titan's Fall, with 100K in funds and the rest of the available 16 Agents, led by Black Ops Agent Bakerfield in this investigation.
77=Olympus Calls.
"Hello there, Dad wants to talk to your bosses."-Hermes, Messenger of The Gods.
  • We Didn't Start The Fire take 2. 30k in funding.(Collab with R&D director) 2 Mages.
  • Researching the Golden helmet, 50k 3 Mages, (Contessa: If even one of you even remotely think about putting that Thing on, I will find a way to make it look like an accident. For now only research not testing!) Proposed Codename "Crown"
  • Investigation of the Mana disturbances in Cairo, 120k, 3 Ace-Mages, utmost caution, Proposed Codename "Desert Dance" (Contessa's order)
1) 82=Greater Success.

"Director, with the help of Urahara, as unorthodox as it was, we've manage to not only safely recreate the compound, but make a new weapon using it. I believe some of the soldiers have become rather... infatuated with the Wyld-Fire Flamethrowers."

2) 33=Delays

"Director, its glowing and I'm pretty sure it's actually glaring at me..."-Yuuno Scrya, shortly before being turned into a ferret.

3) 33=Nothing Found

"Director, on your orders we deployed to Cairo to search for the source of the distortion. We have yet to find anything of note within or around Cairo, but there are only three of us, and... well, none of us are actually good sensors. Vita is especially irritated by the large amounts of sand. Please send Nanoha and Fate, please."-Magus Hayate Yagami.
Super Science: It's time to figure out what makes powers tick. Dr. DNA won't be making any clones or anything yet, but she is going to analyze the DNA to figure out what parts of it give powers.
76=Greater Success.

"Director, we've done it! We have managed to isolate and identify the source of Metahuman powers! The Meta-Gene or "Metasome" as my fellow researchers called it, a part of the DNA that allows for the manifestation of super human abilities. The sample from the young boy from china was extremely potent, even greater than the cryogenic abilities of Frost Wolf. There was something else in his DNA though, an exotic energy we have come to associate with the "Magic" used by the Mysticism Department."

Recruitment Drive 80k ("For the love of god Ennis, if you mess up one more time im going ask our head director to set up a meeting with fire drake, and your going to be the one talking to the big guy.") Codename "Michael's call"
104=CRIT SUCCESS. +100 Soldiers, +1 Hero Unit

"Sir, we've finally got the request through and... uh, it was a smashing success I dare say. A hundred new faces to join the good fight. Wait, who's this guy in the red coat and hat?"

"S'up!"-Wade Wilson

Betterment of the Barracks 20k ("I know you guys have been telling me that things here are a little bland, so I have commissioned better beds, some 4k plasma tvs, netflix, and a lot more just so you can relax on your free time.") Codename "Hestia's warmth"

"Unfortunately, all the new recruits have set us back a bit."
Exterminate Abominations in the labs 100k ("Okay so remember the new stuff for the barracks i ordered, well that will have to wait untill we lock in those monsters DNA made in the lab and gas them, If that dont work just bring in the flamethrowers.") Codename "Purify"
99=Crit Success. Lab Purged, Purifier Squad formed.

"I'm in love! Burn you walking piles of vomit! Yeah!"-Purifier 01.
  • Project: Unknown Job Take 3. 100k Credits in funding. Megissa knew that someone was going to die if this wasn't finished within the year. She just didn't know who yet.
  • Off-site secret base, recommend location by Contessa are the nearest mountains, 75k, proposed codename "Nitocris" With her current setbacks in building, Megissa didn't have too high of hopes.
  • Project: We Didn't Start The Fire take 2.(Now in collaborations with Mysticism director) 25k in funding., 5 Researchers, Urahara. This one Megissa was actually hopeful for. For his previous setbacks, this was Urahara's specialty , even if he would drive the Mystic Division mad.
1)60=Success. Factory up and running, +10 to production, Factory Slot for Item Production.

"Finally!"-Random Engineer

2) 21=Delays!

"Oh god no!"- Same Engineer.

3) Success.

"I figured it out!"-Urahara.

  • Sending Amanda and her ability to gather Informations about the "Miracle Element Five" (Everything from eating habit over their Favorite music to how long their fingernails are) 15k "Vitrum Oculus Elementalis"
  • Establishing a proper daycare/Kindergarten for the orphans,rotating shifts as overseers for all those who have nothing else to do,10k "New Lights"
  • Investing under a cover name in the Regalia Corporation, 100k "Revenues" ("Explanation for the council: We are aware that Paragon is connected to the corporation, and if my guess is right we can gain further connections and Intel about him, if not, we gain further funds that is not reliant on the taxpayers.")

1) 39=Traumatized Amanda.

"Boss, hold me..."-Amanda.


"Head-Director, the facility has been built and overseers are performing exceptionally."

3)78=Greater Success. +1,000 each turn.

"We have obtain major stocks within the Regalia Corporation, and so will see a increase in non-council funds. We also have noticed that Paragon does come by the building fairly often, though there are reports of Robert Regalia being in the building while Paragon was active."