[Meta] Weird History Glossary

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There are a lot of terms and acronyms in this subforum, that are just taken for granted that the...
There are a lot of terms and acronyms in this subforum, that are just taken for granted that the reader will know what they mean. So, I feel that a Glossary will be useful to new readers. It took me some time to find a place that actually expanded ISOT!

Feel free to correct me on any of this if I'm wrong, and supply definitions for acronyms I missed. I created this thread based on my own perceived need; I am not at all an expert on the local terminology.

  • ISOT: Island in the Sea of Time. Instead of having a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, you get Connecticut. Or at least Hartford. More explicitly: cutting out a geographical region (often a polity) and dropping its entire contents in another time period (and/or location).
  • ASB: Alien space bats. Cursory examination appears to just have them as a different label for ROB (Random Omnipotent Being). A being sufficiently powerful to accomplish changing the timeline, doing teleportation, etc.?
  • TL: timeline
  • OTL: original timeline (the one we're in)
  • uptime/downtime: Like the directions north or south, but futureward or pastward. (I may have these mixed up; year number goes up, but is downstream in future with the direction of time's flow…)
  • WI: what if