Where did this talk of spending our money to furnish the Bull's keep come from? And spending our actions cooking? Ridiculous.

We are a Mercenary Mage not a interior decorator or sous chef. I came here to read about an elf princess fighting people not to vote on which drapes match someone else's carpets.

I really don't want to cause problems here but I'm getting sick of these self reinforcing tangents that keep popping up.

First we said we wanted to learn Earthblood, then we needed Throne of Vines to make learning it more efficient, then we needed Inspiration to make that more efficient, and Enchant Item as well.

And stuff like this just keeps happening! Again, I really don't want to start an argument or get in the way of others enjoying the quest but I can't be the only one getting frustrated about this.

Sorry if my opinion doesn't sit well with you, but I needed to get that off my chest. Just ignore me.
Where did this talk of spending our money to furnish the Bull's keep come from?
Notably: to furnish OUR ROOMS OF THE BULL'S KEEP, not the whole thing.

Yeah we're a mercenary. Mercenaries usually want to live in a lifestyle in which they get to enjoy the money they've made. Enjoying that money in ways like "buying nice stuff to go in the space they live."

I agree with a lot of the other stuff you're saying in that post but "spending our own money to liven up the place we live" being this unacceptable act is just bizarre.
Notably: to furnish OUR ROOMS OF THE BULL'S KEEP, not the whole thing.

Yeah we're a mercenary. Mercenaries usually want to live in a lifestyle in which they get to enjoy the money they've made. Enjoying that money in ways like "buying nice stuff to go in the space they live."

I agree with a lot of the other stuff you're saying in that post but "spending our own money to liven up the place we live" being this unacceptable act is just bizarre.
I just don't want to spend money on furnishings for a place we're only going to use when in Erengrad or upper Ostland. I guess we could take the silk sheets with us to wherever we go next but it seems like a lot of extra logistics to me.

Please just ignore me. I really don't want to fill the next three pages with back and forth arguing about something so minor. We've had more than enough of that in this thread already.
Notably: to furnish OUR ROOMS OF THE BULL'S KEEP, not the whole thing.

Yeah we're a mercenary. Mercenaries usually want to live in a lifestyle in which they get to enjoy the money they've made. Enjoying that money in ways like "buying nice stuff to go in the space they live."

I agree with a lot of the other stuff you're saying in that post but "spending our own money to liven up the place we live" being this unacceptable act is just bizarre.

Also my thought was that if the swordmasters would decide they want to improve on the conditions in the Bull's Keep that with the free room and board they could also just buy stuff that they like if we start paying them.
Anyway, I find it amusing that Fanriel remarked on the nice well-groomed mustache the leader of the Knights of Bull had.

Shame the Asur won't try grow a mustache because the Dawi would find it cute compared to their beards or mocking to them.
Anyway, I find it amusing that Fanriel remarked on the nice well-groomed mustache the leader of the Knights of Bull had.

Shame the Asur won't try grow a mustache because the Dawi would find it cute compared to their beards or mocking to them.
It reminds me of an idea I had once for a quest where the grandmaster of the swordmasters of Hoeth, equivalent to the sage of swords concept that @Blackout has, was an elf so ancient that he had fought in the war of the beard and before that in the Golden age alongside the Dwarfs, that having spent so much time fighting both with and against Dwarfs he developed the idea of trying to grow a beard so impressive that Dwarfs would have to answer his challenges in battle out of the umbrage of having an Elgi with a more impressive beard then them, which is how more then one Dwarf king ended up with his beard becoming a part of the Cloak of Beards after he had accepted the challenge of he who'd become Aren the Old.

Even after the war was over he kept the beard, which remains by far the most lengthy beard in all of Ulthuan.

We should see about meeting the sage of swords, for... Research purposes. Yes, research purposes.
Why would we want to spend our very valuable money on a high elf cook? If we're actually considering the possibility of hiring a High Elf cook then depending on how much one would cost then an action for us to do it ourself might end up costing less then the cost of such a retainer.
Indeed, why would we want to spend our very valuable money on an Asur cook? Or any cook, for that matter? And if for some reason we absolutely, positively need one, let's hire a halfling. He will be cheaper, and less likely to put poison in our food.

I just don't want to spend money on furnishings for a place we're only going to use when in Erengrad or upper Ostland. I guess we could take the silk sheets with us to wherever we go next but it seems like a lot of extra logistics to me.

Please just ignore me. I really don't want to fill the next three pages with back and forth arguing about something so minor. We've had more than enough of that in this thread already.
I agree with you, furnishing even our room in the keep sounds lie a waste of time and money. Maybe when we're definitely established, but absolutely not now.
Indeed, why would we want to spend our very valuable money on an Asur cook? Or any cook, for that matter? And if for some reason we absolutely, positively need one, let's hire a halfling. He will be cheaper, and less likely to put poison in our food.

Well that was something someone I was talking to was proposing. As is @Blackout then proceeded to elaborate that having a cook that makes particularly tasty meals could potentially have benefits for our troops
Sure, if that's what you want to spend your actions on.

And you wouldn't be able to do so on campaign, when a tasty meal would have the best effect.
so it turned out there would be some practical benefit to having one, which made it worth it to at least ask how much one would cost.
I agree with you, furnishing even our room in the keep sounds lie a waste of time and money. Maybe when we're definitely established, but absolutely not now.

I wasn't thinking about our room, I was talking about the Swordmasters in case they felt they wanted fancier conditions then that of the keep, Even then, if we start paying them they could probably just buy those things by themselves given they wouldn't need to spend any money on room and board.
I mean, eating good food would absolutely do wonders for the morale while on campaign.

So it seems. Thing is that we're not talking about just getting "a cook". As centuries old immortals who've been on campaign before probably most of the swordmasters know at least the basics of how to make a meal for themselves while on the march. We're talking about getting a bonafide professional who could make meals distinctly better then anything our swordmasters can just make for themselves. That might be something that'll cost.

Not saying no, just saying that we should watch our budget when considering new additions like that. Taking the lodgings with the Bull's Keep will free up a lot of pressure on our budget, but probably not enough that we won't need to watch our budget, particularly since we're now hiring new troops whose wages we will need to pay.
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So it seems. Thing is that we're not talking about just getting "a cook". As centuries old immortals who've been on campaign before probably most of the swordmasters know at least the basics of how to make a meal for themselves while on the march. We're talking about getting a bonafide professional who could make meals distinctly better then anything our swordmasters can just make for themselves. That might be something that'll cost.
I'm not sure we would necessarily get someone who can make things distinctly better than anything our swordmaster can just make for themselves who is willing to go on campaign. What we would for sure get is someone who can make thing distinctly better than anything our sowrdmasters can just make for themselves in the time they aren't busy swordmaster-ing.

This is very much the sort of thing where I expect we can pay an elf and get the best of the best, or we can pay a non-elf and get 75% of the way there for a significant discount.
I'm not sure we would necessarily get someone who can make things distinctly better than anything our swordmaster can just make for themselves who is willing to go on campaign. What we would for sure get is someone who can make thing distinctly better than anything our sowrdmasters can just make for themselves in the time they aren't busy swordmaster-ing.

This is very much the sort of thing where I expect we can pay an elf and get the best of the best, or we can pay a non-elf and get 75% of the way there for a significant discount.
Though in that case Blackout clarified that Fanriel herself is a good enough cook that she can make better meals then anyone we could expect to hire, so if professional cooks are really that expensive then there's the option of just spending an action during downtime on cooking rather then paying a chef. However blackout clarified that we wouldn't have the time to do cooking when on campaign, which is where he claimed the benefits of having a professional cook would be the most significant.
I'm not sure we would necessarily get someone who can make things distinctly better than anything our swordmaster can just make for themselves who is willing to go on campaign.
This is Warhammer tho, and at a particularly turbulent time. I'm sure we can find a dedicated cook who is neither afraid nor thinks they're too good to follow us on a campaign.

(Well, I'm sure that finding one would be a valid and prominent possible result of a roll to do so, and not require like nat 90+ to happen.)
Though in that case Blackout clarified that Fanriel herself is a good enough cook that she can make better meals then anyone we could expect to hire, so if professional cooks are really that expensive then there's the option of just spending an action during downtime on cooking rather then paying a chef. However blackout clarified that we wouldn't have the time to do cooking when on campaign, which is where he claimed the benefits of having a professional cook would be the most significant.
I'm not against having a good cook per se, since that will help with morale obviously. The thing is I don't actually think, that Fanriel should spend her precious time making meals. I mean that's like not her job? It's the same thing with singing personally in taverns. Both are beneath her and she could use that time to plan a campaign, learn magic or do literally anything else. Isn't this why we were paying for room and board? Mundane chores should be left to our subordinates and hired help.

That being said, having a professional cook is a luxury, much like silk sheets or expensive wine. If anyone wishes to have them, be my guest, use your own funds for that once we start paying them wages. Until then, we should focus on the essentials.
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Indeed, why would we want to spend our very valuable money on an Asur cook? Or any cook, for that matter? And if for some reason we absolutely, positively need one, let's hire a halfling. He will be cheaper, and less likely to put poison in our food.
Exile or no, I'm pretty sure 99% of Asur aren't going to murder Fanriel. For one, assassination has Druchii connotations and for two, most of them don't want her dead. Aislinn does, but even he has some limits on how he can act. He doesn't seem able to order his subordinates to outright kill her for example. Part of that is likely due to illegality, but part of it is likely also due to their own distaste for it.
I'm not against having a good cook per se, since that will help with morale obviously. The thing is I don't actually think, that Fanriel should spend her precious time making meals. I mean that's like not her job? It's the same thing with singing personally in taverns. Both are beneath her and she could use that time to plan a campaign, learn magic or do literally anything else. Isn't this why we were paying for room and board? Mundane chores should be left to our subordinates and hired help.

It's more that if there's something we're willing to pay a lot for my opinion is that we should be willing to consider doing it ourself. We spend time to get money, so in that regard sufficient monetary savings are worth spending time on if the alternative is spending even more time on getting that money.

That being said, having a professional cook is a luxury, much like silk sheets or expensive wine. If anyone wishes to have them, be my guest, use your own funds for that once we start paying them wages. Until then, we should focus on the essentials.

I agree with you about stuff like silk sheets and wine, but not necessarily a cook. The difference between them is that stuff like bedsheets and wine are personal goods used for yourself. In contrast you don't hire a cook for just one person, but for a group. As the manager it's more our role to get things that will benefit the entire group but would require pooling our resources to obtain.
That being said, having a professional cook is a luxury, much like silk sheets or expensive wine. If anyone wishes to have them, be my guest, use your own funds for that once we start paying them wages. Until then, we should focus on the essentials.
Yes, I completely agree. Finding a cook is for the foreseeable future at the bottom of our priority list, right next to 'silk sheets' and 'finding a husband to continue our lineage'.

Exile or no, I'm pretty sure 99% of Asur aren't going to murder Fanriel. For one, assassination has Druchii connotations and for two, most of them don't want her dead. Aislinn does, but even he has some limits on how he can act. He doesn't seem able to order his subordinates to outright kill her for example. Part of that is likely due to illegality, but part of it is likely also due to their own distaste for it.
It was mostly an hyperbole. But in all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if Aislinn would try to assassinate us if he gets the opportunity to do so discreetly.