One nice thing about making this song about Dorial is that seems like it'd be much harder for our detractors among the Asur to try to minimize Dorial's accomplishment compared to if it had been about us. Sure, Dorial gets some blowback just from being associated with us, but it still seems that it'd be less difficult for them to dump on the criminal exile that got 745 elves killed compared to the innocent blade lord who's only crime is accompanying said exile given the magnitude of the accomplishment he managed.
Many elves would say that his crime was not stopping you from getting 745 elves killed.
@Blackout do the Asur care at all about gromril? Is it something they would craft with or is the association with dwarfs enough for them to just toss it/sell it whenever they get a piece of gromril gear they could melt down?
@Blackout do the Asur care at all about gromril? Is it something they would craft with or is the association with dwarfs enough for them to just toss it/sell it whenever they get a piece of gromril gear they could melt down?
Elven smiths would love to use gromril, but they don't know how to forge it, as its secrets are known only to dwarf runesmiths.

(Likewise, dwarfs covet the secrets of Ithilmar, which are known only to the elves.)
Many elves would say that his crime was not stopping you from getting 745 elves killed.

I'm sure some would say that, but the fact that there's a verdict from the king himself that says that Dorial has no criminal responsibility seems like it'd help in that regard. Like I said, I'm not saying he wouldn't get any blowback, but it does seem likely that it'd be a lot less then what we get.

Besides how capable would someone in Dorial's position have been to stop both a prominent princess, at the time, as well as a his superior as a loremaster, from doing something like that? Would he have even known that we had the plaques with us?
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Also I have to admit that Dorial has kind of grown on me. Even besides the benefits we might get from it, I'm happy for our bro to get the respect he deserves.

Still need to get back at that priest for taking Dorial's shield though:anger:
Besides how capable would someone in Dorial's position have been to stop both a prominent princess, at the time, as well as a his superior as a loremaster, from doing something like that?
If he knew she was breaking the law he could have reported it to either Cyeos or Belannaer as her superiors in the White Tower, or Moranion as her liege.

Would he have even known that we had the plaques with us?
He did not know, but the point is that those people think he should have noticed (being that the Swordmasters are master investigators), or they think he did know and is lying to cover his ass.
He did not know, but the point is that those people think he should have noticed (being that the Swordmasters are master investigators), or they think he did know and is lying to cover his ass.

Don't the Asur have methods to be able to figure out if someone is lying or not during trial? I vaguely recall something about the Everqueen having a truth sense, though if she's the only one with it then it might explain why such a method wasn't used when Dorial was, presumably, asked to give testimony, in case our trial wasn't important enough to warrant the Everqueen's direct attention.

Still, court verdict from the king and Asuryan's representative that Dorial has no criminal responsibility. For some people nothing will be enough and they'll continue to blame Dorial no matter what the Phoenix King says, but for the rest, in Dorial's case the tables are reversed: While there's a court verdict explicitly determining that we are guilty, there's a court verdict explicitly determining that Dorial is not.
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[X] You will ask to stay in the Chapterhouse of the Knights of the Bull.
In canon the Bull Knights are a prominent enough organization to have as a member a cousin of the elector count, and as a knightly order is in general likely to be largely populated by the local upper classs and aristocracy. Assuming we take the option to stay at their keep if our skills impress the Bulls enough I wouldn't be surprised if we'd have an offer of employment not long after from someone who needs skills like ours in Ostland.

Hell, we might even be offered a contract by the bulls themselves if they feel that they need us.
Re: the chapterhouse- are they considered decent or good? don't want to annoy the swordmasters
So apart from possibly Throgg, do we know of any other notable Chaos gribblies that we could feasibly eliminate before the invasion? Or a future threat we can take out super early? I think Sigvald should be poking around somewhere right about now.
So apart from possibly Throgg, do we know of any other notable Chaos gribblies that we could feasibly eliminate before the invasion? Or a future threat we can take out super early? I think Sigvald should be poking around somewhere right about now.
Know, technically yes with meta knowledge. But we don't have the ability to know of their threat, their location, or access them.

So we basically don't know any.
So apart from possibly Throgg, do we know of any other notable Chaos gribblies that we could feasibly eliminate before the invasion? Or a future threat we can take out super early? I think Sigvald should be poking around somewhere right about now.

Well had we chosen the option to start right after the Chaos invasion that was offered at char gen we might have gotten to meet a certain strapping lad by the name of Diedrick Kastner, who was apparently born only a few years after the end of the GWAC. However right now he's about a twinkle in Bel'akor's eye.

Though if we hear about a bunch of hospices being formed at Nordland then watch out.
While causing him "not become Archaon" would be awesome, problem is that Chaos Gods/Bel'akor will just "pick different person" for role of 13th Everchosen then

Either way he should only be born in about a decade and a half from now.

Also Sigvald apparently spends two centuries deep in the Chaos Wastes at some point, which might mean he won't even be setting foot down south for a g ood long time.
do we have to worry ourselves with witch hunters in Ostland?

Blackout mentioned that most Imperial provinces employ a fig leaf according to which elven mages are all priests casting divine miracles of the sort that Damsels and Ice Witches are, so as to not lose the chance to trade with Ulthuan due to having tried to burn the High Elves' mages on a stake.
Blackout mentioned that most Imperial provinces employ a fig leaf according to which elven mages are all priests casting divine miracles of the sort that Damsels and Ice Witches are, so as to not lose the chance to trade with Ulthuan due to having tried to burn the High Elves' mages on a stake.

Mr Witch Hunter, I don't see any witches. I only see Priestess of Hoeth with her Bodyguards 😉😆
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Witch-hunters are indeed unlikely to try and kill us, and lynch mobs generally don't attack 2,3m tall mountains of muscles with big swords, especially when it's surrounded by other guys with even bigger swords.