I wonder if with time our swordmasters will sort of evolve from an elite squad
to the captains of various regiments under us

I doubt it, simply because our Swordmasters are so valuable and good at swording that it would seem really inefficient to turn them all into officers, some of whom might not even have the skills to be such. As is if we'd want specifically elven officers for our company it'd seem more efficient to recruit veterans of the militia to do it then let the Swordmasters do so once we have the resources for it.

Edit: The Swordmasters seem like they'd be a lot more fitting for the role of our elite bodyguard then our generals, by the nature of their vocation if nothing else.
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I doubt it, simply because our Swordmasters are so valuable and good at swording that it would seem really inefficient to turn them all into officers, some of whom might not even have the skills to be such. As is if we'd want specifically elven officers for our company it'd seem more efficient to recruit veterans of the militia to do it then let the Swordmasters do so once we have the resources for it.
Those Swordmasters with militia experience already have the necessary skills to command and whip up recruits into some kind of shape, despite them being human (probably). What would be substandard for Elves should more than suffice for them. Even without such experience, they understand discipline far better than any former militiaman. Without it, they would have never been where they are now and can easily try to transplant that to others. In any case, they would be far better leaders, than any other officer we could get, apart from other experienced Asur.

That being said, diluting our guard does bring some doubts, since as a unit they are basically unstoppable, not so as individuals.
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Those Swordmasters with militia experience already have the necessary skills to command and whip up recruits into some kind of shame, despite them being human (probably). What would be substandard for Elves should more than suffice for them. Even without such experience, they understand discipline far better than any former militiaman. Without it, they would have never been where they are now and can easily try to transplant that to others. In any case, they would be far better leaders, than any other officer we could get, apart from other experienced Asur.

That being said, diluting our guard does bring some doubts, since as a unit they are basically unstoppable, not so as individuals.

For sure. I look forward to having them drill our recruits in fighting. What I meant was that should our company expand to point that we have actual regiments and becomes large enough that you could call it something like an army that it would be a misuse of their talents to have them act as generals rather then our bodyguard or something else that relies on their specific talents of what they're best at. If there's a role we have that some guy from the militia that we recruit can do just as well as one of the Swordmasters, then why use our rarer and more valuable swordmasters on it?

Our swordmasters are a unit of a legendary warrior order and elite investigators. Not legendary or elite officers and military commanders. I wouldn't be surprised if the average officer in the Sea Guard has a higher martial stat then our swordmasters, even if the Sea Guard's prowess would be lower.
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I wasn't really thinking hard about that.

Whatever makes the most sense.

Edit: I think I was thinking that he is the type who sees himself as 'of the people' but actual non nobles roll their eyes at.

Elf middle class trying to to slam it basically.
Alright then, he's a noble who likes to pretend he's not. I'm sure him and Dolwen get along swimmingly.

In either case, he would still be trained as a Horse Archer, and most likely has fought as a Reaver at some point in his life.
[X] Yes, you need all the manpower you can get.

Got to admit I like the Finnic!Ropsmann idea.
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Good. Should be something we can do to impress the Ungols if we end up spending an action on contacting the Hag Witches and get a bite.
Got to admit I like the Finnic!Ropsmann idea.
It just came to me naturally because the proto-finnic peoples have no existing counterpart in Warhammer Fantasy, Troll Country corresponds to the rough geographical location of Finland (swampland between Norsca/Scandinavia and Kislev/Russia), and there's very little lore about the Ropsmenn to contradict it.
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Anyway tenative downtime plan

0. Decent lodgings
1. Silver smithing.
2. Meditation in a shrine of Lileath for insanity reduction
3. Testing the 5 lesser elementals we still haven't used yet
4. Learning Inspiration (tier 2 Hysh)
5-6: Learning Conjure Greater Fire Elemental (tier 4, mid, Aqshy)
7. Spend time with Swordmasters
8. Contact Hag Witches
9. Bards for Dorial's duel
10. Recruitment?

We'd need to settle over just who are we going to recruit if we take a recruitment action. I don't think we should recruit too many troops at this point when we can't be totally sure about the jobs coming our way. Maybe also recruit not too many spearmen. Say a handful of Asur spearmen or a score of human ones? This is all very dependent on just how much each soldier will cost us. We don't want to end up burning our money from the egg and Jaarpen too quickly.
Every plan I see here seems to want to spend ALLLL our money for the most downtime possible. We could just have a shorter downtime and, in between, just make some easier and shorter contracts, like troll hunting. That way, we can see the results of our downtime and not have to make excessively elaborate 10-part plans.
We'd need to settle over just who are we going to recruit if we take a recruitment action. I don't think we should recruit too many troops at this point when we can't be totally sure about the jobs coming our way. Maybe also recruit not too many spearmen. Say a handful of Asur spearmen or a score of human ones? This is all very dependent on just how much each soldier will cost us. We don't want to end up burning our money from the egg and Jaarpen too quickly.

If we are recruiting humans, we would need another action to train them to fight as a unit. I would say an half dozen Asur archers would be best at first. And then when we use more actions to recruit two scores of human spearmen because they are cheaper.

Honestly, i would wait another turn to recruit so we can invest most of the actions only in recruiting, training and organizing the company.

Instead, i would use the 10th action to search for a Familiar.
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Anyway tenative downtime plan

0. Decent lodgings
1. Silver smithing.
2. Meditation in a shrine of Lileath for insanity reduction
3. Testing the 5 lesser elementals we still haven't used yet
4. Learning Inspiration (tier 2 Hysh)
5-6: Learning Conjure Greater Fire Elemental (tier 4, mid, Aqshy)
7. Spend time with Swordmasters
8. Contact Hag Witches
9. Bards for Dorial's duel
10. Recruitment?

We'd need to settle over just who are we going to recruit if we take a recruitment action. I don't think we should recruit too many troops at this point when we can't be totally sure about the jobs coming our way. Maybe also recruit not too many spearmen. Say a handful of Asur spearmen or a score of human ones? This is all very dependent on just how much each soldier will cost us. We don't want to end up burning our money from the egg and Jaarpen too quickly.
Recruiting needs to be higher on that list.

Remember, a cake(magic, fancy mounts etc) is nice, but a weeks worth of canned beans are needed m (the bounty poster, repairs, recruiting etc etc)
Every plan I see here seems to want to spend ALLLL our money for the most downtime possible. We could just have a shorter downtime and, in between, just make some easier and shorter contracts, like troll hunting. That way, we can see the results of our downtime and not have to make excessively elaborate 10-part plans.
Agreed, also it's kinda disingenuous of the people who where so panicked at the idea a Demigryph would bankrupt us, when Blackout said it wouldn't, to now want to waste all our money Recruiting mercs with no job that would require them on the table at the moment, we don't need a immediate army we need to recuperate and let Dorial heal so the hearthblade job seems the best option food and board will likely be provided and it should take long enough for Dorial to heal ,he'll they might do the healing for us plus we have inspiration for a Dazh related spell creation.
If we are recruiting humans, we would need another action to train them to fight as a unit. I would say an half dozen Asur archers would be best at first. And then when we use more actions to recruit two scores of human spearmen because they are cheaper.

Honestly, i would wait another turn to recruit so we can invest most of the actions only in recruiting, training and organizing the company.
That is why getting a handful of Asur bowmen first is a good idea.

Former militiamen need no training and have more experience than the most seasoned human veterans, while the younglings can keep to the back and just fire away, which isn't hard to do.
0. Decent lodgings
1. Silver smithing.
2. Meditation in a shrine of Lileath for insanity reduction
3. Testing the 5 lesser elementals we still haven't used yet
4. Learning Inspiration (tier 2 Hysh)
5-6: Learning Conjure Greater Fire Elemental (tier 4, mid, Aqshy)
7. Spend time with Swordmasters
8. Contact Hag Witches
9. Bards for Dorial's duel
10. Recruitment?
Recruitment should not be our last priority man, the whole point of making Fanriel the way she is was to help protect Kislev from the chaos shitshow on it's way. In order to help with that, we'll need to get a reputation as someone who you hire to help command armies and in order to get the type of jobs that give you that, you need something that can help an army by itself. Also spending time with the Swordmasters after our bladelord nearly died feels more important to me personally than big magic.

[X] Yes, you need all the manpower you can get.
Every plan I see here seems to want to spend ALLLL our money for the most downtime possible. We could just have a shorter downtime and, in between, just make some easier and shorter contracts, like troll hunting. That way, we can see the results of our downtime and not have to make excessively elaborate 10-part plans.

I mean, 10 actions is not all our money, probably. If we go with expensive lodgings and make, say, 600 GC on the egg, it's half our money. Just to put this in perspective.
Recruitment should not be our last priority man, the whole point of making Fanriel the way she is was to help protect Kislev from the chaos shitshow on it's way. In order to help with that, we'll need to get a reputation as someone who you hire to help command armies and in order to get the type of jobs that give you that, you need something that can help an army by itself. Also spending time with the Swordmasters after our bladelord nearly died feels more important to me personally than big magic.

I don't think he wrote the actions in order of importance.
Recruitment should not be our last priority man, the whole point of making Fanriel the way she is was to help protect Kislev from the chaos shitshow on it's way. In order to help with that, we'll need to get a reputation as someone who you hire to help command armies and in order to get the type of jobs that give you that, you need something that can help an army by itself. Also spending time with the Swordmasters after our bladelord nearly died feels more important to me personally than big magic.

[X] Yes, you need all the manpower you can get.
The actions weren't meant to express an order of priorities. I mostly put recruitment last because I didn't know what we'd be recruiting and wanted to discuss it with the thread.

Agreed, also it's kinda disingenuous of the people who where so panicked at the idea a Demigryph would bankrupt us, when Blackout said it wouldn't, to now want to waste all our money Recruiting mercs with no job that would require them on the table at the moment, we don't need a immediate army we need to recuperate and let Dorial heal so the hearthblade job seems the best option food and board will likely be provided and it should take long enough for Dorial to heal ,he'll they might do the healing for us plus we have inspiration for a Dazh related spell creation.
This is all very dependent on just how much each soldier will cost us. We don't want to end up burning our money from the egg and Jaarpen too quickly.

I figure that several Asur archers would be something that if need be we can still make use of during the troll hunt as we have them fire at trolls while we wait for them to come at us. That's why I wasn't as sure about the spearmen.
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For me it's:

0. Decent lodgings
1: a hospices for the hurt
2: shopping for the things we need to expend/reduce long term costs.
3: recruiting (a little if we plan to take a small job like the teaching one, or a middling amount if we are aiming for a bigger one.
4: Silver smithing.
5: Meditation in a shrine of Lileath for insanity reduction
6: Testing the 5 lesser elementals we still haven't used yet
7. Spend time with Swordmasters
8. Contact (someone)
9. Bards for Dorial's duel

I know there are voters very very very into doing as much magic as possible, but we are the army loremaster, not the big magic loremaster.

And no matter how much time we put into magic, it will be awhile before we are as good at it as leading armies.

So we really should focus on getting an army up and running, then work on magic.
For me it's:

0. Decent lodgings
1: a hospices for the hurt
2: shopping for the things we need to expend/reduce long term costs.
3: recruiting (a little if we plan to take a small job like the teaching one, or a middling amount if we are aiming for a bigger one.
4: Silver smithing.
5: Meditation in a shrine of Lileath for insanity reduction
6: Testing the 5 lesser elementals we still haven't used yet
7. Spend time with Swordmasters
8. Contact (someone)
9. Bards for Dorial's duel

I know there are voters very very very into doing as much magic as possible, but we are the army loremaster, not the big magic loremaster.

And no matter how much time we put into magic, it will be awhile before we are as good at it as leading armies.

So we really should focus on getting an army up and running, then work on magic.

Shopping is free, it dosen't take an action. And learning at least one Battle Magic spell is absolutely needed to give Fanriel the power necessary to change the tides of a battle.
We don't know what kinds of mercs will be available for hire in Erengrad. There might not be any Asur for hire. There could be 12 different axemen companies available but not one spearman. We will likely either have to roll to see who's available or work with whatever boss decides to give us.

I really think we should wait to see what our actual options are before planning to recruit someone.
I mean, 10 actions is not all our money, probably. If we go with expensive lodgings and make, say, 600 GC on the egg, it's half our money. Just to put this in perspective.
We got 400 GP from Jaarpen and since we were told that an egg should sell for somewhere between several hundred gold and a thousand I assume that we'll end up with 900 to 1400 gold, or 1150 if you want to go in the middle. 10 actions with decent lodgings cost 250 GP, but we're going to have expenses in addition to actions. Bards cost money, research supplies cost money, a horse for the guy from Ellyrion costs money etc,etc. So conservatively I'd say we should take the action cost of any plan and then add another 50 GP to it spend on supplies as a sort of margin of error. More if we're also recruiting.

For me it's:

0. Decent lodgings
1: a hospices for the hurt
2: shopping for the things we need to expend/reduce long term costs.
3: recruiting (a little if we plan to take a small job like the teaching one, or a middling amount if we are aiming for a bigger one.
4: Silver smithing.
5: Meditation in a shrine of Lileath for insanity reduction
6: Testing the 5 lesser elementals we still haven't used yet
7. Spend time with Swordmasters
8. Contact (someone)
9. Bards for Dorial's duel

I know there are voters very very very into doing as much magic as possible, but we are the army loremaster, not the big magic loremaster.

And no matter how much time we put into magic, it will be awhile before we are as good at it as leading armies.

So we really should focus on getting an army up and running, then work on magic.
What does hospice for the hurt mean? Do you mean Dorial?

Also HEAVILY disagree with this. Remember how we literally had to leave Dorial in critical condition while we went to sleep? The reason for that is that due to our magic we were literally the only one who could heal him. Remember how Blackout himself told us that the most important roll in the battle was the attempt to counterspell the Nurglite shaman? We can have someone else do almost anything else for us, even command of need be, but not magic, because we are and for a considerable time if not for the entire quest will remain the Lightfangs' only mage. No one else can do magic for us, and that makes it a skill that we absolutely cannot neglect.

If need be we can do both recruitment and learning spells. Selling the egg means we have that privilege, but I will not support any plan that doesn't have us attempt to learn any new spell what so ever like yours.
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Yeah, we need to spend at least 2 actions on Battle Magic if only to know how many more it's gonna take. Battle Magic is essential.
Honestly to avoid doubling up on actions that do not NEED to be doubled up on I would recomend ONE action be spent on battle magic then a short mission like troll hunting. An action spent on unlocking all the standard elementals plus an action spent on greater aqushy elemental is plenty to go troll hunting with even if we don't get the greater elemental.