[X] Yes, you need all the manpower you can get.

I hope that the Swordmasters won't treat her too coldly. It's somewhat unlikely but maybe she could even befriend some.
A thought just hit me - if Lightfangs ever become fairly big outfit should we recruit a dedicated Support team?
You know, cooks, supply personnel, horsemen?
A thought just hit me - if Lightfangs ever become fairly big outfit should we recruit a dedicated Support team?
You know, cooks, supply personnel, horsemen?
Camp followers are an integral part of any army.

Indeed, in the old days it is said that about 5 of them were with the army for every soldier present. They included families, merchants, prostitutes, smiths, cooks, slaves, servants, various other craftsmen and people of dubious reputation. Indeed, among all those present, camp followers were the most eager to loot and scavenge a battlefield, as well as to finish off any survivors lying around so they may steal their belongings. They were both a blessing and a curse.
A thought just hit me - if Lightfangs ever become fairly big outfit should we recruit a dedicated Support team?
You know, cooks, supply personnel, horsemen?

Depends on how much marching we'll need to do and whether those additional personnel can result in savings when we're staying in place.

For more then a handful of people like we are now there'll probably be people who will need to take care of some of those more mundane logistical requirements when we're on the march. In contrast when in a city our dudes can use the local infrastructure, but it might be cheaper to have permanent retainers handle something like that.
My perspective is armies have camp followers, the only question is whether those camp followers are under our formal authority or completely ad-hoc.

And it certainly suits Fanriel's tastes not to have the camp followers be completely ad-hoc.
Camp followers are an integral part of any army.

Indeed, in the old days it is said that about 5 of them were with the army for every soldier present. They included families, merchants, prostitutes, smiths, cooks, slaves, servants, various other craftsmen and people of dubious reputation. Indeed, among all those present, camp followers were the most eager to loot and scavenge a battlefield, as well as to finish off any survivors lying around so they may steal their belongings. They were both a blessing and a curse.
Camp followers can be a massive drain of resources, and should be strictly regulated. An army marches on its stomach, and is limited in his mobility and the place she can go by his supply situation. An army with too many camp followers is a slow beast that can be outmaneuvered more easily.
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A thought just hit me - if Lightfangs ever become fairly big outfit should we recruit a dedicated Support team?
You know, cooks, supply personnel, horsemen?

Yeah, we are going to need camp followers.

My perspective is armies have camp followers, the only question is whether those camp followers are under our formal authority or completely ad-hoc.

And it certainly suits Fanriel's tastes not to have the camp followers be completely ad-hoc.

We should be really careful whe recruiting camp followers, them begin Chaos cultists is the least of our problems, they could be spies of Aislinn.
Camp followers can be a massive drain of resources, and should be strictly regulated. An army marches on its stomach, and is limited in his mobility and the place she can go by his supply situation. An army with too many camp followers is a slow beast that can outmaneuvered more easily.
Oh, we won't be having that problem anytime soon.

Camp followers are needed, when the troop grows in size substantially. I believe, that anything below a hundred fighting men does not require servants to tend to our needs outside of a fight, since we can do that ourselves.

However, with humans added to the mix that might not be the case. Knights for instance, do need help with all that junk.
Sorry for the long post.
No problem.
The thing is High Elf don't force things like Griffions to be mounts so Fanriel would be against trying to force a Adult Griffion to be a Mount for us as would our Elven companions. We can gain the ability to talk to them that is guaranty of success is a quest with roles deciding how things go.

Also if Fanriel likes Griffion she's not going to Murder adults to take their eggs.

Don't most people who have Griffin mounts get them when they're young? All due respect to the High Elves and their cuddles with Griffins but I doubt the adult Griffins just volunteer for their eggs to be taken away to be some princeling's mount. More likely is that people either sneak into their nests to steal an egg while the adult is away or kill the adult and then steal the egg.

Do you think the parents of that Demigryph egg that Razin had sold their egg to him?

Sure she can. We just vote
[] Uranon Thunderbolt that Griffin

And it's all done.

I would point out that we could make any Demigryph we raised could be made bet then any Demigryph we could find in the forest randomly but making a super Demigryph seems to be not wanted for this quest at the moment.

Not necessarily. See, @Blackout confirmed that when we make something our familiar it to becomes more powerful. We had no way to know if what was in that egg could be turned into a familiar, but if we one day go searching in the wilds for a Demigryph we can decide in advance to look only for a familiar worthy demigryph, in which case it could be made to be considerably more powerful then a non familiar demigryph.
That sounds like it would take more money and time and considering how people seemed to be worried about the time and money a Demigryph could take why would they take the time raise a Griffion let alone spending money to house and feed it.

Not necessarily. If we can find a demigryph in the wilds that's done some growing we might be able to save on the time, and money, that we will have had to spend on growing it ourself.

The bigger issue was having that expenditure while we're on our current lean budget. Buying a private jet is easier on the finances of a billionaire then it is on the finances of someone who lives paycheck to paycheck while making minimum wage even though both would have to pay the exact same price. Having something like that would be much easier to afford in terms of dosh if we better our finances first.

I would prefer to earn a Mount's respect with forcing it be Magic by being a kick as Mother Figure who can speak with it to a degree.

I a pretty the ways Amber Wizards are able to gain Griffion Mounts has a lot more to do with them being able to use Ghur to communicate with Griffion then using Magic to attack them.

A Mount you raise yourself is much more likely to both listen to you and be loyal to you then one you find as a adult.

Okay but even if you'd prefer to try to tame a monstrous mount without "Beast Master" though I personally think that's a pretty terrible idea, we don't know the spell that would allow us to talk to beasts at this point in time either. Due to our low investment in Ghur we are actually no better in beast taming then any other elf right now despite having Ghur, since we don't have the relevant spells.

We should be really careful whe recruiting camp followers, them begin Chaos cultists is the least of our problems, they could be spies of Aislinn.

Yeah that's part of my concern with recruiting any Asur. Aislinn might have spies among them.

Mind, we also have decent Intrigue, by elven standards even, so we're not defenseless in that regard. Once we get Enchant Item we'll also be making our Intrigue a bit better.
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[X] Yes, you need all the manpower you can get.

I hope that the Swordmasters won't treat her too coldly. It's somewhat unlikely but maybe she could even befriend some.
If anything we should probably find a swordmaster to help her train her archery if we're taking her with us.

We're probably going to be relying on them to drill our human subordinates for some time.

[X] No, you'd rather not take any risks... Unless she's got the hook up on a Griffin egg

Honestly the best option would probably be a juvenile rather then an egg. Then we'll be able to tell in advance if its familiar worthy or not.
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Also, buy some horses for everyone in the company. Traveling on foot might be a problem in the long run. And also a cart to carry our loot and our stuff.

If we're expanding our unit then I doubt we'll be buying horses for everyone, but it might be worth it for our Swordmasters in order to make extra sure that they're fresh in case battle is joined given how much more one of them is worth give how much they punch above their numbers in combat power.

We'd also probably want a horse for her if she's going to be our scout. Probably at least for the guy from Ellyrion given that he's apparently proficient in mounted combat.
I read this as "Blackout had an idea to add a named character who would check some of the boxes we've been talking about, and wanted to do a quick update and let us exercise player agency over whether to hire her."
As much as I enjoy close votes, there are also times when I must hold votes even if the outcome seems obvious, if only for the sake of player agency.

After all, if things go wrong people would be rightfully pissed at me that I forced them into it.

Yeah that's part of my concern with recruiting any Asur. Aislinn might have spies among them.
It's good then that you have a squad of some of the best anti-spy specialists on the planet with you.
As much as I enjoy close votes, there are also times when I must hold votes even if the outcome seems obvious, if only for the sake of player agency.

After all, if things go wrong people would be rightfully pissed at me that I forced them into it.
Personally I'm happy with how a non close vote means that at least the vote can be closed earlier.

It's good then that you have a squad of some of the best anti-spy specialists on the planet with you.

Speaking of which, can we use Enchant Item to benefit other people like our Swordmasters? They might be able to use the boost to Intrigue if we'll be recruiting people soon. For Prowess to.
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Don't most people who have Griffin mounts get them when they're young? All due respect to the High Elves and their cuddles with Griffins but I doubt the adult Griffins just volunteer for their eggs to be taken away to be some princeling's mount. More likely is that people either sneak into their nests to steal an egg while the adult is away or kill the adult and then steal the egg.
Yeah, elves are not all nice and fuzzy treehuggers in Warhammer Fantasy. Elves may respect and even revere animals like Griffons because of Kronos, but that just means when you hunt them you do so honorably with a bow or just a spear if you are especially devote to Kronos.

Elves have no problem with hunting. They have no problem killing even animals they respect. They will 100% kill griffons. They are just going to do so thoughtfully.

[X] Yes, you need all the manpower you can get.
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Kurnous is the God of the Hunt just as much he is the God of Animals.

Speaking of which, can we use Enchant Item to benefit other people like our Swordmasters? They might be able to use the boost to Intrigue if we'll be recruiting people soon.
Yes, although it's not really practical to equip them all (or even most of them) with enchanted items using the spell.
We'd also probably want a horse for her if she's going to be our scout. Probably at least for the guy from Ellyrion given that he's apparently proficient in mounted combat.
Unless we are going to have many or proficient scouts, the guy from Ellyrion may be a good scout leader.
Also for that priceless Elven sight. "They are turning North-East... They are bringing the Hobbits to Isengard!"
"Legolas, how is it that you need two attempts to recognize East from West?" :tongue:

It's good then that you have a squad of some of the best anti-spy specialists on the planet with you.
By the law of buffer overflow, the possible intrigue/prowess only goes from 0 to 127. When you have 128 you get 0 again.
"Why does this human walk around with a headband, and a third sleeve?"
"The headband is the latest 'trendy' fashion among humans in the last decade or two, and the third sleeve is a tail. He said he comes from a primitive tribe"
"Oh, right. Besides, humans are basically monkeys so all is fine."
"It's just a bit sad, though."
Kurnous is the God of the Hunt just as much he is the God of Animals.
Though if you could clarify, how do most Asur Griffin riders get their mount? I assume that they either sneak into nests while the adult is away or kill the adult first, or have someone else do that for them before bringing them the egg/juvenile.

Yes, although it's not really practical to equip them all (or even most of them) with enchanted items using the spell.
Nice, and I figured as much. Still we could give Intrigue items to one or two that we have doing anti spy work for us at the time, and give something for Prowess to Dorial in case we end up needing to have him be the company champion again.
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Though if you could clarify, how do most Asur Griffin riders get their mount? I assume that either sneak into nests while the adult is away or kill the adult first, or have someone else do that for them before bringing them the egg/juvenile.
Quite often two Asur who happen to ride male and female griffons agree to let their mounts meet and produce baby griffons.

Aside from that, most of the time a prospective rider will venture into the wilderness to look for a juvenile griffon, old enough to have been kicked out of their parents' nest but still not fully grown.

Not because they think going for the nest is immoral or something, but because having someone else do it for you or help you with it is considered terribly gauche, and having to fight or sneak past one or quite possibly two adult griffons on your own is not something most elves want to take a crack at.
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