Why me, why me...? Kiran mentally bemoaned. For the latest mission the Order of Heroes was charged with, he, the Askran royals, and Anna had divided their force into four separate squads led by each. Kiran had drawn the short straw when it came to who'd be under his command, and it showed in those who made up his unit. Oy, what a unit...
He was leading a team made up of, of all people, Zephiel from Realm-III (king of Bern, on the continent of (future) Elibe); Walhart of Realm-I, ruler of Valm (a future version of Valentia)); and lastly, versions of Realm-X's Edelgard, Dmitri, and Claude of Fódlan. Specifically, versions from five years into Fódlan's future, when they were no longer students at Garreg Mach Officer's Academy but ruling their respective territories outright. (Making things a tad awkward when all three were first summoned and came face-to-face with their younger selves.) All three were in very different places than they'd been during their student days, with a hardened Edelgard now Empress of Adrestria, a ruthless, embittered Dmitri crowned as king of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and Claude (more or less the same as he was) now the duke of Riegan territory in the Leicester Alliance. There was also an animosity between all three that, thankfully, didn't boil over into actual conflict while they were in Askr; to better explain the reasons for this animosity would take at least two more chapters and the suggestion to consult either the
Fire Emblem Wiki, the TV Tropes page for
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, or the nearest Reddit page to satisfy your curiosity, which is why that has been set aside for the moment to focus on the comedy here.
Anyway, combined with dealing with both the formidable, unyielding Conqueror of Valm and the zealous, pro-dragon king of Bern, and the Summoner knew he was going to be in for a literal royal headache.
I don't know how she did it, but I'm gonna get Anna back for doing something to the straws...Of all five, at least Claude appeared to be the easiest to deal with.
"You okay, Summoner?" the bow-slinging, wyvern-riding duke in question asked. "You're looking a bit exasperated."
"Oh, it's...nothing, Claude. Really," Kiran replied as he looked around the area they were currently walking through. "Just thinking of where we might get some intel in these parts."
"Well...from the look of things, might be a tall order here," Claude said.
The area they were traveling through presently had a few wrecked stone buildings, though a castle in the distance appeared to be intact. Commoners were walking about or working the ground, seeming to not spare the group a look. Kiran looked over his shoulder at the other members of the squad. Not surprisingly, Dmitri and Zephiel were stoically silent, but surprisingly, Walhart and Edelgard appeared to get along swimmingly. And not just in terms of sharing a taste for imposing red outfits and horned headwear...
"...Thus, I would end the reign of the gods. I would free the world's people from being slaves to tradition, to obligation, the old ways," Walhart was explaining.
"Yes! Exactly!" Edelgard concurred enthusiastically, a stark contrast to how hardened she'd become in the intervening years. "
Finally, someone who gets me! That's what my whole conflict was aiming for!"
"Indeed," Walhart said. "We appear to have much in common, Lady Edelgard." He furrowed his brows as he continued. "Including allying ourselves with veritable serpents in our midst..."
Edelgard grimly nodded, having previously told him of her alliance of convenience with the shadowy group dubbed 'Those Who Slither In the Dark' (there were a couple of times where she'd suggested to their leader, Thales, that they really ought to come up with a better name), just as he'd told her of the treachery (which he already knew about) of an advisor of his by the name of Excellus.
Dmitri cast a fleeting glance at the two and rolled his eye before returning his focus to what was ahead of him. "Of course you'd get along with him..." he muttered (grumbled?) to himself.
"Did you say something,
your majesty?" Edelgard asked with a hint of sarcasm.
"I said," Dmitri began, out loud this time, "that you two make quite the peas in a pod,
don't you? You both wear red, wield large axes, and have trampled over who knows how many innocents in your drive to conquer your respective lands!"
Edelgard glared at the one-eyed king of Faerghus. "Says the one with
plenty of Imperial blood on his hands, if all my troops you've slaughtered are any indication!"
"I'm avenging those I've lost ever since Duscur!"
"*UGH* I keep telling you I had NOTHING to do with Duscur!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
From there it devolved into petty arguing between the two, at which point Walhart (in a rare show of unease for him) nudged his horse to quietly walk ahead of them to avoid being caught in the flak. Seeing this, Kiran gave himself a facepalm with a weary sigh, while Claude shook his head in pity. "You know, now I really can believe those two are step-siblings..." Kiran said.
"You want me to try and calm them down?" Claude asked.
"Nah, I'll do it," Kiran answered. "I've a technique from my world I've been meaning to employ for such a situation." He then quickly turned to face the arguing rulers, put two fingers to his mouth, and let out a sharp whistle. "HEY! Both of you pipe down back there, or I
will turn this caravan around! Do I make myself clear?!"
Both Dmitri and Edelgard (in a rare show of sheepishness for them) stopped shouting at each other on hearing this, folded their arms, and, glares still on their faces, said "Yes" in almost-bored tones of voice. ("He started it," Edelgard quietly muttered.)
Zephiel shook his head as he spoke up for once. "Yet another reason why dragons should be ruling the world..." he grumbled just as quietly.
"*Sigh* Look, can we just focus on the task at hand?" Kiran asked. "We need information, and our best bet will be from whoever lives in that castle. Finding that out, however..."
"Let me ask one of the locals here," Edelgard volunteered. "Someone has to take initiative, after all..." She then walked ahead of them and approached a wagon being pulled by a villager. "Excuse me, old woman?"
"Man," the villager replied.
Caught a bit off-guard by this, Edelgard resumed her attempt. "Pardon me. Old man, can you tell us whose castle that is?"
"I'm thirty-seven!" the man said.
Hearing this confused Edelgard (along with all but Claude and Kiran). "Wait, what?"
"I'm thirty-seven, I'm not old!" the man clarified.
"Er, ah, my apologies then," Edelgard responded. "It's just, well, I can't just call you 'man'."
"Well, you could say 'Dennis'," the man said.
"I...didn't realize that was your name," Edelgard said.
"Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?"
Claude decided to step in to smooth over any potential tension. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it was an honest mistake on my friend's part," he said, earning a mild glare from Edelgard. "She did apologize for the 'old woman' remark, but you've got to admit, from behind you looked like--"
"Well, I object," Dennis said in turn. "She was automatically treatin' me like an inferior!"
"With all due respect, I
am an empress," Edelgard stated.
"Not really helping..." Claude said to her under his breath.
"Oh, an empress,
very nice," Dennis said sarcastically as he stopped at a certain spot. "What's that make the rest of you then, eh?"
"Um...well, I personally am a duke," Claude said, absent-mindedly scratching the back of his head.
"I'm...well, I guess you could say a royal tactician," Kiran offered before pointing to the other three in their party. "Those two are kings, and the big guy on the horse is an emperor."
"Huh," Dennis said, not really impressed. "And how'd you all get those, then? By exploitin' the workers, by hangin' on to dated imperialist dogma, which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there's going to be any progress--"
Before Dennis went any further, an older woman crawled through the mud towards him and the party. "Dennis," she called out, "there's some lovely filth down here!" The older woman then noticed the more regal-looking people next to Dennis. "Oh! How do you do...?"
"Er, hi there, ma'am," Kiran greeted. "I'm Kiran, summoner and tactician of Askr." He then pointed out those with him. "These are members of the Askran Order of Heroes, called from many worlds to help aid the Kingdom of Askr against the Kingdom of Embla. Respectively, with me now are King Zephiel of Bern; Emperor Walhart of Valm; Duke Claude of House Riegan; King Dmitri of Faerghus; and Empress Edelgard of Adrestria."
Only one part of Kiran's elaboration elicited a question from the woman. "Order of who?"
"The Askran Order of Heroes," Kiran reiterated.
"Who are the Askrans?" the woman asked quizzically.
Kiran, for a moment, didn't know how to answer that, before offering, "Um, well...technically, you and the other villagers here are, and I represent the royal family of Askr." The woman continued to look at him with a puzzled expression. "...You know...Queen Henriette, Prince Alfonse, Princess Sharena...?"
"I didn't know we had a queen," the woman said. "I thought we were an autonomous collective."
Autonomous what? the five rulers wondered, as if all on the same perplexed wavelength.
Oh, boy...Kiran thought to himself.
I knew this setup all seemed familiar. And cue Dennis's response in 3...2...1...
"You're foolin' yourself," Dennis said cynically. "We're livin' in a dictatorship, a self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the working class--"
"Oh, there you go, bringing class into it again--" the woman said with a shake of her head.
"But that's what it's all about!" Dennis said insistently. "If only people would listen--"
"People, people, please!" Claude interjected. "Look, much as I'd like to get in on some nice political discourse, my comrades and I need a little information. Now then..." He pointed towards the castle. "Can you tell us who lives in the castle over there?"
"No one lives there," the woman confirmed.
"...Right," Dmitri started to say. "Can you tell us who your ruling lord is, then? Or at least your magistrate...?"
"We don't have a lord," the woman replied.
Hearing this surprised all but Kiran. "Hold on--what do you mean?" Walhart asked, for once befuddled by something.
"I told your companion," Dennis started to answer, "we're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turn, to act as sort of an officer for the week..."
"Uh-huh, go on..." Claude said as he started jotting down notes on a little pad of paper.
"...but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting..."
"...Seriously...?" Edelgard wondered mutedly.
"...by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs..."
Zephiel pinched the bridge of his nose, already annoyed with this drivel he was being subjected to.
I never could tolerate this much bureaucracy even in my own world...
"...or by a two-thirds majority, in the case of..."
How do they even get things done...? Dmitri wondered with a hint of incredulity.
"All right, we've heard enough," Walhart said firmly. "You can cease your prattling immediately."
"Oh, 'cease prattling', eh?" the woman sarcastically questioned. "Who's he think he is?"
"I am Walhart, the Conqueror--emperor of Valm!" Walhart stated.
"Well, I didn't vote for you," the woman replied back.
...Vote? Zephiel, Edelgard, and Dmitri all mentally wondered simultaneously. Claude, on the other hand, added that detail to his already-three pages of notes.
"Last I checked, you
don't vote for Emperors," Walhart said, while looking to the others. "Or kings, empresses, or dukes for that matter."
"Well, how'd you all become whatever you are, then?" the woman asked.
Kiran looked to the royals under his command, twiddling his thumbs before offering up an answer. "...For each, they're pretty long stories..."
"How about the abridged versions then?"
"Hum...Well, I'll try. *Ahem!*" He first pointed to Walhart. "Led a massive military campaign across the entirety of the continent of Valentia." On pointing to Zephiel: "Struck down his jealous, fearful father, the previous king of Bern, after faking his own death." On Edelgard: "Forced her own father, the Adrestrian Emperor, to step down from the throne." On Dmitri: "Ascended the throne following the death of his uncle, the regent of Faerghus, during an attempted coup by forces supporting the Adrestrian Empire." On Claude: "And stepped up to his position after his grandfather, the previous Duke Riegan, passed on." He paused a moment before adding an additional, common detail. "Other than all those, the fact they wield powerful, ancient weapons handed down through generations of their respective lines also contributed."
Dennis and the woman (who turned out to be his mother) gave each other skeptical looks before the former responded to all that Kiran had elaborated on. "Listen, and I direct this at all of you," Dennis started to say, "neither military power, deaths in the family, or being given strange weapons is no basis for a system of government. SUPREME executive power derives from a mandate of the masses, not from paramilitary intimidation, nepotism, or fancy meat cleavers."
"I'm starting to get really tired of this man..." Zephiel grumbled oh-so-subtly.
"You can't expect to wield supreme executive power, just 'cause, say, some weirdly-designed spear landed in your lap..." Dennis continued in his rant.
Dmitri took great offense to that remark. "Why, you--shut your mouth!"
"Uh-oh..." both Kiran and Claude uttered on seeing Dmitri's reaction.
"Why, if I went around sayin' I was a king, just 'cause say, some watery tart had put a sword in my hands, they'd put me away for spouting such crazed nonsense--"
"I said shut your mouth!" Dmitri shouted as he grabbed Dennis by the collar. "You know NOTHING of what I went through--!"
"Ah," an unfazed Dennis said, "NOW we see the violence inherent in the system!"
"Shut up!" Dmitri yelled as he shook Dennis, forcing Kiran, Claude, and even Zephiel to hold him back and force him to release Dennis, who then cupped both hands to his mouth as he began call out to the other villagers in the area.
"Come and see the violence inherent in the system!" he cried. "Help, help, I'm bein' repressed!"
After managing to get Dmitri to back down, Kiran and Claude decided for the best that the party should just move on. Edelgard agreed, as did Zephiel, Walhart, and begrudgingly Dmitri. Before they were out of the sight of Dennis and the other villagers, the wielder of Areadbhar grumbled to himself, "Bloody peasant..."
Apparently, it wasn't quiet enough as Dennis could make it out. "Oh, what a giveaway--did you see that?" he said to the other villagers, pointing towards the departing group. "Did you see him repressin' me? You saw it, didn't you?..."
Moments later, a great distance away from the anarcho-syndicalist commune, the group mostly walked in silence, until Walhart broke it. "Well, that was a detour I don't plan on making again anytime soon..."
Claude smirked a bit as he looked over the notes he jotted down. "Oh, I don't know, I think we (or at least, I) got something useful out of that little side-quest. The guy had a few good points..."
Edelgard rolled her eyes at that remark before returning to looking over an unfurled scroll of parchment. "Huh--that explains things."
"What are you talking about?" Kiran asked.
"I was going over this map of Askr," Edelgard began to answer, "and discovered why those people hadn't heard of the Order. Or much of anything, really." She then pointed towards a dark spot on the part of the map that marked their present location. "This whole area's unincorporated territory."
A beat passed through the rest of the group as they took in the very, very simple explanation. It was then that Kiran made a note to inform Queen Henriette, upon the group's return to Askr Castle, that it might be better to leave the area home to the commune be. (For the sake of everyone's sanity.)