Harry Leferts
Suave Shadow Cabal Kaiju
This is... odd. Very, very odd. Long story short, they somehow bred two fish that should never have been able to create offspring, yet did.
The Russian Sturgeon is at top and the American Paddlefish at the bottom with the hybrids in the middle.
Article: Oops.
Hungarian scientists say they accidentally played God with two endangered species of fish, breeding a Russian sturgeon with an American paddlefish to create something the world has never seen before: the sturddlefish.
The sturddlefish's parents are two extremely old, so-called "fossil fish" species that developed in different parts of the world and have never been bred before. However, they do have distant genetic connections as members of the order of Acipenseriformes, a broad category of ray-like fish that includes paddlefish and sturgeons.
The American paddlefish has a long, sensitive snout and typically eats plankton and microscopic plants, while the spiny-backed Russian sturgeon is known for devouring small fish and crustaceans found on the bottoms of rivers and lakes. The Russian sturgeon is also famous for its eggs, which make for delicious caviar and, apparently, viable Frankenfish.

The Russian Sturgeon is at top and the American Paddlefish at the bottom with the hybrids in the middle.