Once again, sorry for the wait. Here is the update!
...oh, and if someone could move this to the Quest subforum (since that's where these things go?), I would appreciate it.
A dumb AI would recognize the intruders as such, immediately catalogue them as threats to the secrecy of the project, and terminate them with extreme prejudice.
You are not a dumb AI. It's clear from the state of the facility and the security camera footage that something went terribly,
terribly wrong soon after you last went into diagnostic mode, and that far more time has passed than the five minutes indicated by your internal clock.
Furthermore, it's clear that this facility has been abandoned for some time, and that these people are the first to enter and discover you. Given that they are armed with crude, primitive bladed weapons, they are of little threat to you, and may well be of assistance in helping you locate the nearest non-abandoned Kirijo Group facility to report in for orders. The only question that remains is... how to do so? You have no pre-programmed protocols for addressing an entity that is neither Kirijo Group-affiliated nor hostile. As such, the only solution that remains is to fall back on basic conversational routines. First step: greet them and introduce yourself!
You wait for Ishikawa to briefly face you in the process of moving from one musty box of files to another, then seize the brief instant of eye contact to speak up, turning your head to follow hers but otherwise remaining motionless.
"Hello. I am Unit #043. Who are you? What happened here?"
Ishikawa goes stiff, and glass baubles and frayed bits of paper scatter where her fingers seize up. One arm reaches for her spear, the other holds her up, shaking - from burden or simple fear, it's hard to tell. Ever impassive, you stare at her, taking in every detail of her face - eyes wide in shock, pupils almost appearing to shiver in her sockets. Long face, caked in dirt and ash and dust and framed by greasy black hair. She's young, you quickly put together. In her teens, though there's little frame of reference to place specifics.
Dead air sings as a blade is drawn. The time for study has passed. The man looms over you, and dull gray steel hangs perilously
close to your neck. A tapestry of nicks and gashes run its' length. You could crush it in an instance, render impotent whatever threat the implement registers. Behind the man, the woman has her pistol drawn. Her face is hard, creases on her face thin as she raises her firearm between you and her. The safety is on, you notice, a gloved thumb brushing the catch. The maintenance chair you rest on is more than adequate cover if necessary, and the woman finds little friends in the cramped walls and dim light. Not unless she would risk harming her allies. You could cross in an instant, tear it from her hands in another. Step on the spear, then kick it away.
Threats neutralized in under a minute.
Yet that was counterproductive.
You are not a dumb AI. You are certainly not stupid. But you are not, precisely, smart. What frame of reference you have for conversation is limited and limiting. However, opportunity still presented itself between the tip of the blade and your throat. It was, after all, going no further. And while your conversational routines are rudimentary, it's still worth another shot.
"I repeat, I am Unit #043. Who are you? What happened here?"
Words that break the spell. Ishikawa collects whatever composure had fallen amid the long-neglected microscopes and pens and her fingers wrap around her spear.
"We're... we're--"
She's quickly cut off by the woman.
--nobody. And we should be asking you the same questions."
The man jostles the older woman, though his eyes still bore into you as he murmurs through a corner of his mouth. "You think... it's a demon?"
"Don't be an idiot. You said it yourself, we've seen plenty of these things already. They're..." she frowns, then her attention circles back to you. "What are you?"
An easy question. A simple question. One you've answered before and, you imagine, one you expect to answer again. "I am designated as Sixth Generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon Cestis, Test Unit #043. My primary directive is the discovery and elimination of Shadows."
They stare at you for a few moments, as if to digest what you've said. Ishikawa, once again, takes initiative. "Shadows? Like... demons."
Twice now, that's come up. Demons. A colloquialism for Shadow? A definite possibility. Though if you risked confusion as one, perhaps not. Perhaps was a good word. And so you say it.
"Can't have been very good at your jobs, then." The man says, a note of good humour infecting his tone. The blade still hangs at your throat, though it's less steady now; more relaxed.
It's an encouraging sign, though the sentiment isn't what you would call accurate. "We were designed and tested for engaging and exterminating Shadows. We were very good."
Eyebrows raise, and Ishikawa opens her mouth as though to say anything. Then the older woman wrests back control of the conversation; her words still behind the barrel of her pistol.
"Look," you look. "I might have asked the question, but I really don't need us to get hung up on all this. Not a lot of time we can afford to waste."
Curious. Perhaps an external threat to consider.
"Demons?" You ask.
The woman frowns. You get the impression it's something she does often. "A handful."
You pause. Purpose seems to call at you from those words. Demons. Shadows.
It occurs to you that you haven't actually had your questions answered. You make another effort. There's so much that doesn't make sense. But there's something comforting in imagining an invisible threat. Something that you can make sense of. Something simple.
"May I engage them?"
It's a question greeted with a few blank stares. The armoured man shakes his head. "Not a very good idea, uh... Forty-Three. Not while we're here. Might attract the wrong kind of attention."
A reasonable concern. Reasonable logic. "Very well."
It's a flat point of punctuation to the conversation. An awkward silence descends over the room. You study their haggard faces again; glance between the visitors, waiting for anything to change. And finally it does. Ishikawa, now on her feet, speaks up.
"...look, I don't think it's going to hurt us. Probably."
"I have not recognized you as threats." You add.
Probably," she says again. "You said it yourself, we don't have a lot of time to waste. Can we like... put down the weapons?"
"Getting a bit tired of holding this thing up," the armoured man admits, waggling around the blade.
Both look back on the woman: the leader, if it wasn't already clear. The lines on her brow grow thin again, and after a few moments, she sighs.
"Someone keeps an eye on it." The older woman finally says. The pistol slides back into its' holster. The others follow suit. You take that as good a cue as any that whatever situation threatened to develop has been defused, and slowly remove yourself from the chair. The others glance at you, then each other, then their feet. You step forward, and the others step back. While this situation was dealt with - to a satisfactory extent, it was too early to tell - there remained much to consider. Where to go. What to do. What happened, and who these people were.
A question that had not been answered, you realize. Perhaps now would be a better time for it. You make another effort.
"Can I ask who you are, and what has happened here?"
Questions that are met with a few heavy shrugs. "I figure what happened everywhere." The older woman says, her attention now on the floor. "The demons that attacked Tokyo."
Ishikawa chimes in. "As for us, we're Hunters."
[ ] Insist on engaging the 'demons'. 'Demons' are a threat better dealt with sooner than later, after all. [1.4x]
[ ] Ask about an exit. The outside world remains a total mystery, and you would like to explore it with all haste. [1.2x]
[ ] Ask to join them. There exists a certain safety in numbers. [1x]
[ ] Ask about something else. [1.1x]
[ ] Write-in. Who do you ask about what?
As an aside, the target of this update's roll was 3 successes. You rolled 2. You are, sadly, not very charismatic.