[X] Work with Ahsoka to try and draw out the bomber. Meanwhile, have Thrawn prepare his legal case. Risky, but could gather additional evidence to prove her innocence.
-[X] Regardless of success, Ahsoka's defense will be prepared in the meantime. Better to have every angle covered.
[X] Inform the Sentinels that Dark Jedi were encountered in the underworld during our search for Ashoka. Due to this Ashoka's trail was lost so we're still searching. Ask them to interview all of Ashoka's acquaintances and allow us to witness the interviews and make suggestions for questions during them (allowing Ashoka to listen in remotely). Also ask them to look into the Dark Jedi issue within the Order's ranks. State our suspicions that there was likely more than one individual in on it and that if it was actually a Jedi who did it then they might have had more inside help than just unwitting protesters and the maintenance victim.
[X] Get legal with this and have Thrawn formally defend her in a trial. It doesn't matter who or what Thrawn's up against, he can tear apart the prosecution's argument, and he's disturbingly eager to do it.
[X] Inform them that the person behind the frame up is likely to be Jedi that has had personal interaction with Ahsoka and knows her well. They may or may not be the bomber, but it is highly unlikely that they are working alone as at least two Dark Jedi were encountered in the Undercity. High possibility of Dark Jedi Sect with people inside the Jedi Temple.
[X] Work with Ahsoka to try and draw out the bomber. Obviously the riskiest option but it might give you a shot at Bulq, either directly or indirectly.
[X] Get legal with this and have Thrawn formally defend her in a trial. It doesn't matter who or what Thrawn's up against, he can tear apart the prosecution's argument, and he's disturbingly eager to do it.
-[X] Make sure that Ahsoka has an escape plan when things go pear-shaped.
--[X] Inform them that the person behind the frame up is likely to be Jedi that has had personal interaction with Ahsoka and knows her well. They may or may not be the bomber, but it is highly unlikely that they are working alone as at least two Dark Jedi were encountered in the Undercity. High possibility of Dark Jedi Sect with people inside the Jedi Temple.